npm install gistdb
This project was started just to learn the gist api.
This project is Unlicensed
create(content[,database name]); -- Create a new databse. (Requires auth) - Caller ID: 3
get(key) -- Get the value for key.
load([gist id]); -- Load a database. (No auth required) - Caller ID: 1
remove(key) -- Deletes a key and its value. Returns true or false.
save(); -- Saves a database to gist. (Requires auth) - Caller ID: 2
set(key,value); -- Sets a key with said value.
NOTE: Caller ID is used for the error lisener.
created -- Triggered by create()
Returned in object: db (database name), id (gist id)
Example: GistDB.on('created',function(obj) { console.log("Database: "+obj.db+" - ID: "; });
loaded -- Triggered by load();
Returned in object: content (database), id (gist id)
Example: GistDB.on('loaded',function(obj) { console.log("Content: "+JSON.stringify(obj.content)); });
saved -- Triggered by save();
Returned in object: content (database), id (gist id)
Example: GistDB.on('saved',function(obj) { console.log("Content: "+JSON.stringify(obj.content)); });
error -- Triggered by create(), load(), save()
Returned in object: msg (error message), id (function caller id)
Example: GistDB.on('error',function(obj) { console.log("Error Message: "+obj.msg+" - Caller ID: "; });
NOTE: If a listener is called without being defined, a message is sent to console.
NOTE: Username and password are not needed if you're only going to load the gist.
Changed from "user,pass,[opts]" for easy option choosing.
User - Your github user name. (optional only if loading a gist.)
Pass - Your github password. (optional only if loading a gist, required with username.)
ID - Your gist id. (optional)
Timeout - Request timeout. (optional, defaults to 10 seconds)
Example: gdb = new GistDB({user:'USERNAME',pass:'PASSWORD',id:"9cb6f8b7baa8300af0d7",timeout:1000});
var GistDB = require('gistdb');
var gdb = new GistDB({user:'USERNAME',pass:'PASSWORD',id:"9cb6f8b7baa8300af0d7",timeout:1000});
var GistDB = require('gistdb');
var gdb = new GistDB({user:'USERNAME',pass:'PASSWORD',id:"9cb6f8b7baa8300af0d7",timeout:1000});
var content = {example:'This is an example database!'};
gdb.on('created',function (data) {
console.log('New database created! ('')');
gdb.on('error',function (data) {
console.log('There was an error! (Error: '+data.msg+')');
gdb.on('saved',function (data) {
console.log('Content saved to database!');
console.log('Init called: '+gdb.get('Initcalled')); // will return false, as the DB isn't loaded.
function init (gdb) {
console.log('Init called: '+gdb.get('Initcalled')); // SHOULD return true if you loaded the DB correctly.; // Save when ever you feel like it. (probably best after adding content to the object.)
// Run your project...