Functional CSS-in-JS shorthand methods. Note: gr8r is under active development, and not ready for use.
npm i gr8r
- Customizable: Adjust breakpoints, units, grid, etc...
- Extendable: Add your own shorthand methods.
- Prefixed: Handles browser prefixing out of the box.
- Ultralight: Generated on the fly—no stylesheets.
Use short-hand methods within JS to generate your styles in the DOM. For a CSS-only solution, check out gr8. Prepped for use with Browserify, pairs nicely with choo and yo-yo. Shoutout understyle, f(css), etc…
gr8 and gr8r are maintained by Jon Gacnik and Jon-Kyle and used extensively within projects at Folder Studio.
const gr8r = require('gr8r/html')
gr8r('¡estupendo!', 'c6 ttu')
Accepts either an HTML Element, string or array as the first argument. An HTML element is always returned.
- HTML Element: The gr8 class(es) are added, which is then returned.
- String/Array: A new element is returned containing the content.
An example using yo-yo:
const gr8r = require('gr8r/html')
const yo = require('yo-yo')
gr8r('We construct and keep on constructing...', 'c12 m2')
gr8r(yo`<header>yet intuition is still a good thing.</header>`, 'c12 m2')
Methods can contain variable arguments such as c6
and p2
, or predefined rules like ttu
. It’s also possible to pass a string as an argument using :
as a delimiter. For example, you could add a custom method called bg
and use it with the shorthand bg:black
It’s possibible to set a custom unit when declaring the value of a method. Fallsback to options unit.
gr8r('When I haven’t any blue…', 'p20px')
gr8r('... I use red.', 'p2')
Methods can be redeclared for each breakpoint. Additionally, use an integer as a key to get ultra-specific.
gr8r('Put this there.', 'p2', {
xl: 'p6',
lg: 'p4',
600: 'p3.5',
md: 'p3',
sm: 'p2'
Several options are configurable by calling setOptions
const gr8r = require('gr8r')
breakpoints: {
xl: '1439px',
lg: '1260px',
md: '1023px',
sm: '767px'
max: true,
cols: 12,
unit: 'rem'
Custom Methods
It’s possible to extend gr8r by creating your own methods. Ensure you’re returning an object which contains the appropriately formatted CSS styles. Prefixing is handled for you.
const gr8r = require('gr8r')
match: 'omg',
value: ({ omg }) => {
const color = 'gold'
return { border: '20px solid ' + color }
gr8r.e('It works!', 'p3 c6 omg', { md: 'p1' })
bgsc | | background-size | cover |
bgsct | | background-size | contain |
bgpc | | background-position | center |
bgpt | | background-position | top |
bgpr | | background-position | right |
bgpb | | background-position | bottom |
bgpl | | background-position | left |
bgrn | | background-repeat | no-repeat |
bgrx | | background-repeat | repeat-x |
bgry | | background-repeat | repeat-y |
bgn | | background | none |
bgc | | bsc bgpc bgrn |
bgct | | bsct bgpc bgrn |
Columns are calculated by comparing the passed value against the cols option. By default there are 12 columns, so passing 6 will return a width of 50%. Additionally, you can offset a column (co) in a similar way, which will push the column to the right by returning margin-left.
c | int/float | width | (value/cols)% |
co | int/float | margin-left | (value/cols)% |
This is useful for seeing the underlying structure of an element for debugging purposes.
dev | | outline | (nested structure) |
x | | display | flex |
db | | display | block |
dib | | display | inline-block |
di | | display | inline |
dt | | display | table |
dtc | | display | table-cell |
dtr | | display | table-row |
dn | | display | none |
xac | | align-items | center |
xab | | align-items | baseline |
xas | | align-items | stretch |
xafs | | align-items | flex-start |
xafe | | align-items | flex-end |
xdr | | flex-direction | row |
xdrr | | flex-direction | row-reverse |
xdc | | flex-direction | column |
xdcr | | flex-direction | column-reverse |
xjc | | justify-content | center |
xjb | | justify-content | space-between |
xja | | justify-content | space-around |
xjc | | justify-content | flex-start |
xje | | justify-content | flex-end |
xw | | flex-wrap | wrap |
xwr | | flex-wrap | wrap-reverse |
xwn | | flex-wrap | no-wrap |
fl | | float | left |
fr | | float | right |
fn | | float | none |
m | int/float | margin | {value}{unit} |
mt | int/float | margin-top | {value}{unit} |
mr | int/float | margin-right | {value}{unit} |
mb | int/float | margin-bottom | {value}{unit} |
ml | int/float | margin-left | {value}{unit} |
curp | | cursor | pointer |
curd | | cursor | default |
usn | | user-select | none |
usa | | user-select | auto |
ust | | user-select | text |
usc | | user-select | contain |
usall | | user-select | all |
Value is 0-100.
o | int/float | opacity | {value/100} |
ofh | | overflow | hidden |
ofhx | | overflow | hidden-x |
ofhy | | overflow | hidden-y |
ofs | | overflow | scroll |
ofsx | | overflow | scroll-x |
ofsy | | overflow | scroll-y |
p | int/float | padding | {value}{unit} |
pt | int/float | padding-top | {value}{unit} |
pr | int/float | padding-right | {value}{unit} |
pb | int/float | padding-bottom | {value}{unit} |
pl | int/float | padding-left | {value}{unit} |
psf | | position | fixed |
psa | | position | absolute |
psr | | position | relative |
t | int/float | top | {value}{unit} |
r | int/float | top | {value}{unit} |
b | int/float | top | {value}{unit} |
l | int/float | top | {value}{unit} |
h | int/float | height | {value}{unit} |
vh | int/float | height | {value}vh |
w | int/float | height | {value}{unit} |
vw | int/float | height | {value}vw |
lh | int/float | line-height | {value} |
fs | int/float | font-size | {value}{unit} |
fsi | | font-style | italic |
fsn | | font-style | normal |
fwb | | font-weight | bold |
fwn | | font-weight | normal |
tal | | text-align | left |
tac | | text-align | center |
tar | | text-align | right |
tdl | | text-decoration | line-through |
tdn | | text-decoration | none |
tdo | | text-decoration | overline |
tdu | | text-decoration | underline |
ttc | | text-transform | capitalize |
ttl | | text-transform | lowercase |
ttn | | text-transform | none |
ttu | | text-transform | uppercase |
vab | | vertical-align | bottom |
vabl | | vertical-align | baseline |
vam | | vertical-align | middle |
vat | | vertical-align | top |