Espresso Script Language - eslang
A simple & expressive script language, which is inspired by Lisp, Python, JavaScript and many other great languages.
print "Hello, world!";
# or, without sweetener
(print "Hello, world!")
# or, with some decoration
printf "Hello, world!\n", "green bold underline";
Try it online
help; # for help.
# verify your browser's compatibility.
# run a quick-sort example
run "examples/qsort1";
# print its code
print (.loader read "examples/qsort1");
# list all examples
.loader list "examples/";
# use print to show a full list.
print (.loader list "examples/");
# break items into lines
.loader list "examples/":: for-each print;
# display file url only
.loader list "examples/":: for-each (= item (print (item 0);
# display item no. for counting
.loader list "examples/":: for-each (= (item, no.) (print '#$(no.), $(item 0)');
# display path only
.loader list "examples/":: for-each (= (item, no.) (print '#$(no.),', (var url (item 0):: slice (url first-of "examples/");
# Q: What's happening?
var print-examples (=>:() (var examples (.loader list "examples/")) (=> pattern (examples for-each (=> (item, no.) (print (string format (pattern ?* "{0}, {1}, {2}"), no., (item 0), (item 1);
# As a hint, here's a (more) friendly version.
(var print-examples (=>:()
var examples (.loader list "examples/");
(=> pattern
(examples for-each (=> (item, no.)
print (string format (pattern ?* "{0}, {1}, {2}"), no., (item 0), (item 1);
# You may also want to check
print print-examples;
# Finally, the Y-combinator in Espresso
print (.loader read "yc");
Install it
npm i -g eslang
es selftest # optional
run an example, or your own code:
es examples/qsort1
REPL in terminal:
fetch "";
# or try
fetch "":: finally (=>() (.loader list:: for-each print);
Use it in your JS project
add it
npm i --save eslang
use it
var $void = require('eslang')()
use es-npm to create projects
npm i -g @eslang/es-npm
Check the source code
git clone
cd eslang
npm install
npm test
# or, start the local web shell
npm run build & npm start
IDE Support
VS Code Extension
In Extensions sidebar, search for eslang
Atom Plugin
apm install language-espresso
You can help to
- Test it in various OSes and browsers.
- Use it in your projects.
- Recommend it to your friends.
- Create documentation & tools.
- Report bugs and help to fix.
- Request for features.
- Create interpreters in other native languages
- Java, Go, Rust, Python, C#, C, etc
- ...
Enjoy the Espresso.