Honk! Test Net!
Some tools to help test browser-based network-y things in a headless
The underlying mock-thing-out-er-ator is based on Philipp von Weitershausen's
mock_server.js impl. Seems to work well.
In a Mocha or Jasmine environment, including this file will give you a @server
properly set up and torn down around all your tests.
Usage in Mocha or Jasmine is as so:
require 'honk-test-net/lib/http_server'
describe 'Remote Pants Service', ->
it 'should give me info on pants', (done) ->
@server.when 'GET', '/pants', (req) ->
status: 200
body: 'Pants Found'
$.get '/pants',
success: (resp) ->
expect(resp.data).to.equal 'Pants Found'
In another test environment that doesn't implement a beforeEach/afterEach, you
can instantiate an instance like, passing your DOM window as an argument.
Here's a qunit example.
jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom
global.document or= jsdom()
global.window or= global.document.createWindow()
HttpServer = require 'honk-test-net/lib/http_server'
asyncTest 'Remote Pants Service', ->
server = new HttpServer(global.window)
server.when 'GET', '/pants', (req) ->
status: 200
body: 'Pants Found'
$.get '/pants',
success: (resp) ->
equal(resp.data, 'Pants Found', 'Got those pants.')
Build status