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Client-side HTML-to-PDF rendering using pure JS

Version published




html-pdf-client converts any webpage or element into a printable PDF entirely client-side using html2canvas and jsPDF.

Table of contents

Getting started


Install html-pdf-client and its dependencies using NPM with npm install --save html-pdf-client (make sure to include .js in the package name).

Note: You can use NPM to create your project, but html-pdf-client will not run in Node.js, it must be run in a browser.


Install html-pdf-client and its dependencies using Bower with bower install --save html-pdf-client (make sure to include .js in the package name).


Once installed, html-pdf-client is ready to use. The following command will generate a PDF of #element-to-print and prompt the user to save the result:

var element = document.getElementById('element-to-print');

Advanced usage

Every step of html-pdf-client is configurable, using its new Promise-based API. If html-pdf-client is called without arguments, it will return a Worker object:

var worker = htmlPdfClient();  // Or:  var worker = new html2pdf.Worker;

This worker has methods that can be chained sequentially, as each Promise resolves, and allows insertion of your own intermediate functions between steps. A prerequisite system allows you to skip over mandatory steps (like canvas creation) without any trouble:

// This will implicitly create the canvas and PDF objects before saving.
var worker = htmlPdfClient().from(element).save();

The basic workflow of html-pdf-client tasks (enforced by the prereq system) is:

.from() -> .toContainer() -> .toCanvas() -> .toImg() -> .toPdf() -> .save()
Worker API
fromsrc, typeSets the source (HTML string or element) for the PDF. Optional type specifies other sources: 'string', 'element', 'canvas', or 'img'.
totargetConverts the source to the specified target ('container', 'canvas', 'img', or 'pdf'). Each target also has its own toX method that can be called directly: toContainer(), toCanvas(), toImg(), and toPdf().
outputtype, options, srcRoutes to the appropriate outputPdf or outputImg method based on specified src ('pdf' (default) or 'img').
outputPdftype, optionsSends type and options to the jsPDF object's output method, and returns the result as a Promise (use .then to access). See the jsPDF source code for more info.
outputImgtype, optionsReturns the specified data type for the image as a Promise (use .then to access). Supported types: 'img', 'datauristring'/'dataurlstring', and 'datauri'/'dataurl'.
savefilenameSaves the PDF object with the optional filename (creates user download prompt).
setoptSets the specified properties. See Options below for more details.
getkey, cbkReturns the property specified in key, either as a Promise (use .then to access), or by calling cbk if provided.
thenonFulfilled, onRejectedStandard Promise method, with this re-bound to the Worker, and with added progress-tracking (see Progress below). Note that .then returns a Worker, which is a subclass of Promise.
thenCoreonFulFilled, onRejectedStandard Promise method, with this re-bound to the Worker (no progress-tracking). Note that .thenCore returns a Worker, which is a subclass of Promise.
thenExternalonFulfilled, onRejectedTrue Promise method. Using this 'exits' the Worker chain - you will not be able to continue chaining Worker methods after .thenExternal.
catch, catchExternalonRejectedStandard Promise method. catchExternal exits the Worker chain - you will not be able to continue chaining Worker methods after .catchExternal.
errormsgThrows an error in the Worker's Promise chain.

A few aliases are also provided for convenience:



html-pdf-client can be configured using an optional opt parameter:

var element = document.getElementById('element-to-print');
var opt = {
  margin:       1,
  filename:     'myfile.pdf',
  image:        { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
  html2canvas:  { scale: 2 },
  jsPDF:        { unit: 'in', format: 'letter', orientation: 'portrait' }

// New Promise-based usage:

// Old monolithic-style usage:
htmlPdfClient(element, opt);

The opt parameter has the following optional fields:

marginnumber or array0PDF margin (in jsPDF units). Can be a single number, [vMargin, hMargin], or [top, left, bottom, right].
filenamestring'file.pdf'The default filename of the exported PDF.
pagebreakobject{mode: ['css', 'legacy']}Controls the pagebreak behaviour on the page. See Page-breaks below.
imageobject{type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.95}The image type and quality used to generate the PDF. See Image type and quality below.
enableLinksbooleantrueIf enabled, PDF hyperlinks are automatically added ontop of all anchor tags.
html2canvasobject{ }Configuration options sent directly to html2canvas (see here for usage).
jsPDFobject{ }Configuration options sent directly to jsPDF (see here for usage).


html-pdf-client has the ability to automatically add page-breaks to clean up your document. Page-breaks can be added by CSS styles, set on individual elements using selectors, or avoided from breaking inside all elements (avoid-all mode).

By default, html-pdf-client will respect most CSS break-before, break-after, and break-inside rules, and also add page-breaks after any element with class htmlPdfClient__page-break (for legacy purposes).

Page-break settings
modestring or array['css', 'legacy']The mode(s) on which to automatically add page-breaks. One or more of 'avoid-all', 'css', and 'legacy'.
beforestring or array[]CSS selectors for which to add page-breaks before each element. Can be a specific element with an ID ('#myID'), all elements of a type (e.g. 'img'), all of a class ('.myClass'), or even '*' to match every element.
afterstring or array[]Like 'before', but adds a page-break immediately after the element.
avoidstring or array[]Like 'before', but avoids page-breaks on these elements. You can enable this feature on every element using the 'avoid-all' mode.
Page-break modes
avoid-allAutomatically adds page-breaks to avoid splitting any elements across pages.
cssAdds page-breaks according to the CSS break-before, break-after, and break-inside properties. Only recognizes always/left/right for before/after, and avoid for inside.
legacyAdds page-breaks after elements with class htmlPdfClient__page-break. This feature may be removed in the future.
Example usage
// Avoid page-breaks on all elements, and add one before #page2el.
  pagebreak: { mode: 'avoid-all', before: '#page2el' }

// Enable all 'modes', with no explicit elements.
  pagebreak: { mode: ['avoid-all', 'css', 'legacy'] }

// No modes, only explicit elements.
  pagebreak: { before: '.beforeClass', after: ['#after1', '#after2'], avoid: 'img' }

Image type and quality

You may customize the image type and quality exported from the canvas by setting the image option. This must be an object with the following fields:

typestring'jpeg'The image type. HTMLCanvasElement only supports 'png', 'jpeg', and 'webp' (on Chrome).
qualitynumber0.95The image quality, from 0 to 1. This setting is only used for jpeg/webp (not png).

These options are limited to the available settings for HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL(), which ignores quality settings for 'png' images. To enable png image compression, try using the canvas-png-compression shim, which should be an in-place solution to enable png compression via the quality option.

Progress tracking

The Worker object returned by htmlPdfClient() has a built-in progress-tracking mechanism. It will be updated to allow a progress callback that will be called with each update, however it is currently a work-in-progress.


html-pdf-client depends on the external packages html2canvas, jsPDF, and es6-promise. These dependencies are automatically loaded when using NPM or the bundled package.

If using the unbundled dist/htmlPdfClient.min.js (or its un-minified version), you must also include each dependency. Order is important, otherwise html2canvas will be overridden by jsPDF's own internal implementation:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jspdf.min.js"></script>
<script src="html2canvas.min.js"></script>
<script src="html2pdf.min.js"></script>


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Pradeep Kumar Vishwakarma



Package last updated on 07 Oct 2022

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