Upload your files to ftp server easier and faster,add support to 'webpack --watch'
npm i -D faster-webpack-upload-plugin
add following code to your webpack config file.
const FasterUploadPlugin = require('faster-webpack-upload-plugin');
var webpackConfig = {
entry: 'index.js',
output: {
path: 'assets',
filename: 'index_bundle.js'
plugins: [
new FasterUploadPlugin({
Options Detail:
Option Name | Usage | Type | Default Value |
host | Server's IP address | String | (none) |
port | Number of ssh port | String | "22" |
username | Username for authentication | String | (none) |
localPath | Folder path which need upload | String | Deprecated,don't need it anymore |
remotePath | Folder path on server | String | (none) |
log | Show log when is uploading | Boolean | {info: Boolean, progress: Boolean, warning: Boolean, error: Boolean} | false |
clearFolder | Clear remote path files for the first time | Boolean | false |
fileIgnores | Files didn't upload(matching file path + file name) | Array<RegExp> | (none) |
for other options you can see
Change Log
- fix: ssh2 securty problem
- change: change license from MIT to 996.ICU License
- change: remove the code of scanning local directory, so remove the option "localPath"
- fix: when webpack watching mode add new folder, the plugin can auto retry and make it right
This project is licensed under 996.ICU.