What is graphql-ws?
The graphql-ws package is a lightweight and fast WebSocket server and client for GraphQL subscriptions, designed to work with the GraphQL JavaScript reference implementation. It allows you to set up a full-duplex communication channel between the client and server to facilitate real-time data exchange using the GraphQL protocol.
What are graphql-ws's main functionalities?
Creating a WebSocket server for GraphQL subscriptions
This code sample demonstrates how to create a WebSocket server that handles GraphQL subscriptions. It uses the `useServer` function from `graphql-ws` to attach the WebSocket server to an existing HTTP server.
const { createServer } = require('http');
const { execute, subscribe } = require('graphql');
const { useServer } = require('graphql-ws/lib/use/ws');
const { schema } = require('./my-graphql-schema');
const server = createServer(function weServeSocketsOnly(_, res) {
const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({
path: '/graphql',
useServer({ schema, execute, subscribe }, wsServer);
Creating a WebSocket client for GraphQL subscriptions
This code sample shows how to create a WebSocket client that can subscribe to GraphQL subscriptions. The `createClient` function from `graphql-ws` is used to establish a connection to the WebSocket server, and the `subscribe` method is used to listen for real-time data updates.
const { createClient } = require('graphql-ws');
const client = createClient({
url: 'ws://localhost:4000/graphql',
query: 'subscription { somethingChanged { id } }',
variables: {},
next: data => console.log('data received:', data),
error: err => console.error('error during subscription:', err),
complete: () => console.log('subscription completed'),
Other packages similar to graphql-ws
This package is another implementation of GraphQL over WebSocket protocol. It is the predecessor of graphql-ws and was developed by the Apollo team. However, it is now deprecated in favor of graphql-ws, which is more lightweight and has a simpler API.
Apollo Server is a community-driven, open-source GraphQL server that works with many Node.js HTTP server frameworks. Apollo Server supports subscriptions with WebSocket and integrates well with the Apollo ecosystem. It is more feature-rich but also heavier compared to graphql-ws, which is focused solely on WebSocket communication.
Swiftly start with the get started guide on the website.
Short and concise code snippets for starting with common use-cases. Available on the website.
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Read about the exact transport intricacies used by the library in the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol document.
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This library and the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol are not cross-compatible with the deprecated subscriptions-transport-ws
and its accompanying Protocol.
You must use graphql-ws
coherently and implement the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol on both sides, server and the client.