Faster and leaner Backbone.js drop-in replacement.
What already works
All features you need for real-world app are working.
All software tests are passing: (libs = underscore and jquery)
- Backbone: with and without libs
- Chaplin: with and without libs
make # Will create exoskeleton.js
make noutils # If you want to use Underscore and jQuery
# and don't want to include `Exoskeleton.utils`.
# Custom, like this:
cat lib/{header,events,collection,sync,history,footer}.js > exoskeleton.js
Current features
- Custom build (you can
stuff now)
- No hard dependencies on underscore or jquery
- Query-string router
- Speed: blazing fast when used without jQuery.
has keepOld
option that allows to preserve old events.
- All params are allowed for model attributes, for example
- Support for Bower and Component(1)
- AMD support
- Declaratively defined view events which point to
non-existing handler functions are no longer tolerated / skipped.
Early error is thrown instead.
In no-underscore environment, there are no underscore-inspired
Collection methods (each, pluck etc.), but there are ES5-inspired methods:
forEach, map, filter, some, every, reduce, reduceRight, indexOf, lastIndexOf
Also, no underscore-inspired Model methods at all.
emulateHTTP and emulateJSON were removed
Exoskeleton 0.3.0 (24 October 2013)
- Declaratively defined view events which point to
non-existing handler functions are no longer tolerated / skipped.
Early error is thrown instead.