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Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2



@@ -10,2 +10,10 @@ Change Log

**October 11th, 2018**
Added [type definitions][4] for TypeScript.

@@ -52,2 +60,3 @@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Referenced links]:_____________________________________________________

@@ -54,0 +63,0 @@ [v1.1.0]:


"use strict";
* Class used internally to represent individual options.
* @internal
class Option{

@@ -9,62 +12,59 @@

* @param {String|Array} names - Comma-separated list of names (e.g., "-l, --long-list, --length")
* @param {String} params - List of args the option expects (e.g., "<num> <type>" or "[num] [type]", etc)
* @param {String|Array} names - Comma-separated list of names.
* @param {String|Array} params - Arguments which the option expects.
* @example new Option("-l, --long-list, --length", "<num> <type>")
* @example new Option("-e, --exec", "[num] [type]")
* @constructor
constructor(names, params){
let shortNames = {};
let longNames = {};
constructor(names, params = ""){
this.shortNames = [];
this.longNames = [];
this.params = [];
this.values = [];
/** Define the Option's names, both long and short forms */
names = (""+names).split(/,/g);
* Describe the names used to refer to this option.
* @param {String|Array} input
* @internal
input = String(input).split(/,/g);
let match;
for(let i of names){
i = i.trim();
/** Short option */
if(match = i.match(/^-(\w)$/))
shortNames[match[1]] = true;
/** Long option */
else longNames[i.replace(/^-+/, "")] = true;
for(let name of input){
name = name.trim();
? this.shortNames.push(RegExp.lastParen)
: this.longNames.push(name.replace(/^-+/, ""));
* Describe the parameters this option accepts/expects.
* @param {String|Array} input
* @internal
input = Array.isArray(input)
? input.filter(Boolean).join(" ")
: String(input).trim().split(/\s+/g);
this.shortNames = Object.keys(shortNames);
this.longNames = Object.keys(longNames);
// Strip any enclosing brackets added for readability
input = => param.replace(/^<(.+?)>$|^\[(.+?)\]$|^\((.+?)\)$/gm, (...args) =>
args.slice(1, 4).filter(Boolean).join("")));
/** Parameters accepted/expected by this Option */
params = params.join(" ");
/** Split our parameter list by whitespace */
params = params.split(/\s+/g);
/** Remove punctuation added for readability */
params = => e.replace(/^<(.+?)>$|^\[(.+?)\]$|^\((.+?)\)$/gm, function(){
return [], 1, 4).filter(e => e).join("");
this.params = [];
this.values = [];
for(let name of params){
/** Make sure the parameter isn't blank */
/** Check for an additional regex pattern to use for disambiguating bundled options */
let splitName = name.match(/^([^=]+)(?:=(.+)?)?$/);
name: splitName[1],
pattern: splitName[2] || ".+"
this.variadic = true;
for(const param of input){
if(!param) continue;
const [, name, pattern=".+"] = param.match(/^([^=]+)(?:=(.+)?)?$/);
this.params.push({name, pattern});
this.variadic = true;

@@ -75,14 +75,17 @@ }

* Return a regex string for matching this option when expressed in bundled short-form.
* Pattern to match option when expressed in bundled short-form.
* @readonly
* @return {String}
get bundlePattern(){
/** We've already generated this regex before; just return the cached result */
// Use a cached result if possible
return this._bundlePattern;
let param = => "("+p.pattern+")?").join("");
let names = this.shortNames.length === 1 ? this.shortNames[0] : ("[" + this.shortNames.join("") + "]");
const param = => `(${param.pattern})?`).join("");
const names = 1 === this.shortNames.length
? this.shortNames[0]
: `[${this.shortNames.join("")}]`;
return (this._bundlePattern = names + param);

@@ -92,8 +95,7 @@ }

* Return the number of parameters this option expects/accepts.
* Number of parameters this option expects/accepts.
* @readonly
* @return {Number}
* @property {Number}

@@ -106,6 +108,6 @@ get arity(){

* Return an array of all names this Option recognises, long or short.
* Array of names recognised by the option, both long and short.
* @readonly
* @return {Array}
* @property {Array}

@@ -118,9 +120,9 @@ get names(){

* Whether or not the Option still has room for remaining parameters.
* Whether the option can accept another parameter.
* @readonly
* @return {Boolean}
* @property {Boolean}
get canCollect(){
return this.variadic || this.values.length < this.params.length;
return !!(this.variadic || this.values.length < this.params.length);

@@ -132,2 +134,16 @@ }

* Box a value inside an {@link Array}, unless it already is one.
* @example arrayify(1) => [1]
* @example arrayify([1]) => [1]
* @param {*} input
* @return {Array}
* @internal
function arrayify(input){
return Array.isArray(input) ? input : [input];
* Strip leading dashes from an option name and convert it to camelCase.

@@ -137,3 +153,4 @@ *

* @param {Boolean} noCamelCase - Strip leading dashes only
* @return {String} name
* @return {String}
* @internal

@@ -143,7 +160,5 @@ function formatName(input, noCamelCase){

/** Convert kebab-case into camelCase */
// Convert kebab-case to camelCase
if(!noCamelCase && /-/.test(input))
input = input.toLowerCase().replace(/([a-z])-+([a-z])/g, function(_, a, b){
return a + b.toUpperCase();
input = input.toLowerCase().replace(/([a-z])-+([a-z])/g, (_, a, b) => a + b.toUpperCase());

@@ -155,24 +170,7 @@ return input;

* Inject one or more values into an array at an arbitrary position.
* This behaves similar to array.splice(index, 0, values...), except the
* array is extended if the index is greater than the array's number of elements.
* @param {Array} array - Array to operate upon. The value is modified.
* @param {Number} index - Zero-based index of the array to inject the values into
* @return {Array} The modified array originally passed to the function
function injectIntoArray(array, index, ...values){
if(index > array.length)
array.length = index;
array.splice(index, 0, ...values);
return array;
* Filter duplicate strings from an array.
* @param {Array} input - An array of strings
* @return {Array} unique
* @param {String[]} input
* @return {Array}
* @internal

@@ -198,6 +196,7 @@ function uniqueStrings(input){

* @param {Array} input
* @return {Object} opts
* @param {Object} [config={}]
* @return {Object}
* @internal
function autoOpts(input, config){
config = config || {};
function autoOpts(input, config = {}){
const opts = new Object(null);

@@ -207,6 +206,6 @@ const argv = [];

/** Bail early if passed a blank string */
// Bail early if passed a blank string
if(!input) return opts;
/** Stop parsing anything after a "--" delimiter */
// Stop parsing options after a double-dash
const stopAt = input.indexOf("--");

@@ -218,14 +217,13 @@ if(stopAt !== -1){

for(let i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; ++i){
let name = input[i];
/** Appears to be an option */
// Appears to be an option
/** Equals sign is used, should it become the option's value? */
// Equals sign is used, should it become the option's value?
if(!config.ignoreEquals && /=/.test(name)){
let split = name.split(/=/);
name = formatName(split[0], config.noCamelCase);
opts[name] = split.slice(1).join("=");
const split = name.split(/=/);
name = formatName(split[0], config.noCamelCase);
opts[name] = split.slice(1).join("=");

@@ -236,12 +234,12 @@

/** Treat a following non-option as this option's value */
// Treat a following non-option as this option's value
const next = input[i + 1];
if(next != null && !/^-/.test(next)){
/** There's another option after this one: collect multiple non-options as an array */
let nextOpt = input.findIndex((s,I) => I > i && /^-/.test(s));
// There's another option after this one. Collect multiple non-options into an array.
const nextOpt = input.findIndex((s, I) => I > i && /^-/.test(s));
if(nextOpt !== -1){
opts[name] = input.slice(i + 1, nextOpt);
/** There's only one value to store; don't wrap it in an array */
// There's only one value to store; don't wrap it in an array
if(nextOpt - i < 3)

@@ -253,7 +251,7 @@ opts[name] = opts[name][0];

/** We're at the last option. Play it safe, don't touch argv, and assume this is a boolean */
// We're at the last option. Don't touch argv; assume it's a boolean-type option
else opts[name] = true;
/** Argumentless; assume it's meant to be a boolean-type option */
// No arguments defined. Assume it's a boolean-type option.
else opts[name] = true;

@@ -263,3 +261,3 @@ }

/** Non-option: add to argv */
// Non-option: add to argv
else argv.push(name);

@@ -269,3 +267,3 @@ }

/** Add any additional arguments that were found after a "--" delimiter */
// Add any additional arguments that were found after a "--" delimiter

@@ -276,3 +274,3 @@ argv.push(...argvEnd);

options: opts,
argv: argv
argv: argv,

@@ -283,9 +281,16 @@ }

function getOpts(input, optdef, config){
* Extract command-line options from a list of strings.
* @param {Array} input
* @param {String|Object} optdef
* @param {Object} [config={}]
function getOpts(input, optdef, config = {}){
/** Do nothing if given nothing */
if(!input || input.length === 0)
// Do nothing if given nothing
if(!input || 0 === input.length)
return {options: {}, argv: []};
/** Take a different approach if optdefs aren't specified */
// Take a different approach if optdefs aren't specified
if(null == optdef || "" === optdef || false === optdef)

@@ -295,3 +300,3 @@ return autoOpts(input, config);

/** Allow "t:h:i:s" style of getopt usage */
// Allow "t:h:i:s" style of getopt usage
if("[object String]" ==={

@@ -301,104 +306,79 @@ const names = optdef.match(/[^\s:]:?/g);

names.forEach(name => {
optdef["-"+name.replace(/:/, "")] = name.length > 1 ? "<arg>" : "";
optdef[`-${name.replace(/:/, "")}`] = name.length > 1 ? "<arg>" : "";
/** Optional options hash controlling option-creation */
config = config || {};
let noAliasPropagation = config.noAliasPropagation;
let noCamelCase = config.noCamelCase;
let noBundling = config.noBundling;
let ignoreEquals = config.ignoreEquals;
let duplicates = config.duplicates || "use-last";
// Parse settings that affect runtime option-handling
const {
duplicates = "use-last",
} = config;
let shortNames = {};
let longNames = {};
let result = {
options: new Object(null),
argv: []
const shortNames = {};
const longNames = {};
const result = {argv: [], options: new Object(null)};
/** Define the Options that the author's described in optdef */
for(let i in optdef){
let option = new Option(i, optdef[i]);
// Define each named option. Throw an error if a duplicate is found.
for(const name in optdef){
const option = new Option(name, optdef[name]);
option.shortNames.forEach(n => {
/** Don't allow duplicate option definitions */
if(shortNames[n] !== undefined)
throw new ReferenceError(`Short option "-${n}" already defined`);
shortNames["-"+n] = option;
for(const name of option.shortNames){
if(undefined !== shortNames[name])
throw new ReferenceError(`Short option "-${name}" already defined`);
shortNames[`-${name}`] = option;
option.longNames.forEach(n => {
/** Again, don't allow duplicate option names; that obviously isn't what the author intended */
if(longNames[n] !== undefined)
throw new ReferenceError(`Long option "--${n}" already defined`);
longNames["--"+n] = option;
for(const name of option.longNames){
if(undefined !== longNames[name])
throw new ReferenceError(`Long option "--${name}" already defined`);
longNames[`--${name}`] = option;
/** Pointer to the option that's currently picking up arguments */
// Pointer to the option that's currently picking up arguments
let currentOption;
/** Manages duplicated option values when needed */
let resolveDuplicate = (option, name, value) => {
let arrayify = input => Array.isArray(input) ? input : [input];
// Manage duplicated option values
function resolveDuplicate(option, name, value){
/** Use the first value (or set of values); discard any following duplicates */
case "use-first":{
// Use the first value (or set of values); discard any following duplicates
case "use-first":
return result.options[name];
/** Use the last value (or set of values); discard any preceding duplicates. Default. */
// Use the last value (or set of values); discard any preceding duplicates. Default.
case "use-last":
return result.options[name] = value;
/** Use the first/last options; treat any following/preceding duplicates as argv items respectively */
// Use the first/last options; treat any following/preceding duplicates as argv items respectively
case "limit-first":
case "limit-last":{
case "limit-last":
result.argv.push(option.prevMatchedName, ...arrayify(value));
/** Chuck a hissy-fit if that's what the author wants */
case "error":{
let error = new TypeError(`Attempting to reassign option "${name}" with value(s) ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
// Throw an exception
case "error":
const error = new TypeError(`Attempting to reassign option "${name}" with value(s) ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
error.affectedOption = option;
error.affectedValue = value;
throw error;
/** Add parameters of duplicate options to the argument list of the first */
case "append":{
let oldValues = arrayify(result.options[name]);
let newValues = arrayify(value);
// Add parameters of duplicate options to the argument list of the first
case "append":
const oldValues = arrayify(result.options[name]);
const newValues = arrayify(value);
result.options[name] = oldValues.concat(newValues);
/** Store the parameters of duplicated options in a multidimensional array */
case "stack":{
let oldValues = result.options[name];
let newValues = arrayify(value);
// Store parameters of duplicated options in a multidimensional array
case "stack": {
let oldValues = result.options[name];
const newValues = arrayify(value);
/** This option hasn't been "stacked" yet */
// This option hasn't been "stacked" yet

@@ -410,3 +390,3 @@ oldValues = arrayify(oldValues);

/** Already "stacked", so just shove the values onto the end of the array */
// Already "stacked", so just shove the values onto the end of the array
else result.options[name].push(arrayify(newValues));

@@ -417,13 +397,12 @@

/** Store each duplicated value in an array in the order they appear */
case "stack-values":{
// Store each duplicated value in an array using the order they appear
case "stack-values": {
let values = result.options[name];
/** First time "stacking" this option (nesting its value/s inside an array) */
// First time "stacking" this option (nesting its value/s inside an array)
let stack = [];
for(let i of arrayify(values))
values = stack;
const stack = [];
for(const value of arrayify(values))
values = stack;
option.stacked = true;

@@ -434,3 +413,4 @@ }

/** An array hasn't been created at this index yet, because an earlier option wasn't given enough parameters */
// An array hasn't been created at this index yet,
// because an earlier option wasn't given enough parameters.
if(undefined === values[i])

@@ -446,22 +426,21 @@ values[i] = Array(values[0].length - 1);

/** Assigns an option's parsed value to the returned object's .options property */
let setValue = (option, value) => {
// Assign an option's parsed value to the result's `.options` property
function setValue(option, value){
/** Assign the value only to the option name it matched */
// Assign the value only to the option name it matched
let name = option.lastMatchedName;
/** Special alternative: in lieu of using the matched option name, use the first --long-name instead */
// Special alternative:
// In lieu of using the matched option name, use the first --long-name only
if("first-only" === noAliasPropagation)
name = option.longNames[0] || option.shortNames[0];
/** camelCase? */
// camelCase?
name = formatName(name, noCamelCase);
/** This option's already been set before */
// This option's already been set before

@@ -473,11 +452,7 @@ resolveDuplicate(option, name, value);

/** Copy across every alias this option's recognised by */
// Copy across every alias this option's recognised by
const {names} = option;
/** Store a pointer to the array that's generated from the Option's .names getter */
let names = option.names;
/** Ascertain if this option's being duplicated */
// Ascertain if this option's being duplicated
if(result.options[ names[0] ])

@@ -489,3 +464,3 @@ value = resolveDuplicate(option, value);

/** Decide whether to camelCase this option name */
// Decide whether to camelCase this option name
name = formatName(name, noCamelCase);

@@ -496,11 +471,11 @@

/** Pushes the contents of the current option into result.options and resets the pointer */
let wrapItUp = () => {
// Push whatever we've currently collected for this option and reset pointer
function wrapItUp(){
let optValue = currentOption.values;
/** Don't store solitary values in an array. Store them directly as strings */
if(currentOption.arity === 1 && !currentOption.variadic)
// Don't store solitary values in an array. Store them directly as strings
if(1 === currentOption.arity && !currentOption.variadic)
optValue = optValue[0];

@@ -511,18 +486,18 @@

currentOption = null;
/** Reverses the argument order of the given array, keeping options and their parameter lists intact */
let flip = function(input){
// Reverse the order of an argument list, keeping options and their parameter lists intact
function flip(input){
input = input.reverse();
/** Flip any options back into the right order */
// Flip any options back into the right order
for(let i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; ++i){
let arg = input[i];
let opt = shortNames[arg] || longNames[arg];
const arg = input[i];
const opt = shortNames[arg] || longNames[arg];
let from = Math.max(0, i - opt.arity);
let to = i + 1;
let extract = input.slice(from, to).reverse();
const from = Math.max(0, i - opt.arity);
const to = i + 1;
const extract = input.slice(from, to).reverse();
input.splice(from, extract.length, ...extract);

@@ -533,14 +508,14 @@ }

return input;
/** Tackle bundling: make sure there's at least one option with a short name to work with */
let nameKeys = Object.keys(shortNames);
// Tackle bundling. Ensure there's at least one option with a short name to work with.
const nameKeys = Object.keys(shortNames);
let bundleMatch, bundlePatterns, niladicArgs;
if(!noBundling && nameKeys.length){
bundlePatterns = uniqueStrings( => shortNames[n].getBundlePattern())).join("|");
bundleMatch = new RegExp("^-("+bundlePatterns+")+", "g");
niladicArgs = uniqueStrings(nameKeys.filter(n => !shortNames[n].arity).map(n => shortNames[n].getBundlePattern())).join("|");
niladicArgs = new RegExp("^(-(?:" + niladicArgs + ")+)((?!" + bundlePatterns + ")\\S+)");
bundlePatterns = uniqueStrings( => shortNames[n].bundlePattern)).join("|");
bundleMatch = new RegExp(`^-(${bundlePatterns})+`, "g");
niladicArgs = uniqueStrings(nameKeys.filter(n => !shortNames[n].arity).map(n => shortNames[n].bundlePattern)).join("|");
niladicArgs = new RegExp(`^(-(?:${niladicArgs})+)((?!${bundlePatterns})\\S+)`);
bundlePatterns = new RegExp(bundlePatterns, "g");

@@ -550,8 +525,7 @@ }

/** Is pre-processing of the argument list necessary? */
// Is pre-processing of the argument list necessary?
if(!ignoreEquals || bundleMatch){
/** Limit equals-sign expansion to items that begin with recognised option names */
let legalNames = new RegExp("^(?:" + Object.keys(longNames).join("|") + ")=");
// Limit equals-sign expansion to items that begin with recognised option names
const legalNames = new RegExp(`^(?:${ Object.keys(longNames).join("|") })=`);

@@ -561,10 +535,10 @@ for(let i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; ++i){

/** We have bundling in use */
// We have bundling in use
bundleMatch.lastIndex = 0;
/** Expand bundled option clusters ("-mvl2" -> "-m -v -l 2") */
// Expand bundled option clusters ("-mvl2" -> "-m -v -l 2")
/** Break off arguments that're attached to niladic options */
// Break off arguments attached to niladic options
const niladicMatch = arg.match(niladicArgs);

@@ -574,20 +548,13 @@ if(niladicMatch){

arg = niladicMatch[1];
input.splice(i+1, 0, niladicMatch[2]);
input.splice(i + 1, 0, niladicMatch[2]);
l = input.length;
let segments = arg.match(bundlePatterns).map(m => {
/** Obtain a pointer to the original Option instance that defined this short-name */
let opt = shortNames["-"+m[0]];
/** This option doesn't accept any arguments, so just keep it simple */
return ["-"+m[0]];
let matches = m.match(new RegExp(opt.getBundlePattern())).slice(1).filter(i => i);
return ["-"+m[0], ...matches];
segments = [].concat(...segments);
const segments = [].concat(...arg.match(bundlePatterns).map(m => {
const option = shortNames[`-${m[0]}`];
const result = [`-${m[0]}`];
if(!option.arity) return result;
result.push(...m.match(new RegExp(option.bundlePattern)).slice(1).filter(i => i));
return result;
input.splice(i, 1, ...segments);

@@ -600,9 +567,8 @@ l = input.length;

/** Expand "--option=value" sequences to become "--option value" */
// Expand "--option=value" sequences to become "--option value"
let match = arg.match(/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/);
const match = arg.match(/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/);
input.splice(i, 1, match[1], match[2]);
l = input.length;
i += 1;

@@ -613,47 +579,41 @@ }

/** If we're handling duplicate options with "limit-last", flip the input order */
// If we're handling duplicate options with "limit-last", flip the input order
if("limit-last" === duplicates)
input = flip(input);
/** Start processing the arguments we were given to handle */
// Start processing the arguments we were given to handle
for(let i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; ++i){
let arg = input[i];
let opt = shortNames[arg] || longNames[arg];
const arg = input[i];
const opt = shortNames[arg] || longNames[arg];
/** This argument matches a recognised option name */
// This argument matches a recognised option name
/** Record the name given on command-line that matched the option */
// Record the name given on command-line that matched the option
opt.lastMatchedName = arg;
/** Did we have an existing option that was collecting values? */
// Did we have an existing option that was collecting values?
if(currentOption) wrapItUp();
/** This option takes at least one argument */
// Option takes at least one argument
currentOption = opt;
/** This option takes no arguments, so just assign it a value of "true" */
// This option takes no arguments, so just assign it a value of "true"
else setValue(opt, true);
/** Store an additional back-reference to the current option's name */
// Store an additional back-reference to the current option's name
opt.prevMatchedName = arg;
/** A previous option is still collecting arguments */
// A previous option is still collecting arguments
if(currentOption && currentOption.canCollect)
/** Not an option's argument, just a... "regular" argument or whatever y'wanna call it */
// Not associated with an option; push this value onto the argv array
/** If there was an option collecting stuff, show it the door */
currentOption && wrapItUp();

@@ -665,7 +625,7 @@ }

/** Ended abruptly? */
// Ended abruptly?
if(currentOption) wrapItUp();
/** Check if we need to flip the returned .argv array back into the right order again */
// Check if we need to flip the returned .argv array back into the right order again
if("limit-last" === duplicates)

@@ -678,4 +638,3 @@ result.argv = flip(result.argv);

/** Export */
if("undefined" !== typeof module.exports)
module.exports = getOpts;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

Copyright (c) John Gardner
Copyright (c) 2015-2018, John Gardner

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any

"name": "get-options",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2",
"description": "JavaScript's answer to getopts. Simple, obvious, and direct.",

@@ -8,9 +8,19 @@ "keywords": ["CLI", "getopt", "getopts", "options", "argv", "command-line", "configuration", "config"],

"license": "ISC",
"engines": { "node": ">=5.0.0" },
"files": ["index.js"],
"engines": { "node": ">=6.0.0" },
"files": ["index.js", "index.d.ts"],
"typings": "index.d.ts",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"@alhadis/eslint-config": "^1.0.0",
"eslint": "^5.6.1",
"mocha": "*",
"chai": "*"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "@alhadis/eslint-config"
"scripts": {
"lint": "npx eslint .",
"test": "npx mocha test/"
[![Build status: TravisCI](](
[![Build status: AppVeyor](](
The JavaScript equivalent of `getopts`. No frills, no bullshit; nothing but cold, hard option extraction.

@@ -5,0 +9,0 @@

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