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Comparing version 4.3.1 to 4.3.2



@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "use strict";

const { name, version } = which_pm_runs_1.default();
throw new Error(`INIT_CWD is not set, please upgrade your package manager (${name} ${version})`);
throw new Error(`INIT_CWD is not set, please check that your package manager supports it (${name} ${version})`);

@@ -63,4 +63,7 @@ debug_1.debug(`INIT_CWD is set to ${INIT_CWD}`);

const INIT_CWD = getInitCwdEnv();
const userPkgDir = getUserPkgDir(INIT_CWD);
let cwd = process.argv[3];
if (cwd === undefined) {
cwd = getInitCwdEnv();
const userPkgDir = getUserPkgDir(cwd);

@@ -67,0 +70,0 @@ const { absoluteGitCommonDir, relativeUserPkgDir } = getDirs(userPkgDir);

"name": "husky",
"version": "4.3.1",
"version": "4.3.2",
"description": "Prevents bad commit or push (git hooks, pre-commit/precommit, pre-push/prepush, post-merge/postmerge and all that stuff...)",
"bin": {
"husky": "./husky.js",
"husky-run": "./bin/run.js",

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ "husky-upgrade": "./lib/upgrader/bin.js"

@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ # Husky

__Announcement: Husky v5 (alpha) has been published, to view v5 docs click [here](
**Announcement: Husky v5 has been published, to view v5 docs click [here](**
**Note for npm 7 users** Currently `INIT_CWD` environment variable is missing in npm v7 and is required for Husky v4 to auto-install ( To manually install husky v4, run `npx --no-install husky install .` or upgrade to husky v5.
## Install

@@ -53,3 +55,3 @@

### Companies ($100+/month)
### Companies (\$100+/month)

@@ -120,6 +122,6 @@ <!-- for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) console.log(`[![Husky Sponsor](${i}/avatar)](${i}/website)`) -->

* [webpack](
* [babel](
* [create-react-app](
* ... and many other awesome projects
- [webpack](
- [babel](
- [create-react-app](
- ... and many other awesome projects

@@ -130,19 +132,19 @@ ## Guides

* [Upgrading from 0.14](#upgrading-from-014)
* [Supported hooks](#supported-hooks)
* [Access Git params and stdin](#access-git-params-and-stdin)
* [Skip all hooks (rebase)](#skip-all-hooks-rebase)
* [Disable auto-install](#disable-auto-install)
* [CI servers](#ci-servers)
* [Monorepos](#monorepos)
* [Node version managers](#node-version-managers)
* [Local commands (~/.huskyrc)](#local-commands-huskyrc)
* [Multiple commands](#multiple-commands)
* [Troubleshoot](#troubleshoot)
+ [Debug messages](#debug-messages)
+ [Hooks aren't running](#hooks-arent-running)
+ [Commits aren't blocked](#commits-arent-blocked)
+ [Commits are slow](#commits-are-slow)
+ [Testing husky in a new repo](#testing-husky-in-a-new-repo)
+ [ENOENT error 'node_modules/husky/.git/hooks'](#enoent-error-node_moduleshuskygithooks)
- [Upgrading from 0.14](#upgrading-from-014)
- [Supported hooks](#supported-hooks)
- [Access Git params and stdin](#access-git-params-and-stdin)
- [Skip all hooks (rebase)](#skip-all-hooks-rebase)
- [Disable auto-install](#disable-auto-install)
- [CI servers](#ci-servers)
- [Monorepos](#monorepos)
- [Node version managers](#node-version-managers)
- [Local commands (~/.huskyrc)](#local-commands-huskyrc)
- [Multiple commands](#multiple-commands)
- [Troubleshoot](#troubleshoot)
- [Debug messages](#debug-messages)
- [Hooks aren't running](#hooks-arent-running)
- [Commits aren't blocked](#commits-arent-blocked)
- [Commits are slow](#commits-are-slow)
- [Testing husky in a new repo](#testing-husky-in-a-new-repo)
- [ENOENT error 'node_modules/husky/.git/hooks'](#enoent-error-node_moduleshuskygithooks)

@@ -221,3 +223,3 @@ <!-- tocstop -->

If you have a multi-package repository, it's __recommended__ to use tools like [lerna]( and have husky installed ONLY in the root `package.json` to act as the source of truth.
If you have a multi-package repository, it's **recommended** to use tools like [lerna]( and have husky installed ONLY in the root `package.json` to act as the source of truth.

@@ -260,2 +262,3 @@ Generally speaking, you should AVOID defining husky in multiple `package.json`, as each package would overwrite previous husky installation.

For macOS and Linux users:
- if you're running `git` commands in the terminal, husky will use the version defined in your shell `PATH`. In other words, if you're a `nvm` user, husky will use the version that you've set with `nvm`.

@@ -277,3 +280,3 @@ - if you're using a GUI client and `nvm`, it may have a different `PATH` and not load `nvm`, in this case the highest `node` version installed by `nvm` will usually be picked. You can also check `~/.node_path` to see which version is used by GUIs and edit if you want to use something else.

By design and just like `scripts` defined in `package.json`, husky will run hook scripts as a single command.
By design and just like `scripts` defined in `package.json`, husky will run hook scripts as a single command.

@@ -287,11 +290,8 @@ ```json

const tasks = arr => arr.join(' && ')
const tasks = (arr) => arr.join(' && ')
module.exports = {
'hooks': {
'pre-commit': tasks([
hooks: {
'pre-commit': tasks(['cmd', 'cmd']),

@@ -358,5 +358,5 @@ ```

* [pkg-ok]( - Prevents publishing a module with bad paths or incorrect line endings
* [please-upgrade-node]( - Show a message to upgrade Node instead of a stacktrace in your CLIs
* [pinst]( - dev only postinstall hook
- [pkg-ok]( - Prevents publishing a module with bad paths or incorrect line endings
- [please-upgrade-node]( - Show a message to upgrade Node instead of a stacktrace in your CLIs
- [pinst]( - dev only postinstall hook

@@ -363,0 +363,0 @@ ## Patreon

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