A higher-kinded-type companion to ts-toolbelt.
npm install hkt-toolbelt
import { List, Conditional } from "hkt-toolbelt/list";
type FilterNumbers = List.Filter<Conditional.SubtypeOf<number>>;
type A = $<FilterNumbers, [1, null, 2, 3, "4"]>;
This library is a companion to ts-toolbelt that provides higher-kinded-type versions of its functionality. This allows for more complex types to be constructed.
The curried nature of the functions in this library is intended to be utilized to compose types using point-free style. In this respect, API types will first take in 'operations' and then the data to be operated on.
All type functions (e.g. full Kinds) take in one parameter at a time, to support currying and point-free style.
Basic Utilities
$<F, A>
The $
operator is used to apply a higher-kinded-type function to a type. It is equivalent to the F<A>
syntax in TypeScript.
Cast<A, B>
The Cast
type is used to cast a type to another type. It is equivalent to the A as B
syntax in TypeScript.
Boolean Types
The And
type takes in a boolean and returns a function that takes in another boolean and returns the result of the two booleans being &&
'd together.
The Not
type takes in a boolean and returns the opposite boolean.
Conditional Types
The Equals
type is used to check if a type is equal to another type. It is equivalent to the A extends B ? (B extends A ? true : false) : false
syntax in TypeScript.
returns a higher-kinded-type function that takes a type and returns a boolean.
The SubtypeOf
type is used to check if a type is a subtype of another type. It is equivalent to the A extends B ? true : false
syntax in TypeScript.
returns a higher-kinded-type function that takes a type and returns a boolean.
Function Types
The Function
type is a supertype of all functions, i.e. all functions are a subtype of Function
Kind Types
The Kind
type denotes a type function that may be applied to a type using $
The Kind type can optionally be provided a function type to increase the specificity of its internal parameter and return types.
The Compose
type takes in a tuple of type functions, and composes them into one type function.
The _
type represents the 'placeholder variable' used in type functions before application.
List Types
The Map
function takes in a type function, and returns a higher kinded type that takes in a tuple type. It applies the given type function over every element in the tuple.
The Find
function takes in a type function, then a tuple, and returns the first tuple element for which the finder function returns true
. If no such element exists, Find
returns never
The Filter
function takes in a type function, and a tuple, and returns a tuple in-order of the input tuple, whereby only elements for which the filter function returns true
remain in the resultant tuple.
The Append
function takes in a type, and a tuple, and applies the type such that it is appended to the end of the provided tuple.
The Last
function takes in a tuple, and returns the last element of the tuple. In the case of tuples with variadic elements, the variadic element is properly handled, even if it's infix.
The Pair
function takes in a tuple, and returns a tuple of tuples, where each tuple is a pair of the original tuple's elements, in order. e.g. [1, 2, 3]
becomes [[1, 2], [2, 3]]
For variadic tuples, the variadic element is handled via introducing unions to represent the possible combinations of variadic pair elements.
String Types
The StartsWith
function takes in a string literal and returns whether or not it starts with the given prefix, returning true
or false
as appropriate.
All strings start with string
, so StartsWith<string>
will return true for all subsequent string types.
However, string
starts with no particular prefix, so $<StartsWith<"f">, string>
will result in false. All strings start with the empty string, as well.
The EndsWith
function takes in a string literal and returns whether or not it ends with the given suffix, returning true
or false
as appropriate.
@see String.StartsWith
The Includes
function takes in a string literal and returns whether or not it is a substring of the given string, returning true
or false
as appropriate.
@see String.StartsWith