BBB Generator 
The Backbone-Boilerplate generator working on top of Yeoman.
A generator is a tool that allow you to rapidly create files, modules and automatically setup
relationship between them. For example, the BBB generator can scaffhold a complete project
structure. It can also create basic modules files and automatically link them to related
unit test files. A generator will help you being more productive and automize repetitive
scaffholding tasks.
- Make sure you have yo installed:
npm install -g yo
- Install the generator:
npm install -g generator-bbb@0.2
Note that the generator can also be installed locally if you want to keep different versions
on different project.
Starting from Scratch? (bbb:app
Run yo bbb myApp/
to start the default scaffolding.
The path
parameter is optionnal and will default to the current working directory. The
path can be absolute.
Include in an existing project and advanced use (bbb:init
Run yo bbb:init
to initialize the generator configuration. This can allow you to use
the generator on an existing project., or to manually edit the configuration file before scaffolding the full app.
Create module (bbb:app
Run yo bbb:module <name>
to create a single module and its related test.
If needed, you can specify a sub-directory too: yo bbb:module views/list-item
Advanced configurations
For advanced use, you can customize the paths where you hold your application. For this,
just run yo bbb:init
command, and then manually edit the generated .bbb-rc.json
Some options in this file are not configured via the command line tool (for the sake of
brievety). Once the manual edit is done, just run yo bbb
to scaffhold the project.
Please note that changing paths manually in the .bbb-rc.json
file won't update every
config path in the multiple third party tools (e.g. Grunt, Bower, Jam). You'll need to fix
these manually for now - full built-in support should come sometime in the future.
Install a developpement version
In order to work with the developpement version, you'll need to use npm-link
cd install/dir
git clone repo/generator-bbb.git .
npm install
npm link
cd dir/to/use/as/target
npm install generator-bbb
yo bbb
MIT License