The Proof is in the Pudding
Ether Pudding (or just “Pudding”) is an extension of web3’s contract abstraction that makes life as a Dapp developer a whole lot easier. With Pudding, you can cleanly write distributed Ethereum applications and automated tests with less hassle and more reliability, ensuring that each will run against any (read: every) RPC client. When used with the Consensys TestRPC, you can develop Dapps faster.
Pudding is intended to be used both within Node and within a browser. Although it’s very little code, it packs a whole lot of punch.
Reasons to Use Pudding (short list)
- Transactions can be “synchronized” with the network, so your app/tests won’t receive callbacks until the transactions have been processed. This makes control flow easier to manage. (See this example for when not to used network-synchronized transactions.)
- Contract functions are “promisified” using bluebird. This makes sequential calls and transactions easier to write.
- Transaction defaults (like a default “from” address) are DRY. You can specify defaults for an individual instance of a contract, for all instances derived from a contract class, or across all Pudding contracts. This makes your code DRY, too.
- With all of the above, developing on Ethereum gets a whole lot easier.
npm install ether-pudding
<!-- Note: web3 is required. Bluebird is a needed for promises, but not required. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/ether-pudding.min.js"></script>
Using Pudding
Using Pudding in your app is very similar to using web3’s contract abstraction. In fact, Pudding calls web3’s abstraction under the hood. Like with web3, you need to provide an ABI (Application Binary Interface) object in order to create your contract class. Programs like solc
-- the Solidity compiler from cpp-ethereum -- can provide you with an ABI.
web3 = require "web3"
Pudding = require "ether-pudding"
# Set the provider, as you would normally.
web3.setProvider(new web3.Providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"))
# Before performing the next step, you'll need to compile your contract
# and have the ABI available, just as you would with web3.eth.contract().
# You need to provide your contract's abi and binary code.
# You can get these by compiling your contracts with solidity compiler, solc.
MyContract = Pudding.whisk(abi, binary)
So far, Pudding isn’t much different from web3’s contract abstraction. Here’s an example using the MetaCoin contract in Dapps For Beginners:
MetaCoin = Pudding.whisk(metaCoinABI)
# In this scenario, two users will send MetaCoin back and forth, showing
# how Pudding allows for easy control flow.
account_one = "5b42bd01ff..."
account_two = "e1fd0d4a52..."
contract_address = "8e2e2cf785..."
coin =, {gasLimit: 3141592})
coin.sendCoin(account_two, 3, {from: account_one}).then (tx) ->
# This code block will not be executed until Pudding has verified
# the transaction has been processed and it is included in a mined block.
# Pudding will error if the transaction hasn't been processed in 120 seconds.
# Since we're using promises (and this is coffeescript), we can return a
# promise for a call that will check account two's balance.
.then (balance_of_account_two) ->
alert("Balance of account two is #{balance_of_account_two}!") # => 3
# But maybe too much was sent. Let's send some back.
# Like before, will create a transaction that returns a promise, where
# the callback won't be executed until the transaction has been processed.
coin.sendCoin(account_one, 1.5, {from: account_two})
.then (tx) ->
# Again, get the balance of account two
.then (balance_of_account_two) ->
alert("Balance of account two is #{balance_of_account_two}!") # => 1.5
.catch (err) ->
# Easily catch all errors along the whole execution.
alert("ERROR! #{err.message}")
The above example may not be used within an app (you wouldn’t send the wrong amount on purpose, for example’s sake) -- but you can easily see how it might apply to an automated test.
Because you provided your contract's binary code in Pudding.whisk()
, you can create new contracts that get added to the network really easily: (coin) ->
# From here, the example becomes just like the above.
# Note that coin.address is the addres of the newly created contract.
.catch (err) ->
console.log "Error creating contract!"
console.log err.stack
More Examples
You can create a pure Javascript and minified Javascript version of Pudding by first installing and then running grunt
. These files will be placed in the ./build
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ grunt