Drag and drop library for a two-dimensional resizable and responsive list of
The GridList library is split into two roles:
- An agnostic GridList class that manages the
two-dimensional positions from a list of items within a virtual matrix.
- A jQuery plugin built on top of the GridList class
that translates the generic items positions into responsive DOM elements with
drag and drop capabilities.
GridList class
Jump to:
new GridList(items, options)
var myGrid = new GridList(items, {
direction: 'horizontal',
lanes: 3
The first constructor parameter is an array of items to populate
the grid with.
Supported options:
- direction - Can be
or 'vertical'
. Defaults to
. This sets how the grid can expand e.g. for 'horizontal' the
grid will stretch towards the right to accommodate all the items. For
'vertical', it will stretch towards the bottom.
- lanes - Number of fixed rows or columns, depending on the
Build the grid structure from scratch, using the positions of the given
items. If items lack positional attributes (x and y), they will be misplaced,
possibly overlapping. If you want to build a grid around a list of items that
only have their size attributes defined (w and h), and rely on the library to
position them two-dimensionally, use resizeGrid.
(Re)generate positions for the items inside a grid instance for a given number
of rows/columns. This method has two major use-cases:
- Items are being represented two-dimensionally for the first time.
- Items already have 2d positions but need to be represented on a different
grid size, maintaining as much as possible of their previous order.
Positions inside the grid are generated left-to-right, top-to-bottom. So when
looking for a new position inside the grid the topmost row from the leftmost
column is chosen.
moveItemToPosition(item, position)
var carefreeItem = myGrid.grid[0][0];
myGrid.moveItemToPosition(carefreeItem, [1, 1]);
Here are things that happen when moving an item inside the grid:
- The item's previous position is cleared inside the 2d grid,
- The position inside the item object is updated,
- The item's new position is marked inside the 2d grid and
- Collisions are handled if the moved item overlaps with other item(s) from
the grid.
Collisions can be solved in two ways. First, an attempt to resolve them
locally is made, meaning that the moved item tries to swap position with
the overlapped item(s). This is the preferred fair trade. If this doesn't
work out and after swapping we still have collisions inside the grid, the
entire grid will be regenerated, starting with the moved
item fixed in its new position. In the latter case, all the items around and
to the right of the moved item might have their position slightly altered.
resizeItem(item, size)
var growthItem = myGrid.grid[0, 0];
myGrid.resizeItem(growthItem, {w: 3});
myGrid.resizing(growthItem, {h: 2});
Resizing an item is very similar to moving its position, in the sense that
grid cells will be repopulated and collisions will be handled
afterwards. See moveItemToPosition.
The item is the building block of GridList, and is a plain JavaScript object.
The primary function of the GridList is to position such items
two-dimentionally. Which brings us to the composition of an item: w and
h for size, x and y for position. E.g.
{w: 3, h: 1, x: 0, y: 1}
Note that x and y (column and row) are abstract coords inside the grid,
they are integer values starting from 0. Naturally, w and h (width and
height) also take up space in the same coordinate system, which reveals the
smallest unit of a grid: the cell. You could say, for example, that the
featured item above takes up three grid cells.
A GridList instance works around an array of items. The items array is the
first parameter of the class constructor and is always visible under the
property. Here's a list of items for a grid with three 1x1 items on a
column with three rows:
[{w: 1, h: 1, x: 0, y: 0},
{w: 1, h: 1, x: 0, y: 1},
{w: 1, h: 1, x: 0, y: 2}]
Seeing how JavaScript doesn't support multidimensional arrays, the 2d grid
inside GridList is represented by an array for columns, with each array entry
containing another array with cells for each row. The cell is simply a pointer
to an item that occupies it, or a null reference if no item is sitting on
that cell's position. Note that more cells can point to the same item
reference, because items occupy w * h
cells. Here's a grid
Having the grid in a two-dimensional data structure, we can fetch item
references directly by targeting any of the cells they cover inside the grid.
PS. This grid would be generated by these items:
[{w: 1, h: 3, x: 0, y: 0},
{w: 1, h: 1, x: 1, y: 0},
{w: 1, h: 1, x: 1, y: 1},
{w: 2, h: 2, x: 2, y: 1}]
direction: 'horizontal',
lanes: 3
The jQuery plugin has two main functions:
- Render the GridList on top of a list of DOM elements. The list items are
expected to have
and data-h
attributes, and optionally data-x
(if their positions have been previously generated and persisted)
- Drag and drop capabilities
The function takes an optional argument with options that will be passed to the
draggables when constructing them.
$('.my-list').gridList({lanes: 3}, {handle: '.title'});
See jQuery UI Draggable API for details on all
the available options.
The rendered list is responsive to its parent container, meaning that the
width and height of the items are calculated based on the container height
divided by the number of grid rows.
- Their README reads Ducksboard is no longer active in their development. There
are a few notable forks but it's hard to assert their
- gridster works vertically while our solution works both vertically and
- Our lib contains over 5 times fewer code.
- gridster collisions are very
basic, we pushed towards
better UX and found alternative ways for dealing with collisions.
- We wanted out-of-the-box responsiveness, and the entire grid system was build
fluid, relative to any parent container.
- We needed the grid logic to be a DOM-less lib outside the jQuery plugin. This
allows us to compute grid positions on the server-side and run kick-ass fast
tests with Node.
- Another more particular thing we needed was widgets that had height=0, which
means they stretch on however many rows a grid has. We show timelines like
this. It also works for width=0.
Please check demo page or code directly for
investigating these assumptions.