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Fastest memoization lib that supports N arguments

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Package description

What is fast-memoize?

The fast-memoize npm package is a high-performance memoization library that caches the results of function calls, so that the result can be quickly retrieved when the function is called again with the same arguments. This can significantly improve performance for functions with expensive computations or I/O operations that are called repeatedly with the same inputs.

What are fast-memoize's main functionalities?

Simple memoization

This feature allows you to memoize a simple function like the Fibonacci sequence. The memoized version of the function will remember the results of previous calls and return the cached result when the same input occurs again.

const memoize = require('fast-memoize');
const fibonacci = n => (n < 2 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2));
const memoizedFibonacci = memoize(fibonacci);

Custom cache

This feature allows you to provide a custom cache implementation. By default, fast-memoize uses a plain JavaScript object as a cache, but you can replace it with any other object that follows the Map interface, such as a Map instance.

const memoize = require('fast-memoize');
const myCache = new Map();
const memoizedFn = memoize(fn, { cache: { create: () => myCache } });

Custom serializer

This feature allows you to provide a custom serializer for the arguments of the memoized function. By default, fast-memoize uses a serializer that can handle primitives and object references, but with a custom serializer, you can extend this to handle more complex serialization scenarios.

const memoize = require('fast-memoize');
const jsonSerializer = { serialize: JSON.stringify };
const memoizedFn = memoize(fn, { serializer: jsonSerializer });

Custom strategy

This feature allows you to provide a custom memoization strategy. fast-memoize comes with a default strategy that works well for most cases, but you can implement your own strategy for more control over how memoization is applied.

const memoize = require('fast-memoize');
const customStrategy = require('my-custom-strategy');
const memoizedFn = memoize(fn, { strategy: customStrategy });

Other packages similar to fast-memoize




Travis CI David DM js-standard-style

In computing, memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again. — Wikipedia

This library is an attempt to make the fastest possible memoization library in JavaScript that supports N arguments.

There are already very popular solutions for this problem, but they are not fast enough or accept only one argument.


To use the library, install it through npm

npm install fast-memoize

To port it to Browser or any other (non CJS) environment, use your favorite CJS bundler. No favorite yet? Try: Browserify, Webmake or Webpack


const memoize = require('fast-memoize')

const fn = function (one, two, three) { /* ... */ }

const memoized = memoize(fn)

memoized('foo', 3, 'bar')
memoized('foo', 3, 'bar') // Cache hit


There is already plenty of libraries that does memoization on JS world. underscore and lodash provides it, but they don't accept more than one argument. memoizee is a very well written library that supports N arguments, but is not even close on performance to lodash.

Below you can see a performance benchmark between some of the most popular libraries for memoization.

fast-memoize is faster than any other library but lodash. The reason why is that lodash does not support N arguments and is very optimized to that unique use case. But even though, fast-memoize is the library that supports N that comes closer to it.

To run the benchmark, clone the repo, install the dependencies and run npm run benchmark.

git clone
cd fast-memoize
npm install
npm run benchmark


Desktop browsers


Mobile browsers

| Chrome | Safari | Android Browser | IE | Firefox | Opera | UC | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Latest | 6+ | 4.0+ | 8+ | Latest | Latest | Latest |


0.10+ ✔




Last updated on 07 Jul 2016

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