#python scripts/make_tiles.py scripts/test/data/hic_small.tsv -o jsons/tiles -p pos1,pos2 --min-value count --max-value count --importance count
python scripts/make_tiles.py -o jsons/tiles -p pos1,pos2 --min-value count --max-value count --importance count -c pos1,pos2,count --max-zoom 5 data/chr22_100kb.RAWobserved
Move a newly built page to the gh-pages branch
gulp build; git commit -am "New build"; rm -rf /tmp/dist/; cp -r dist /tmp; git checkout gh-pages; cp -r /tmp/dist/* .; cp demo.html index.html;
Starting the spark notebook
ipython notebook --profile=pyspark --no-browser
refGene.txt.gz can be downloaded here:
This implies that its coordinates are relative to the hg19 assembly
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add ~/devenv-key.pem
rsync -avz ubuntu@ jsons/tiles
Sample reads set
samtools view -h data/GM12878_SRR1658581_10pc_3_R1_hg19.bwt2glob.bam | head -n 65536 | samtools view -Sb > data/65536.bam
Sample tracks from Encode project
GM12878 cell line RNAseq