#React Form Thing

A library for writing dynamic React forms with ease.
gives you a very flexible and idiomatic way to structure your forms
<Form ref='form' onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<label>Your name</label>
<Input name='myName' value='nicolas cage' />
<label>Your best friend name</label>
<Input name='bestFriend' shouldEqual='Obama' value='None' />
<label>Are you older than 18?</label>
<Input type='checkbox' name='is18Plus'/>
<label>Your usual password</label>
<Input type='password' name='password' />
<label>Repeat your password</label>
<Input type='password' name='repeatPassword' />
<OnValue in={['password', 'repeatPassword']} test={({password, repeatPassword}) => password === repeatPassword}>
Congratulations, you can type
<Entity name='addresses'>
<Entity name='home'>
<label>Home address</label>
<Input name='streetAddress' value='1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States' />
<Input name='reference' value='Largest house in the block' />
<Entity name='hideSpot'>
<label>Secret hide spot</label>
<Input name='streetAddress' placeholder='Please fill this one' required />
<OnError in='streetAddress'>
You really should fill this one
<Input name='reference' />
<Entity name='emails'>
<Input name={0} type='email' value='webmaster@example.com' />
<label>Favorite music</label>
<Select name='music'>
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
and a clean API
import React, {createClass} from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {Form, Select, OnError, OnValue, Input, Entity} from 'react-form-thing'
const NewsletterForm = createClass({
onSubmit (errors, {is18Plus, emails}) {
if (errors) return die(errors)
const url = is18Plus ? 'http://adult-site.com' : 'http://disney.com'
fetch(url, {method: 'POST', body: emails})
.then(() => alert('Check your SPAM box'))
.then(() => this.refs.form.reset())
serialize () {
return this.refs.form.serialize()
render () {
return (
const form = render(<NewsletterForm />, document.body)
assert.deepEqual(form.serialize(), {
myName: 'nicolas cage',
bestFriend: 'None',
is18Plus: false,
addresses: {
home: {
streetAddress: '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States',
reference: 'Largest house in the block'
emails: ['webmaster@example.com'],
music: 'Country'
function die(errors) {
if (errors.hideSpot) {
return alert('You forgot some required fields')
if (errors.bestFriend) {
return fetch('https://nsa.gov', {method: 'POST', body})
.then(() => location.href = 'http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-with-Being-in-Prison')
alert("This is why we can't have nice things")