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Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1-rc5



# Usage examples
## Wildcards
In this example, `grunt qunit:all` (or `grunt qunit` because `qunit` is a [multi task][]) will test all `.html` files in the test directory _and all subdirectories_. First, the wildcard is expanded to match each individual file. Then, each matched filename is converted to the appropriate `file://` URI. Finally, each URI is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).
In this example, `grunt qunit:all` (or `grunt qunit` because `qunit` is a [multi task][]) will test all `.html` files in the test directory _and all subdirectories_. First, the wildcard is expanded to match each individual file. Then, each matched filename is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ ```js

## Testing via http:// or https://
In circumstances where running unit tests from `file://` URIs is inadequate, you can specify `http://` or `https://` URIs instead. If `http://` or `https://` URIs have been specified, those URIs will be passed directly to [PhantomJS][], as-specified.
In circumstances where running unit tests from local files is inadequate, you can specify `http://` or `https://` URLs via the `urls` option. Each URL is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).

@@ -25,3 +25,10 @@ In this example, `grunt qunit` will test two files, served from the server running at `localhost:8000`.

qunit: {
all: ['http://localhost:8000/test/foo.html', 'http://localhost:8000/test/bar.html']
all: {
options: {
urls: [

@@ -31,2 +38,4 @@ });

Wildcards and URLs may be combined by specifying both.
## Using the grunt-contrib-connect plugin

@@ -38,3 +47,3 @@ It's important to note that grunt does not automatically start a `localhost` web server. That being said, the [grunt-contrib-connect plugin][] `connect` task can be run before the `qunit` task to serve files via a simple [connect][] web server.

In the following example, if a web server isn't running at `localhost:8000`, running `grunt qunit` with the following configuration will fail because the `qunit` task won't be able to load the specified URIs. However, running `grunt connect qunit` will first start a static [connect][] web server at `localhost:8000` with its base path set to the Gruntfile's directory. Then, the `qunit` task will be run, requesting the specified URIs.
In the following example, if a web server isn't running at `localhost:8000`, running `grunt qunit` with the following configuration will fail because the `qunit` task won't be able to load the specified URLs. However, running `grunt connect qunit` will first start a static [connect][] web server at `localhost:8000` with its base path set to the Gruntfile's directory. Then, the `qunit` task will be run, requesting the specified URLs.

@@ -41,0 +50,0 @@ ```js

@@ -15,2 +15,8 @@ # Options

## urls
Type: `Array`
Default: `[]`
Absolute `http://` or `https://` urls to be passed to PhantomJS. Specified URLs will be merged with any specified `src` files first. Note that urls must be served by a web server, and since this task doesn't contain a web server, one will need to be configured separately. The [grunt-contrib-connect plugin]( provides a basic web server.
## (-- PhantomJS arguments)

@@ -17,0 +23,0 @@ Type: `String`

@@ -25,5 +25,21 @@ /*

// Create a local web server for testing http:// URIs.
connect: {
root_server: {
options: {
port: 9000,
base: '.',
test_server: {
options: {
port: 9001,
base: 'test',
// Unit tests.
qunit: {
all_tests: ['test/*.html'],
all_tests: ['test/*{1,2}.html'],
individual_tests: {

@@ -33,5 +49,18 @@ files: [

{src: 'test/*{1,2}.html'},
{src: 'test/*.html'},
urls: {
options: {
urls: [
urls_and_files: {
options: {
urls: '<%= qunit.urls.options.urls %>',
src: 'test/*{1,2}.html',

@@ -41,2 +70,32 @@

// Build a mapping of url success counters.
var successes = {};
var currentUrl;
grunt.event.on('qunit.spawn', function(url) {
currentUrl = url;
if (!successes[currentUrl]) { successes[currentUrl] = 0; }
grunt.event.on('qunit.done', function(failed, passed) {
if (failed === 0 && passed === 2) { successes[currentUrl]++; }
grunt.registerTask('really-test', 'Test to see if qunit task actually worked.', function() {
var assert = require('assert');
var difflet = require('difflet')({indent: 2, comment: true});
var actual = successes;
var expected = {
'test/qunit1.html': 3,
'test/qunit2.html': 3,
'http://localhost:9000/test/qunit1.html': 2,
'http://localhost:9001/qunit2.html': 2
try {
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Actual should match expected.');
} catch (err) {
grunt.log.subhead('Actual should match expected.');
console.log(, actual));
throw new Error(err.message);
// Actually load this plugin's task(s).

@@ -47,6 +106,7 @@ grunt.loadTasks('tasks');

// Whenever the "test" task is run, run some basic tests.
grunt.registerTask('test', ['qunit']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['connect', 'qunit', 'really-test']);

@@ -53,0 +113,0 @@ // By default, lint and run all tests.

"name": "grunt-contrib-qunit",
"description": "Run QUnit unit tests in a headless PhantomJS instance.",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.1rc5",
"homepage": "",

@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ "author": {

"devDependencies": {
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.1.0",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.1.1rc5",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.1.0",
"grunt-contrib-internal": "*",
"grunt": "~0.4.0rc2",
"grunt-cli": "~0.1.1"
"grunt": "~0.4.0rc5",
"difflet": "~0.2.3"
"keywords": [
"keywords": []

@@ -46,2 +46,8 @@ # grunt-contrib-qunit [![Build Status](](

#### urls
Type: `Array`
Default: `[]`
Absolute `http://` or `https://` urls to be passed to PhantomJS. Specified URLs will be merged with any specified `src` files first. Note that urls must be served by a web server, and since this task doesn't contain a web server, one will need to be configured separately. The [grunt-contrib-connect plugin]( provides a basic web server.
#### (-- PhantomJS arguments)

@@ -56,3 +62,3 @@ Type: `String`

#### Wildcards
In this example, `grunt qunit:all` (or `grunt qunit` because `qunit` is a [multi task][]) will test all `.html` files in the test directory _and all subdirectories_. First, the wildcard is expanded to match each individual file. Then, each matched filename is converted to the appropriate `file://` URI. Finally, each URI is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).
In this example, `grunt qunit:all` (or `grunt qunit` because `qunit` is a [multi task][]) will test all `.html` files in the test directory _and all subdirectories_. First, the wildcard is expanded to match each individual file. Then, each matched filename is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).

@@ -69,3 +75,3 @@ ```js

#### Testing via http:// or https://
In circumstances where running unit tests from `file://` URIs is inadequate, you can specify `http://` or `https://` URIs instead. If `http://` or `https://` URIs have been specified, those URIs will be passed directly to [PhantomJS][], as-specified.
In circumstances where running unit tests from local files is inadequate, you can specify `http://` or `https://` URLs via the `urls` option. Each URL is passed to [PhantomJS][] (one at a time).

@@ -78,3 +84,10 @@ In this example, `grunt qunit` will test two files, served from the server running at `localhost:8000`.

qunit: {
all: ['http://localhost:8000/test/foo.html', 'http://localhost:8000/test/bar.html']
all: {
options: {
urls: [

@@ -84,2 +97,4 @@ });

Wildcards and URLs may be combined by specifying both.
#### Using the grunt-contrib-connect plugin

@@ -91,3 +106,3 @@ It's important to note that grunt does not automatically start a `localhost` web server. That being said, the [grunt-contrib-connect plugin][] `connect` task can be run before the `qunit` task to serve files via a simple [connect][] web server.

In the following example, if a web server isn't running at `localhost:8000`, running `grunt qunit` with the following configuration will fail because the `qunit` task won't be able to load the specified URIs. However, running `grunt connect qunit` will first start a static [connect][] web server at `localhost:8000` with its base path set to the Gruntfile's directory. Then, the `qunit` task will be run, requesting the specified URIs.
In the following example, if a web server isn't running at `localhost:8000`, running `grunt qunit` with the following configuration will fail because the `qunit` task won't be able to load the specified URLs. However, running `grunt connect qunit` will first start a static [connect][] web server at `localhost:8000` with its base path set to the Gruntfile's directory. Then, the `qunit` task will be run, requesting the specified URLs.

@@ -163,2 +178,3 @@ ```js

* 2013-01-08   v0.1.1rc5   Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Switching to this.filesSrc api. Adding "urls" option for specifying absolute test URLs.
* 2012-10-04   v0.1.0   Work in progress, not yet officially released.

@@ -170,2 +186,2 @@

*This file was generated on Mon Dec 10 2012 16:42:20.*
*This file was generated on Wed Jan 09 2013 14:12:29.*

@@ -118,3 +118,3 @@ /*

grunt.warn('PhantomJS unable to load "' + url + '" URI.', 90);
grunt.warn('PhantomJS unable to load "' + url + '" URI.');

@@ -125,3 +125,3 @@

grunt.warn('PhantomJS timed out, possibly due to a missing QUnit start() call.', 90);
grunt.warn('PhantomJS timed out, possibly due to a missing QUnit start() call.');

@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@

inject: asset('phantomjs/bridge.js'),
// Explicit non-file URLs to test.
urls: [],
// Get files as URLs.
var urls = grunt.file.expandFileURLs(this.file.srcRaw);
// Combine any specified URLs with src files.
var urls = options.urls.concat(this.filesSrc);

@@ -154,3 +156,3 @@ // This task is asynchronous.

var basename = path.basename(url);
grunt.verbose.subhead('Testing ' + basename).or.write('Testing ' + basename);
grunt.verbose.subhead('Testing ' + url).or.write('Testing ' + url);

@@ -163,4 +165,2 @@ // Reset current module.

phantomjs.spawn(url, {
// Exit code to use if PhantomJS fails in an uncatchable way.
failCode: 90,
// Additional PhantomJS options.

@@ -185,3 +185,5 @@ options: options,

grunt.warn(status.failed + '/' + + ' assertions failed (' +
status.duration + 'ms)', Math.min(99, 90 + status.failed));
status.duration + 'ms)');
} else if ( === 0) {
grunt.warn('0/0 assertions ran (' + status.duration + 'ms)');
} else {

@@ -188,0 +190,0 @@ grunt.verbose.writeln();

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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