Library for transforming, tracing and concatenating CommonJS files.
npm install galvatron
The most common usage for Galvatron is to take a single file and transform it into a concatenated JavaScript file that includes the content of that file and all of its dependencies.
var fs = require('fs');
var galvatron = require('galvatron');
fs.writeFile('dist/*.js', galvatron.bundle('src/index.js').compile());
Multiple File Transformation
If you want to take multiple files and transform them into a single file you can do that too. It will still trace each file's dependencies in the proper order and will additionally make sure that none are duplicated. As you can see, a both a path or glob pattern are supported. You can also use a string or an array to specify your files.
var compiled = galvatron.bundle([
Dependency Resolution
Dependencies are resolved in a couple different ways depending on the path that is given. First off, the files you specify to get traced and concatenated are resolved relative to the current working directory. Internally Galvatron will inspect the path and determine if the path is:
- A module name.
- An absolute path.
- A relative path.
Module names are resolved in several different ways.
It will go up the directory tree - starting with the directory which the require()
call originated in - and look for a bower_components
folder and a node_modules
folder, in that order. It first looks to see if there is a bower.json
or a package.json
depending on the package manager and if it contains a main
definition, it will use that. If it doesn't find a main, it will look for an index.js
or a file with the same name as the module but with a js
extension in src
, lib
and dist
(in that order).
You can also use module names instead of paths when specifying files to Galvatron:
var underscoreAndDepenendies = galvatron.bundle('underscore').compile();
Galvatron has a notion of both pre
and post
transorms. The pre
transforms happen prior to tracing dependencies. This way, if you're writing your stuff in ES6 you can set a pre
transformer to transpile your code from ES6 to ES5 CommonJS so that Galvatron can properly inspect your files.
transformers happen after tracing and are intended to transform your CommonJS source before it is concatenated.
There are three built-in transformers:
The babel
transformer will transpile your code from ES6 to ES5 using Babel. Simply tell Galvatron to use it:
The globalize
transform transforms your code from CommonJS into browser globals that won't conflict with any other globals. If they do, then you should probably reassess how you name your global variables. They're hardly global.
The great part about this is that there's no need for a shim, so code bloat is kept to a minimum. Since there's no shim, you'll never have any module loader conflicts and globals will work even if you've split up your concatenated source into separate files and they reference each other's dependencies.
This is especially useful when you're writing an open source library and you've got zero control over what your consumer is including with your library or framework. If you use Browserify you have to be careful because their shim will use whatever require
is on the page if it's there before the shim. This means that it could potentially break the world. The solution according to an open issue is to change the AMD code. This doesn't help if you don't have control over other code on the page.
The unamd
transform will no-op any AMD code that is traced by Galvatron. This might change in the future to only no-op anonymous modules. This is useful when you don't want to put your code through r.js
just to make the define
calls happy. If you're using CommonJS, you've probably got no use for them anyways.
Custom Transformers
You can also write custom transformers.
galvatron.transformer.pre(function (code, file) {
That would define a pre
transformer. To define a post
transformer, all you've got to do is call post
. (code, file) {
Streams are super useful if you want to integrate your build into a stream system such as Gulp.
var bundle = galvatron.bundle('src/*.js');
The stream()
method returns a vinyl
stream created by vinylTransform
, so it can be used anywhere a vinyl
stream can be used, not just with Gulp.
You can create watch streams, too:
var bundle = galvatron.bundle('src/*.js');