Node.js Client Library
The node.js client is used for simplifying the interaction with the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform. The following libraries contain instructions and guidance on using the nodejs ibmiotf node to interact with devices and applications within your organizations.
This client library is divided into three parts, Device, ManagedDevice and Application. The Devices section contains information on how devices publish events and handle commands using the nodejs ibmiotf module, ManagedDevice section contains information on how you can manage the device. More information on device management can be found here.. The Applications section contains information on how applications can use the nodejs ibmiotf module to interact with devices.
This library supports to be loaded in node.js and the browser.
The client code is in the src
folder and the tests are in the test
All code is written in JavaScript 6 and automatically transpiled to JavaScript 5 for testing and building the production version of the library.
- clone repo
npm install -g babel mocha
npm install
NPM commands
npm run test
- run the tests oncenpm run test:watch
- run the tests in watch modenpm build
- build the client and browser bundles
Load the library in node.js
var Client = require('ibmiotf');
Note: When this client library is used in the Node.js environment, it will use tcp/tls. But if a user wants to use websockets in Node.js, the user must add a new property enforce-ws
in the configuration.
Load the library in browser
Note: From version 0.2.34, the user must build the library using the below command to get the necessary javascript files to use the library in browser.
npm run build
Load the generated javascript file - iotf-client-bundle.js
or iotf-client-bundle-min.js
from the dist
directory to your web application. Check out the sample on how to use the generated library in your web application.
Supported Features
Feature | Supported? | Description |
Device connectivity | ✔ | Connect your device(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library. Click here for detailed information on how devices can publish events and handle commands. |
Gateway connectivity | ✔ | Connect your gateway(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library. Click here for detailed information on how gateways can publish events and handle commands for itself and for the attached devices. |
Application connectivity | ✔ | Connect your application(s) to Watson IoT Platform with ease using this library. Click here for detailed information on how applications can subscribe to device events and publish commands to devices. |
Watson IoT API | ✔ | Shows how applications can use this library to interact with the Watson IoT Platform through REST APIs. Click here for more information. |
SSL/TLS support | ✔ | By default, this library connects your devices, gateways and applications securely to Watson IoT Platform registered service. Ports 8883(default one) and 443 support secure connections using TLS with the MQTT and HTTP protocol. Also, use the enforce-ws setting in order to connect your device/gateway/application over WebSockets. Also, note that the library uses port 1883(unsecured) to connect to the Quickstart service. |
Client side Certificate based authentication | ✔ | Click here for more information on how to use Client side Certificates |
Device Management | ✔ | Connects your device/gateway as managed device/gateway to Watson IoT Platform. |
Device Management Extension(DME) | ✘ | Device Management Extension(DME) not supported now and will be added soon. |
Scalable Application | ✔ | Provides support for load balancing for applications. Click here for more information about how to enable scalable application support using this library. |
Auto reconnect | ✔ | When the connection is lost, the client library automatically tries to reconnect to the Watson IoT platform |
Websocket | ✔ | Enables device/gateway/application to connect to Watson IoT Platform using WebSockets. To enable this feature, set enforce-ws option to true. |
Event/Command publish using MQTT | ✔ | Enables device/gateway/application to publish messages using MQTT. Refer to Device, Gateway and Application section for more information. |
Event/Command publish using HTTP | ✔ | Enables device/gateway/application to publish messages using HTTP. |
DeviceClient is device client for the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform
service. You can use this client to connect to the service, publish
events from the device and subscribe to commands.
The constructor builds the device client instance. It accepts a
configuration JSON containing the following:
- org - Your organization ID
- type - The type of your device
- id - The ID of your device
- auth-method - Method of authentication (the only value currently
supported is “token”)
- auth-token - API key token (required if auth-method is “token”)
- domain - (Optional)The messaging endpoint URL. By default, the value is ""(Watson IoT Production server).
- enforce-ws - (Optional)Enforce Websocket when using the library in Node.js
- use-client-certs - (Optional) Enforces use of client side certificates when specified as true
- server-ca - (Optional) Specifies the custom server certificate signed using device key
- client-ca - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to device-client CA certificate
- client-cert - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to device-client certificate
- client-key - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to device-client key
- client-key-passphrase - (Optional) Specifies the passphrase for the device-client key if exists
- clean-session - (Optional) Sets the clean session flag on the connection. It is used for durable and non-durable subscriptions.
If you want to use quickstart, then enter only the first three properties.
var Client = require("ibmiotf");
var config = {
"org" : "organization",
"id" : "deviceId",
"domain": "",
"type" : "deviceType",
"auth-method" : "token",
"auth-token" : "authToken"
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
If you want to use registered mode with Client Side Certificates, you need to have use-client-certs defined to true and client-ca, client-cert and client-key referring to appropriate paths as shown below:
var Client = require("ibmiotf");
var config = {
"org" : "organization",
"id" : "deviceId",
"domain": "",
"type" : "deviceType",
"auth-method" : "token",
"auth-token" : "authToken",
"use-client-certs": [true / false],
"server-ca": "path to custom server certificate", # Optional, if there is custom server certificate, then can be used
"client-ca": "path to device-client ca certificate",
"client-cert": "path to device-client certificate",
"client-key": "path to device-client key"
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
Connect to the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform by calling the connect
deviceClient.on('connect', function () {
//Add your code here
After the successful connection to the IoTF service, the device client
emits connect event. So all the device logic can be implemented inside
this callback function.
The Device Client automatically tries to reconnect when it loses connection.
When the reconnection is successful, the client emits reconnect event.
By default, all the logs of warn
are logged. If you want to enable more logs, use the log.setLevel function. Supported log levels - trace, debug, info, warn, error.
//setting the log level to 'trace'
deviceClient.on('connect', function () {
//Add your code here
Publishing events
Events are the mechanism by which devices publish data to the Internet
of Things Platform. The device controls the content of the event and
assigns a name for each event it sends.
When an event is received by the IOT Platform the credentials of the
connection on which the event was received are used to determine from
which device the event was sent. With this architecture it is impossible
for a device to impersonate another device.
Events can be published at any of the three quality of service levels
defined by the MQTT protocol. By default events will be published as qos
level 0.
Events can be published by using
- eventType - Type of event to be published e.g status, gps
- eventFormat - Format of the event e.g json
- data - Payload of the event. Supported formats for data are String, Buffer and JSON
- QoS - qos for the publish event. Supported values : 0,1,2
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
deviceClient.on("connect", function () {
//publishing event using the default quality of service
deviceClient.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
deviceClient.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
The device events can also be sent using HTTP instead of JSON.
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
deviceClient.publishHTTPS('myevt', 'json', '{"value": 23 }').then(function onSuccess (argument) {
}, function onError (argument) {
Handling commands
When the device client connects, it automatically subscribes to any
command for this device. To process specific commands you need to
register a command callback function. The device client emits command
when a command is received. The callback function has the following
- commandName - name of the command invoked
- format - e.g json, xml
- payload - payload for the command
- topic - actual topic where the command was received
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
deviceClient.on("connect", function () {
//publishing event using the default quality of service
deviceClient.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
deviceClient.on("command", function (commandName,format,payload,topic) {
if(commandName === "blink") {
//function to be performed for this command
} else {
console.log("Command not supported.. " + commandName);
Handling errors
When the device clients encounters an error, it emits an error event.
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
deviceClient.on("connect", function () {
//publishing event using the default quality of service
deviceClient.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
deviceClient.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error : "+err);
Disconnect Client
Disconnects the client and releases the connections
var deviceClient = new Client.IotfDevice(config);
client.on("connect", function () {
//publishing event using the default quality of service
client.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
client.publish("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
//disconnect the client
ApplicationClient is application client for the Internet of Things
Platform service. This section contains information on how
applications interact with devices.
The constructor builds the application client instance. It accepts an
configuration json containing the following :
- org - Your organization ID
- id - The unique ID of your application within your organization.
- auth-key - API key
- auth-token - API key token
- type - use 'shared' to enable shared subscription
- domain - (Optional)The messaging endpoint URL. By default the value is ""(Watson IoT Production server).
- enforce-ws - (Optional)Enforce Websocket when using the library in Node.js
- clean-session - (Optional) Sets the clean session flag on the connection. It is used for durable and non-durable subscriptions.
- instance-id - (Optional) Sets the instance Id for the connection. This is used for Mixed-durability shared subscriptions. Use this when the clean-session is set false and type is shared.
If you want to use quickstart, then send only the first two properties.
var Client = require("ibmiotf");
var appClientConfig = {
"org" : orgId,
"id" : appId,
"domain": "",
"auth-key" : apiKey,
"auth-token" : apiToken
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
Connect to the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform by calling the connect
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
//Add your code here
After the successful connection to the IoTF service, the application
client emits connect event. So all the logic can be implemented inside
this callback function.
The Application Client automatically tries to reconnect when it loses connection.
When the reconnection is successful, the client emits reconnect event.
By default, all the logs of warn
are logged. If you want to enable more logs, use the log.setLevel function. Supported log levels - trace, debug, info, warn, error.
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
//setting the log level to 'trace'
appClient.on("connect", function () {
//Add your code here
Shared Subscription
Use this feature to build scalable applications which will load balance messages across multiple instances of the application. To enable this, pass 'type' as 'shared' in the configuration.
var appClientConfig = {
org: 'xxxxx',
id: 'myapp',
"auth-key": 'a-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx',
"auth-token": 'xxxxx!xxxxxxxx',
"type" : "shared" // make this connection as shared subscription
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
//Add your code here
appClient.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error : "+err);
For Mixed-durability shared subscriptions, you will also have to set the instance Id to the connection. Following example has this functionality explained
var appClientConfig = {
org: 'xxxxx',
id: 'myapp',
"auth-key": 'a-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx',
"auth-token": 'xxxxx!xxxxxxxx',
"type" : "shared",
"instance-id" : "xxxxxxx",
"clean-session" : false
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
//Add your code here
appClient.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error : "+err);
Handling errors
When the application clients encounters an error, it emits an error event.
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
//Add your code here
appClient.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error : "+err);
Subscribing to device events
Events are the mechanism by which devices publish data to the Internet
of Things Platform. The device controls the content of the event and
assigns a name for each event it sends.
When an event is received by the IOT Platform the credentials of the
connection on which the event was received are used to determine from
which device the event was sent. With this architecture it is impossible
for a device to impersonate another device.
By default, applications will subscribe to all events from all connected
devices. Use the type, id, event and msgFormat parameters to control the
scope of the subscription. A single client can support multiple
subscriptions. The code samples below give examples of how to subscribe
to devices dependent on device type, id, event and msgFormat parameters.
To subscribe to all events from all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all events from all devices of a specific type
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to a specific event from all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to a specific event from two or more different devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all events published by a device in json format
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling events from devices
To process the events received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an device event callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event deviceEvent. This function has the following
- deviceType
- deviceId
- eventType
- format
- payload - Device event payload
- topic - Original topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("deviceEvent", function (deviceType, deviceId, eventType, format, payload) {
console.log("Device Event from :: "+deviceType+" : "+deviceId+" of event "+eventType+" with payload : "+payload);
Subscribing to device state events
Device State Events are a feature of the Data Management capabilities of
the Watson IoT platform. They provide a mechanism for applications to be
notifified when the state of a Digital Twin is updated. For more information
on these concepts, including a detailed walk-through, please refer to the
Data Management
section of the Watson IoT platform documentation.
By default, applications will subscribe to all state events from all
Logical Interfaces, on all devices, of all types. Use the type
, id
and interfaceId
parameters to control the scope of the subscription.
A single client can support multiple subscriptions. The code samples below
give examples of how to subscribe to device state events.
To subscribe to all state events from all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all state events from all devices of a specific type
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to state events from a specific Logical Interface from all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all state events from two or more different devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling device state events
To process the state events received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an device state event callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event deviceState. This function has the following
- deviceType
- deviceId
- interfaceId
- payload - Device state event payload
- topic - Original topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("deviceState", function (deviceType, deviceId, interfaceId, payload) {
console.log("Device State Event from :: "+deviceType+" : "+deviceId+" for interface "+interfaceId+" with payload : "+payload);
Subscribing to device state error events
Device State Error Events are a published when there are validation failures,
or runtime errors while computing device state. Examples of this include cases
where a Device event does not conform to the schema for that Event Type in the
Device Twin configuration, or where the generated Device State does not conform
to the schema for the Logical Interface. For more information on these concepts,
including a detailed walk-through, please refer to the
Data Management
section of the Watson IoT platform documentation.
By default, applications will subscribe to all state error events from all
devices, of all types. Use the type
, and id
, parameters to control the
scope of the subscription. A single client can support multiple subscriptions.
The code samples below give examples of how to subscribe to device state error events.
To subscribe to all state error events from all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all state error events from all devices of a specific type
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to state events from a specific device
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all state events from two or more different devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling device state error events
To process the state error events received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an device state error event callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event deviceStateError. This function has the following
- deviceType
- deviceId
- payload - state error event payload
- topic - Original topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("deviceStateError", function (deviceType, deviceId, payload) {
console.log("Device State Error Event from :: "+deviceType+" : "+deviceId+" with payload : "+payload);
Subscribing to rule trigger events
Rule trigger events are published when a Logical Interface Rule expression
evaluates to true
. These rules are evaluated during the processing of
device events that can contribute to Device State.
By default, applications will subscribe to all rule trigger events for all
Logical Interfaces and all Rules. Use the interfaceId
, and ruleId
, parameters
to control the scope of the subscription. A single client can support multiple subscriptions.
The code samples below give examples of how to subscribe to rule trigger events.
To subscribe to all rule trigger events for all logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all rule trigger events for a specific logical interface
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all rule trigger events for a specific rule on all logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to specific rule trigger events from two or more different logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling rule trigger events
To process the rule trigger events received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an rule trigger event callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event ruleTrigger. This function has the following
- interfaceId
- ruleId
- payload - rule trigger event payload
- topic - Original topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("ruleTrigger", function(interfaceId, ruleId, payload) {
console.log("Rule Trigger Event on interface : "+interfaceId+" for rule: "+ruleId+" with payload : "+payload);
Subscribing to rule error events
Rule error events are published when a Logical Interface Rule expression
evaluation results in an error. These rules are evaluated during the processing of
device events that can contribute to Device State.
By default, applications will subscribe to all rule error events for all
Logical Interfaces and all Rules. Use the interfaceId
, and ruleId
, parameters
to control the scope of the subscription. A single client can support multiple subscriptions.
The code samples below give examples of how to subscribe to rule error events.
To subscribe to all rule error events for all logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all rule error events for a specific logical interface
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to all rule error events for a specific rule on all logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
To subscribe to specific rule error events from two or more different logical interfaces
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling rule error events
To process the rule error events received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an rule error event callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event ruleError. This function has the following
- interfaceId
- ruleId
- payload - rule error event payload
- topic - Original topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("ruleError", function(interfaceId, ruleId, payload) {
console.log("Rule Error Event on interface : "+interfaceId+" for rule: "+ruleId+" with payload : "+payload);
Subscribing to device status
By default, this will subscribe to status updates for all connected
devices. Use the type and id parameters to control the scope of the
subscription. A single client can support multiple subscriptions.
Subscribe to status updates for all devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Subscribe to status updates for all devices of a specific type
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Subscribe to status updates for two different devices
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
Handling status updates from devices
To process the status updates received by your subscriptions you need to
implement an device status callback method. The ibmiotf application
client emits the event deviceStatus. This function has the following
- deviceType
- deviceId
- payload - Device status payload
- topic
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
appClient.on("deviceStatus", function (deviceType, deviceId, payload, topic) {
console.log("Device status from :: "+deviceType+" : "+deviceId+" with payload : "+payload);
Publishing events from devices
Applications can publish events as if they originated from a Device. The
function requires
- DeviceType
- Device ID
- Event Type
- Format
- Data
Supported formats for data are String, Buffer and JSON
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
var myData={'name' : 'foo', 'cpu' : 60, 'mem' : 50};
myData = JSON.stringify(myData);
appClient.publishDeviceEvent("myDeviceType","device01", "myEvent", "json", myData);
Publishing events from devices(via HTTP)
Applications can publish events as if they originated from a Device. This method uses HTTP instead of MQTT to send messages
- DeviceType
- Device ID
- Event Type
- Format
- Data
Supported formats for data are text, JSON and XML. The 'Content-Type' will be set as application/json or application/xml
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.publishHTTPS("raspi", "pi01", "eventType", "json", { d : { 'temp' : 32}}). then (function onSuccess (argument) {
}, function onError (argument) {
Publishing commands to devices
Applications can publish commands to connected devices. The function
- DeviceType
- Device ID
- Command Type
- Format
- Data
Supported formats for data are String, Buffer and JSON
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
var myData={'DelaySeconds' : 10};
myData = JSON.stringify(myData);
appClient.publishDeviceCommand("myDeviceType","device01", "reboot", "json", myData);
Disconnect Client
Disconnects the client and releases the connections
var appClient = new Client.IotfApplication(appClientConfig);
appClient.on("connect", function () {
var myData={'DelaySeconds' : 10}
appClient.publishDeviceCommand("myDeviceType","device01", "reboot", "json", myData);
GatewayClient is Gateway client for the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform service. You can use this client to connect to the platform, publish gateway events, publish device events on behalf of the devices, subscribe to both gateway and device commands.
The constructor builds the Gateway client instance. It accepts an
configuration json containing the following :
- org - Your organization ID
- type - The type of your gateway
- id - The ID of your gateway
- auth-method - Method of authentication (the only value currently supported is “token”)
- auth-token - API key token (required if auth-method is “token”)
- domain - (Optional)The messaging endpoint URL. By default the value is ""(Watson IoT Production server).
- enforce-ws - (Optional)Enforce Websocket when using the library in Node.js
- use-client-certs - (Optional) Enforces use of client side certificates when specified as true
- server-ca - (Optional) Specifies the custom server certificate signed using gateway key
- client-ca - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to gateway-client CA certificate
- client-cert - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to gateway-client certificate
- client-key - (Mandatory when use-client-certs:true) Specifies the path to gateway-client key
- client-key-passphrase - (Optional) Specifies the passphrase for the gateway-client key if exists
var Client = require("ibmiotf");
var config = {
"org" : "organization",
"type" : "gatewayType",
"id" : "gatewayId",
"domain": "",
"auth-method" : "token",
"auth-token" : "authToken",
"use-client-certs": [true / false],
"server-ca": "path to custom server certificate", # Optional, if there is custom server certificate, then can be used
"client-ca": "path to gateway-client ca certificate",
"client-cert": "path to gateway-client certificate",
"client-key": "path to gateway-client key"
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
Connect to the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform by calling the connect function
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//Add your code here
After the successful connection to the platform, the gateway client
emits connect event. So all the programming logic can be implemented inside this callback function.
The Gateway Client automatically tries to reconnect when it loses connection.
When the reconnection is successful, the client emits reconnect event.
By default, all the logs of warn
are logged. If you want to enable more logs, use the log.setLevel function. Supported log levels - trace, debug, info, warn, error.
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function() {
//Add your code here
Publishing events
Events are the mechanism by which devices publish data to the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform. The gateway controls the content of the event and assigns a name for each event it sends.
Events can be published at any of the three quality of service levels defined by the MQTT protocol. By default events will be published as qos level 0.
Events can be published by using
- eventType - Type of event to be published e.g status, gps
- eventFormat - Format of the event e.g json
- data - Payload of the event. Supported formats for data are String, Buffer and JSON
- QoS - qos for the publish event. Supported values : 0,1,2
A gateway can publish events from itself and on behalf of any device connected via the gateway.
Publish Gateway Events
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//publishing gateway events using the default quality of service
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
Publish Device Events
The Gateway can publish the device events on behalf of the device that is connected to the Gateway. Function publishDeviceEvent needs device Type and the Device Id to publish the device events.
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//publishing device events with deviceType 'Raspi' and deviceId 'pi01' using the default quality of service
gatewayClient.publishDeviceEvent("Raspi","pi01", "status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
gatewayClient.publishDeviceEvent("Raspi","pi01","status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
Handling commands
Commands are the mechanism by which applications can communicate with devices. Only applications can send commands, which must be issued to specific devices.
The Gateways can receive gateway commands as well as Device commands on behalf of the device. Function subscribeToGatewayCommand is to be used to subscribe to a Gateway command and subscribeToDeviceCommand is to be used to subscribe to a Device command for the device connected to the gateway. To unsubscribe to commands, you can use the functions unsubscribeToGatewayCommand and unsubscribeToDeviceCommand.
To process specific commands you need to register a command callback function. The device client emits command when a command is eceived. The callback function has the following properties
- type - type of the Gateway/Device.
- id - id of the Gateway/Device.
- commandName - name of the command invoked
- format - e.g json, xml
- payload - payload for the command
- topic - actual topic where the command was received
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//subscribe to command "blink" for the device with Type 'raspi' and id 'pi2'
//subscribe to all commands for the device with Type 'raspi' and id 'pi3'
//subscribe to command 'blink' for this gateway.
//unsubscribe command function
gatewayClient.on('command', function(type, id, commandName, commandFormat, payload, topic){
console.log("Command received");
console.log("Type: %s ID: %s \nCommand Name : %s Format: %s",type, id, commandName, commandFormat);
console.log("Payload : %s",payload);
Handling errors
When the device clients encounters an error, it emits an error event.
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//publishing gateway events using the default quality of service
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
gatewayClient.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error : "+err);
Disconnect Client
Disconnects the client and releases the connections
var gatewayClient = new iotf.IotfGateway(config);
//setting the log level to trace. By default its 'warn'
gatewayClient.on('connect', function(){
//publishing gateway events using the default quality of service
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}');
//publishing event using the user-defined quality of service
var myQosLevel=2
gatewayClient.publishGatewayEvent("status","json",'{"d" : { "cpu" : 60, "mem" : 50 }}', myQosLevel);
//disconnect the client
The API documentation can be found here.