A module that simplifies the usage of Firebase's email and password login as well as the email link method.
This package is optimized for use in Vue.js environment
npm install firebase --save
npm install firemaker --save
To use it in your application, you need to initialize your app with firebase
Sign Up with email and password
import Firemaker from 'firemaker'
Firemaker('local').signUp('email', 'password')
.then(() => {
Sign in with email and password
import Firemaker from 'firemaker'
Firemaker('local').signIn('email', 'password')
.then(() => {
Sign in with an email link
This requires you to pass you actionCodeSettings as a third parameter, and also you can leave the second parameter as _
import Firemaker from 'firemaker'
const actionCodeSettings = {
url: 'http://localhost:8080',
handleCodeInApp: true
Firemaker('emailLink').signUp('emailtosendto', _, actionCodeSettings);
Enjoy, this package may grow over time to include more method and options