Express middleware for writing to the filesystem with PUT/DELETE requests.
express-serve-writable is the writable complement to expressjs/serve-static's static file serving.
This will create a web server that will serve up files in a folder, and let you write or delete files inside that same folder:
var express = require("express");
var serveStatic = require("serve-static");
var serveWritable = require("express-serve_writable");
var args = process.argv.slice(2);
var root = args[0];
var app = express();
Isn't this a security problem?
What's the use-case for this?
I want to build some local development tools for my HTML5 video games, and since the games are in HTML, the tools should be too. The problem is that the browser isn't allowed to write to the filesystem, and I need to do that.