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Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1


"name": "freshdesk",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.1",
"description": "A nodejs sdk for the Freshdesk API. Some major routes are implemented, but this SDK exposes the basic GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes so that you can fill in the gaps in your apps for the unimplemented routes, and send a pull request to complete it!",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

# node-freshdesk
A nodejs library for integrating Freshdesk with your backend.
A NodeJS library for integrating your backend with Freshdesk.
# Install
npm install freshdesk
# Usage
You'll need your API Key and the base url of your support portal handy for configuring the SDK. To get your API key, refer the [Freshdesk Docs](
var _fd = require('freshdesk')
var Freshdesk = _fd('', 'MyR4nD0MAp1KeY');
Freshdesk.listTickets(function(err, res, body) {
console.log("The tickets are: ", body);
# Supported Functions
Most of the functions pertaining **Tickets** and **Users** are implemented. For unimplemented routes, you can use the raw routes, such as `Freshdesk.get()` to make the requests directly.
Here are the currently supported functions. For a detailed explanation of the arguments you have to pass to each functions, refer to the [official docs](
* **createTicket** (data <object>, cb <function>)
method: post
url: `/helpdesk/tickets.json`,
* **listTickets** (cb <function>)
method: get
url: `/helpdesk/tickets.json`
* **getTicket** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: get
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}.json`
* **updateTicket** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: put
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}.json`, data
* **pickTicket** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: put
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}/pick_tickets.json`, {}
* **deleteTicket** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: delete
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}.json`
* **restoreTicket** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: put
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}/restore.json`
* **assignTicket** (id <number>, user_id <freshdesk_user_id>, cb <function>)
method: put
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}/assign.json?responder_id=#{user_id}`
* **ticketFields** (cb <function>)
method: get
url: `/ticket_fields.json`
* **addNoteToTicket** (id <number>, note <object>, cb <function>)
method: post
url: `/helpdesk/tickets/#{id}/conversations/note.json`
* **createUser** (cb <function>)
method: post
url: `/contacts.json`, contact
* **listUsers** (cb <function>)
method: get
url: `/contacts.json`state=all'
* **updateUser** (id <number>, cb <function>)
method: put
url: `/contacts/#{id}.json`, data
* **getUserByEmail** (email_id <string>, cb <function>)
method: GET
url: `/contacts.json?state=all&query=#{query}`
# Examples
### Get a Particular Ticket
Freshdesk.pickTicket(100, function(err, res) {
console.log("My Ticket is", res.body);
### Create a New TIcket
var ticket = {
'helpdesk_ticket': {
'description': "Hello, I'm an ephemeral ticket created from the API. I will be deleted as soon as my creator wishes so...",
'subject': "Efemeros",
'email': '',
'priority': '1',
'status': '2',
'custom_field': {
// remove these comments, as they're not valid json
// any custom fields you'd have configured in your app...
// like:
// 'location_XXXXX': 'Tristan da Cunha'
// where XXXXX is a (possibly random) ID appended to your custom field
// This would most probably be different for each portal.
Freshdesk.createTicket(100, function(err, res) {
console.log("My Ticket is", res.body);
# Contributing
If you feel the need to add more functions, just fork this repo, add your functions and submit a PR. Wanna improve docs or the source, or even add test? Be my guest! This is just a side project I created because I needed it, and the existing `node-freshdesk` [lacked]( some functions which my project needed.
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