Hash up an unlimited number of values, but the problem is that the final hashed value is dependent on the order in which these values are added. What hash-o-matic does is it will order the object's properties by the property name before hashing. This is useful if you frequently hash the same variables through-out your app(s) but can't recall the order in which the values were added. The only real catch is the variables must have the same naming throughout your code.
npm install hash-o-matic
/* look at the unit tests for more examples */
var hashomatic = require('hash-o-matic');
var caseinsensitive = true;
var normalizestrings = true;
var hash, hash2;
// Simple string hashing
hash = hashomatic.hash('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
// 'case insensitive(by lower casing all)' string hashing
hash = hashomatic.hash('ThE Quick Brown fOx jUmps oveR the laZy dog', caseinsensitive, normalizestrings);
hash2 = hashomatic.hash('tHe qUICK bROWN FoX JuMPS OVEr THE LAzY DOG', caseinsensitive, normalizestrings);
console.log(hash === hash2); // true
// Object hashing; ordering, case, and normalized strings
var object = {'a': "", "b": "not empty", 'c': "", d: null},
object2 = {"a": '', 'b': 'not empty', "c": '', d: ""};
hash = hashomatic.hash(object, caseinsensitive, normalizestrings);
hash2 = hashomatic.hash(object2, caseinsensitive, normalizestrings);
console.log(hash === hash2); // true
mocha test/*.js
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Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
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