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parses a given html text for a good excerpt.
$ npm i excerpt-html --save
API usage
var htmlCode = '<p>Hello world</p>';
var excerptHtml = require('excerpt-html');
var excerpt = excerptHtml(htmlCode);
It will either use the first found paragraph or everything up to a
<!-- more -->
You can specify a few options that modify the way the excerpt is parsed:
excerptHtml(htmlCode, {
moreRegExp: /\s*<!--\s*more\s*-->/i,
stripTags: true,
pruneLength: 140,
pruneString: '…',
pruneSeparator: ' ',
Note: pruneLength
and prunestring
only work when stripTags
is set to true
To make this project we detached the code of metalsmith-better-excerpts from metalsmith