Hubot adapter for Atlassian Stride
You need to install:
npm install -g yo generator-hubot
Generate the Hubot project
mkdir myhubot
cd myhubot
yo hubot --adapter="stride"
Create a Stride app
Next, create a Stride app in
- Give your new app a name in the App name field.
- If desired, add a short description in the Description field.
- Click Create; you'll be directed to your app's dashboard page.
- Click Enable API for the Stride API.
- Click Add for the Manage conversation scope
- Click Enable API for the User API
- In the Enabled APIs tab, make a note of the client ID and the client secret.
- In the App Features tab, enable Bot account and make note of the bot mention name
Configure the Hubot adapter
You will need to tell adapter its name and credentials:
export HUBOT_STRIDE_CLIENT_ID=<Stride client id>
export HUBOT_STRIDE_CLIENT_SECRET=<Stride client secret>
export HUBOT_ALIAS="bot mention name"
Make sure HUBOT_NAME matches the bot mention name for the Stride app,
otherwise mentioning the bot in Stride won't work.
Start ngrok
//start ngrok and leave running
ngrok http 8000
Copy the URL provided by ngrok {ngrokURL}. It should look similar to
Start the bot
./bin/hubot --adapter stride
To verify if your Stride app works correctly, load the following URL in your browser:
http://localhost:8000/descriptor // descriptor.json should load in browser
Update the Stride app descriptor in Stride
- Navigate to your My Apps page.
- Click to open the app and then click the Install tab.
- Enter your app descriptor URL, {ngrokURL}/descriptor, in the Descriptor URL field. The URL you enter should look similar to
- Click Refresh. When the app descriptor is installed you will see a The descriptor has been updated successfully! message displayed.
Install the app in Stride
Your app is created and configured, and your app descriptor is linked. Now, you need to add the app to a conversation:
- In your app dashboard, in the Install tab, click Copy for the Installation URL.
- Open Stride.
- Open the conversation in which you’d like to install the app.
- Click the Apps icon to open the Apps sidebar, and then click the + button to open the Atlassian Marketplace in Stride.
- Click Connect your app in the Connect your own app box, and then select the Installation URL tab.
- Paste in the Installation URL and click Add to room.
- In a few seconds, a new card for your installed app and bot should appear in the sidebar and the app should send a message to the conversation.
For subsequent installations, users just have to mention the bot in any room.
If you wish to contribute to this project, you first need to clone this repository. Installing dependencies:
npm i
npm link
npm link hubot-stride
Now you need to perform all the steps from the previous sections except that you do not need to generate a project.
To run you bot, instead of using ./bin/hubot --adapter stride
you should use:
npm start
To run API tests:
npm test