What is ibantools?
The ibantools npm package provides utilities for validating and formatting International Bank Account Numbers (IBANs). It helps ensure that IBANs are correctly structured and can be used for financial transactions.
What are ibantools's main functionalities?
Validate IBAN
This feature allows you to validate an IBAN to ensure it is correctly formatted and valid. The `validateIBAN` function returns an object indicating whether the IBAN is valid and, if not, what the issues are.
const ibantools = require('ibantools');
const result = ibantools.validateIBAN('DE89370400440532013000');
Format IBAN
This feature allows you to format an IBAN into a more readable form. The `formatIBAN` function takes an IBAN string and returns it in a standardized format with spaces.
const ibantools = require('ibantools');
const formattedIBAN = ibantools.formatIBAN('DE89370400440532013000');
Get IBAN Country Information
This feature provides information about the country associated with a given IBAN. The `getIBANCountryInfo` function takes a country code and returns details such as the country name and IBAN length.
const ibantools = require('ibantools');
const countryInfo = ibantools.getIBANCountryInfo('DE');
Other packages similar to ibantools
The 'iban' package provides similar functionalities for validating and formatting IBANs. It also includes utilities for generating IBANs and extracting country-specific information. Compared to ibantools, it offers a more comprehensive set of features for handling IBANs.

IBANTools is TypeScript/JavaScript library for validation, creation and extraction of IBAN, BBAN and BIC/SWIFT numbers.
For more information about IBAN/BBAN see wikipedia page and
IBAN registry.
For more information about BIC/SWIFT see this wikipedia page.
Node (Common JS ES5 and ES6)
$ npm install ibantools
Bower (AMD ES5)
$ bower install ibantools
See full documentation with examples on Github pages.
Node.js - CommonJS
const ibantools = require('ibantools');
const iban = electronicFormatIBAN('NL91 ABNA 0417 1643 00');
AMD - RequireJS - Browser
require(["ibantools"], function(ibantools) {
console.log(ibantools.isValidIBAN('NL91 ABNA 0417 1643 00'));
Node.js - Common JS in browser
Use browserify or webpack.
Use node, not bower module.
If you are using tools that support jsnext
, like a rollup or JSPM, they will automatically select right module from the package.
With TypeScript
Install library/module using npm. Package bundles type definitions and if you are on TypeScript 2.0 or above tsc
will access those automatically. If not, check your tsconfig.json
Country specifications can be extended with national BBAN validations by calling setCountryBBANValidation
For example, to fully syntactically check German IBAN, you can install IBANTools-Germany and add this with
const ibantools = require('ibantools');
const ibantoolsGermany = require("ibantools-germany");
ibantools.setCountryBBANValidation("DE", ibantoolsGermany.isValidBBAN);
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