create-bundle | Creates a bundle from one or more paths in the form of directories, package.tgz files on the file system, or urls to package.tgz files |
fixids | Fix number-only ids of resources in a bundle so they can be imported with HAPI |
delete | Delete all resources from a FHIR server |
transfer | Transfer resources from one server to another |
import | Import resources from a Bundle file onto the specified server |
bulk-analyze | Analyze resources from bulk ndjson files in a directory |
compare | Compare the resources from one FHIR server to another |
export | Export data from a FHIR server |
get-all-resource-ids | Gets all resource ids for the specified resource types from a FHIR server |
xml-to-json | Converts a XML file (or all XML files in a directory) to JSON. Stores the JSON file as the same file name as the XML file, but with an JSON extension, instead. |
json-to-xml | Converts a JSON file (or all JSON files in a directory) to XML. Stores the JSON file as the same file name as the XML file, but with an JSON extension, instead. |
create-code-system | Create a code system from a source file, such as RXNorm or SNOMED-CT. This command is VERY basic and does not currently account for many of the complexities of SNOMED and RXNORM code systems. This is only intended as a starting point and should not be used in production systems that require reliability. |
transaction | Execute a bundle as a transaction on the destination fhir server |
bundle | Updates an existing bundle to be a specific type of bundle. If batch or transaction, ensures that all entries have a request |