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Build messages for Facebook Messenger API using fb-message-builder

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Facebook Message builder

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Fork of claudia-bot-builder which offers the builder for Facebook messages only. No new features compared to claudia-bot-builder. All credits to the Claudia Bot Builder team

In this guide:

  1. Intro
  2. Text messages
  3. Generic template
  4. Button template
  5. Receipt template
  6. Image attachment
  7. Audio attachment
  8. Video attachment
  9. File attachment
  10. Other attachments
  11. Handling errors


Facebook Template Message builder allows you to generate more complex messages for Facebook Messenger without writing JSON files manually.

To use it, just require fbTemplate function from Claudia Bot Builder:

const fbTemplate = require('fb-message-builder');

fbTemplate exports an object that contains multiple classes that allows you to generate different types of Facebook Messenger structured messages:

  • Text messages (this is not template, but we need to have them because of quick answers)
  • Generic template messages
  • Button template messages
  • Receipt template messages
  • Image attachment messages
  • Audio attachment messages
  • Video attachment messages
  • File attachment messages

More info about each type of structured messages can be found in Facebook Messenger's Complete guide.

Text messages

Text messages returns a simple text. In case you don't need to add quick responses reply with a simple text and Cluaudia Bot Builder will do the rest.

However, if you want to add quick replies check the class below.


Text (class) - Class that allows you to build text messages with quick replies

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class text, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • text, string (required) - a simple text to send as a reply.


addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSON to pass as a replyGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    const message = new fbTemplate.Text('What\'s your favorite House in Game Of Thrones');

    return message
      .addQuickReply('Stark', 'STARK')
      .addQuickReply('Lannister', 'LANNISTER')
      .addQuickReply('Targaryen', 'TARGARYEN')
      .addQuickReply('None of the above', 'OTHER')

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Generic template

The Generic Template can take an image, title, subtitle, description and buttons. This template can support multiple bubbles per message and display them as a horizontal list.


Generic (class) - Class that allows you to build Generic template messages

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class generic, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • none


addBubbleYestitle (string, required), subtitle (string)this for chainingEach Generic template can have 1 to 10 elements/bubbles, before you add anything to it. It requires element's title, but it can also accept element's subtitle
addUrlNoA valid URLthis for chainingAdds an url to a current element, requires a valid URL, also requires addBubble to be added first
addImageNoA valid absolute URLthis for chainingAdds an image to a current element, requires a valid URL, also requires addBubble to be added first
addButtonYestitle (string, required), value (required, string or a valid URL)this for chainingAdds a button to a current element, each button requires a title and a value, where value can be any string if you want postback type or a valid URL if you want it's type to be web_url, at least one button is required, and maximum 3 of them is allowed. It also requires addBubble to be added first
addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSONGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger

*Required arguments, Messenger requires all elements to have those values, the message builder will throw an error if you don't provide it.


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    const generic = new fbTemplate.Generic();

    return generic
      .addBubble('Claudia.js', 'Deploy Node.js microservices to AWS easily')
        .addButton('Say hello', 'HELLO')
        .addButton('Go to Github', '')
      .addBubble('Claudia Bot Builder')
        .addButton('Go to Github', '')

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Button template

The Button Template is useful when you want to present simple text with options, it has the same buttons as Generic template, but it doesn't allow element image and URL, it also doesn't allow multiple elements.


Button (class) - Class that allows you to build Button template messages

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class button, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • text, string (required) - a text to display above the button(s).


addButtonYestitle (string, required), value (required, string or a valid URL)this for chainingAdds a button to a current element, each button requires a title and a value, where value can be any string if you want postback type or a valid URL if you want it's type to be web_url, at least one button is required, and maximum 3 of them is allowed
addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSONGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger

*Required arguments, Messenger requires all elements to have those values, the message builder will throw an error if you don't provide it.


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate.Button('How are you?')
      .addButton('Awesome', 'AWESOME')
      .addButton('Great', 'GREAT')
      .addButton('🎵🎵🎵', '')

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Receipt template

The Receipt Template can be used to send receipts for orders.


Receipt (class) - Class that allows you to build Receipt template messages

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class receipt, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • name, string (required) - recipient's Name

  • orderNumber, string (required) - order number, must be unique

  • currency, string (required) - currency for order, FB requires valid ISO 4217 currency code, for the list of valid codes check ISO 4217 page on Wikipedia.

  • paymentMethod, string (required) - payment method details, this can be a custom string. ex: 'Visa 1234'

  • text, string (required) - a text to display above the button(s).


addTimestampNotimestamp (valid JS date object, required)this for chainingtimestamp of the order
addOrderUrlNourl (valid URL, required)this for chainingorder URL
addItemYes, at least onetitle (string, required)this for chainingadd an item to a receipt, at least one item is required. Beside title, each item can have subtitle, quantity, price, currencty and image, methods bellow explains how to add them
addSubtitleNosubtitle (string, required)this for chainingcurrent item's subtitle, requires addItem first
addQuantityNoquantity (number, required)this for chainingcurrent item's quantity, requires addItem first
addPriceNoprice (number, required)this for chainingcurrent item's price, requires addItem first
addCurrencyNocurrency (string, required)this for chainingcurrent item's currency, requires addItem first
addImageNoimage (string, required)this for chainingcurrent item's image, requires addItem first and accepts valid absolute urls only
addShippingAddressNostreet1 (string, required), street2 (string, can be null), city (string, required), zip (string, required), state (string, required), country (string, required)this for chainingshipping address if applicable
addAdjustmentNoname (string), amount (number)this for chainingpayment adjustments, multiple adjustments are allowed
addSubtotalNosubtotal (number, required)this for chainingsubtotal
addShippingCostNoshippingCost (number, required)this for chainingshipping cost
addTaxNotax (number, required)this for chainingtotal tax
addTotalYestotal (number, required)this for chainingtotal cost
addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSONGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate.Receipt('Stephane Crozatier', '12345678902', 'USD', 'Visa 2345')
      .addTimestamp(new Date(1428444852))
      .addItem('Classic White T-Shirt')
        .addSubtitle('100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton')
      .addItem('Classic Gray T-Shirt')
        .addSubtitle('100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton')
      .addShippingAddress('1 Hacker Way', '', 'Menlo Park', '94025',  'CA', 'US')
      .addAdjustment('New Customer Discount', 20)
      .addAdjustment('$10 Off Coupon', 10)

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Image attachment

Image attachment allows you to send, obviously, an image :)


Image (class) - Class that allows you to send an image attachment message

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class image, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • url, string (required) - a valid absolute URL for an image.


addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSON to pass as a replyGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Audio attachment

Audio attachment allows you to send audio files.


Audio (class) - Class that allows you to send an audio attachment message

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class audio, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • url, string (required) - a valid absolute URL for an audio file.


addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSON to pass as a replyGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Video attachment

Video attachment allows you to send video files.


Video (class) - Class that allows you to send an video attachment message

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class video, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • url, string (required) - a valid absolute URL for a video.


addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSON to pass as a replyGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

File attachment

File attachment allows you to send files.


File (class) - Class that allows you to send a file attachment message

Note: Claudia bot builders versions < 2.1 have just a lower case class file, same method works for versions >= 2.1, but it's deprecated and it will be removed in next major version.


  • url, string (required) - a valid absolute URL for a file you want to send.


addQuickReplyNotitle (string, required, up to 20 characters), payload (string, required), up to 1000 charactersthis for chainingFacebook allows us to send up to 10 quick replies that will appear above the keyboard
getYesNo args.Formatted JSON to pass as a replyGet method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Facebook Messenger


const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const fbTemplate = botBuilder.fbTemplate;

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  if (message.type === 'facebook') {
    return new fbTemplate

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Other attachments

Beside those, Facebook Messenger now supports a few other templates that are not so useful for the common bots, ie. Airline templates.

You can use all those templates by simply providing an object (just a message part, without recepient) instead of a template builder class.

An example:

const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');

module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
  return {
    attachment: {
      type: 'template',
      payload: {
        template_type: 'generic',
        elements: [{
          title: 'Breaking News: Record Thunderstorms',
          subtitle: 'The local area is due for record thunderstorms over the weekend.',
          image_url: '',
          buttons: [{
            type: 'element_share'

How it looks:

Text with quick replies

Handling errors

Facebook Template Message builder checks if the messages you are generating are following Facebook Messenger guidelines and limits, in case they are not an error will be thrown.


Calling new fbTemplate.text() without text will throw Text is required for text template error.

More info about limits and guidelines can be found in Messenger's Send API Referece.

All errors that Claudia bot builder's fbTemplate library is throwing can be found in the source code.

Errors will be logged in Cloud Watch log for your bot.






Last updated on 29 Oct 2016

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