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Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2


"name": "fetch-mock",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2",
"description": "Mock http requests made using fetch (or isomorphic-fetch)",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "server.js",

@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ # fetch-mock [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](

### `mock(config)`
Replaces `fetch` with a sinon stub which, in addition to the default sinon behaviour, records each of its calls and optionally returns a stub response or passes the call through to `fetch`. `config` is an optional* object with the following properties.
Replaces `fetch()` with a sinon stub which, in addition to the default sinon behaviour, records each of its calls and optionally returns a stub response or passes the call through to `fetch()`. `config` is an optional* object with the following properties.
* `routes` Either a single object or an array of similar objects each defining how the mock handles a given request. Each route object must have the following properties. If multiple routes are specified the first matching route will be used to define the response
* `name` A unique string naming the route
* `matcher` The rule for matching calls to `fetch`. Accepts any of the following
* `string` Either an exact url to match e.g. '' or, if the string begins with a `^`, the string following the `^` must begin the url e.g. '^' would match '' or '^'
* `RegExp` A regular expression to test the url against
* `Function(url, opts)` A function that is passed the url and opts `fetch` is called with and that returns a Boolean
* `response` Configures the response object returned by the mock. Can have one of the following values
* `string` creates a 200 response with the string as the response body
* `config object` If the object contains any of the properties body, status, headers, throws; then these properties - all of them optional - are used to construct a response as follows
* `body` Retunred in the response body
* `status` Returned in the response status
* `headers` Returned in the response headers. They should be defined as an object literal (property names case-insensitive) which will be converted to a `Headers` instance
* `throws` If this property is present then a `Promise` rejected with the value of `throws` is returned
* `object literal` As long as the object does not contain any of the above properties it is converted into a json string and this is returned as the body of a 200 response
* `Function(url, opts)` A function that is passed the url and opts `fetch` is called with and that returns any of the responses listed above
* `responses` When `registerRoute` has already been used to register some routes then `responses` can be used to override the default response. It's value should be an object mapping route names to responses, which should be similar to those listed immediately above e.g.
* `routes`: Either a single object or an array of similar objects each defining how the mock handles a given request. Each route object must have the following properties. If multiple routes are specified the first matching route will be used to define the response
* `name`: A unique string naming the route
* `matcher`: The rule for matching calls to `fetch()`. Accepts any of the following
* `string`: Either an exact url to match e.g. '' or, if the string begins with a `^`, the string following the `^` must begin the url e.g. '^' would match '' or ''
* `RegExp`: A regular expression to test the url against
* `Function(url, opts)`: A function that is passed the url and opts `fetch` is called with and that returns a Boolean
* `response`: Configures the response object returned by the mock. Can have one of the following values
* `string`: creates a 200 response with the string as the response body
* `object`: If the object contains any of the properties body, status, headers, throws; then these properties - all of them optional - are used to construct a response as follows
* `body`: Retunred in the response body
* `status`: Returned in the response status
* `headers`: Returned in the response headers. They should be defined as an object literal (property names case-insensitive) which will be converted to a `Headers` instance
* `throws`: If this property is present then a `Promise` rejected with the value of `throws` is returned
As long as the object does not contain any of the above properties it is converted into a json string and this is returned as the body of a 200 response
* `Function(url, opts)`: A function that is passed the url and opts `fetch()` is called with and that returns any of the responses listed above
* `responses`: When `registerRoute()` has already been used to register some routes then `responses` can be used to override the default response. Its value should be an object mapping route names to responses, which should be similar to those listed immediately above e.g.

@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ ```javascript

* `greed` Determines how the mock handles unmatched requests
* 'none': all unmatched calls get passed through to `fetch`
* `greed`: Determines how the mock handles unmatched requests
* 'none': all unmatched calls get passed through to `fetch()`
* 'bad': all unmatched calls result in a rejected promise

@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ * 'good': all unmatched calls result in a resolved promise with a 200 status

### `restore()`
Restores `fetch` to its unstubbed state and clears all data recorded for its calls
Restores `fetch()` to its unstubbed state and clears all data recorded for its calls
### `reset()`
Clears all data recorded for `fetch`'s calls
Clears all data recorded for `fetch()`'s calls
### `calls(routeName)`
Returns an array of arrays of the arguments passed to `fetch` that matched the given route
Returns an array of arrays of the arguments passed to `fetch()` that matched the given route

@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ ### `called(routeName)`

### `registerRoute(name, matcher, response)`
Often your application/module will always need responses for some calls in order to initialise properly, even if the content of those calls are not the subject of a given test e.g. a mock response from an authentication service and a lti-variant testing service might be necessary in order to test the UI for a version of a log in form. It's helpful to be able to define some default responses for these services which will exist throughout all or a large subset of your tests. `registerRoute` aims to fulfil this need. All these predefined routes can be overridden when `mock(config)` is called.
Often your application/module will always need responses for some calls in order to initialise properly, even if the content of those calls are not the subject of a given test e.g. a mock response from an authentication service and a lti-variant testing service might be necessary in order to test the UI for a version of a log in form. It's helpful to be able to define some default responses for these services which will exist throughout all or a large subset of your tests. `registerRoute()` aims to fulfil this need. All these predefined routes can be overridden when `mock(config)` is called.
`registerRoute` takes either of the following parameters
* `object` An object similar to the route objects accepted by `mock()`
* `array` An array of the above objects
* `name`, `matcher`, `response` The 3 properties of the route object spread across 3 parameters
`registerRoute()` takes either of the following parameters
* `object`: An object similar to the route objects accepted by `mock()`
* `array`: An array of the above objects
* `name`, `matcher`, `response`: The 3 properties of the route object spread across 3 parameters

@@ -81,0 +81,0 @@ ### `unregisterRoute(name)`

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