Netsells Eslint Config
This repository contains the defacto-standard eslint configuration used on all Netsells projects, both internally and client.
Add the config to your project dependencies:
yarn add netsells/eslint-config-netsells eslint@^4.10.0
Extend the config in your project. For example, a .eslintrc
file in your project root:
"extends": "netsells"
With webpack
Add the eslint-loader to your project:
yarn add eslint-loader
Add the loader into your workflow. The following example will force the linter to be ran before other loaders such as babel compilation. This means we lint the raw ES6 code rather than the transpiled ES5 output:
module: {
rules: [
test: /.(vue|js)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
enforce: 'pre',
exclude: /node_modules/,
📍 comma-dangle
Requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ]
or }
and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ]
or }
. This makes git diffs a lot cleaner with single line changes rather than two.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
let object = { a: 'b', c: 'd', };
let object = {
a: 'b',
c: 'd'
let array = ['a', 'b', 'c',];
let array = [
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
let object = { a: 'b', c: 'd' };
let object = {
a: 'b',
c: 'd',
let array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
let array = [
📍 dot-location
Requires the dot to be located before the property rather than after the object
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const item = object.
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const item = object
const item = object.property;
📍 no-empty
disallow empty block statements
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (foo) {
while (foo) {
switch(foo) {
try {
} catch(ex) {
} finally {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
if (foo) {
while (foo) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
try {
} finally {
📍 no-empty-function
Disallow empty functions
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
function foo () {}
let foo = function () {};
let foo = () => {};
let obj = {
foo: function () {},
foo () {},
class A {
constructor() {}
foo() {}
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
function foo () {
let foo = function () {
let foo = () => {
let obj = {
foo: function () {
foo () {
class A {
constructor () {
foo () {
📍 space-before-function-paren
Require a space before function parenthesis
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
function foo () {
let bar = function () {
class Foo {
constructor () {
let foo = {
bar () {
var foo = async() => 1
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
function foo() {
let bar = function() {
class Foo {
constructor() {
let foo = {
bar() {
var foo = async() => 1
📍 no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
Disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function main() {
var x = 5,
y = 7;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
📍 yoda
Discourage code typed like yoda would speak
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if ('red' === color) {
if (true == flag) {
if (5 > count) {
if (-1 < str.indexOf(substr)) {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
if (5 & value) {
if (value === 'red') {
if (x < -1 || 1 < x) {
📍 no-eval
Disallow eval() function
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
let obj = { x: 'foo' },
key = "x",
value = eval("obj." + key);
(0, eval)("var a = 0");
let foo = eval;
foo("var a = 0");
this.eval("var a = 0");
window.eval("var a = 0");
global.eval("var a = 0");
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
let obj = { x: 'foo' },
key = "x",
value = obj[key];
class A {
foo() {
this.eval("var a = 0");
eval() {
📍 require-jsdoc
Requires JSDoc definitions for all functions and classes.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
methods: {
updateUser (id, data) {
return fetch(`/users/${id}`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(opts),
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
methods: {
updateUser (id, data) {
return fetch(`/users/${id}`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(opts),
📍 no-var
Discourages using var
for creating variables and requires using let
or const
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
var count = posts.length;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const count = posts.length;
or, if the value can be changed
let count = posts.length;
if (additionalPosts.length) {
count += additionalPosts.length;
📍 no-alert
Disallows using alert() function in production.
Will throw a warning if the node env is not set to production (allows an alert-driven development).
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (error) {
📍 no-console
Disallows using the console in production.
Will throw a warning if the node env is not set to production.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (error) {
📍 no-implicit-coercion
Encourages stopping mixing different types of variables for the sake of cleaner and more readable code.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const b = !!foo;
const b = ~foo.indexOf('.');
const n = +foo;
const n = 1 * foo;
const s = '' + foo;
const s = `` + foo;
foo += '';
foo += ``;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const b = Boolean(foo);
const b = foo.includes('.');
const n = Number(foo);
const n = parseFloat(foo);
const n = parseInt(foo, 10);
const s = String(foo);
foo = String(foo);
📍 arrow-spacing
arrows on arrow functions should have a space before and after.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
()=> {};
() =>{};
(a)=> {};
(a) =>{};
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
(a) => {}
📍 no-template-curly-in-string
Throw a warning when a regular string contains a text which looks like an ES6 template literal placeholder
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const greeting = "Hello, ${name}";
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}`;
📍 prefer-template
Encourage using template literals instead of '+' operator on strings
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const greeting = 'Hello, ' + this.name;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const greeting = `Hello, ${this.name}`;
📍 dot-notation
Forces using dot notation exclusively for getting object properties.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const a = foo['bar'];
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const a = foo.bar;
const b = 'Hello';
const c = foo[b];
📍 no-duplicate-imports
Disallow duplicate imports.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
import { merge } from 'module';
import something from 'another-module';
import { find } from 'module';
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
import { merge, find } from 'module';
import something from 'another-module';
📍 no-restricted-imports
Disallows importing lodash - people should import only the lodash sub-modules they need.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
import _ from 'lodash';
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
import flatten from 'lodash/flatten';
📍 this-in-template
@throws Error
Disallow referencing this
within a template.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<div>{{ this.foo }}</div>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<div>{{ foo }}</div>
📍 order-in-components
@throws Error
Enforce a rational order of Vue component data.
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
export default {
📍 html-indent
@throws Error
Enforce a consistent continuous indent of 4 spaces for both tags and tag attributes.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
📍 attribute-hyphenation
@throws Error
Force attributes to be hyphenated rather than camelCase.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<my-component :customAttribute="true"></my-component>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<my-component :custom-attribute="true"></my-component>
📍 no-dupe-keys
@throws Error
Error on duplicate keys to avoid conflicting and overwriting of values.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
export default {
props: {
foo: String,
computed: {
foo: {
get () {}
data: {
foo: null,
methods: {
foo () {},
📍 v-on-style
@throws Error
Force the shorthand syntax for event binding.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<my-component v-on:change="updateValue"></my-component>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<my-component @change="updateValue"></my-component>
📍 v-bind-style
@throws Error
Force the shorthand syntax for the v-bind directive.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<my-component v-bind:foo="bar"></my-component>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<my-component :foo="bar"></my-component>
📍 no-multi-spaces
@throws Error
Remove multiple spaces in a row between attributes which are not used for indentation.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<div class="foo"
:style="bar" />
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
📍 name-property-casing
@throws Error
Allow only kebab-case (hyphenated) component names.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
export default {
name: 'my-component',
📍 mustache-interpolation-spacing
@throws Error
Enforce a single space around values in mustache echo statements.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<div>{{ foo }}</div>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<div>{{ foo }}</div>
📍 html-quotes
@throws Error
Enforce a double quotes on tag attributes.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<div class='foo'></div>
<div class=foo></div>
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<div class="foo"></div>
📍 max-attributes-per-line
@throws Error
Limit the max number of attributes per line. Single line tags can have a maximum of 3 attributes per line. After which each attribute should be broken down onto individual lines.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<my-component foo="bar" baz="qux" abc="123" xyz="321"></my-component>
foo="bar" baz="qux"
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<my-component foo="bar" baz="qux" abc="123"></my-component>
📍 require-default-prop
@throws Warning
Encourage providing default values for props.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
props: {
a: Number,
b: [Number, String],
c: {
type: Number,
d: {
type: Number,
required: false,
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
props: {
a: {
type: Number,
required: true,
b: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
c: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
required: false,
📍 require-prop-types
@throws Warning
Encourage long-form prop definitions with at minimum a declared data type.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
props: ['status'],
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
props: {
status: String,
props: {
status: {
type: String,
📍 no-side-effects-in-computed-properties
@throws Warning
It is considered a very bad practice to introduce side effects inside computed properties. It makes the code unpredictable and hard to understand. Discourage computed properties from mutating state.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
computed: {
fullName () {
this.firstName = 'lorem';
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
reversedArray () {
return this.array.reverse();
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
computed: {
fullName () {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
reversedArray () {
return this.array.slice(0).reverse();
📍 no-duplicate-attributes
@throws Error
When duplicate attributes exist, only the last one is used. Disallow duplicates for attributes other than special bindings such as class and style.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
:class="{ foo: true }"
📍 return-in-computed-property
@throws Error
Make sure computed properties return a value.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
computed: {
foo () {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
computed: {
foo () {
return 'bar';
📍 no-unused-vars
@throws Error
Make sure scope variables are used.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
<ol v-for="i in 5"><!-- "i" is defined but never used. -->
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
<ol v-for="i in 5">
<li>{{ i }}</li><!-- "i" is defined and used. -->
📍 no-shared-component-data
@throws Error
Component data must be returned as a new instance via a function rather than a plain object.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
export default {
data: {
foo: 'bar',
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
export default {
data () {
return {
foo: 'bar',
📍 no-unused-vars
@throws Warning
All imports and vars that are included within code must be used.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
let foo = 'bar';
function fooBar() {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
let foo = 'bar';
function fooBar() {
return `${foo}bar`;
📍 eqeqeq
@throws Warning
Equality operators must now be type-safe - as is considered best practice in coding.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (x == y) {
if ("" == text) {
if (obj.stuff != undefined) {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
if (x === y) {
if ("" === text) {
if (obj.stuff !== undefined) {
📍 no-else-return
@throws Warning
Prevents a return statement being called before an else. But also, in this instance, as we have allowElseIf set to false, else statements will also not be allowed in code.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
function foo() {
if (x) {
return a;
} else if (y) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
function foo() {
if (x) {
return a;
if (y) {
return b;
return c;
📍 no-floating-decimal
@throws Warning
Prevents using floating decimals
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const num = .5;
const ber = 2.;
const wang = -.7;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const num = 0.5;
const ber = 2.0;
const wang = -0.7;
📍 curly
@throws Warning
Curly brace conventions must follow a strict formatted pattern.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (foo) return;
while (bar)
if (foo) {
} else qux();
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
if (foo) {
while (bar) {
if (foo) {
} else {
📍 no cond assign
@throws Warning
Discourages the assignment of variables in conditional statements
Allows assignment within params by default
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
const x;
if (x = 0) {
const b = 1;
function setHeight(someNode) {
"use strict";
do {
someNode.height = "100px";
} while (someNode = someNode.parentNode);
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const x;
if (x === 0) {
const b = 1;
function setHeight(someNode) {
"use strict";
do {
someNode.height = "100px";
} while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode));
function setHeight(someNode) {
"use strict";
do {
someNode.height = "100px";
} while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode) !== null);
📍 prefer-arrow-callback
@throws Error
Forces user to use ES6 arrow function expressions
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
foo(function(a) {
return a;
foo(function() {
return this.a;
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
foo((a) => {
return a;
foo(() => {
return this.a;
📍 no-lonely-if
@throws Warning
If an if statement is the only statement in the else block, it is clearer to use an else if.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
if (foo) {
} else {
if (bar) {
if (condition) {
} else {
if (anotherCondition) {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
if (condition) {
} else if (anotherCondition) {
} else {
📍 prefer-const
@throws Warning
If a variable is set using 'let' and then never updated a warning will be issued as 'const' is preferred in this instance.
❌ Example of incorrect code for this rule:
let a = 3;
let a;
a = 1;
return a;
for (let i in [1, 2, 3]) {
✅ Example of correct code for this rule:
const a = 3;
for (const i in [1, 2, 3]) {
let a;
a = 1;
a = 2;
return a;
let a;
if (true) {
a = 1;
If you disagree with any rules in this linter, or feel additional rules should be added, please open an issue on this project to initiate an open dialogue with all team members. Please bear in mind this is a public repository.