FeathersJS Filter UI
an universal configurable filter module that will fire an event
and gives you a FeathersJS query that you should apply.

As WebComponent - WIP
simply include the module into your project and you can use it.
Configure it by apply some of the following html-attributes.
Then add an eventListener to watch for new querys.
<header><meta charset="utf-8"></header>
<feathers-filter id="filter" add-label="more filter"/>
<script src="./feathers-filter.js"></script>
document.getElementById("filter").addEventListener('newFilter', (e) => {
Mount globally:
import Vue from "vue";
import FeathersFilter from "feathersjs-filter-ui";
or directly in the component:
import FeathersFilter from "feathersjs-filter-ui";
export default {
components: {
add-label add-label="..."
the label of the "add more filter" button.
{type: String, default: "Add Filter"}
apply-label apply-label="..."
the label of the apply button of each filter dialog.
{type: String, default: "apply"}
cancle-label cancle-label="..."
the label of the cancle button of each filter dialog.
{type: String, default: "cancle"}
handleUrl handle-url="..."
should the component update the url, of the window it is mounted,
for you or do you wan't to handle it yourself?
{type: Boolean, default: false}
filter filter="[...]"
you can use the "filter" property to configure the available filter.
The property should be a stringified JSON Object.
{type: Array, default: []}
You can use as many of each type as you want, but at the moment you only have the following filter types.
Options marked with WIP
are Work in Progress
and are currently not working.
filter for an date range
type: "date",
title: 'Created at'
displayTemplate: 'created from %1 to %2',
property: 'createdAt',
mode: 'from',
autoOrder: false,
hideOnSelect: false,
fromLabel: "STRING",
toLabel: "STRING",
defaultFromDate: (UNIX TIMESTAMP),
defaultToDate: (UNIX TIMESTAMP)
if you set minDate or maxDate to false
the related input is hidden.
let the user choose an value for a variable
type: "select",
title: 'Class'
displayTemplate: 'class: %1',
property: 'classId',
multiple: true,
expanded: true
options: [
[123, "Class A"],
[456, "Class B"],
[789, "Class C"],
defaultSelection: [123, 456]
let the user order the result
type: "sort",
title: 'Sort'
displayTemplate: 'Sort by: %1',
options: [
['propertyA', "Sort by A"],
['propertyB', "Sort by B"],
['propertyC', "Sort by C"],
defaultSelection: 'propertyA'
defaultOrder: 'DESC'
toggle if an boolean value should be true or false
type: "boolean",
title: 'more'
options: {
'propertyA': "Label A",
'propertyB': "Label B",
'propertyC': "Label C"
defaultSelection: {
'propertyA': false,
'propertyC': true
applyNegated: {
'propertyA': [true, true],
'propertyA': [false, true],
'propertyA': [true, false],
applyNegated tells the filter how to query for false/true selections and negates the query according to your settings.
e.g. if the user selects true, and you set the property to [false, true]
the query is looking for not false
resulting in property[$ne]=false
instead of property=true
limit the result to the selected amount of items
type: "limit",
title: 'Anzahl der Einträge'
displayTemplate: '%1',
options: [
10, 25, 50, 100
defaultSelection: 25
Theming can be achived using the following css custom properties:
--md-theme-default-primary: #009688,
--md-theme-default-primary-on-background: #009688,
Development Setup
> git clone https://github.com/adrianjost/feathersjs-filter-ui.git
> cd feathersjs-filter-ui
> yarn install
Build & Development
> yarn dev
> yarn build