Known malware
Supply chain riskThis package is malware. We have asked the package registry to remove it.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Unpopular package
QualityThis package is not very popular.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Uses eval
Supply chain riskPackage uses dynamic code execution (e.g., eval()), which is a dangerous practice. This can prevent the code from running in certain environments and increases the risk that the code may contain exploits or malicious behavior.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Minified code
QualityThis package contains minified code. This may be harmless in some cases where minified code is included in packaged libraries, however packages on npm should not minify code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Dynamic require
Supply chain riskDynamic require can indicate the package is performing dangerous or unsafe dynamic code execution.
Found 2 instances in 1 package
Critical CVE
VulnerabilityContains a Critical Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE).
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Socket optimized override available
MaintenancePackage can be replaced with a Socket optimized override.
Found 12 instances in 12 packages
High CVE
VulnerabilityContains a high severity Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE).
Found 2 instances in 2 packages
Uses eval
Supply chain riskPackage uses dynamic code execution (e.g., eval()), which is a dangerous practice. This can prevent the code from running in certain environments and increases the risk that the code may contain exploits or malicious behavior.
Found 2 instances in 2 packages
Network access
Supply chain riskThis module accesses the network.
Found 29 instances in 14 packages
Shell access
Supply chain riskThis module accesses the system shell. Accessing the system shell increases the risk of executing arbitrary code.
Found 2 instances in 2 packages
Medium CVE
VulnerabilityContains a medium severity Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE).
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Minified code
QualityThis package contains minified code. This may be harmless in some cases where minified code is included in packaged libraries, however packages on npm should not minify code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Dynamic require
Supply chain riskDynamic require can indicate the package is performing dangerous or unsafe dynamic code execution.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
MaintenancePackage has not been updated in more than 5 years and may be unmaintained. Problems with the package may go unaddressed.
Found 21 instances in 21 packages
Environment variable access
Supply chain riskPackage accesses environment variables, which may be a sign of credential stuffing or data theft.
Found 31 instances in 10 packages
Filesystem access
Supply chain riskAccesses the file system, and could potentially read sensitive data.
Found 10 instances in 9 packages
Debug access
Supply chain riskUses debug, reflection and dynamic code execution features.
Found 2 instances in 2 packages
VulnerabilityContains a low severity Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE).
Found 1 instance in 1 package
New author
Supply chain riskA new npm collaborator published a version of the package for the first time. New collaborators are usually benign additions to a project, but do indicate a change to the security surface area of a package.
Found 3 instances in 3 packages