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graphql-ruby-client - npm Package Versions

published 1.14.5 •
published 1.14.4 •
published 1.14.3 •
published 1.14.2 •
published 1.14.1 •
published 1.14.0 •
published 1.13.3 •



1.13.3 (6 January 2022)


  • GraphQL::Relay::NodeField and GraphQL::Relay::NodesField are deprecated; use GraphQL::Types::Relay::HasNodesField or GraphQL::Types::Relay::HasNodeField instead. (The underlying field instances require a reference to their owner type, but NodeField and NodesField can't do that, since they're shared instances) #3791

New features

  • Arguments: support required: :nullable to make an argument required to be present, even if it's null #3784
  • Connections: When paginating an AR::Relation, use already-loaded results if possible #3790
  • Tracing: Support DRY::Notifications #3776
  • Improve the error when a Ruby method doesn't support the defined GraphQL arguments #3785
  • Input Objects: call .authorized? on them at runtime #3786
  • Field extensions: add extras(...) for extension-related extras with automatic cleanup #3787

Bug fixes

  • Validation: accept nullable variable types for arguments with default values #3819
  • Validation: raise a better error when a schema receives a query { ... } but has no query root #3815
  • Improve the error message when Schema.get_field can't make sense of the arguments #3815
  • Subscriptions: losslessly serialize Rails 7 TimeWithZone #3774
  • Field Usage analyzer: handle errors from prepare: hooks #3794
  • Schema from definition: fix default values with camelized arguments #3780
published 1.13.2 •



1.13.2 (15 December 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Authorization: only authorize arguments once, after they've been loaded with loads: #3782
  • Execution: always provide an Interpreter::Arguments instance as context[:current_arguments] #3783
published 1.13.1 •



1.13.1 (13 December 2021)


  • .to_graphql and .graphql_definition are deprecated and will be removed in GraphQL-Ruby 2.0. All features using those legacy definitions are already removed and all behaviors should have been ported to class-based definitions. So, you should be able to remove those calls entirely. Please open an issue if you have trouble with it! #3750 #3765

New features

  • context.response_extensions[...] = ... adds key-value pairs to the "extensions" => {...} hash in the final response #3770
  • Connections: node_type and edge_type accept field_options: to pass custom options to generated fields #3756
  • Field extensions: Support default_argument ... configuration for adding arguments if the field doesn't already have them #3751

Bug fixes

  • fix rails destroy graphql:install #3739
  • ActionCable subscriptions: close channel when unsubscribing from server #3737
  • Mutations: call .authorized? on arguments from input_object_class, input_type, too #3738
  • Prevent blank strings with validates: { length: ... }, allow_blank: false #3747
  • Lexer: return mutable strings when strings are empty #3741
  • Errors: don't send execution errors to schema-defined handlers from inside lazies #3749
  • Complexity: don't multiple edges and nodes fields by page size #3758
  • Performance: fix validation performance degradation from 1.12.20 #3762
published 1.13.0 •



1.13.0 (24 November 2021)

Since this version, GraphQL-Ruby is tested on Ruby 2.4+ and Rails 4+ only.

Breaking changes

  • ActionCable Subscriptions: No update is delivered if all subscriptions return NO_UPDATE #3713
  • Subscription classes: If a subscription has a scope ... configuration, then a scope: option is required in .trigger(...). Use scope ..., optional: true to get the old behavior. #3692
  • Arguments whose default values are used aren't checked for authorization #3665
  • Complexity: Connection fields have a default complexity implementation based on first/last/max_page_size #3609
  • Arguments: if arguments are configured to return false for .visible?(context), their default values won't be applied

New features

  • Visibility: A schema may contain multiple members with the same name. For each name, GraphQL-Ruby will use the one that returns true for .visible?(context) for each query (and raise an error if multiple objects with the same name are visible). #3651 #3716 #3725
  • Dataloader: nonblocking: true will make GraphQL::Dataloader use Fiber.scheduler to run fields and load data with sources, supporting non-blocking IO. #3482
  • null: true and required: true are now default. GraphQL-Ruby includes some RuboCop cops, GraphQL/DefaultNullTrue and GraphQL/DefaultRequiredTrue, which identify and remove those needless configurations. #3612
  • Interfaces may implement ... other interfaces #3613

Bug fixes

  • Enum value(...) and Input Object argument(...) methods return the defined object #3727
  • When a field returns an array of mixed errors and values, the result will contain nil where there were errors in the list #3656