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@@ -1,399 +0,411 @@

export as namespace EventTargetShim
// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.5.0
* `Event` interface.
* @see
* Set the error handler.
* @param value The error handler to set.
export interface Event {
* The type of this event.
readonly type: string
* The target of this event.
readonly target: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null
* The current target of this event.
readonly currentTarget: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null
* The target of this event.
* @deprecated
readonly srcElement: any | null
* The composed path of this event.
composedPath(): EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard">[]
* Constant of NONE.
readonly NONE: number
* Constant of CAPTURING_PHASE.
readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number
* Constant of BUBBLING_PHASE.
readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number
* Constant of AT_TARGET.
readonly AT_TARGET: number
* Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.
readonly eventPhase: number
* Stop event bubbling.
stopPropagation(): void
* Stop event bubbling.
stopImmediatePropagation(): void
* Initialize event.
* @deprecated
initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void
* The flag indicating bubbling.
readonly bubbles: boolean
* Stop event bubbling.
* @deprecated
cancelBubble: boolean
* Set or get cancellation flag.
* @deprecated
returnValue: boolean
* The flag indicating whether the event can be canceled.
readonly cancelable: boolean
* Cancel this event.
preventDefault(): void
* The flag to indicating whether the event was canceled.
readonly defaultPrevented: boolean
* The flag to indicating if event is composed.
readonly composed: boolean
* Indicates whether the event was dispatched by the user agent.
readonly isTrusted: boolean
* The unix time of this event.
readonly timeStamp: number
export declare function setErrorHandler(value: setErrorHandler.ErrorHandler | undefined): void;
export declare namespace setErrorHandler {
* The error handler.
* @param error The thrown error object.
type ErrorHandler = (error: Error) => void;
* The constructor of `EventTarget` interface.
* An implementation of the `EventTarget` interface.
* @see
export type EventTargetConstructor<
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = {
prototype: EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
new(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
export declare class EventTarget<TEventMap extends Record<string, Event> = Record<string, Event>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict" = "standard"> {
* Initialize this instance.
* Add an event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param options Options.
addEventListener<T extends string & keyof TEventMap>(type: T, callback?: EventTarget.EventListener<this, TEventMap[T]> | null, options?: EventTarget.AddOptions): void;
* Add an event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param options Options.
addEventListener(type: string, callback?: EventTarget.FallbackEventListener<this, TMode>, options?: EventTarget.AddOptions): void;
* Add an event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param capture The capture flag.
* @deprecated Use `{capture: boolean}` object instead of a boolean value.
addEventListener<T extends string & keyof TEventMap>(type: T, callback: EventTarget.EventListener<this, TEventMap[T]> | null | undefined, capture: boolean): void;
* Add an event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param capture The capture flag.
* @deprecated Use `{capture: boolean}` object instead of a boolean value.
addEventListener(type: string, callback: EventTarget.FallbackEventListener<this, TMode>, capture: boolean): void;
* Remove an added event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param options Options.
removeEventListener<T extends string & keyof TEventMap>(type: T, callback?: EventTarget.EventListener<this, TEventMap[T]> | null, options?: EventTarget.Options): void;
* Remove an added event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param options Options.
removeEventListener(type: string, callback?: EventTarget.FallbackEventListener<this, TMode>, options?: EventTarget.Options): void;
* Remove an added event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param capture The capture flag.
* @deprecated Use `{capture: boolean}` object instead of a boolean value.
removeEventListener<T extends string & keyof TEventMap>(type: T, callback: EventTarget.EventListener<this, TEventMap[T]> | null | undefined, capture: boolean): void;
* Remove an added event listener.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
* @param capture The capture flag.
* @deprecated Use `{capture: boolean}` object instead of a boolean value.
removeEventListener(type: string, callback: EventTarget.FallbackEventListener<this, TMode>, capture: boolean): void;
* Dispatch an event.
* @param event The `Event` object to dispatch.
dispatchEvent<T extends string & keyof TEventMap>(event: EventTarget.EventData<TEventMap, TMode, T>): boolean;
* Dispatch an event.
* @param event The `Event` object to dispatch.
dispatchEvent(event: EventTarget.FallbackEvent<TMode>): boolean;
export declare namespace EventTarget {
* The event listener.
type EventListener<TEventTarget extends EventTarget<any, any>, TEvent extends Event> = CallbackFunction<TEventTarget, TEvent> | CallbackObject<TEvent>;
* The event listener function.
interface CallbackFunction<TEventTarget extends EventTarget<any, any>, TEvent extends Event> {
(this: TEventTarget, event: TEvent): void;
* The event listener object.
* @see
interface CallbackObject<TEvent extends Event> {
handleEvent(event: TEvent): void;
* The common options for both `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` methods.
* @see
interface Options {
capture?: boolean;
* The options for the `addEventListener` methods.
* @see
interface AddOptions extends Options {
passive?: boolean;
once?: boolean;
signal?: AbortSignal | null | undefined;
* The abort signal.
* @see
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{
abort: Event;
}> {
readonly aborted: boolean;
onabort: CallbackFunction<this, Event> | null;
* The event data to dispatch in strict mode.
type EventData<TEventMap extends Record<string, Event>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict", TEventType extends string> = TMode extends "strict" ? IsValidEventMap<TEventMap> extends true ? ExplicitType<TEventType> & Omit<TEventMap[TEventType], keyof Event> & Partial<Omit<Event, "type">> : never : never;
* Define explicit `type` property if `T` is a string literal.
* Otherwise, never.
type ExplicitType<T extends string> = string extends T ? never : {
readonly type: T;
* The event listener type in standard mode.
* Otherwise, never.
type FallbackEventListener<TEventTarget extends EventTarget<any, any>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict"> = TMode extends "standard" ? EventListener<TEventTarget, Event> | null | undefined : never;
* The event type in standard mode.
* Otherwise, never.
type FallbackEvent<TMode extends "standard" | "strict"> = TMode extends "standard" ? Event : never;
* Check if given event map is valid.
* It's valid if the keys of the event map are narrower than `string`.
type IsValidEventMap<T> = string extends keyof T ? false : true;
* `EventTarget` interface.
* @see
* An implementation of `Event` interface, that wraps a given event object.
* `EventTarget` shim can control the internal state of this `Event` objects.
* @see
export type EventTarget<
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = EventTarget.EventAttributes<TEventAttributes> & {
* Add a given listener to this event target.
* @param eventName The event name to add.
* @param listener The listener to add.
* @param options The options for this listener.
addEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
type: TEventType,
| EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
| null,
options?: boolean | EventTarget.AddOptions
): void
* Remove a given listener from this event target.
* @param eventName The event name to remove.
* @param listener The listener to remove.
* @param options The options for this listener.
removeEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
type: TEventType,
| EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
| null,
options?: boolean | EventTarget.RemoveOptions
): void
* Dispatch a given event.
* @param event The event to dispatch.
* @returns `false` if canceled.
dispatchEvent<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
event: EventTarget.EventData<TEvents, TEventType, TMode>
): boolean
export declare class Event<TEventType extends string = string> {
* @see
static get NONE(): number;
* @see
static get CAPTURING_PHASE(): number;
* @see
static get AT_TARGET(): number;
* @see
static get BUBBLING_PHASE(): number;
* Initialize this event instance.
* @param type The type of this event.
* @param eventInitDict Options to initialize.
* @see
constructor(type: TEventType, eventInitDict?: Event.EventInit);
* The type of this event.
* @see
get type(): TEventType;
* The event target of the current dispatching.
* @see
get target(): EventTarget | null;
* The event target of the current dispatching.
* @deprecated Use the `target` property instead.
* @see
get srcElement(): EventTarget | null;
* The event target of the current dispatching.
* @see
get currentTarget(): EventTarget | null;
* The event target of the current dispatching.
* This doesn't support node tree.
* @see
composedPath(): EventTarget[];
* @see
get NONE(): number;
* @see
get CAPTURING_PHASE(): number;
* @see
get AT_TARGET(): number;
* @see
get BUBBLING_PHASE(): number;
* The current event phase.
* @see
get eventPhase(): number;
* Stop event bubbling.
* Because this shim doesn't support node tree, this merely changes the `cancelBubble` property value.
* @see
stopPropagation(): void;
* `true` if event bubbling was stopped.
* @deprecated
* @see
get cancelBubble(): boolean;
* Stop event bubbling if `true` is set.
* @deprecated Use the `stopPropagation()` method instead.
* @see
set cancelBubble(value: boolean);
* Stop event bubbling and subsequent event listener callings.
* @see
stopImmediatePropagation(): void;
* `true` if this event will bubble.
* @see
get bubbles(): boolean;
* `true` if this event can be canceled by the `preventDefault()` method.
* @see
get cancelable(): boolean;
* `true` if the default behavior will act.
* @deprecated Use the `defaultPrevented` proeprty instead.
* @see
get returnValue(): boolean;
* Cancel the default behavior if `false` is set.
* @deprecated Use the `preventDefault()` method instead.
* @see
set returnValue(value: boolean);
* Cancel the default behavior.
* @see
preventDefault(): void;
* `true` if the default behavior was canceled.
* @see
get defaultPrevented(): boolean;
* @see
get composed(): boolean;
* @see
get isTrusted(): boolean;
* @see
get timeStamp(): number;
* @deprecated Don't use this method. The constructor did initialization.
initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void;
export const EventTarget: EventTargetConstructor & {
* Create an `EventTarget` instance with detailed event definition.
* The detailed event definition requires to use `defineEventAttribute()`
* function later.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* const signal = new EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>()
* defineEventAttribute(signal, "abort")
new <
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
* Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
* abort(): void {}
* }
* @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(events: string[]): EventTargetConstructor<
* Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
* abort(): void {}
* }
* @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(event0: string, string[]): EventTargetConstructor<
export declare namespace Event {
* The options of the `Event` constructor.
* @see
interface EventInit {
bubbles?: boolean;
cancelable?: boolean;
composed?: boolean;
export namespace EventTarget {
* Options of `removeEventListener()` method.
export interface RemoveOptions {
* The flag to indicate that the listener is for the capturing phase.
capture?: boolean
* Options of `addEventListener()` method.
export interface AddOptions extends RemoveOptions {
* The flag to indicate that the listener doesn't support
* `event.preventDefault()` operation.
passive?: boolean
* The flag to indicate that the listener will be removed on the first
* event.
once?: boolean
* The type of regular listeners.
export interface FunctionListener<TEvent> {
(event: TEvent): void
* The type of object listeners.
export interface ObjectListener<TEvent> {
handleEvent(event: TEvent): void
* The type of listeners.
export type Listener<TEvent> =
| FunctionListener<TEvent>
| ObjectListener<TEvent>
* Event definition.
export type EventDefinition = {
readonly [key: string]: Event
* Mapped type for event attributes.
export type EventAttributes<TEventAttributes extends EventDefinition> = {
[P in keyof TEventAttributes]:
| FunctionListener<TEventAttributes[P]>
| null
* The type of event data for `dispatchEvent()` method.
export type EventData<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
TMode extends Mode
> =
TEventType extends keyof TEvents
? (
// Require properties which are not generated automatically.
& Pick<
Exclude<keyof TEvents[TEventType], OmittableEventKeys>
// Properties which are generated automatically are optional.
& Partial<Pick<Event, OmittableEventKeys>>
: (
TMode extends "standard"
? Event
: Event | NonStandardEvent
* The string literal types of the properties which are generated
* automatically in `dispatchEvent()` method.
export type OmittableEventKeys = Exclude<keyof Event, "type">
* The type of event data.
export type NonStandardEvent = {
[key: string]: any
type: string
* The type of listeners.
export type PickEvent<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
> =
TEventType extends keyof TEvents
? TEvents[TEventType]
: Event
* Event type candidates.
export type EventType<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TMode extends Mode
> =
TMode extends "strict"
? keyof TEvents
: keyof TEvents | string
* - `"strict"` ..... Methods don't accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
* - `"loose"` ...... Methods accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
* - `"standard"` ... Methods accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` doesn't accept partial objects.
export type Mode = "strict" | "standard" | "loose"
* Get the current value of a given event attribute.
* @param target The `EventTarget` object to get.
* @param type The event type.
export declare function getEventAttributeValue<TEventTarget extends EventTarget<any, any>, TEvent extends Event>(target: TEventTarget, type: string): EventTarget.CallbackFunction<TEventTarget, TEvent> | null;
* Set an event listener to a given event attribute.
* @param target The `EventTarget` object to set.
* @param type The event type.
* @param callback The event listener.
export declare function setEventAttributeValue(target: EventTarget<any, any>, type: string, callback: EventTarget.CallbackFunction<any, any> | null): void;
* Define an `EventTarget` class that has event attibutes.
* @param types The types to define event attributes.
* @deprecated Use `getEventAttributeValue`/`setEventAttributeValue` pair on your derived class instead because of static analysis friendly.
export declare function defineCustomEventTarget<TEventMap extends Record<string, Event>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict" = "standard">(...types: (string & keyof TEventMap)[]): defineCustomEventTarget.CustomEventTargetConstructor<TEventMap, TMode>;
export declare namespace defineCustomEventTarget {
* The interface of CustomEventTarget constructor.
type CustomEventTargetConstructor<TEventMap extends Record<string, Event>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict"> = {
* Create a new instance.
new (): CustomEventTarget<TEventMap, TMode>;
* prototype object.
prototype: CustomEventTarget<TEventMap, TMode>;
* The interface of CustomEventTarget.
type CustomEventTarget<TEventMap extends Record<string, Event>, TMode extends "standard" | "strict"> = EventTarget<TEventMap, TMode> & defineEventAttribute.EventAttributes<any, TEventMap>;
* Specialized `type` property.
* Define an event attribute.
* @param target The `EventTarget` object to define an event attribute.
* @param type The event type to define.
* @param _eventClass Unused, but to infer `Event` class type.
* @deprecated Use `getEventAttributeValue`/`setEventAttributeValue` pair on your derived class instead because of static analysis friendly.
export type Type<T extends string> = { type: T }
export declare function defineEventAttribute<TEventTarget extends EventTarget, TEventType extends string, TEventConstrucor extends typeof Event>(target: TEventTarget, type: TEventType, _eventClass?: TEventConstrucor): asserts target is TEventTarget & defineEventAttribute.EventAttributes<TEventTarget, Record<TEventType, InstanceType<TEventConstrucor>>>;
export declare namespace defineEventAttribute {
* Definition of event attributes.
type EventAttributes<TEventTarget extends EventTarget<any, any>, TEventMap extends Record<string, Event>> = {
[P in string & keyof TEventMap as `on${P}`]: EventTarget.CallbackFunction<TEventTarget, TEventMap[P]> | null;
* Define an event attribute (e.g. `eventTarget.onclick`).
* @param prototype The event target prototype to define an event attribute.
* @param eventName The event name to define.
* Set the warning handler.
* @param value The warning handler to set.
export function defineEventAttribute(
prototype: EventTarget,
eventName: string
): void
export declare function setWarningHandler(value: setWarningHandler.WarningHandler | undefined): void;
export declare namespace setWarningHandler {
* The warning information.
interface Warning {
* The code of this warning.
code: string;
* The message in English.
message: string;
* The arguments for replacing placeholders in the text.
args: any[];
* The warning handler.
* @param warning The warning.
type WarningHandler = (warning: Warning) => void;
export default EventTarget;
export default EventTarget
export {};
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@@ -5,31 +5,16 @@ # event-target-shim

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An implementation of [WHATWG EventTarget interface](, plus few extensions.
An implementation of [WHATWG `EventTarget` interface]( and [WHATWG `Event` interface]( This implementation supports constructor, `passive`, `once`, and `signal`.
- This provides `EventTarget` constructor that can inherit for your custom object.
- This provides an utility that defines properties of attribute listeners (e.g. `obj.onclick`).
This implementation is designed ...
import {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} from "event-target-shim"
- Working fine on both browsers and Node.js.
- TypeScript friendly.
class Foo extends EventTarget {
// ...
// Define `foo.onhello` property.
defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello")
// Use
const foo = new Foo()
foo.addEventListener("hello", e => console.log("hello", e))
foo.onhello = e => console.log("onhello:", e)
foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello"))
## 💿 Installation
Use [npm]( to install then use a bundler.
Use [npm]( or a compatible tool.

@@ -40,241 +25,44 @@ ```

Or download from [`dist` directory](./dist).
## 📖 Getting started
- [dist/event-target-shim.mjs](dist/event-target-shim.mjs) ... ES modules version.
- [dist/event-target-shim.js](dist/event-target-shim.js) ... Common JS version.
- [dist/event-target-shim.umd.js](dist/event-target-shim.umd.js) ... UMD (Universal Module Definition) version. This is transpiled by [Babel]( for IE 11.
## 📖 Usage
import {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} from "event-target-shim"
// or
const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = require("event-target-shim")
import { EventTarget, Event } from "event-target-shim";
// or UMD version defines a global variable:
const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = window.EventTargetShim
// constructor (was added to the standard on 8 Jul 2017)
const myNode = new EventTarget();
### EventTarget
// passive flag (was added to the standard on 6 Jan 2016)
(e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // ignored and print warning on console.
{ passive: true }
// once flag (was added to the standard on 15 Apr 2016)
myNode.addEventListener("hello", listener, { once: true });
myNode.dispatchEvent(new Event("hello")); // remove the listener after call.
#### eventTarget.addEventListener(type, callback, options)
Register an event listener.
- `type` is a string. This is the event name to register.
- `callback` is a function. This is the event listener to register.
- `options` is a boolean or an object `{ capture?: boolean, passive?: boolean, once?: boolean }`. If this is a boolean, it's same meaning as `{ capture: options }`.
- `capture` is the flag to register the event listener for capture phase.
- `passive` is the flag to ignore `event.preventDefault()` method in the event listener.
- `once` is the flag to remove the event listener automatically after the first call.
#### eventTarget.removeEventListener(type, callback, options)
Unregister an event listener.
- `type` is a string. This is the event name to unregister.
- `callback` is a function. This is the event listener to unregister.
- `options` is a boolean or an object `{ capture?: boolean }`. If this is a boolean, it's same meaning as `{ capture: options }`.
- `capture` is the flag to register the event listener for capture phase.
#### eventTarget.dispatchEvent(event)
Dispatch an event.
- `event` is a [Event]( object or an object `{ type: string, [key: string]: any }`. The latter is non-standard but useful. In both cases, listeners receive the event as implementing [Event]( interface.
### defineEventAttribute(proto, type)
Define an event attribute (e.g. `onclick`) to `proto`. This is non-standard.
- `proto` is an object (assuming it's a prototype object). This function defines a getter/setter pair for the event attribute.
- `type` is a string. This is the event name to define.
For example:
class AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
constructor() {
this.aborted = false
// Define `onabort` property.
defineEventAttribute(AbortSignal.prototype, "abort")
// signal (was added to the standard on 4 Dec 2020)
const ac = new AbortController();
myNode.addEventListener("hello", listener, { signal: ac.signal });
ac.abort(); // remove the listener.
### EventTarget(types)
- For browsers, use a bundler such as [Webpack]( to bundle.
- If you want to support IE11, use `import {} from "event-target-shim/es5"` instead. It's a transpiled code by babel. It depends on `@baebl/runtime` package.
- The `AbortController` class was added to the standard on 14 Jul 2017. If you want the shim of that, use [abort-controller]( package.
Define a custom `EventTarget` class with event attributes. This is non-standard.
## 📚 API Reference
- `types` is a string or an array of strings. This is the event name to define.
See [docs/](docs/
For example:
## 💥 Migrating to v6
// This has `onabort` property.
class AbortSignal extends EventTarget("abort") {
constructor() {
this.aborted = false
See [docs/](docs/
## 📚 Examples
### ES2015 and later
const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = EventTargetShim
// Define a derived class.
class Foo extends EventTarget {
// ...
// Define `foo.onhello` property.
defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello")
// Register event listeners.
const foo = new Foo()
foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => {
console.log("hello", e)
foo.onhello = (e) => {
console.log("onhello", e)
// Dispatching events
foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" }))
### Typescript
import { EventTarget, defineEventAttribute } from "event-target-shim";
// Define events
type FooEvents = {
hello: CustomEvent
type FooEventAttributes = {
onhello: CustomEvent
// Define a derived class.
class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, FooEventAttributes> {
// ...
// Define `foo.onhello` property's implementation.
defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello")
// Register event listeners.
const foo = new Foo()
foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => {
console.log("hello", e.detail)
foo.onhello = (e) => {
console.log("onhello", e.detail)
// Dispatching events
foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" }))
Unfortunately, both `FooEvents` and `FooEventAttributes` are needed because TypeScript doesn't allow the mutation of string literal types. If TypeScript allowed us to compute `"onhello"` from `"hello"` in types, `FooEventAttributes` will be optional.
This `EventTarget` type is compatible with `EventTarget` interface of `lib.dom.d.ts`.
#### To disallow unknown events
By default, methods such as `addEventListener` accept unknown events. You can disallow unknown events by the third type parameter `"strict"`.
type FooEvents = {
hello: CustomEvent
class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, {}, "strict"> {
// ...
// OK because `hello` is defined in FooEvents.
foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => {
// Error because `unknown` is not defined in FooEvents.
foo.addEventListener("unknown", (e) => {
However, if you use `"strict"` parameter, it loses compatibility with `EventTarget` interface of `lib.dom.d.ts`.
#### To infer the type of `dispatchEvent()` method
TypeScript cannot infer the event type of `dispatchEvent()` method properly from the argument in most cases. You can improve this behavior with the following steps:
1. Use the third type parameter `"strict"`. This prevents inferring to `dispatchEvent<string>()`.
2. Make the `type` property of event definitions stricter.
type FooEvents = {
hello: CustomEvent & { type: "hello" }
hey: Event & { type: "hey" }
class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, {}, "strict"> {
// ...
// Error because `detail` property is lacking.
foo.dispatchEvent({ type: "hello" })
### ES5
// Define a derived class.
function Foo() {
Foo.prototype = Object.create(EventTarget.prototype, {
constructor: { value: Foo, configurable: true, writable: true }
// ...
// Define `foo.onhello` property.
defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello")
// Register event listeners.
var foo = new Foo()
foo.addEventListener("hello", function(e) {
console.log("hello", e)
foo.onhello = function(e) {
console.log("onhello", e)
// Dispatching events
function isSupportEventConstrucor() { // IE does not support.
try {
new CusomEvent("hello")
return true
} catch (_err) {
return false
if (isSupportEventConstrucor()) {
foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" }))
} else {
var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")
e.initCustomEvent("hello", false, false, "detail")
## 📰 Changelog
- See [GitHub releases](
See [GitHub releases](

@@ -291,6 +79,2 @@ ## 🍻 Contributing

- `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage.
- `npm run clean` removes temporary files of tests.
- `npm run coverage` opens code coverage of the previous test with your default browser.
- `npm run lint` runs ESLint.
- `npm run build` generates `dist` codes.
- `npm run watch` runs tests on each file change.
- `npm run watch:mocha` runs tests on each file change.
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