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Comparing version 0.0.6 to 0.0.7



@@ -118,4 +118,9 @@ var gestalt = require('../lib/gestalt');

file.on('ready', on_load_config_file );
file.on('invalid', function(err, source) { console.log(err,source); });
file.on('state', function( state_change ) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
console.log( 'file invalid: ', );
} else if ( state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
on_load_config_file( state_change );

@@ -122,0 +127,0 @@ config.addDefault( file );

@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ var gestalt = require('../lib/gestalt');

var cf = new ConfigFile({ source: config_yaml, format: 'yaml' } );
cf.on('invalid', function(err,source) {
console.log("Error in %s", source);
cf.on('state', function(state_change ) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
console.log("Error loading",;
} else if ( state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
console.log( cf.get('new:foo') );
cf.on('ready', function() {
console.log( cf.get('new:foo') );;

@@ -112,2 +112,8 @@ var util = require('util'),

p._hook_up_ = function( config ) {
var self = this;
config.on('change', function(change) {self._react_(config,change) } );
config.on('state', function(change_state) { self._state_react_(config, change_state) } );
this._state_react_( config );
p.addDefault = function( config ) {

@@ -117,11 +123,3 @@ // Add a configuration object to the low-priority end of the stack

this._contents_.push( config );
var link = function(change) {
self._react_( config, change );
config.on('change', link );
config.on('ready', function() {self._check_ready_() } );
config.on('invalid', function() {self.state('invalid');} );
// TODO: fix this
this.state( config.state() );
this._hook_up_( config );

@@ -134,17 +132,18 @@ };

this._contents_.unshift( config );
var link = function(change) {
self._react_( config, change );
this._linkage_.unshift( link );
config.on('change', link );
config.on('ready', function() {self._check_ready_() } );
config.on('invalid', function() {self.state('invalid');} );
// TODO: fix this
this.state( config.state() );
this._hook_up_( config );
p._check_ready_ = function() {
if( _.all( this._contents_, function(config) { return config.state() === 'ready' } ) ) {
p._state_react_ = function( config, change_state ) {
var state = change_state ? change_state.state : config.state();
var data = change_state ? : undefined;
if( state == 'invalid' ) {
this.state( state, data );
} else if (state == 'ready' ) {
if( _.all( this._contents_, function(config) { return config.state() === 'ready' } ) ) {
} else {
this.state( 'not ready', data );

@@ -151,0 +150,0 @@ }

@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,

p.state = function(state, extra) {
if( state === 'ready') {
this._state_ = 'ready';
} else if(state === 'loading') {
this._state_ = 'loading';
} else if(state === 'invalid') {
this.emit('invalid', extra);
this._state_ = 'invalid';
p.state = function(state, data) {
if( ! state ) {
return this._state_;
if( this._state_ != state || state == 'invalid' ) {
var so = { state: state, old_state: this._state, data: data };
this._state_ = state;
this.emit('state', so);
return this._state_;

@@ -228,6 +228,21 @@ }

return {
change: function(change) { self.emit('change', addPrefix(change,prefix) ); },
delete: function() {},
ready: function() { self.state('ready') },
invalid: function() { self.state('invalid') }
change: function(change) {
self.emit('change', addPrefix(change,prefix) );
state: function(state_change) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
this.state( 'invalid', );
} else if (state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
if( _.chain( this._values_)
.filter( function(x) { return x instanceof Configuration ;} )
.all( function(x) { return x.state() == 'ready' } )
) {
this.state('ready', );
} else {
this.state( 'not ready', data );

@@ -234,0 +249,0 @@ }

@@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ var fs = require('fs'),

if( !_.isObject( object ) ) {
self.state('invalid', self._source_ + " contains no data.");
object = {};

@@ -41,0 +40,0 @@

@@ -35,11 +35,7 @@ var parsers = require('./format').parsers,

org.on('ready', function() {
org.on( 'state', function( state_change ) {
self.state( state_change.state, );
org.on('invalid',function(err,source) {
self.state('invalid', err);

@@ -46,0 +42,0 @@ }

@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@

if( state != ZooKeeper.ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE ) {
self.emit('invalid', "lost zk connection", self._source_ );
self.state('invalid', "lost zk connection: " + self._source_ );
} else {
self.emit('invalid', "found zk connection", self._source_ );
self.state('ready', "found zk connection");
} else {
console.log( "Unkown type: " + type );
self.state('invalid',"Unkown zookeper event type: " + type );

@@ -74,9 +74,8 @@ };

} catch(e) {
self.emit('invalid', e, self._source_ );
self.state('invalid', e + self._source_ );
self.set('data', object, self._source_ + "&version=" + stat.version );
// Emit a 'loaded' event.
// Tell the world we are ready

@@ -87,3 +86,3 @@ };

if(rc) {
self.emit('invalid', error, self._source_);
self.state('invalid', error + self._source_);

@@ -133,3 +132,3 @@ } else {

if(err) {
self.emit('invalid', err, self._soruce_);
self.state('invalid', err + self._soruce_);
} else {

@@ -164,3 +163,3 @@ zk.aw_get( self._path_, watch_cb, data_cb );

if(err) {
self.emit('invalid', err, self._soruce_);
self.state('invalid', err + self._soruce_);

@@ -167,0 +166,0 @@ if(self._options_.create_paths) {

"name": "gestalt",
"version": "0.0.6",
"version": "0.0.7",
"author": "Chris Howe <>",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "Event driven configuration management.",

@@ -99,2 +99,50 @@ # gestalt

Configuration objects also have a ready/invalid/other state. When
everything about the configuration is loaded the way it expects that
it should be, it enters a 'ready' state. If something has gone wrong
in a way that might require some attention, it enters an 'invalid'
state. Other states are possible - most configuration objects start in
a 'not ready' state, but particular implementations might add some other
special states.
State propagates from children to parents and from contained objects
to containers. The parent/container will become invalid if any of its
children/contents become 'invalid'. Also, a parent/container will only become
'ready' if all of its children/contents are 'ready'. If no sub-configuration
is invalid, but not all of them are ready, parents and containers become
'not ready'.
On state transitions (and whenever further 'invalid' states are
encountered) configuration objects will emit a 'state' message. The
payload object is of the form:
{ state: 'ready',
old_state: 'not ready',
data: 'arbitrary data that might help explain the transition'
To reiterate, there are three main states a Configuration object can
be in:
- 'ready' This means that there were no problems getting to the
configuration data. You can read data from it, and set up
- 'invalid' Something has gone wrong. We may not be able to get in
contact with the data source, or there may have been a problem
parsing the data. In any case, the data contained in the
configuration object may be corrupt, out of date, or wrong. When a
configuration object goes into an 'invalid' state, the program should
stop consuming configuration data from the object and seek a way to remedy
the invalid state.
- 'not ready', (and others). The configuration object is not ready for reads.
It will send out another 'state' event when it is ready or when something
actually goes wrong. 'not ready' states are not an error state, but while
a configuration is in a 'not ready' state, you may not be able to rely on
the contents to be accurate, up to date, or even present.
## Containers

@@ -187,9 +235,12 @@

The mapper can be a function as above, or it can be a simple
java object with old values as keys and new values as corresponding
values. Keys not present in the object will be mapped out of the
Not surprisingly, there are a couple of restrictions on this type of
configuration object. First, it is read only. Second, the remapper
configuration object. First, it is read only. Second, the mapper
function can show that it ignores part of the object space by
returning undefined for some values. For the rest of the values, it
must make sure to return unique new names for different old names.
Third, the toObject function does not try to detect array-like

@@ -224,7 +275,26 @@ Remapped objects do pass on events, and can be used as overrides or

- desctructure_arrays
This option is similar to destructure_assignments, only it only controls
whether or not to destructure array objects. It is true by default - when changed
to false, arrays will be valid configuration values.
Note, if you turn off destructure_arrays or destructure_assignments, the configuration
object will not react to internal changes in the structured values. In particular;
config.set("a",[1,2,3]); // emits a change
congig.get("a")[0] = 7 // !!! does not emit a change !!!
- initial_state
State to transition to after initialization. Defaults to 'ready' for
many configuration objects. Defaults to 'not_ready' for files,
zookeeper, and other objects that load asynchonously.
many configuration objects. Defaults to 'not ready' for files,
zookeeper, and other objects that load asynchonously. Note that the
configuration object is created in a 'not ready' state, and the
transizion to its initial_state actually happens in the next tick after

@@ -263,3 +333,2 @@ - get(name)

- keys()

@@ -307,2 +376,15 @@

- removePatternListener( callback )
Removes a previously added listener callback.
- state( state, data )
If no arguments are given, it returns the current state of the object.
If a state it given, it transitions the configuration to that
state. If the object's state has actually changed (or if we get
another 'invalid' when it was already in an invalid state) it will
emit a 'state' event, passing the data argument on in the state change
payload along with the new and old states.
#### Events

@@ -323,17 +405,7 @@

- ready
- state
A ready event is emitted when the object becomes ready for use. For
ConfigFile objects, this means that the file has been loaded. For
other objects, it might mean something different. By default, a
configuration object will emit a 'ready' event in the next tick after
it was initialized. This behavior can be changed by setting the
'initial_state' option to 'not ready' and then changing the state to
'ready' through some other means (e.g. upon successfully loading a file).
When the object's state changes between 'invalid', 'ready' and 'not ready', it will
emit 'change' events.
- invalid
An invalid event is fired when something goes wrong - for instance if there is a problem parsing
a configuration file. While a configuration is in an invalid state, you should not trust its
data until it becomes ready again.

@@ -21,4 +21,9 @@ var vows = require('vows'),

var config = new ConfigFile( {source: config_json, format: 'json'} );
config.on('invalid', function() { promise.emit('failure', config); });
config.on('ready', function() { promise.emit('success', config); });
config.on('state', function(state_change) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
promise.emit('failure', config);
} else if ( state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
promise.emit('success', config);
return promise;

@@ -37,4 +42,9 @@ },

var config = new ConfigFile( {source: config_yaml, format: 'yaml'} );
config.on('invalid', function() { promise.emit('failure', config); });
config.on('ready', function() { promise.emit('success', config); });
config.on('state', function(state_change) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
promise.emit('failure', config);
} else if ( state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
promise.emit('success', config);
return promise;

@@ -55,4 +65,10 @@ },

var config = new ConfigFile( { source: config_ini, format: 'ini'} );
config.on('invalid', function() { promise.emit('failure', config); });
config.on('ready', function() { promise.emit('success', config); });
config.on('state', function(state_change) {
if( state_change.state == 'invalid' ) {
promise.emit('failure', config);
} else if ( state_change.state == 'ready' ) {
promise.emit('success', config);

@@ -59,0 +75,0 @@ return promise;

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