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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 4.4.2 to 5.0.0



module.exports = {
env: {
node: true,
es6: true,
jest: true,

@@ -5,0 +7,0 @@ extends: ['airbnb-base/legacy', 'prettier'],


"name": "envinfo",
"version": "4.4.2",
"version": "5.0.0",
"description": "Info about your dev environment for debugging purposes",

@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ "repository": "",

"format": "prettier --write 'src/**/*.js'",
"test": "npm run lint && prettier -l 'src/**/*.js'",
"test": "jest && npm run lint && npm run check:format",
"check:format": "prettier -l 'src/**/*.js'",
"preversion": "yarn webpack && git add ."

@@ -36,2 +37,3 @@ },

"clipboardy": "^1.2.2",
"eslint": "^4.10.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^12.1.0",

@@ -41,4 +43,4 @@ "eslint-config-prettier": "^2.7.0",

"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^2.3.1",
"eslint": "^4.10.0",
"glob": "^7.1.2",
"jest": "^22.4.3",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",

@@ -50,3 +52,4 @@ "object.entries": "^1.0.4",

"uglifyjs-webpack-plugin": "^1.2.1",
"webpack": "^3.11.0",
"webpack": "^4.5.0",
"webpack-cli": "^2.0.14",
"which": "^1.2.14",

@@ -53,0 +56,0 @@ "yamlify-object": "^0.4.5"

@@ -9,2 +9,15 @@ <p align="center">

## The problem
- It works on my computer
- "command not found"
- what version of "command" are you running?
- what version of "different command" are you running?
- do you have "insert obscure android sdk version"?
- every github issue reporting template ever:
**Please mention other relevant information such as the browser version, Node.js version, Operating System and programming language.**
## This solution
- Gather all of this information in one spot, quickly, and painlessly.
## Installation

@@ -108,3 +121,3 @@


@@ -159,47 +172,21 @@ {

* --clipboard - Optionally copy directly to your clipboard with `envinfo --clipboard`. This feature uses [Clipboardy](
* --npmPackages - Optionally return packages from your package.json: takes either boolean or comma delimited string in CLI or array via API
`envinfo --npmPackages minimist,which`
wanted: ^1.2.0
installed: 1.2.0
wanted: ^1.2.14
installed: 1.3.0
--system Print general system info such as OS, CPU, Memory and Shell
--browsers Get version numbers of installed web browsers
--SDKs Get platforms, build tools and SDKs of iOS and Android
--IDEs Get version numbers of installed IDEs
--languages Get version numbers of installed languages such as Java, Python, PHP, etc
--binaries Get version numbers of node, npm, watchman, etc
--npmPackages Get version numbers of locally installed npm packages - glob, string, or comma delimited list
--npmGlobalPackages Get version numbers of globally installed npm packages
* --npmGlobalPackages - print your npm global packages versions
--duplicates Mark duplicate npm packages inside parentheses eg. (2.1.4)
--fullTree Traverse entire node_modules dependency tree, not just top level
`envinfo --npmGlobalPackages`
exp: 48.0.2
npm: 5.6.0
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
--markdown Print output in markdown format
--json Print output in JSON format
--console Print to console (defaults to on for CLI usage, off for programmatic usage)
--clipboard Copy output to your system clipboard (uses clipboardy)
* --duplicates - will search given packages for duplicates, display in parentheses
minimist: ^1.2.0 => 1.2.0 (1.2.0, 0.0.8)
* --fullTree - will traverse and print the entire flattened dependency tree (optionally also with --duplicates)
minimatch: 3.0.4
minimist: ^1.2.0 => 1.2.0 (1.2.0, 0.0.8)
mkdirp: 0.5.1
## Integration

@@ -210,4 +197,5 @@

* [React Native]( (`react-native info`)
* [create-react-app]( (`create-react-app --info`)
* [Exponent Development CLI]( (`exp diagnostics`)
* [Create React App]( (`create-react-app --info`)
* [Expo]( (`exp diagnostics`)
* [Webpack]( (`webpack-cli info`)
* [Solidarity]( (`solidarity report`)

@@ -224,1 +212,10 @@

This project came out of a [PR]( to the React Native CLI tool - issues are reported frequently without important environment information, like Node/npm versions.
## Alternatives
- type `$ command -v` until you smash your computer
- [screenfetch]( - fetch system and terminal information, and display a pretty ascii logo
- [Solidarity]( - a project based environment checker
- write your own
## License

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ 'use strict';

const helpers = require('./helpers');
const helperMap = require('./map');
const formatters = require('./formatters');

@@ -18,45 +17,3 @@ const presets = require('./presets');

// a map of all the capabilities of envinfo - used as a default input
const capabilities = {
System: ['OS', 'CPU', 'Free Memory', 'Total Memory', 'Shell'],
Binaries: ['Node', 'Yarn', 'npm', 'Watchman'],
Virtualization: ['Docker', 'Parallels', 'Virtualbox', 'VMware Fusion'],
SDKs: ['iOS', 'Android'],
IDEs: ['Android Studio', 'Atom', 'VSCode', 'Sublime Text', 'Xcode'],
Languages: ['Bash', 'Go', 'Elixir', 'PHP', 'Python', 'Ruby'],
Browsers: [
'Chrome Canary',
'Firefox Developer Edition',
'Firefox Nightly',
'Safari Technology Preview',
npmPackages: null,
npmGlobalPackages: true,
function main(props, options) {
// set props to passed in props or default all capabilities
const defaults = Object.keys(props).length > 0 ? props : capabilities;
options = options || {};
// get data by iterating and calling helper functions
const data = Object.entries(defaults).reduce((acc, prop) => {
const category = prop[0];
const value = prop[1];
// create an object of all the resolved helper values
return Object.assign(acc, {
[category]: helperMap[category]
? helperMap[category](value, options) // if there is a category level helper
: value.reduce((cat, name) => {
const fn = helperMap[name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_')];
return Object.assign(cat, {
[name]: fn ? fn() : 'Unknown',
}, {}),
}, {});
function format(data, options) {
// set the default formatter (yaml is default, similar to old table)

@@ -69,6 +26,6 @@ const formatter = (() => {

if (options.console) return console.log(formatter(data, { console: true })); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// call the formatter with console option off first to return, or pipe to clipboard
const formatted = formatter(data, { console: false });
if (options.console) console.log(formatter(data, { console: true })); // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (options.clipboard) copypasta.writeSync(formatted);

@@ -79,2 +36,55 @@

function main(props, options) {
options = options || {};
// set props to passed in props or default to presets.defaults
const defaults = Object.keys(props).length > 0 ? props : presets.defaults;
// collect a list of promises of helper functions
const promises = Object.entries(defaults).reduce((acc, entries) => {
const category = entries[0];
const value = entries[1];
const categoryFn = helpers[`get${category}`];
// check to see if a category level function exists
if (categoryFn) {
if (value) acc.push(categoryFn(value, options));
// if the value on the category is falsy, don't run it
return acc;
// map over a categories helper functions, call and add to the stack
acc = acc.concat(
(value || []).map(v => {
const helperFn = helpers[`get${v.replace(/\s/g, '')}Info`];
return helperFn ? helperFn() : Promise.resolve(['Unknown']);
return acc;
}, []);
// once all tasks are done, map all the data back to the shape of the original config obj
return Promise.all(promises).then(data => {
// reduce promise results to object for addressability.
const dataObj = data.reduce((acc, dataValue) => {
if (dataValue && dataValue[0]) Object.assign(acc, { [dataValue[0]]: dataValue });
return acc;
}, {});
// use defaults object for mapping
const reduced = Object.entries(presets.defaults).reduce((acc, entries) => {
const category = entries[0];
const values = entries[1];
if (dataObj[category]) return Object.assign(acc, { [category]: dataObj[category][1] });
return Object.assign(acc, {
[category]: (values || []).reduce((helperAcc, v) => {
if (dataObj[v]) {
if (dataObj[v].length === 1) return Object.assign(helperAcc, { [v]: dataObj[v][0] });
return Object.assign(helperAcc, {
[v]: { version: dataObj[v][0], path: dataObj[v][1] },
return helperAcc;
}, {}),
}, {});
return format(reduced, options);
// Example usage:

@@ -84,6 +94,18 @@ // $ envinfo --system --npmPackages

// if all option is passed, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, go straight to main
if (options.all) return main(Object.assign({}, capabilities, { npmPackages: true }), options);
if (options.all)
return main(
Object.assign({}, presets.defaults, { npmPackages: true, npmGlobalPackages: true }),
// if raw, parse the row options and skip to main
if (options.raw) return main(JSON.parse(options.raw), options);
// generic function to make sure passed option exists in capability list
// if helper flag, run just that helper then log the results
if (options.helper) {
const helper =
helpers[`get${options.helper}`] ||
helpers[`get${options.helper}Info`] ||
return helper ? helper().then(console.log) : console.error('Not Found');
// generic function to make sure passed option exists in presets.defaults list
// TODO: This will eventually be replaced with a better fuzzy finder.

@@ -93,6 +115,6 @@ const matches = (list, opt) => list.toLowerCase().includes(opt.toLowerCase());

const categories = Object.keys(options).filter(o =>
Object.keys(capabilities).some(c => matches(c, o))
Object.keys(presets.defaults).some(c => matches(c, o))
// build the props object for filtering capabilities
const props = Object.entries(capabilities).reduce((acc, entry) => {
// build the props object for filtering presets.defaults
const props = Object.entries(presets.defaults).reduce((acc, entry) => {
if (categories.some(c => matches(c, entry[0]))) {

@@ -103,3 +125,2 @@ return Object.assign(acc, { [entry[0]]: entry[1] || options[entry[0]] });

}, {});
// if there is a preset, merge that with the parsed props and options

@@ -106,0 +127,0 @@ if (options.preset) {

@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ const yamlify = require('yamlify-object');

function formatPackages(data) {
return Object.assign(
Object.entries(data.packages || {}).reduce((acc, entry) => {
if (!data.npmPackages) return data;
return Object.assign(data, {
npmPackages: Object.entries(data.npmPackages || {}).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const key = entry[0];

@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ const value = entry[1];

}, {})
}, {}),

@@ -81,2 +81,27 @@

function serializeVersionsAndPaths(data) {
return Object.entries(data).reduce(
(Dacc, Dentry) =>
[Dentry[0]]: Object.entries(Dentry[1]).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const key = entry[0];
const value = entry[1];
if (value.version) {
return Object.assign(acc, {
[key]: [value.version, value.path].filter(Boolean).join(' - '),
return Object.assign(acc, {
[key]: [value][0],
}, {}),
function yaml(data) {

@@ -118,5 +143,6 @@ return yamlify(data, {

return utils.pipe([

@@ -128,3 +154,10 @@ options.console ? formatHeaders : utils.noop,

function formatToMarkdown(data) {
return utils.pipe([formatPackages, serializeArrays, clean, yaml, markdown])(data);
return utils.pipe([

@@ -135,3 +168,3 @@

data = utils.pipe([json])(data);
data = utils.pipe([clean, json])(data);
data = options.console ? `\n${data}\n` : data;

@@ -138,0 +171,0 @@

@@ -5,409 +5,381 @@ const childProcess = require('child_process');

const path = require('path');
const which = require('which');
const packages = require('./packages');
const utils = require('./utils');
var browserBundleIdentifiers = {
Chrome: '',
'Chrome Canary': '',
Firefox: 'org.mozilla.firefox',
'Firefox Developer Edition': 'org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition',
'Firefox Nightly': 'org.mozilla.nightly',
Safari: '',
'Safari Technology Preview': '',
function findDarwinApplication(id) {
var appPath;
try {
appPath ='mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier=="' + id + '""').replace(/(\s)/g, '\\ ');
} catch (error) {
appPath = null;
return appPath;
function generatePlistBuddyCommand(appPath, options) {
var optionsArray = (options || ['CFBundleShortVersionString']).map(function optionsMap(option) {
return '-c Print:' + option;
return ['/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy']
.join(' ');
function getDarwinApplicationVersion(bundleIdentifier) {
var version;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
try {
version =
path.join(findDarwinApplication(bundleIdentifier), 'Contents', 'Info.plist'),
} catch (error) {
version = 'Not Found';
module.exports = Object.assign({}, utils, packages, {
getiOSSDKInfo: () => {
var iOSSDKVersions;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
iOSSDKVersions = utils
.run('xcodebuild -showsdks')
.then(sdks => sdks.match(/[\w]+\s[\d|.]+/g))
.catch(() => 'Unknown');
} else {
iOSSDKVersions = 'N/A';
return version;
return 'N/A';
return iOSSDKVersions.then(platforms => ['iOS SDK', { Platforms: platforms }]);
function getAlliOSSDKs() {
var iOSSDKVersions;
getAndroidSDKInfo: () => {
var buildTools = [];
var androidAPIs = [];
return utils
process.env.ANDROID_HOME ? '$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager --list' : 'sdkmanager --list'
.then(output => {
const installed = output.split('Available')[0];
const getBuildVersions = /build-tools;([\d|.]+)[\S\s]/g;
const getAPIVersions = /platforms;android-(\d+)[\S\s]/g;
let matcher;
// eslint-disable-next-line
while ((matcher = getBuildVersions.exec(installed))) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
while ((matcher = getAPIVersions.exec(installed))) {
return [
'Android SDK',
'Build Tools': buildTools,
'API Levels': androidAPIs,
.catch(() => ({
buildTools: ['Unknown'],
androidAPIs: ['Unknown'],
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
try {
var output ='xcodebuild -showsdks');
iOSSDKVersions = output.match(/[\w]+\s[\d|.]+/g);
} catch (e) {
iOSSDKVersions = 'Unknown';
} else {
return 'N/A';
return {
Platforms: utils.uniq(iOSSDKVersions),
function getAllAndroidSDKs() {
var buildTools = [];
var androidAPIs = [];
try {
// try to use preferred install path
var command = process.env.ANDROID_HOME ? '$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager' : 'sdkmanager';
var installed = + ' --list').split('Available')[0];
var getBuildVersions = /build-tools;([\d|.]+)[\S\s]/g;
var getAPIVersions = /platforms;android-(\d+)[\S\s]/g;
var matcher;
// eslint-disable-next-line
while ((matcher = getBuildVersions.exec(installed))) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
while ((matcher = getAPIVersions.exec(installed))) {
} catch (err) {
buildTools = ['Unknown'];
androidAPIs = ['Unknown'];
return {
'Build Tools': buildTools,
'API Levels': androidAPIs,
function getAndroidStudioVersion() {
var androidStudioVersion = 'Not Found';
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
try {
getAndroidStudioInfo: () => {
let androidStudioVersion;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
androidStudioVersion = utils
generatePlistBuddyCommand('/Applications/Android\\', [
path.join('/', 'Applications', 'Android\\', 'Contents', 'Info.plist'),
['CFBundleShortVersionString', 'CFBundleVersion']
.join(' ');
} catch (err) {
androidStudioVersion = 'Not Found';
.then(version => version.split('\n').join(' '));
} else if (process.platform === 'linux') {
androidStudioVersion = Promise.all([
.run('cat /opt/android-studio/bin/ | grep "$Home/.AndroidStudio" | head -1')
.then(utils.findVersion),'cat /opt/android-studio/build.txt'),
]).then(tasks => {
const linuxVersion = tasks[0];
const linuxBuildNumber = tasks[1];
return `${linuxVersion} ${linuxBuildNumber}`;
} else if (process.platform.startsWith('win')) {
androidStudioVersion = Promise.all([
'wmic datafile where name="C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Android\\\\Android Studio\\\\bin\\\\studio.exe" get Version'
.then(version => version.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '')),
.run('type "C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Android\\\\Android Studio\\\\build.txt"')
.then(version => version.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '')),
]).then(tasks => {
const windowsVersion = tasks[0];
const windowsBuildNumber = tasks[1];
return `${windowsVersion} ${windowsBuildNumber}`;
} else if (process.platform === 'linux') {
return Promise.all(['Android Studio', androidStudioVersion || 'Not Found']);
getAtomInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getAtomInfo');
return Promise.all(['Atom', utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion('com.github.atom'), 'N/A']);
getCPUInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getCPUInfo');
let info;
try {
var linuxBuildNumber ='cat /opt/android-studio/build.txt');
var linuxVersion = utils
.run('cat /opt/android-studio/bin/ | grep "$Home/.AndroidStudio" | head -1')
androidStudioVersion = `${linuxVersion} ${linuxBuildNumber}`;
info = os.arch() + ' ' + os.cpus()[0].model;
} catch (err) {
androidStudioVersion = 'Not Found';
info = 'Unknown';
} else if (process.platform.startsWith('win')) {
try {
var windowsVersion = utils
'wmic datafile where name="C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Android\\\\Android Studio\\\\bin\\\\studio.exe" get Version'
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
var windowsBuildNumber = utils
.run('type "C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Android\\\\Android Studio\\\\build.txt"')
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
androidStudioVersion = `${windowsVersion} ${windowsBuildNumber}`;
} catch (err) {
androidStudioVersion = 'Not Found';
return androidStudioVersion;
return Promise.all(['CPU', info]);
function getAtomVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() => getDarwinApplicationVersion('com.github.atom'));
getBashInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getBashInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Bash','bash --version').then(utils.findVersion),
function getCPUInfo() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() => os.arch() + ' ' + os.cpus()[0].model, 'Unknown');
getPHPInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getPHPInfo');
return Promise.all(['PHP','php -v').then(utils.findVersion), utils.which('php')]);
function getBashVersion() {
var bashVersion;
var bashPath;
try {
bashPath = which.sync('bash');
bashVersion =`${bashPath} --version`).match(utils.versionRegex)[0];
} catch (error) {
bashVersion = 'Not Found';
return bashVersion;
getParallelsInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getParallelsInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Parallels','prlctl --version').then(utils.findVersion),
function getPhpVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'php -v').split(' ', 2)[1]);
getDockerInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getDockerInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Docker','docker --version').then(utils.findVersion),
function getParallelsVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(
() =>'prlctl --version').match(/[version]+\s([\d|.]+)/)[1]
getElixirInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getElixirInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Elixir','elixir --version').then(version => version.match(/[Elixir]+\s([\d+.[\d+|.]+)/)[1]),
function getDockerVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'docker --version').replace('Docker version ', '')
getMemoryInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getMemoryInfo');
return Promise.all([
`${utils.toReadableBytes(os.freemem())} / ${utils.toReadableBytes(os.totalmem())}`,
function getElixirVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(
() => /[Elixir]+\s([\d|.]+)/g.exec('elixir --version'))[1]
getSublimeTextInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getSublimeTextInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Sublime Text','subl --version').then(version => utils.findVersion(version, /\d+/)),
function getFreeMemory() {
return utils.toReadableBytes(os.freemem());
getHomeBrewInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getHomeBrewInfo');
var homeBrewVersion;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
homeBrewVersion = Promise.all([
'Homebrew','brew --version').then(utils.findVersion),
} else homeBrewVersion = Promise.resolve('N/A');
return homeBrewVersion;
function getTotalMemory() {
return utils.toReadableBytes(os.totalmem());
getGoInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getGoInfo');
return Promise.all(['Go','go version').then(utils.findVersion), utils.which('go')]);
function getSublimeTextVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() => getDarwinApplicationVersion('com.sublimetext.3'));
getRubyInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getRubyInfo');
return Promise.all(['Ruby','ruby -v').then(utils.findVersion), utils.which('ruby')]);
function getHomeBrewVersion() {
var homeBrewVersion;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
try {
homeBrewVersion = utils
.run('brew --version')
.replace('Homebrew ', '')
.split('\n', 1)
} catch (error) {
homeBrewVersion = 'Not Found';
} else homeBrewVersion = 'N/A';
return homeBrewVersion;
getNodeInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getNodeInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Node','node -v').then(v => v.replace('v', '')),
function getGoVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>
.run('go version')
.replace('go version go', '')
.split(' ', 1)
getnpmInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getnpmInfo');
return Promise.all(['npm','npm -v'), utils.which('npm').then(utils.condensePath)]);
function getRubyVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>
.run('ruby --version')
.replace('ruby ', '')
.split(' ', 1)
getShellInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getShellInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Shell',`${process.env.SHELL} --version`).then(utils.findVersion),
function getNodeVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'node --version').replace('v', ''));
getOSInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getOSInfo');
return (process.platform === 'darwin'
?'sw_vers -productVersion ')
: Promise.resolve()
).then(version => {
let info = osName(os.platform(), os.release());
if (version) info += ` ${version}`;
return ['OS', info];
function getNpmVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'npm -v'));
getWatchmanInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getWatchmanInfo');
return Promise.all([
utils.which('watchman').then(watchmanPath => + ' -v')),
function getShell(shellBinary) {
shellBinary = shellBinary || process.env.SHELL;
getVSCodeInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getVSCodeInfo');
return Promise.all([
'VSCode','code --version').then(utils.findVersion),
const shellVersion = utils.customGenericVersionFunction(
() =>`${shellBinary} --version`).match(utils.versionRegex)[0]
getVirtualBoxInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getVirtualBoxInfo');
return Promise.all([
'VirtualBox','vboxmanage --version').then(utils.findVersion),
return (shellBinary && shellVersion && `${shellBinary} - ${shellVersion}`) || `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯`;
getVMwareFusionInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getVMwareFusionInfo');
return Promise.all([
'VMWare Fusion',
function getOperatingSystemInfo() {
var operatingSystemInfo;
try {
operatingSystemInfo = osName(os.platform(), os.release());
getPythonInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getPythonInfo');
let pythonVersion;
let pythonPath;
try {
pythonPath = utils.runSync('which python');
pythonVersion = childProcess
.execFileSync(pythonPath, ['-c', 'import platform; print(platform.python_version());'])
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
} catch (error) {
pythonVersion = 'Not Found';
return Promise.resolve(['Python', pythonVersion, pythonPath]);
getXcodeInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getXcodeInfo');
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
operatingSystemInfo = operatingSystemInfo + ' ' +'sw_vers -productVersion ');
return Promise.all([
.then(xcodePath => + ' -version'))
.then(version => `${utils.findVersion(version)} - ${version.split('Build version ')[1]}`),
} catch (err) {
operatingSystemInfo += ' Unknown Version';
return operatingSystemInfo;
return Promise.resolve(['Xcode', 'N/A']);
function getWatchmanVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(
() => which.sync('watchman') &&'watchman') + ' --version')
getYarnInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getYarnInfo');
return Promise.all([
'Yarn','yarn -v'),
function getVSCodeVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>
.run('code --version')
.split('\n', 1)
getChromeInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getChromeInfo');
let chromeVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
chromeVersion = utils.runSync('google-chrome --version').replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
chromeVersion = 'Not Found';
} else {
chromeVersion = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(utils.browserBundleIdentifiers.Chrome);
return Promise.all(['Chrome', chromeVersion, 'N/A']);
function getVirtualBoxVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'vboxmanage --version'));
getChromeCanaryInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getChromeCanaryInfo');
const chromeCanaryVersion = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(
utils.browserBundleIdentifiers['Chrome Canary']
return Promise.all(['Chrome Canary', chromeCanaryVersion, 'N/A']);
function getVMwareVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() => getDarwinApplicationVersion('com.vmware.fusion'));
getFirefoxDeveloperEditionInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getFirefoxDeveloperEditionInfo');
const firefoxDeveloperEdition = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(
utils.browserBundleIdentifiers['Firefox Developer Edition']
return Promise.all(['Firefox Developer Edition', firefoxDeveloperEdition, 'N/A']);
function getPythonVersion() {
var pythonVersion;
var pythonPath;
try {
pythonPath ='which python');
pythonVersion = childProcess
.execFileSync(pythonPath, ['-c', 'import platform; print(platform.python_version());'])
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
} catch (error) {
pythonVersion = 'Not Found';
return pythonVersion;
getSafariTechnologyPreviewInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getSafariTechnologyPreviewInfo');
const safariTechnologyPreview = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(
utils.browserBundleIdentifiers['Safari Technology Preview']
return Promise.all(['Safari Technology Preview', safariTechnologyPreview, 'N/A']);
function getXcodeVersion() {
var xcodeVersion;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
var xcodePath = which.sync('xcodebuild');
try {
xcodeVersion =
xcodePath &&
.run(xcodePath + ' -version')
.join(' ');
} catch (err) {
xcodeVersion = 'Not Found';
} else {
xcodeVersion = 'N/A';
return xcodeVersion;
getSafariInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getSafariInfo');
const safariVersion = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(utils.browserBundleIdentifiers.Safari);
return Promise.all(['Safari', safariVersion, 'N/A']);
function getYarnVersion() {
return utils.customGenericVersionFunction(() =>'yarn --version'));
function getChromeVersion() {
var chromeVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
chromeVersion ='google-chrome --version').replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
chromeVersion = 'Not Found';
getFirefoxInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getFirefoxInfo');
var firefoxVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
firefoxVersion = utils.runSync('firefox --version').replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
firefoxVersion = 'Not Found';
} else {
firefoxVersion = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(utils.browserBundleIdentifiers.Firefox);
} else {
chromeVersion = getDarwinApplicationVersion(browserBundleIdentifiers.Chrome);
return chromeVersion;
return Promise.all(['Firefox', firefoxVersion, 'N/A']);
function getFirefoxVersion() {
var firefoxVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
firefoxVersion ='firefox --version').replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
firefoxVersion = 'Not Found';
getFirefoxNightlyInfo: () => {
utils.log('trace', 'getFirefoxNightlyInfo');
var firefoxNightlyVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
firefoxNightlyVersion = utils
.runSync('firefox-trunk --version')
.replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
firefoxNightlyVersion = 'Not Found';
} else {
firefoxNightlyVersion = utils.getDarwinApplicationVersion(
utils.browserBundleIdentifiers['Firefox Nightly']
} else {
firefoxVersion = getDarwinApplicationVersion(browserBundleIdentifiers.Firefox);
return firefoxVersion;
function getFirefoxNightlyVersion() {
var firefoxNightlyVersion;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
try {
firefoxNightlyVersion ='firefox-trunk --version').replace(/^.* ([^ ]*)/g, '$1');
} catch (err) {
firefoxNightlyVersion = 'Not Found';
} else {
firefoxNightlyVersion = getDarwinApplicationVersion(
browserBundleIdentifiers['Firefox Nightly']
return firefoxNightlyVersion;
module.exports = Object.assign(packages, {
browserBundleIdentifiers: browserBundleIdentifiers,
findDarwinApplication: findDarwinApplication,
generatePlistBuddyCommand: generatePlistBuddyCommand,
getAllAndroidSDKs: getAllAndroidSDKs,
getAlliOSSDKs: getAlliOSSDKs,
getAndroidStudioVersion: getAndroidStudioVersion,
getAtomVersion: getAtomVersion,
getBashVersion: getBashVersion,
getCPUInfo: getCPUInfo,
getDarwinApplicationVersion: getDarwinApplicationVersion,
getDockerVersion: getDockerVersion,
getElixirVersion: getElixirVersion,
getFreeMemory: getFreeMemory,
getGoVersion: getGoVersion,
getHomeBrewVersion: getHomeBrewVersion,
getNodeVersion: getNodeVersion,
getNpmVersion: getNpmVersion,
getOperatingSystemInfo: getOperatingSystemInfo,
getPhpVersion: getPhpVersion,
getParallelsVersion: getParallelsVersion,
getPythonVersion: getPythonVersion,
getRubyVersion: getRubyVersion,
getShell: getShell,
getSublimeTextVersion: getSublimeTextVersion,
getTotalMemory: getTotalMemory,
getVirtualBoxVersion: getVirtualBoxVersion,
getVMwareVersion: getVMwareVersion,
getVSCodeVersion: getVSCodeVersion,
getWatchmanVersion: getWatchmanVersion,
getXcodeVersion: getXcodeVersion,
getYarnVersion: getYarnVersion,
getChromeVersion: getChromeVersion,
getFirefoxVersion: getFirefoxVersion,
getFirefoxNightlyVersion: getFirefoxNightlyVersion,
return Promise.all(['Firefox Nightly', firefoxNightlyVersion, 'N/A']);
const glob = require('glob');
const path = require('path');
const utils = require('./utils');
function getAllPackageJsonPaths(packageGlob) {
if (packageGlob) return glob.sync(`node_modules/${packageGlob}/package.json`);
return glob.sync('node_modules/**/package.json');
function getPackageDuplicates(dependency, allPackageJsonPaths) {
const duplicates = allPackageJsonPaths
// filter by which dependency we are looking for
.filter(packagePath => {
return packagePath.includes(`/${}/package.json`);
// map over each occurrence of that dependency in the tree
.map(packageJsonPath => {
var packageJson = utils.getPackageJsonByPath(packageJsonPath);
if (packageJson) return packageJson.version;
return false;
// remove duplicates
.reduce((p, c) => {
if (!p.includes(c)) p.push(c);
return p;
}, []);
// if there is more than one version found, push the duplicates
if (duplicates.length > 1) dependency.duplicates = duplicates;
return dependency;
function getPackageVersion(packageName) {
var name = packageName.trim();
var dependencyPackageJson = utils.getPackageJsonByName(name);
var installed = dependencyPackageJson ? dependencyPackageJson.version : 'Not Found';
return installed;
function packageReducer(list, dependency) {
const value = dependency.duplicates
? {
[]: {
wanted: dependency.wanted,
installed: getPackageVersion(,
duplicates: dependency.duplicates,
: {
[]: {
wanted: dependency.wanted,
installed: getPackageVersion(,
return Object.assign(list, value);
function getPackageFullTree(allPackageJsonPaths) {
return allPackageJsonPaths
.map(filePath => {
var packageJson = utils.getPackageJsonByPath(filePath);
return {
installed: packageJson.version,
.reduce((acc, val) => {
return Object.assign(acc, {
[]: acc[] ? acc[].concat([val.installed]) : [val.installed],
}, {});
function mapTopLevelDependencies(dependency) {
return {
name: dependency[0],
wanted: dependency[1],
function mapFullPackageTree(dependency) {
return {
name: dependency[0],
installed: dependency[1],
function assignWantedVersion(dependency, topLevelDependencies) {
const idx = Object.keys(topLevelDependencies).indexOf(;
if (idx > -1) {
return Object.assign(dependency, {
wanted: Object.values(topLevelDependencies)[idx],
return dependency;
function getPackageInfo(packages, options) {
function getnpmPackages(packages, options) {
utils.log('trace', 'getnpmPackages');
if (!options) options = {};
let packageGlob = null;
let tld = null;

@@ -119,98 +26,142 @@ if (typeof packages === 'string') {

// get the package.json files from the full tree for either option
const allPackageJsonPaths =
(packageGlob || options.duplicates || options.fullTree) && getAllPackageJsonPaths();
// get the globbed packages if the packageGlob is truthy
const globbedPackageJsonPaths = packageGlob && getAllPackageJsonPaths(packageGlob);
// load top level package.json for the dependencies
const packageJson = utils.getPackageJsonByPath('package.json') || {};
const topLevelDependencies = Object.assign(
packageJson.devDependencies || {},
packageJson.dependencies || {}
const topLevelPackageNames = Object.keys(topLevelDependencies);
// filter the globbed paths by whats actually in your root package.json
const globbedTopLevelDependencies = (globbedPackageJsonPaths || []).filter(p => {
return topLevelPackageNames.includes(p.match(/(?:node_modules)\/(.+)\/(?:.*)/)[1]);
if (packageGlob) {
// --npmPackages "eslint-*" (--duplicates) (--fullTree)
// matches packages against given glob, optionally adding duplicates, or crawling the fullTree
return utils.sortObject(
? getPackageFullTree(globbedPackageJsonPaths)
: getPackageFullTree(globbedTopLevelDependencies)
return Promise.all([
.then(packageJson =>
Object.assign({}, packageJson.devDependencies || {}, packageJson.dependencies || {})
.map(options.fullTree ? mapFullPackageTree : mapTopLevelDependencies)
.map(d => assignWantedVersion(d, topLevelDependencies))
.map(d => (options.duplicates ? getPackageDuplicates(d, allPackageJsonPaths) : d))
.reduce(packageReducer, {})
if (Array.isArray(packages)) {
// --npmPackages minimist,which (--duplicates)
// only specified top level packages (with duplicates) with wanted and installed
return utils.sortObject(
.filter(d => packages.includes(
.map(d => (options.duplicates ? getPackageDuplicates(d, allPackageJsonPaths) : d))
.reduce(packageReducer, {})
if (typeof packages === 'boolean') {
// --npmPackages (--duplicates) (--fullTree)
// print all packages (with duplicates) with wanted and installed, optionally crawling full tree
return utils.sortObject(
options.fullTree ? getPackageFullTree(allPackageJsonPaths) : topLevelDependencies
// determine which paths to get
.then(packageJsonDependencies => {
tld = packageJsonDependencies;
if (options.fullTree || options.duplicates || packageGlob) {
return utils.getAllPackageJsonPaths(packageGlob);
return Promise.resolve(
Object.keys(packageJsonDependencies || []).map(dep =>
path.join('node_modules', dep, 'package.json')
// filter by glob or selection
.then(packageJsonPaths => {
if ((packageGlob || typeof packages === 'boolean') && !options.fullTree) {
return Promise.resolve(
(packageJsonPaths || []).filter(p =>
Object.keys(tld || []).includes(p.split('/').slice(-2)[0])
if (Array.isArray(packages)) {
return Promise.resolve(
(packageJsonPaths || []).filter(p => packages.includes(p.split('/').slice(-2)[0]))
return Promise.resolve(packageJsonPaths);
.then(paths =>
Promise.all( => utils.getPackageJsonByPath(filePath))),
.map(options.fullTree ? mapFullPackageTree : mapTopLevelDependencies)
.map(d => assignWantedVersion(d, topLevelDependencies))
.map(d => (options.duplicates ? getPackageDuplicates(d, allPackageJsonPaths) : d))
.reduce(packageReducer, {})
// conglomerate the data
.then(result => {
const paths = result[0];
const files = result[1];
return {};
return files.reduce((acc, d, idx) => {
// if the file is a test stub, or doesn't have a name, ignore it.
if (!d || ! return acc;
// create object if its not already created
if (!acc[]) acc[] = {};
// set duplicates if flag set, if version not already there, && !== installed
if (options.duplicates) {
if (acc[].installed && acc[].installed !== d.version) {
(acc[].duplicates = (acc[].duplicates || []).concat(d.version))
// set the installed version, if its installed top level
if ((paths[idx].match(/node_modules/g) || []).length === 1)
acc[].installed = d.version;
// if it is a top level dependency, get the wanted version
if (tld[]) acc[].wanted = tld[];
return acc;
}, {});
.then(versions => utils.sortObject(versions)),
function getNpmGlobalPackages(packages) {
function getnpmGlobalPackages(packages) {
utils.log('trace', 'getnpmGlobalPackages', packages);
let packageGlob = null;
if (typeof packages === 'string') {
packages = packages.split(',');
if (
// detect characters that are not allowed in npm names, but are in globs
// wont work if the exactly once glob @ is used by itself, because of npm namespacing
packages.includes('*') ||
packages.includes('?') ||
packages.includes('+') ||
) {
packageGlob = packages;
} else {
packages = packages.split(',');
} else if (!Array.isArray(packages)) {
packages = true;
var npmGlobalPackages;
try {
npmGlobalPackages ='npm list -g --depth=0 --json');
npmGlobalPackages = JSON.parse(npmGlobalPackages);
} catch (error) {
if (error.stdout) npmGlobalPackages = JSON.parse(error.stdout.toString());
if (!npmGlobalPackages) return 'Not Found';
npmGlobalPackages = Object.entries(npmGlobalPackages.dependencies).reduce((acc, dep) => {
const name = dep[0];
const info = dep[1];
if (!Array.isArray(packages) || packages.some(p => p.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()))
return Object.assign(acc, {
[name]: info.version,
return acc;
}, {});
return npmGlobalPackages;
return Promise.all([
// get the location of the npm global node_modules
.run('npm get prefix --global')
// glob all of the package.json files in that directory
prefix =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
// sub packageGlob in to only get globbed packages if not null
path.join(prefix, 'lib', 'node_modules', packageGlob || '*', 'package.json'),
(err, files) => {
if (!err) resolve(files);
.then(globResults =>
// filter out package paths not in list provided in options
globbedPath =>
typeof packages === 'boolean' ||
packageGlob !== null ||
// get all the package.json by path, return promises
.map(packageJson => utils.getPackageJsonByFullPath(packageJson))
// accumulate all the package info in one object.
.then(allPackages =>
(acc, json) => (json ? Object.assign(acc, { []: json.version }) : acc),
module.exports = {
getPackageInfo: getPackageInfo,
getNpmGlobalPackages: getNpmGlobalPackages,
getnpmPackages: getnpmPackages,
getnpmGlobalPackages: getnpmGlobalPackages,
module.exports = {
defaults: {
System: ['OS', 'CPU', 'Memory', 'Shell', 'derp'],
Binaries: ['Node', 'Yarn', 'npm', 'Watchman'],
Virtualization: ['Docker', 'Parallels', 'VirtualBox', 'VMware Fusion'],
SDKs: ['iOS SDK', 'Android SDK'],
IDEs: ['Android Studio', 'Atom', 'VSCode', 'Sublime Text', 'Xcode'],
Languages: ['Bash', 'Go', 'Elixir', 'PHP', 'Python', 'Ruby'],
Browsers: [
'Chrome Canary',
'Firefox Developer Edition',
'Firefox Nightly',
'Safari Technology Preview',
npmPackages: null,
npmGlobalPackages: null,
jest: {

@@ -3,0 +22,0 @@ System: ['OS', 'CPU'],

@@ -1,102 +0,181 @@

var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var childProcess = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const libWhich = require('which');
const glob = require('glob');
function run(cmd) {
return (
.execSync(cmd, {
const run = cmd => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
stdio: [0, 'pipe', 'ignore'],
.toString() || ''
(err, out) => {
resolve((err ? '' : out.toString() || '').trim());
function customGenericVersionFunction(fn, msg) {
if (msg === undefined) msg = 'Not Found';
var version;
try {
version = fn();
} catch (error) {
version = msg;
return version;
const log = function log(level) {
const args = Object.values(', ');
if ((process.env.ENVINFO_DEBUG || '').toLowerCase() === level) console.log(level, args);
function uniq(arr) {
return Array.from(new Set(arr)); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
const fileExists = filePath => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
fs.stat(filePath, err => (err ? resolve(null) : resolve(filePath)));
function toReadableBytes(bytes) {
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
return (
(!bytes && '0 Bytes') ||
(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) + ' ' + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'][i]
const readFile = filePath => {
return new Promise(fileResolved => {
if (!filePath) fileResolved(null);
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, file) => (file ? fileResolved(file) : fileResolved(null)));
const requireJson = filePath => {
return fileExists(filePath)
.then(file => (file ? JSON.parse(file) : null));
const versionRegex = /\d+\.[\d+|.]+/;
const findDarwinApplication = id => {
return run('mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier=="' + id + '""').then(v =>
v.replace(/(\s)/g, '\\ ')
function omit(obj, props) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.filter(key => props.indexOf(key) < 0)
.reduce((acc, key) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: obj[key] }), {});
const generatePlistBuddyCommand = (appPath, options) => {
var optionsArray = (options || ['CFBundleShortVersionString']).map(function optionsMap(option) {
return '-c Print:' + option;
return ['/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy']
.join(' ');
function pick(obj, props) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.filter(key => props.indexOf(key) >= 0)
.reduce((acc, key) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: obj[key] }), {});
module.exports = {
run: run,
log: log,
fileExists: fileExists,
readFile: readFile,
requireJson: requireJson,
versionRegex: versionRegex,
findDarwinApplication: findDarwinApplication,
generatePlistBuddyCommand: generatePlistBuddyCommand,
const isObject = val => typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
const pipe = fns => x => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x);
isObject: val => typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val),
noop: d => d,
pipe: fns => x => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x),
function requireJson(filePath) {
var packageJson;
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
try {
packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
return null;
browserBundleIdentifiers: {
Chrome: '',
'Chrome Canary': '',
Firefox: 'org.mozilla.firefox',
'Firefox Developer Edition': 'org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition',
'Firefox Nightly': 'org.mozilla.nightly',
Safari: '',
'Safari Technology Preview': '',
runSync: cmd => {
return (
.execSync(cmd, {
stdio: [0, 'pipe', 'ignore'],
.toString() || ''
which: binary => {
return new Promise(resolve => libWhich(binary, (err, binaryPath) => resolve(binaryPath)));
getDarwinApplicationVersion: bundleIdentifier => {
var version;
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
version = 'N/A';
} else {
version = findDarwinApplication(bundleIdentifier).then(appPath =>
generatePlistBuddyCommand(path.join(appPath, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'), [
return packageJson;
return null;
return Promise.resolve(version);
function getPackageJsonByName(dep) {
return this.requireJson(path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', dep, 'package.json'));
uniq: arr => {
return Array.from(new Set(arr)); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
function getPackageJsonByPath(filePath) {
return this.requireJson(path.join(process.cwd(), filePath));
toReadableBytes: bytes => {
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
return (
(!bytes && '0 Bytes') ||
(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) + ' ' + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'][i]
const noop = d => d;
omit: (obj, props) => {
return Object.keys(obj)
.filter(key => props.indexOf(key) < 0)
.reduce((acc, key) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: obj[key] }), {});
function sortObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.reduce((acc, val) => {
acc[val] = obj[val];
return acc;
}, {});
pick: (obj, props) => {
return Object.keys(obj)
.filter(key => props.indexOf(key) >= 0)
.reduce((acc, key) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: obj[key] }), {});
const versionRegex = /\d+\.[\d+|\.]+/;
getPackageJsonByName: name => {
return requireJson(path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', name, 'package.json'));
module.exports = {
customGenericVersionFunction: customGenericVersionFunction,
getPackageJsonByName: getPackageJsonByName,
getPackageJsonByPath: getPackageJsonByPath,
isObject: isObject,
noop: noop,
omit: omit,
pick: pick,
pipe: pipe,
requireJson: requireJson,
run: run,
sortObject: sortObject,
toReadableBytes: toReadableBytes,
uniq: uniq,
versionRegex: versionRegex,
getPackageJsonByPath: filePath => {
return requireJson(path.join(process.cwd(), filePath));
getPackageJsonByFullPath: fullPath => {
log('trace', 'getPackageJsonByFullPath', fullPath);
return requireJson(fullPath);
getAllPackageJsonPaths: packageGlob => {
log('trace', 'getAllPackageJsonPaths', packageGlob);
return new Promise(resolve => {
const cb = (err, res) => resolve(res || []);
if (packageGlob) return glob(path.join('node_modules', packageGlob, 'package.json'), cb);
return glob(path.join('node_modules', '**', 'package.json'), cb);
sortObject: obj => {
return Object.keys(obj)
.reduce((acc, val) => {
acc[val] = obj[val];
return acc;
}, {});
findVersion: (versionString, regex) => {
const matcher = regex || versionRegex;
const matched = versionString.match(matcher);
return matched ? matched[0] : versionString;
condensePath: pathString => {
return pathString.replace(process.env.HOME, '~');

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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