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Comparing version 7.1.0-alpha.1 to 7.1.0-alpha.2



@@ -1,23 +0,38 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import HTMLMaskElement from './html-mask-element.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import './mask-element.js';
var HTMLContenteditableMaskElement = /*#__PURE__*/function (_HTMLMaskElement) {
_inheritsLoose(HTMLContenteditableMaskElement, _HTMLMaskElement);
function HTMLContenteditableMaskElement() {
return _HTMLMaskElement.apply(this, arguments) || this;
class HTMLContenteditableMaskElement extends HTMLMaskElement {
/** Returns HTMLElement selection start */
get _unsafeSelectionStart() {
const root = this.rootElement;
const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
const anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset;
const focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset;
if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset < focusOffset) {
return anchorOffset;
return focusOffset;
var _proto = HTMLContenteditableMaskElement.prototype;
/** Returns HTMLElement selection end */
get _unsafeSelectionEnd() {
const root = this.rootElement;
const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
const anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset;
const focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset;
if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset > focusOffset) {
return anchorOffset;
return focusOffset;
/** Sets HTMLElement selection */
_proto._unsafeSelect = function _unsafeSelect(start, end) {
_unsafeSelect(start, end) {
if (!this.rootElement.createRange) return;
var range = this.rootElement.createRange();
const range = this.rootElement.createRange();
range.setStart(this.input.firstChild || this.input, start);
range.setEnd(this.input.lastChild || this.input, end);
var root = this.rootElement;
var selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
const root = this.rootElement;
const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
if (selection) {

@@ -29,43 +44,12 @@ selection.removeAllRanges();

/** HTMLElement value */;
_createClass(HTMLContenteditableMaskElement, [{
key: "_unsafeSelectionStart",
get: /** Returns HTMLElement selection start */
function get() {
var root = this.rootElement;
var selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
var anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset;
var focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset;
if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset < focusOffset) {
return anchorOffset;
return focusOffset;
/** Returns HTMLElement selection end */
}, {
key: "_unsafeSelectionEnd",
get: function get() {
var root = this.rootElement;
var selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection();
var anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset;
var focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset;
if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset > focusOffset) {
return anchorOffset;
return focusOffset;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this.input.textContent || '';
set: function set(value) {
this.input.textContent = value;
return HTMLContenteditableMaskElement;
/** HTMLElement value */
get value() {
return this.input.textContent || '';
set value(value) {
this.input.textContent = value;
IMask.HTMLContenteditableMaskElement = HTMLContenteditableMaskElement;
export { HTMLContenteditableMaskElement as default };

@@ -1,53 +0,38 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import HTMLMaskElement from './html-mask-element.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import './mask-element.js';
/** Bridge between InputElement and {@link Masked} */
var HTMLInputMaskElement = /*#__PURE__*/function (_HTMLMaskElement) {
_inheritsLoose(HTMLInputMaskElement, _HTMLMaskElement);
class HTMLInputMaskElement extends HTMLMaskElement {
/** InputElement to use mask on */
function HTMLInputMaskElement(input) {
var _this;
_this =, input) || this;
_this.input = input;
_this._handlers = {};
return _this;
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
this._handlers = {};
/** Returns InputElement selection start */
var _proto = HTMLInputMaskElement.prototype;
get _unsafeSelectionStart() {
return this.input.selectionStart != null ? this.input.selectionStart : this.value.length;
/** Returns InputElement selection end */
get _unsafeSelectionEnd() {
return this.input.selectionEnd;
/** Sets InputElement selection */
_proto._unsafeSelect = function _unsafeSelect(start, end) {
_unsafeSelect(start, end) {
this.input.setSelectionRange(start, end);
_createClass(HTMLInputMaskElement, [{
key: "_unsafeSelectionStart",
get: function get() {
return this.input.selectionStart != null ? this.input.selectionStart : this.value.length;
/** Returns InputElement selection end */
}, {
key: "_unsafeSelectionEnd",
get: function get() {
return this.input.selectionEnd;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this.input.value;
set: function set(value) {
this.input.value = value;
return HTMLInputMaskElement;
get value() {
return this.input.value;
set value(value) {
this.input.value = value;
IMask.HTMLMaskElement = HTMLMaskElement;
export { HTMLInputMaskElement as default };

@@ -1,29 +0,30 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _Object$keys } from '../keys-e9789594.js';
import MaskElement from './mask-element.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
/** Bridge between HTMLElement and {@link Masked} */
var HTMLMaskElement = /*#__PURE__*/function (_MaskElement) {
_inheritsLoose(HTMLMaskElement, _MaskElement);
class HTMLMaskElement extends MaskElement {
/** HTMLElement to use mask on */
function HTMLMaskElement(input) {
var _this;
_this = || this;
_this.input = input;
_this._handlers = {};
return _this;
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
this._handlers = {};
var _proto = HTMLMaskElement.prototype;
get rootElement() {
var _this$input$getRootNo, _this$input$getRootNo2, _this$input;
return (_this$input$getRootNo = (_this$input$getRootNo2 = (_this$input = this.input).getRootNode) == null ? void 0 : _this$input$$input)) != null ? _this$input$getRootNo : document;
Is element in focus
get isActive() {
return this.input === this.rootElement.activeElement;
Binds HTMLElement events to mask internal events
_proto.bindEvents = function bindEvents(handlers) {
var _this2 = this;
_Object$keys(handlers).forEach(function (event) {
return _this2._toggleEventHandler(HTMLMaskElement.EVENTS_MAP[event], handlers[event]);
bindEvents(handlers) {
Object.keys(handlers).forEach(event => this._toggleEventHandler(HTMLMaskElement.EVENTS_MAP[event], handlers[event]));

@@ -33,10 +34,7 @@

Unbinds HTMLElement events to mask internal events
_proto.unbindEvents = function unbindEvents() {
var _this3 = this;
_Object$keys(this._handlers).forEach(function (event) {
return _this3._toggleEventHandler(event);
_proto._toggleEventHandler = function _toggleEventHandler(event, handler) {
unbindEvents() {
Object.keys(this._handlers).forEach(event => this._toggleEventHandler(event));
_toggleEventHandler(event, handler) {
if (this._handlers[event]) {

@@ -50,21 +48,4 @@ this.input.removeEventListener(event, this._handlers[event]);

_createClass(HTMLMaskElement, [{
key: "rootElement",
get: function get() {
var _this$input$getRootNo, _this$input$getRootNo2, _this$input;
return (_this$input$getRootNo = (_this$input$getRootNo2 = (_this$input = this.input).getRootNode) == null ? void 0 : _this$input$$input)) != null ? _this$input$getRootNo : document;
Is element in focus
}, {
key: "isActive",
get: function get() {
return this.input === this.rootElement.activeElement;
return HTMLMaskElement;
/** Mapping between HTMLElement events and mask internal events */

@@ -71,0 +52,0 @@ HTMLMaskElement.EVENTS_MAP = {

@@ -1,6 +0,2 @@

import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { _ as _spliceInstanceProperty } from '../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import { o as objectIncludes, D as DIRECTION } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import { objectIncludes, DIRECTION } from '../core/utils.js';
import ActionDetails from '../core/action-details.js';

@@ -12,17 +8,6 @@ import createMask, { maskedClass } from '../masked/factory.js';

import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import './html-mask-element.js';
var _excluded = ["mask"];
/** Listens to element events and controls changes between element and {@link Masked} */
var InputMask = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class InputMask {

@@ -34,3 +19,3 @@ View element

function InputMask(el, opts) {
constructor(el, opts) {
this.el = el instanceof MaskElement ? el : el.isContentEditable && el.tagName !== 'INPUT' && el.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA' ? new HTMLContenteditableMaskElement(el) : new HTMLInputMaskElement(el);

@@ -55,4 +40,3 @@ this.masked = createMask(opts);

var _proto = InputMask.prototype;
_proto.maskEquals = function maskEquals(mask) {
maskEquals(mask) {
var _this$masked;

@@ -62,5 +46,62 @@ return mask == null || ((_this$masked = this.masked) == null ? void 0 : _this$masked.maskEquals(mask));

/** Masked */;
/** Masked */
get mask() {
return this.masked.mask;
set mask(mask) {
if (this.maskEquals(mask)) return;
if (!(mask instanceof IMask.Masked) && this.masked.constructor === maskedClass(mask)) {
// TODO "any" no idea
const masked = mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? mask : createMask({
masked.unmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue;
this.masked = masked;
/** Raw value */
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(str) {
if (this.value === str) return;
this.masked.value = str;
/** Unmasked value */
get unmaskedValue() {
return this._unmaskedValue;
set unmaskedValue(str) {
if (this.unmaskedValue === str) return;
this.masked.unmaskedValue = str;
/** Typed unmasked value */
get typedValue() {
return this.masked.typedValue;
set typedValue(val) {
if (this.masked.typedValueEquals(val)) return;
this.masked.typedValue = val;
/** Display value */
get displayValue() {
return this.masked.displayValue;
/** Starts listening to element events */
_proto._bindEvents = function _bindEvents() {
_bindEvents() {

@@ -76,19 +117,31 @@ selectionChange: this._saveSelection,

/** Stops listening to element events */;
_proto._unbindEvents = function _unbindEvents() {
/** Stops listening to element events */
_unbindEvents() {
if (this.el) this.el.unbindEvents();
/** Fires custom event */;
_proto._fireEvent = function _fireEvent(ev, e) {
var listeners = this._listeners[ev];
/** Fires custom event */
_fireEvent(ev, e) {
const listeners = this._listeners[ev];
if (!listeners) return;
listeners.forEach(function (l) {
return l(e);
listeners.forEach(l => l(e));
/** Current selection start */;
/** Current selection start */
get selectionStart() {
return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionStart;
/** Current cursor position */
get cursorPos() {
return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionEnd;
set cursorPos(pos) {
if (!this.el || !this.el.isActive) return;, pos);
/** Stores current selection */
_proto._saveSelection = function _saveSelection( /* ev */
_saveSelection( /* ev */
) {

@@ -105,4 +158,4 @@ if (this.displayValue !== this.el.value) {

/** Syncronizes model value from view */;
_proto.updateValue = function updateValue() {
/** Syncronizes model value from view */
updateValue() {
this.masked.value = this.el.value;

@@ -112,8 +165,8 @@ this._value = this.masked.value;

/** Syncronizes view from model value, fires change events */;
_proto.updateControl = function updateControl() {
var newUnmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue;
var newValue = this.masked.value;
var newDisplayValue = this.displayValue;
var isChanged = this.unmaskedValue !== newUnmaskedValue || this.value !== newValue;
/** Syncronizes view from model value, fires change events */
updateControl() {
const newUnmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue;
const newValue = this.masked.value;
const newDisplayValue = this.displayValue;
const isChanged = this.unmaskedValue !== newUnmaskedValue || this.value !== newValue;
this._unmaskedValue = newUnmaskedValue;

@@ -125,8 +178,10 @@ this._value = newValue;

/** Updates options with deep equal check, recreates {@link Masked} model if mask type changes */;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {
var mask = opts.mask,
restOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(opts, _excluded);
var updateMask = !this.maskEquals(mask);
var updateOpts = !objectIncludes(this.masked, restOpts);
/** Updates options with deep equal check, recreates {@link Masked} model if mask type changes */
updateOptions(opts) {
const {
} = opts;
const updateMask = !this.maskEquals(mask);
const updateOpts = !objectIncludes(this.masked, restOpts);
if (updateMask) this.mask = mask;

@@ -138,4 +193,4 @@ if (updateOpts) this.masked.updateOptions(restOpts); // TODO

/** Updates cursor */;
_proto.updateCursor = function updateCursor(cursorPos) {
/** Updates cursor */
updateCursor(cursorPos) {
if (cursorPos == null) return;

@@ -148,16 +203,15 @@ this.cursorPos = cursorPos;

/** Delays cursor update to support mobile browsers */;
_proto._delayUpdateCursor = function _delayUpdateCursor(cursorPos) {
var _this = this;
/** Delays cursor update to support mobile browsers */
_delayUpdateCursor(cursorPos) {
this._changingCursorPos = cursorPos;
this._cursorChanging = setTimeout(function () {
if (!_this.el) return; // if was destroyed
_this.cursorPos = _this._changingCursorPos;
this._cursorChanging = setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.el) return; // if was destroyed
this.cursorPos = this._changingCursorPos;
}, 10);
/** Fires custom events */;
_proto._fireChangeEvents = function _fireChangeEvents() {
/** Fires custom events */
_fireChangeEvents() {
this._fireEvent('accept', this._inputEvent);

@@ -167,4 +221,4 @@ if (this.masked.isComplete) this._fireEvent('complete', this._inputEvent);

/** Aborts delayed cursor update */;
_proto._abortUpdateCursor = function _abortUpdateCursor() {
/** Aborts delayed cursor update */
_abortUpdateCursor() {
if (this._cursorChanging) {

@@ -176,9 +230,9 @@ clearTimeout(this._cursorChanging);

/** Aligns cursor to nearest available position */;
_proto.alignCursor = function alignCursor() {
/** Aligns cursor to nearest available position */
alignCursor() {
this.cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(this.masked.nearestInputPos(this.cursorPos, DIRECTION.LEFT));
/** Aligns cursor only if selection is empty */;
_proto.alignCursorFriendly = function alignCursorFriendly() {
/** Aligns cursor only if selection is empty */
alignCursorFriendly() {
if (this.selectionStart !== this.cursorPos) return; // skip if range is selected

@@ -188,4 +242,4 @@ this.alignCursor();

/** Adds listener on custom event */;
_proto.on = function on(ev, handler) {
/** Adds listener on custom event */
on(ev, handler) {
if (!this._listeners[ev]) this._listeners[ev] = [];

@@ -196,5 +250,4 @@ this._listeners[ev].push(handler);

/** Removes custom event listener */; = function off(ev, handler) {
var _context, _context2;
/** Removes custom event listener */
off(ev, handler) {
if (!this._listeners[ev]) return this;

@@ -205,10 +258,9 @@ if (!handler) {

var hIndex = _indexOfInstanceProperty(_context = this._listeners[ev]).call(_context, handler);
if (hIndex >= 0) _spliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this._listeners[ev]).call(_context2, hIndex, 1);
const hIndex = this._listeners[ev].indexOf(handler);
if (hIndex >= 0) this._listeners[ev].splice(hIndex, 1);
return this;
/** Handles view input event */;
_proto._onInput = function _onInput(e) {
var _context3;
/** Handles view input event */
_onInput(e) {
this._inputEvent = e;

@@ -219,3 +271,3 @@ this._abortUpdateCursor();

if (!this._selection) return this.updateValue();
var details = new ActionDetails({
const details = new ActionDetails({
// new state

@@ -228,4 +280,4 @@ value: this.el.value,

var oldRawValue = this.masked.rawInputValue;
var offset = _spliceInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.masked).call(_context3, details.startChangePos, details.removed.length, details.inserted, details.removeDirection, {
const oldRawValue = this.masked.rawInputValue;
const offset = this.masked.splice(details.startChangePos, details.removed.length, details.inserted, details.removeDirection, {
input: true,

@@ -237,4 +289,4 @@ raw: true

// otherwise we still need to align with NONE (to get out from fixed symbols for instance)
var removeDirection = oldRawValue === this.masked.rawInputValue ? details.removeDirection : DIRECTION.NONE;
var cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(details.startChangePos + offset, removeDirection);
const removeDirection = oldRawValue === this.masked.rawInputValue ? details.removeDirection : DIRECTION.NONE;
let cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(details.startChangePos + offset, removeDirection);
if (removeDirection !== DIRECTION.NONE) cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, DIRECTION.NONE);

@@ -246,4 +298,4 @@ this.updateControl();

/** Handles view change event and commits model value */;
_proto._onChange = function _onChange() {
/** Handles view change event and commits model value */
_onChange() {
if (this.displayValue !== this.el.value) {

@@ -257,4 +309,4 @@ this.updateValue();

/** Handles view drop event, prevents by default */;
_proto._onDrop = function _onDrop(ev) {
/** Handles view drop event, prevents by default */
_onDrop(ev) {

@@ -264,106 +316,21 @@ ev.stopPropagation();

/** Restore last selection on focus */;
_proto._onFocus = function _onFocus(ev) {
/** Restore last selection on focus */
_onFocus(ev) {
/** Restore last selection on focus */;
_proto._onClick = function _onClick(ev) {
/** Restore last selection on focus */
_onClick(ev) {
/** Unbind view events and removes element reference */;
_proto.destroy = function destroy() {
/** Unbind view events and removes element reference */
destroy() {
this._listeners.length = 0;
delete this.el;
_createClass(InputMask, [{
key: "mask",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.mask;
set: function set(mask) {
if (this.maskEquals(mask)) return;
if (!(mask instanceof IMask.Masked) && this.masked.constructor === maskedClass(mask)) {
// TODO "any" no idea
mask: mask
var masked = mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? mask : createMask({
mask: mask
masked.unmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue;
this.masked = masked;
/** Raw value */
}, {
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this._value;
set: function set(str) {
if (this.value === str) return;
this.masked.value = str;
/** Unmasked value */
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this._unmaskedValue;
set: function set(str) {
if (this.unmaskedValue === str) return;
this.masked.unmaskedValue = str;
/** Typed unmasked value */
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.typedValue;
set: function set(val) {
if (this.masked.typedValueEquals(val)) return;
this.masked.typedValue = val;
/** Display value */
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.displayValue;
}, {
key: "selectionStart",
get: function get() {
return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionStart;
/** Current cursor position */
}, {
key: "cursorPos",
get: function get() {
return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionEnd;
set: function set(pos) {
if (!this.el || !this.el.isActive) return;, pos);
return InputMask;
IMask.InputMask = InputMask;
export { InputMask as default };

@@ -1,55 +0,50 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
/** Generic element API to use with mask */
var MaskElement = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function MaskElement() {}
var _proto = MaskElement.prototype;
class MaskElement {
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** Safely returns selection start */
get selectionStart() {
let start;
try {
start = this._unsafeSelectionStart;
} catch {}
return start != null ? start : this.value.length;
/** Safely returns selection end */
get selectionEnd() {
let end;
try {
end = this._unsafeSelectionEnd;
} catch {}
return end != null ? end : this.value.length;
/** Safely sets element selection */ = function select(start, end) {
select(start, end) {
if (start == null || end == null || start === this.selectionStart && end === this.selectionEnd) return;
try {
this._unsafeSelect(start, end);
} catch (_unused) {}
} catch {}
/** */;
_createClass(MaskElement, [{
key: "selectionStart",
get: /** */
/** */
get isActive() {
return false;
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** Safely returns selection start */
function get() {
var start;
try {
start = this._unsafeSelectionStart;
} catch (_unused2) {}
return start != null ? start : this.value.length;
/** Safely returns selection end */
}, {
key: "selectionEnd",
get: function get() {
var end;
try {
end = this._unsafeSelectionEnd;
} catch (_unused3) {}
return end != null ? end : this.value.length;
}, {
key: "isActive",
get: function get() {
return false;
/** */
return MaskElement;
IMask.MaskElement = MaskElement;
export { MaskElement as default };

@@ -1,11 +0,5 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { D as DIRECTION } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import { DIRECTION } from './utils.js';
/** Provides details of changing input */
var ActionDetails = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class ActionDetails {
/** Current input value */

@@ -19,8 +13,7 @@

function ActionDetails(opts) {
_Object$assign(this, opts);
constructor(opts) {
Object.assign(this, opts);
// double check if left part was changed (autofilling, other non-standard input triggers)
while (_sliceInstanceProperty(_context = this.value).call(_context, 0, this.startChangePos) !== _sliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.oldValue).call(_context2, 0, this.startChangePos)) {
var _context, _context2;
while (this.value.slice(0, this.startChangePos) !== this.oldValue.slice(0, this.startChangePos)) {

@@ -31,68 +24,50 @@ }

/** Start changing position */
_createClass(ActionDetails, [{
key: "startChangePos",
get: function get() {
return Math.min(this.cursorPos, this.oldSelection.start);
get startChangePos() {
return Math.min(this.cursorPos, this.oldSelection.start);
/** Inserted symbols count */
}, {
key: "insertedCount",
get: function get() {
return this.cursorPos - this.startChangePos;
/** Inserted symbols count */
get insertedCount() {
return this.cursorPos - this.startChangePos;
/** Inserted symbols */
}, {
key: "inserted",
get: function get() {
return this.value.substr(this.startChangePos, this.insertedCount);
/** Inserted symbols */
get inserted() {
return this.value.substr(this.startChangePos, this.insertedCount);
/** Removed symbols count */
}, {
key: "removedCount",
get: function get() {
// Math.max for opposite operation
return Math.max(this.oldSelection.end - this.startChangePos ||
// for Delete
this.oldValue.length - this.value.length, 0);
/** Removed symbols count */
get removedCount() {
// Math.max for opposite operation
return Math.max(this.oldSelection.end - this.startChangePos ||
// for Delete
this.oldValue.length - this.value.length, 0);
/** Removed symbols */
}, {
key: "removed",
get: function get() {
return this.oldValue.substr(this.startChangePos, this.removedCount);
/** Removed symbols */
get removed() {
return this.oldValue.substr(this.startChangePos, this.removedCount);
/** Unchanged head symbols */
}, {
key: "head",
get: function get() {
return this.value.substring(0, this.startChangePos);
/** Unchanged head symbols */
get head() {
return this.value.substring(0, this.startChangePos);
/** Unchanged tail symbols */
}, {
key: "tail",
get: function get() {
return this.value.substring(this.startChangePos + this.insertedCount);
/** Unchanged tail symbols */
get tail() {
return this.value.substring(this.startChangePos + this.insertedCount);
/** Remove direction */
}, {
key: "removeDirection",
get: function get() {
if (!this.removedCount || this.insertedCount) return DIRECTION.NONE;
/** Remove direction */
get removeDirection() {
if (!this.removedCount || this.insertedCount) return DIRECTION.NONE;
// align right if delete at right
return (this.oldSelection.end === this.cursorPos || this.oldSelection.start === this.cursorPos) &&
// if not range removed (event with backspace)
this.oldSelection.end === this.oldSelection.start ? DIRECTION.RIGHT : DIRECTION.LEFT;
return ActionDetails;
// align right if delete at right
return (this.oldSelection.end === this.cursorPos || this.oldSelection.start === this.cursorPos) &&
// if not range removed (event with backspace)
this.oldSelection.end === this.oldSelection.start ? DIRECTION.RIGHT : DIRECTION.LEFT;
export { ActionDetails as default };

@@ -1,17 +0,18 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import IMask from './holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
/** Provides details of changing model value */
var ChangeDetails = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class ChangeDetails {
/** Inserted symbols */
/** Can skip chars */
/** Additional offset if any changes occurred before tail */
/** Raw inserted is used by dynamic mask */
ChangeDetails.normalize = function normalize(prep) {
static normalize(prep) {
return Array.isArray(prep) ? prep : [prep, new ChangeDetails()];
function ChangeDetails(details) {
_Object$assign(this, {
constructor(details) {
Object.assign(this, {
inserted: '',

@@ -25,4 +26,3 @@ rawInserted: '',

/** Aggregate changes */
var _proto = ChangeDetails.prototype;
_proto.aggregate = function aggregate(details) {
aggregate(details) {
this.rawInserted += details.rawInserted;

@@ -35,13 +35,9 @@ this.skip = this.skip || details.skip;

/** Total offset considering all changes */;
_createClass(ChangeDetails, [{
key: "offset",
get: function get() {
return this.tailShift + this.inserted.length;
return ChangeDetails;
/** Total offset considering all changes */
get offset() {
return this.tailShift + this.inserted.length;
IMask.ChangeDetails = ChangeDetails;
export { ChangeDetails as default };

@@ -1,9 +0,3 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
/** Provides details of continuous extracted tail */
var ContinuousTailDetails = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class ContinuousTailDetails {
/** Tail value as string */

@@ -15,3 +9,3 @@

function ContinuousTailDetails(value, from, stop) {
constructor(value, from, stop) {
if (value === void 0) {

@@ -27,44 +21,37 @@ value = '';

var _proto = ContinuousTailDetails.prototype;
_proto.toString = function toString() {
toString() {
return this.value;
_proto.extend = function extend(tail) {
extend(tail) {
this.value += String(tail);
_proto.appendTo = function appendTo(masked) {
appendTo(masked) {
return masked.append(this.toString(), {
tail: true
_proto.unshift = function unshift(beforePos) {
var _context;
get state() {
return {
value: this.value,
from: this.from,
stop: this.stop
set state(state) {
Object.assign(this, state);
unshift(beforePos) {
if (!this.value.length || beforePos != null && this.from >= beforePos) return '';
var shiftChar = this.value[0];
this.value = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context = this.value).call(_context, 1);
const shiftChar = this.value[0];
this.value = this.value.slice(1);
return shiftChar;
_proto.shift = function shift() {
var _context2;
shift() {
if (!this.value.length) return '';
var shiftChar = this.value[this.value.length - 1];
this.value = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.value).call(_context2, 0, -1);
const shiftChar = this.value[this.value.length - 1];
this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1);
return shiftChar;
_createClass(ContinuousTailDetails, [{
key: "state",
get: function get() {
return {
value: this.value,
from: this.from,
stop: this.stop
set: function set(state) {
_Object$assign(this, state);
return ContinuousTailDetails;
export { ContinuousTailDetails as default };

@@ -1,4 +0,82 @@

export { D as DIRECTION, e as escapeRegExp, f as forceDirection, d as isObject, i as isString, o as objectIncludes, p as pick } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
/** Checks if value is string */
function isString(str) {
return typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String;
/** Checks if value is object */
function isObject(obj) {
var _obj$constructor;
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj != null && (obj == null || (_obj$constructor = obj.constructor) == null ? void 0 : _obj$ === 'Object';
function pick(obj, keys) {
if (Array.isArray(keys)) return pick(obj, (_, k) => keys.includes(k));
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, _ref) => {
let [k, v] = _ref;
if (keys(v, k)) acc[k] = v;
return acc;
}, {});
/** Direction */
const DIRECTION = {
/** Direction */
function forceDirection(direction) {
switch (direction) {
return direction;
/** Escapes regular expression control chars */
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, '\\$1');
// cloned from with small changes
function objectIncludes(b, a) {
if (a === b) return true;
const arrA = Array.isArray(a),
arrB = Array.isArray(b);
let i;
if (arrA && arrB) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (!objectIncludes(a[i], b[i])) return false;
return true;
if (arrA != arrB) return false;
if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
const dateA = a instanceof Date,
dateB = b instanceof Date;
if (dateA && dateB) return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
if (dateA != dateB) return false;
const regexpA = a instanceof RegExp,
regexpB = b instanceof RegExp;
if (regexpA && regexpB) return a.toString() == b.toString();
if (regexpA != regexpB) return false;
const keys = Object.keys(a);
// if (keys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) if (!, keys[i])) return false;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) if (!objectIncludes(b[keys[i]], a[keys[i]])) return false;
return true;
} else if (a && b && typeof a === 'function' && typeof b === 'function') {
return a.toString() === b.toString();
return false;
/** Selection range */
export { DIRECTION, escapeRegExp, forceDirection, isObject, isString, objectIncludes, pick };
import './controls/input.js';
import IMask from './core/holder.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import './index-of-358e281e.js';
import './object-keys-53d74329.js';
import './utils-e384b131.js';
import './classof-c2d10e36.js';
import './keys-e9789594.js';
import './splice-dccbddd9.js';
import './slice-3858f58a.js';
import './does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import './array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import './delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import './core/utils.js';
import './core/action-details.js';
import './assign-c82cbe95.js';
import './masked/factory.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import './controls/mask-element.js';
import './controls/html-input-mask-element.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import './controls/html-mask-element.js';

@@ -23,0 +9,0 @@ import './controls/html-contenteditable-mask-element.js';

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import { _ as _export, z as global$1, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from './object-keys-53d74329.js';
export { default as InputMask } from './controls/input.js';

@@ -9,3 +8,3 @@ import IMask from './core/holder.js';

export { default as ChangeDetails } from './core/change-details.js';
export { D as DIRECTION, f as forceDirection } from './utils-e384b131.js';
export { DIRECTION, forceDirection } from './core/utils.js';
export { default as Masked } from './masked/base.js';

@@ -23,60 +22,12 @@ export { default as MaskedDate } from './masked/date.js';

export { PIPE_TYPE, createPipe, pipe } from './masked/pipe.js';
export { M as MaskedRange } from './range-8d4c25a9.js';
export { default as MaskedRange } from './masked/range.js';
export { default as MaskedRegExp } from './masked/regexp.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import './index-of-358e281e.js';
import './classof-c2d10e36.js';
import './splice-dccbddd9.js';
import './slice-3858f58a.js';
import './does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import './array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import './delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import './core/action-details.js';
import './assign-c82cbe95.js';
import './keys-e9789594.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import './core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import './map-4c47454e.js';
import './pad-end-35f0c153.js';
import './string-repeat-21c9f19e.js';
import './repeat-ac2db5c6.js';
import './sort-e1545525.js';
import './masked/pattern/cursor.js';
var $ = _export;
var global = global$1;
// `globalThis` object
$({ global: true, forced: global.globalThis !== global }, {
globalThis: global
var globalThis$4 = global$1;
var parent$2 = globalThis$4;
var globalThis$3 = parent$2;
var parent$1 = globalThis$3;
var globalThis$2 = parent$1;
// TODO: remove from `core-js@4`
var parent = globalThis$2;
var globalThis$1 = parent;
var globalThis = globalThis$1;
var _globalThis = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(globalThis);
try {
_globalThis.IMask = IMask;
} catch (_unused) {}
globalThis.IMask = IMask;
} catch {}
export { IMask as default };

@@ -1,13 +0,5 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$keys } from '../keys-e9789594.js';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { i as isString, D as DIRECTION, f as forceDirection, _ as _includesInstanceProperty } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../core/change-details.js';
import ContinuousTailDetails from '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import { isString, DIRECTION, forceDirection } from '../core/utils.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';

@@ -19,4 +11,5 @@ /** Append flags */

// see
/** Provides common masking stuff */
var Masked = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class Masked {
/** */

@@ -46,5 +39,8 @@

function Masked(opts) {
constructor(opts) {
this._value = '';
this._update(_extends({}, Masked.DEFAULTS, opts));
this._initialized = true;

@@ -54,20 +50,38 @@ }

/** Sets and applies new options */
var _proto = Masked.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {
if (!_Object$keys(opts).length) return;
updateOptions(opts) {
if (!Object.keys(opts).length) return;
this.withValueRefresh(this._update.bind(this, opts));
/** Sets new options */;
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
_Object$assign(this, opts);
/** Sets new options */
_update(opts) {
Object.assign(this, opts);
/** Mask state */;
/** Mask state */
get state() {
return {
_value: this.value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue
set state(state) {
this._value = state._value;
/** Resets value */
_proto.reset = function reset() {
reset() {
this._value = '';
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(value) {
this.resolve(value, {
input: true
/** Resolve new value */
_proto.resolve = function resolve(value, flags) {
resolve(value, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -81,8 +95,46 @@ flags = {

get unmaskedValue() {
return this.value;
set unmaskedValue(value) {
this.resolve(value, {});
get typedValue() {
return this.parse ? this.parse(this.value, this) : this.unmaskedValue;
set typedValue(value) {
if (this.format) {
this.value = this.format(value, this);
} else {
this.unmaskedValue = String(value);
/** Value that includes raw user input */
get rawInputValue() {
return this.extractInput(0, this.displayValue.length, {
raw: true
set rawInputValue(value) {
this.resolve(value, {
raw: true
get displayValue() {
return this.value;
get isComplete() {
return true;
get isFilled() {
return this.isComplete;
/** Finds nearest input position in direction */
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
return cursorPos;
_proto.totalInputPositions = function totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -97,5 +149,4 @@ fromPos = 0;

/** Extracts value in range considering flags */;
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
var _context;
/** Extracts value in range considering flags */
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -107,7 +158,7 @@ fromPos = 0;

return _sliceInstanceProperty(_context = this.displayValue).call(_context, fromPos, toPos);
return this.displayValue.slice(fromPos, toPos);
/** Extracts tail in range */;
_proto.extractTail = function extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
/** Extracts tail in range */
extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -122,4 +173,4 @@ fromPos = 0;

/** Appends tail */;
_proto.appendTail = function appendTail(tail) {
/** Appends tail */
appendTail(tail) {
if (isString(tail)) tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail));

@@ -129,4 +180,4 @@ return tail.appendTo(this);

/** Appends char */;
_proto._appendCharRaw = function _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
/** Appends char */
_appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
if (!ch) return new ChangeDetails();

@@ -140,19 +191,17 @@ this._value += ch;

/** Appends char */;
_proto._appendChar = function _appendChar(ch, flags, checkTail) {
/** Appends char */
_appendChar(ch, flags, checkTail) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var consistentState = this.state;
var details;
var _this$doPrepareChar = this.doPrepareChar(ch, flags);
ch = _this$doPrepareChar[0];
details = _this$doPrepareChar[1];
const consistentState = this.state;
let details;
[ch, details] = this.doPrepareChar(ch, flags);
details = details.aggregate(this._appendCharRaw(ch, flags));
if (details.inserted) {
var consistentTail;
var appended = this.doValidate(flags) !== false;
let consistentTail;
let appended = this.doValidate(flags) !== false;
if (appended && checkTail != null) {
// validation ok, check tail
var beforeTailState = this.state;
const beforeTailState = this.state;
if (this.overwrite === true) {

@@ -162,3 +211,3 @@ consistentTail = checkTail.state;

var tailDetails = this.appendTail(checkTail);
let tailDetails = this.appendTail(checkTail);
appended = tailDetails.rawInserted === checkTail.toString();

@@ -189,23 +238,21 @@

/** Appends optional placeholder at the end */;
_proto._appendPlaceholder = function _appendPlaceholder() {
/** Appends optional placeholder at the end */
_appendPlaceholder() {
return new ChangeDetails();
/** Appends optional eager placeholder at the end */;
_proto._appendEager = function _appendEager() {
/** Appends optional eager placeholder at the end */
_appendEager() {
return new ChangeDetails();
/** Appends symbols considering flags */;
_proto.append = function append(str, flags, tail) {
/** Appends symbols considering flags */
append(str, flags, tail) {
if (!isString(str)) throw new Error('value should be string');
var checkTail = isString(tail) ? new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail)) : tail;
const checkTail = isString(tail) ? new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail)) : tail;
if (flags != null && flags.tail) flags._beforeTailState = this.state;
var details;
var _this$doPrepare = this.doPrepare(str, flags);
str = _this$doPrepare[0];
details = _this$doPrepare[1];
for (var ci = 0; ci < str.length; ++ci) {
var d = this._appendChar(str[ci], flags, checkTail);
let details;
[str, details] = this.doPrepare(str, flags);
for (let ci = 0; ci < str.length; ++ci) {
const d = this._appendChar(str[ci], flags, checkTail);
if (!d.rawInserted && !this.doSkipInvalid(str[ci], flags, checkTail)) break;

@@ -227,5 +274,4 @@ details.aggregate(d);

return details;
_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
var _context2, _context3;
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -237,36 +283,36 @@ fromPos = 0;

this._value = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.displayValue).call(_context2, 0, fromPos) + _sliceInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.displayValue).call(_context3, toPos);
this._value = this.displayValue.slice(0, fromPos) + this.displayValue.slice(toPos);
return new ChangeDetails();
/** Calls function and reapplies current value */;
_proto.withValueRefresh = function withValueRefresh(fn) {
/** Calls function and reapplies current value */
withValueRefresh(fn) {
if (this._refreshing || !this._initialized) return fn();
this._refreshing = true;
var rawInput = this.rawInputValue;
var value = this.value;
var ret = fn();
const rawInput = this.rawInputValue;
const value = this.value;
const ret = fn();
this.rawInputValue = rawInput;
// append lost trailing chars at the end
if (this.value && this.value !== value && _indexOfInstanceProperty(value).call(value, this.value) === 0) {
this.append(_sliceInstanceProperty(value).call(value, this.displayValue.length), {}, '');
if (this.value && this.value !== value && value.indexOf(this.value) === 0) {
this.append(value.slice(this.displayValue.length), {}, '');
delete this._refreshing;
return ret;
_proto.runIsolated = function runIsolated(fn) {
runIsolated(fn) {
if (this._isolated || !this._initialized) return fn(this);
this._isolated = true;
var state = this.state;
var ret = fn(this);
const state = this.state;
const ret = fn(this);
this.state = state;
delete this._isolated;
return ret;
_proto.doSkipInvalid = function doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) {
doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) {
return Boolean(this.skipInvalid);
/** Prepares string before mask processing */;
_proto.doPrepare = function doPrepare(str, flags) {
/** Prepares string before mask processing */
doPrepare(str, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -278,4 +324,4 @@ flags = {};

/** Prepares each char before mask processing */;
_proto.doPrepareChar = function doPrepareChar(str, flags) {
/** Prepares each char before mask processing */
doPrepareChar(str, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -287,12 +333,12 @@ flags = {};

/** Validates if value is acceptable */;
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
/** Validates if value is acceptable */
doValidate(flags) {
return (!this.validate || this.validate(this.value, this, flags)) && (!this.parent || this.parent.doValidate(flags));
/** Does additional processing at the end of editing */;
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {
/** Does additional processing at the end of editing */
doCommit() {
if (this.commit) this.commit(this.value, this);
_proto.splice = function splice(start, deleteCount, inserted, removeDirection, flags) {
splice(start, deleteCount, inserted, removeDirection, flags) {
if (removeDirection === void 0) {

@@ -306,6 +352,6 @@ removeDirection = DIRECTION.NONE;

var tailPos = start + deleteCount;
var tail = this.extractTail(tailPos);
var eagerRemove = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'remove';
var oldRawValue;
const tailPos = start + deleteCount;
const tail = this.extractTail(tailPos);
const eagerRemove = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'remove';
let oldRawValue;
if (eagerRemove) {

@@ -317,4 +363,4 @@ removeDirection = forceDirection(removeDirection);

var startChangePos = start;
var details = new ChangeDetails();
let startChangePos = start;
const details = new ChangeDetails();

@@ -331,3 +377,3 @@ // if it is just deletion without insertion

if (removeDirection === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) {
var valLength;
let valLength;
while (oldRawValue === this.rawInputValue && (valLength = this.displayValue.length)) {

@@ -343,84 +389,11 @@ details.aggregate(new ChangeDetails({

return details.aggregate(this.append(inserted, flags, tail));
_proto.maskEquals = function maskEquals(mask) {
maskEquals(mask) {
return this.mask === mask;
_proto.typedValueEquals = function typedValueEquals(value) {
var _context4, _context5;
var tval = this.typedValue;
return value === tval || _includesInstanceProperty(_context4 = Masked.EMPTY_VALUES).call(_context4, value) && _includesInstanceProperty(_context5 = Masked.EMPTY_VALUES).call(_context5, tval) || (this.format ? this.format(value, this) === this.format(this.typedValue, this) : false);
_createClass(Masked, [{
key: "state",
get: function get() {
return {
_value: this.value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue
set: function set(state) {
this._value = state._value;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this._value;
set: function set(value) {
this.resolve(value, {
input: true
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.value;
set: function set(value) {
this.resolve(value, {});
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.parse ? this.parse(this.value, this) : this.unmaskedValue;
set: function set(value) {
if (this.format) {
this.value = this.format(value, this);
} else {
this.unmaskedValue = String(value);
/** Value that includes raw user input */
}, {
key: "rawInputValue",
get: function get() {
return this.extractInput(0, this.displayValue.length, {
raw: true
set: function set(value) {
this.resolve(value, {
raw: true
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
return this.value;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
get: function get() {
return true;
}, {
key: "isFilled",
get: function get() {
return this.isComplete;
return Masked;
typedValueEquals(value) {
const tval = this.typedValue;
return value === tval || Masked.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(value) && Masked.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(tval) || (this.format ? this.format(value, this) === this.format(this.typedValue, this) : false);
Masked.DEFAULTS = {

@@ -427,0 +400,0 @@ skipInvalid: true

@@ -1,22 +0,5 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { _ as _Object$keys } from '../keys-e9789594.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { M as MaskedRange, _ as _padStartInstanceProperty } from '../range-8d4c25a9.js';
import { _ as _mapInstanceProperty } from '../map-4c47454e.js';
import MaskedPattern from './pattern.js';
import MaskedRange from './range.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import { i as isString } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../pad-end-35f0c153.js';
import '../string-repeat-21c9f19e.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../repeat-ac2db5c6.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../sort-e1545525.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import { isString } from '../core/utils.js';
import '../core/change-details.js';

@@ -27,4 +10,2 @@ import './base.js';

import './pattern/chunk-tail-details.js';
import '../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import './pattern/cursor.js';

@@ -35,7 +16,4 @@ import './pattern/fixed-definition.js';

var _excluded = ["mask", "pattern"],
_excluded2 = ["mask", "pattern", "blocks"];
/** Date mask */
var MaskedDate = /*#__PURE__*/function (_MaskedPattern) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedDate, _MaskedPattern);
class MaskedDate extends MaskedPattern {
/** Pattern mask for date according to {@link MaskedDate#format} */

@@ -53,22 +31,30 @@

function MaskedDate(opts) {
var _opts = _extends({}, MaskedDate.DEFAULTS, opts),
mask = _opts.mask,
pattern = _opts.pattern,
patternOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_opts, _excluded);
return, _extends({}, patternOpts, {
constructor(opts) {
const {
} = {
mask: isString(mask) ? mask : pattern
})) || this;
var _proto = MaskedDate.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
var _MaskedDate$DEFAULTS$ = _extends({}, MaskedDate.DEFAULTS, opts),
mask = _MaskedDate$DEFAULTS$.mask,
pattern = _MaskedDate$DEFAULTS$.pattern,
blocks = _MaskedDate$DEFAULTS$.blocks,
patternOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_MaskedDate$DEFAULTS$, _excluded2);
var patternBlocks = _Object$assign({}, MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS());
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
const {
} = {
const patternBlocks = Object.assign({}, MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS());
// adjust year block

@@ -85,86 +71,73 @@ if (opts.min) patternBlocks.Y.from = opts.min.getFullYear();

_Object$assign(patternBlocks, this.blocks, blocks);
Object.assign(patternBlocks, this.blocks, blocks);
// add autofix
_Object$keys(patternBlocks).forEach(function (bk) {
var b = patternBlocks[bk];
Object.keys(patternBlocks).forEach(bk => {
const b = patternBlocks[bk];
if (!('autofix' in b) && 'autofix' in opts) b.autofix = opts.autofix;
});, _extends({}, patternOpts, {
mask: isString(mask) ? mask : pattern,
blocks: patternBlocks
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
var date =;
return, flags) && (!this.isComplete || this.isDateExist(this.value) && date != null && (this.min == null || this.min <= date) && (this.max == null || date <= this.max));
doValidate(flags) {
const date =;
return super.doValidate(flags) && (!this.isComplete || this.isDateExist(this.value) && date != null && (this.min == null || this.min <= date) && (this.max == null || date <= this.max));
/** Checks if date is exists */;
_proto.isDateExist = function isDateExist(str) {
var _context;
return _indexOfInstanceProperty(_context = this.format(this.parse(str, this), this)).call(_context, str) >= 0;
/** Checks if date is exists */
isDateExist(str) {
return this.format(this.parse(str, this), this).indexOf(str) >= 0;
/** Parsed Date */;
_proto.maskEquals = function maskEquals(mask) {
return mask === Date ||, mask);
_createClass(MaskedDate, [{
key: "date",
get: function get() {
return this.typedValue;
set: function set(date) {
this.typedValue = date;
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.isComplete ? _MaskedPattern.prototype.typedValue : null;
set: function set(value) {
this.typedValue = value;
return MaskedDate;
MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS = function () {
return {
d: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1,
to: 31,
maxLength: 2
m: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1,
to: 12,
maxLength: 2
Y: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1900,
to: 9999
/** Parsed Date */
get date() {
return this.typedValue;
set date(date) {
this.typedValue = date;
get typedValue() {
return this.isComplete ? super.typedValue : null;
set typedValue(value) {
super.typedValue = value;
maskEquals(mask) {
return mask === Date || super.maskEquals(mask);
MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS = () => ({
d: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1,
to: 31,
maxLength: 2
m: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1,
to: 12,
maxLength: 2
Y: {
mask: MaskedRange,
from: 1900,
to: 9999
MaskedDate.DEFAULTS = {
mask: Date,
pattern: 'd{.}`m{.}`Y',
format: function format(date, masked) {
var _context2, _context3;
format: (date, masked) => {
if (!date) return '';
var day = _padStartInstanceProperty(_context2 = String(date.getDate())).call(_context2, 2, '0');
var month = _padStartInstanceProperty(_context3 = String(date.getMonth() + 1)).call(_context3, 2, '0');
var year = date.getFullYear();
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const year = date.getFullYear();
return [day, month, year].join('.');
parse: function parse(str, masked) {
var _context4;
var _str$split$map = _mapInstanceProperty(_context4 = str.split('.')).call(_context4, Number),
day = _str$split$map[0],
month = _str$split$map[1],
year = _str$split$map[2];
parse: (str, masked) => {
const [day, month, year] = str.split('.').map(Number);
return new Date(year, month - 1, day);

@@ -171,0 +144,0 @@ }

@@ -1,9 +0,2 @@

import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _mapInstanceProperty } from '../map-4c47454e.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _sortInstanceProperty } from '../sort-e1545525.js';
import { o as objectIncludes, D as DIRECTION } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import { DIRECTION, objectIncludes } from '../core/utils.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../core/change-details.js';

@@ -13,17 +6,6 @@ import createMask, { normalizeOpts } from './factory.js';

import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
var _excluded = ["expose"],
_excluded2 = ["mask"],
_excluded3 = ["compiledMasks", "currentMaskRef", "currentMask"];
/** Dynamic mask for choosing appropriate mask in run-time */
var MaskedDynamic = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Masked) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedDynamic, _Masked);
class MaskedDynamic extends Masked {
/** Currently chosen mask */

@@ -37,29 +19,29 @@

function MaskedDynamic(opts) {
var _this;
_this =, _extends({}, MaskedDynamic.DEFAULTS, opts)) || this;
_this.currentMask = undefined;
return _this;
constructor(opts) {
this.currentMask = undefined;
var _proto = MaskedDynamic.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
var _this2 = this;, opts);
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
if ('mask' in opts) {
var _context;
this.exposeMask = undefined;
// mask could be totally dynamic with only `dispatch` option
this.compiledMasks = Array.isArray(opts.mask) ? _mapInstanceProperty(_context = opts.mask).call(_context, function (m) {
var _ref = normalizeOpts(m),
expose = _ref.expose,
maskOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded);
var masked = createMask(_extends({
overwrite: _this2._overwrite,
eager: _this2._eager,
skipInvalid: _this2._skipInvalid
}, maskOpts));
if (expose) _this2.exposeMask = masked;
this.compiledMasks = Array.isArray(opts.mask) ? => {
const {
} = normalizeOpts(m);
const masked = createMask({
overwrite: this._overwrite,
eager: this._eager,
skipInvalid: this._skipInvalid,
if (expose) this.exposeMask = masked;
return masked;

@@ -70,8 +52,9 @@ }) : [];

_proto._appendCharRaw = function _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
_appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var details = this._applyDispatch(ch, flags);
const details = this._applyDispatch(ch, flags);
if (this.currentMask) {

@@ -81,4 +64,4 @@ details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendChar(ch, this.currentMaskFlags(flags)));

return details;
_proto._applyDispatch = function _applyDispatch(appended, flags, tail) {
_applyDispatch(appended, flags, tail) {
if (appended === void 0) {

@@ -93,12 +76,14 @@ appended = '';

var prevValueBeforeTail = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this.value;
var inputValue = this.rawInputValue;
var insertValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._rawInputValue : inputValue;
var tailValue = _sliceInstanceProperty(inputValue).call(inputValue, insertValue.length);
var prevMask = this.currentMask;
var details = new ChangeDetails();
var prevMaskState = prevMask == null ? void 0 : prevMask.state;
const prevValueBeforeTail = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this.value;
const inputValue = this.rawInputValue;
const insertValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._rawInputValue : inputValue;
const tailValue = inputValue.slice(insertValue.length);
const prevMask = this.currentMask;
const details = new ChangeDetails();
const prevMaskState = prevMask == null ? void 0 : prevMask.state;
// clone flags to prevent overwriting `_beforeTailState`
this.currentMask = this.doDispatch(appended, _extends({}, flags), tail);
this.currentMask = this.doDispatch(appended, {
}, tail);

@@ -111,3 +96,3 @@ // restore state after dispatch

if (insertValue) {
var d = this.currentMask.append(insertValue, {
const d = this.currentMask.append(insertValue, {
raw: true

@@ -130,5 +115,5 @@ });

return details;
_proto._appendPlaceholder = function _appendPlaceholder() {
var details = this._applyDispatch();
_appendPlaceholder() {
const details = this._applyDispatch();
if (this.currentMask) {

@@ -138,5 +123,5 @@ details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendPlaceholder());

return details;
_proto._appendEager = function _appendEager() {
var details = this._applyDispatch();
_appendEager() {
const details = this._applyDispatch();
if (this.currentMask) {

@@ -146,15 +131,16 @@ details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendEager());

return details;
_proto.appendTail = function appendTail(tail) {
var details = new ChangeDetails();
appendTail(tail) {
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (tail) details.aggregate(this._applyDispatch('', {}, tail));
return details.aggregate(this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.appendTail(tail) :, tail));
_proto.currentMaskFlags = function currentMaskFlags(flags) {
return details.aggregate(this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.appendTail(tail) : super.appendTail(tail));
currentMaskFlags(flags) {
var _flags$_beforeTailSta, _flags$_beforeTailSta2;
return _extends({}, flags, {
return {
_beforeTailState: ((_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta.currentMaskRef) === this.currentMask && ((_flags$_beforeTailSta2 = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta2.currentMask) || flags._beforeTailState
_proto.doDispatch = function doDispatch(appended, flags, tail) {
doDispatch(appended, flags, tail) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -167,48 +153,88 @@ flags = {};

return this.dispatch(appended, this, flags, tail);
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
return, flags) && (!this.currentMask || this.currentMask.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags)));
_proto.doPrepare = function doPrepare(str, flags) {
doValidate(flags) {
return super.doValidate(flags) && (!this.currentMask || this.currentMask.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags)));
doPrepare(str, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var _Masked$prototype$doP =, str, flags),
s = _Masked$prototype$doP[0],
details = _Masked$prototype$doP[1];
let [s, details] = super.doPrepare(str, flags);
if (this.currentMask) {
var currentDetails;
var _Masked$prototype$doP2 =, s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
s = _Masked$prototype$doP2[0];
currentDetails = _Masked$prototype$doP2[1];
let currentDetails;
[s, currentDetails] = super.doPrepare(s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
details = details.aggregate(currentDetails);
return [s, details];
_proto.doPrepareChar = function doPrepareChar(str, flags) {
doPrepareChar(str, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var _Masked$prototype$doP3 =, str, flags),
s = _Masked$prototype$doP3[0],
details = _Masked$prototype$doP3[1];
let [s, details] = super.doPrepareChar(str, flags);
if (this.currentMask) {
var currentDetails;
var _Masked$prototype$doP4 =, s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
s = _Masked$prototype$doP4[0];
currentDetails = _Masked$prototype$doP4[1];
let currentDetails;
[s, currentDetails] = super.doPrepareChar(s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
details = details.aggregate(currentDetails);
return [s, details];
_proto.reset = function reset() {
reset() {
var _this$currentMask;
(_this$currentMask = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask.reset();
this.compiledMasks.forEach(function (m) {
return m.reset();
_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
var details = new ChangeDetails();
this.compiledMasks.forEach(m => m.reset());
get value() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.value : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.value : '';
set value(value) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.value = value;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
} else super.value = value;
get unmaskedValue() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.unmaskedValue : '';
set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
} else super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
get typedValue() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.typedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.typedValue : '';
set typedValue(typedValue) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.typedValue = typedValue;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
let unmaskedValue = String(typedValue);
// double check it
if (this.currentMask) {
this.currentMask.typedValue = typedValue;
unmaskedValue = this.currentMask.unmaskedValue;
this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
get displayValue() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.displayValue : '';
get isComplete() {
var _this$currentMask2;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask2 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask2.isComplete);
get isFilled() {
var _this$currentMask3;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask3 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask3.isFilled);
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (this.currentMask) {
details.aggregate(this.currentMask.remove(fromPos, toPos))

@@ -219,157 +245,83 @@ // update with dispatch

return details;
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
get state() {
var _this$currentMask4;
return {
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue,
compiledMasks: => m.state),
currentMaskRef: this.currentMask,
currentMask: (_this$currentMask4 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask4.state
set state(state) {
const {
} = state;
if (compiledMasks) this.compiledMasks.forEach((m, mi) => m.state = compiledMasks[mi]);
if (currentMaskRef != null) {
this.currentMask = currentMaskRef;
this.currentMask.state = currentMask;
super.state = maskedState;
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) : '';
_proto.extractTail = function extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.extractTail(fromPos, toPos) :, fromPos, toPos);
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {
extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.extractTail(fromPos, toPos) : super.extractTail(fromPos, toPos);
doCommit() {
if (this.currentMask) this.currentMask.doCommit();;
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) :, cursorPos, direction);
_proto.maskEquals = function maskEquals(mask) {
return Array.isArray(mask) ? this.compiledMasks.every(function (m, mi) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) : super.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction);
get overwrite() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.overwrite : this._overwrite;
set overwrite(overwrite) {
this._overwrite = overwrite;
get eager() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.eager : this._eager;
set eager(eager) {
this._eager = eager;
get skipInvalid() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.skipInvalid : this._skipInvalid;
set skipInvalid(skipInvalid) {
this._skipInvalid = skipInvalid;
maskEquals(mask) {
return Array.isArray(mask) ? this.compiledMasks.every((m, mi) => {
if (!mask[mi]) return;
var _mask$mi = mask[mi],
oldMask = _mask$mi.mask,
restOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_mask$mi, _excluded2);
const {
mask: oldMask,
} = mask[mi];
return objectIncludes(m, restOpts) && m.maskEquals(oldMask);
}) :, mask);
_proto.typedValueEquals = function typedValueEquals(value) {
var _this$currentMask2;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask2 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask2.typedValueEquals(value));
_createClass(MaskedDynamic, [{
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.value : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.value : '';
set: function set(value) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.value = value;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
} else this.value = value;
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.unmaskedValue : '';
set: function set(unmaskedValue) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
} else this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.typedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.typedValue : '';
set: function set(typedValue) {
if (this.exposeMask) {
this.exposeMask.typedValue = typedValue;
this.currentMask = this.exposeMask;
var unmaskedValue = String(typedValue);
// double check it
if (this.currentMask) {
this.currentMask.typedValue = typedValue;
unmaskedValue = this.currentMask.unmaskedValue;
this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.displayValue : '';
}, {
key: "isComplete",
get: function get() {
var _this$currentMask3;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask3 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask3.isComplete);
}, {
key: "isFilled",
get: function get() {
var _this$currentMask4;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask4 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask4.isFilled);
}, {
key: "state",
get: function get() {
var _context2, _this$currentMask5;
return _extends({}, _Masked.prototype.state, {
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue,
compiledMasks: _mapInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.compiledMasks).call(_context2, function (m) {
return m.state;
currentMaskRef: this.currentMask,
currentMask: (_this$currentMask5 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask5.state
set: function set(state) {
var _ref2 = state,
compiledMasks = _ref2.compiledMasks,
currentMaskRef = _ref2.currentMaskRef,
currentMask = _ref2.currentMask,
maskedState = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref2, _excluded3);
if (compiledMasks) this.compiledMasks.forEach(function (m, mi) {
return m.state = compiledMasks[mi];
if (currentMaskRef != null) {
this.currentMask = currentMaskRef;
this.currentMask.state = currentMask;
this.state = maskedState;
}, {
key: "overwrite",
get: function get() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.overwrite : this._overwrite;
set: function set(overwrite) {
this._overwrite = overwrite;
}, {
key: "eager",
get: function get() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.eager : this._eager;
set: function set(eager) {
this._eager = eager;
}, {
key: "skipInvalid",
get: function get() {
return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.skipInvalid : this._skipInvalid;
set: function set(skipInvalid) {
this._skipInvalid = skipInvalid;
return MaskedDynamic;
}) : super.maskEquals(mask);
typedValueEquals(value) {
var _this$currentMask5;
return Boolean((_this$currentMask5 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask5.typedValueEquals(value));
MaskedDynamic.DEFAULTS = void 0;
MaskedDynamic.DEFAULTS = {
dispatch: function dispatch(appended, masked, flags, tail) {
var _context3;
dispatch: (appended, masked, flags, tail) => {
if (!masked.compiledMasks.length) return;
var inputValue = masked.rawInputValue;
const inputValue = masked.rawInputValue;
// simulate input
var inputs = _mapInstanceProperty(_context3 = masked.compiledMasks).call(_context3, function (m, index) {
var isCurrent = masked.currentMask === m;
var startInputPos = isCurrent ? m.displayValue.length : m.nearestInputPos(m.displayValue.length, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT);
const inputs =, index) => {
const isCurrent = masked.currentMask === m;
const startInputPos = isCurrent ? m.displayValue.length : m.nearestInputPos(m.displayValue.length, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT);
if (m.rawInputValue !== inputValue) {

@@ -386,3 +338,3 @@ m.reset();

return {
index: index,
weight: m.rawInputValue.length,

@@ -394,5 +346,3 @@ totalInputPositions: m.totalInputPositions(0, Math.max(startInputPos, m.nearestInputPos(m.displayValue.length, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT)))

// pop masks with longer values first
_sortInstanceProperty(inputs).call(inputs, function (i1, i2) {
return i2.weight - i1.weight || i2.totalInputPositions - i1.totalInputPositions;
inputs.sort((i1, i2) => i2.weight - i1.weight || i2.totalInputPositions - i1.totalInputPositions);
return masked.compiledMasks[inputs[0].index];

@@ -399,0 +349,0 @@ }

@@ -1,21 +0,5 @@

import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _repeatInstanceProperty } from '../repeat-ac2db5c6.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import MaskedPattern from './pattern.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../string-repeat-21c9f19e.js';
import '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../map-4c47454e.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../sort-e1545525.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import '../core/change-details.js';
import '../core/utils.js';
import './base.js';

@@ -25,4 +9,2 @@ import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';

import './pattern/chunk-tail-details.js';
import '../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import './pattern/cursor.js';

@@ -33,33 +15,24 @@ import './pattern/fixed-definition.js';

var _excluded = ["enum"];
/** Pattern which validates enum values */
var MaskedEnum = /*#__PURE__*/function (_MaskedPattern) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedEnum, _MaskedPattern);
function MaskedEnum() {
return _MaskedPattern.apply(this, arguments) || this;
class MaskedEnum extends MaskedPattern {
updateOptions(opts) {
var _proto = MaskedEnum.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
var _enum = opts.enum,
eopts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(opts, _excluded);
_update(opts) {
const {
enum: _enum,
} = opts;
if (_enum) {
var _context;
eopts.mask = _repeatInstanceProperty(_context = '*').call(_context, _enum[0].length);
eopts.mask = '*'.repeat(_enum[0].length);
this.enum = _enum;
}, eopts);
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
var _this = this;
return this.enum.some(function (e) {
return _indexOfInstanceProperty(e).call(e, _this.unmaskedValue) >= 0;
}) &&, flags);
return MaskedEnum;
doValidate(flags) {
return this.enum.some(e => e.indexOf(this.unmaskedValue) >= 0) && super.doValidate(flags);
IMask.MaskedEnum = MaskedEnum;
export { MaskedEnum as default };

@@ -1,60 +0,4 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import { _ as _export, h as functionUncurryThisClause, u as toLength$1, r as requireObjectCoercible$1, e as objectIsPrototypeOf, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import { t as toString$1, n as notARegexp, c as correctIsRegexpLogic, i as isString, d as isObject, p as pick } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import { e as entryVirtual$1 } from '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import { isString, isObject, pick } from '../core/utils.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
var $ = _export;
var uncurryThis = functionUncurryThisClause;
var toLength = toLength$1;
var toString = toString$1;
var notARegExp = notARegexp;
var requireObjectCoercible = requireObjectCoercible$1;
var correctIsRegExpLogic = correctIsRegexpLogic;
// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-string-prototype-startswith -- safe
var nativeStartsWith = uncurryThis(''.startsWith);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice);
var min = Math.min;
var CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC = correctIsRegExpLogic('startsWith');
// `String.prototype.startsWith` method
$({ target: 'String', proto: true, forced: !CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC }, {
startsWith: function startsWith(searchString /* , position = 0 */) {
var that = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var index = toLength(min(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, that.length));
var search = toString(searchString);
return nativeStartsWith
? nativeStartsWith(that, search, index)
: stringSlice(that, index, index + search.length) === search;
var entryVirtual = entryVirtual$1;
var startsWith$2 = entryVirtual('String').startsWith;
var isPrototypeOf = objectIsPrototypeOf;
var method = startsWith$2;
var StringPrototype = String.prototype;
var startsWith$1 = function (it) {
var own = it.startsWith;
return typeof it == 'string' || it === StringPrototype
|| (isPrototypeOf(StringPrototype, it) && own === StringPrototype.startsWith) ? method : own;
var parent = startsWith$1;
var startsWith = parent;
var _startsWithInstanceProperty = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(startsWith);
var _excluded = ["mask"];
// TODO can't use overloads here because of

@@ -112,16 +56,16 @@ // export function maskedClass(mask: string): typeof MaskedPattern;

var _ref = opts instanceof IMask.Masked ? {
mask: opts
} : isObject(opts) && opts.mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? opts : {},
_ref$mask = _ref.mask,
mask = _ref$mask === void 0 ? undefined : _ref$mask,
instanceOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded);
const {
mask = undefined,
} = opts instanceof IMask.Masked ? {
mask: opts
} : isObject(opts) && opts.mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? opts : {};
if (mask) {
var _mask = mask.mask;
return _extends({}, pick(mask, function (_, k) {
return !_startsWithInstanceProperty(k).call(k, '_');
}), {
const _mask = mask.mask;
return {
...pick(mask, (_, k) => !k.startsWith('_')),
mask: mask.constructor,
_mask: _mask
}, instanceOpts);

@@ -132,3 +76,5 @@ }

return _extends({}, opts);
return {

@@ -164,4 +110,4 @@

if (IMask.Masked && opts instanceof IMask.Masked) return opts;
var nOpts = normalizeOpts(opts);
var MaskedClass = maskedClass(nOpts.mask);
const nOpts = normalizeOpts(opts);
const MaskedClass = maskedClass(nOpts.mask);
if (!MaskedClass) throw new Error('Masked class is not found for provided mask, appropriate module needs to be imported manually before creating mask.');

@@ -168,0 +114,0 @@ if (nOpts.mask === MaskedClass) delete nOpts.mask;

@@ -1,39 +0,29 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import Masked from './base.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../core/change-details.js';
import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import '../core/utils.js';
/** Masking by custom Function */
var MaskedFunction = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Masked) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedFunction, _Masked);
function MaskedFunction() {
return _Masked.apply(this, arguments) || this;
var _proto = MaskedFunction.prototype;
class MaskedFunction extends Masked {
/** */
/** Enable characters overwriting */
/** */
/** */
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {, _extends({}, opts, {
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
validate: opts.mask
return MaskedFunction;
IMask.MaskedFunction = MaskedFunction;
export { MaskedFunction as default };

@@ -1,137 +0,11 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _mapInstanceProperty } from '../map-4c47454e.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { c as createProperty$1, b as arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport$1, i as isArray$1, _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _padEndInstanceProperty } from '../pad-end-35f0c153.js';
import { e as escapeRegExp, D as DIRECTION, _ as _includesInstanceProperty } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import { _ as _export, f as fails$1, b as toObject$1, m as lengthOfArrayLike$1, w as wellKnownSymbol$1, B as engineV8Version, i as isObject$1, e as objectIsPrototypeOf, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import { d as doesNotExceedSafeInteger$1 } from '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import { a as arraySpeciesCreate$1 } from '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import { e as entryVirtual$1 } from '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import { escapeRegExp, DIRECTION } from '../core/utils.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../core/change-details.js';
import Masked from './base.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '../string-repeat-21c9f19e.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
var $$2 = _export;
var fails = fails$1;
var isArray = isArray$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var toObject = toObject$1;
var lengthOfArrayLike = lengthOfArrayLike$1;
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = doesNotExceedSafeInteger$1;
var createProperty = createProperty$1;
var arraySpeciesCreate = arraySpeciesCreate$1;
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport$1;
var wellKnownSymbol = wellKnownSymbol$1;
var V8_VERSION = engineV8Version;
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable');
// We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes
// deoptimization and serious performance degradation
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function () {
var array = [];
array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false;
return array.concat()[0] !== array;
var isConcatSpreadable = function (O) {
if (!isObject(O)) return false;
var spreadable = O[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE];
return spreadable !== undefined ? !!spreadable : isArray(O);
var FORCED = !IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT || !arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('concat');
// `Array.prototype.concat` method
// with adding support of @@isConcatSpreadable and @@species
$$2({ target: 'Array', proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length`
concat: function concat(arg) {
var O = toObject(this);
var A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, 0);
var n = 0;
var i, k, length, len, E;
for (i = -1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
E = i === -1 ? O : arguments[i];
if (isConcatSpreadable(E)) {
len = lengthOfArrayLike(E);
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n + len);
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) if (k in E) createProperty(A, n, E[k]);
} else {
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n + 1);
createProperty(A, n++, E);
A.length = n;
return A;
var entryVirtual = entryVirtual$1;
var concat$2 = entryVirtual('Array').concat;
var isPrototypeOf = objectIsPrototypeOf;
var method = concat$2;
var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
var concat$1 = function (it) {
var own = it.concat;
return it === ArrayPrototype || (isPrototypeOf(ArrayPrototype, it) && own === ArrayPrototype.concat) ? method : own;
var parent$2 = concat$1;
var concat = parent$2;
var _concatInstanceProperty = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(concat);
var $$1 = _export;
// `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` constant
$$1({ target: 'Number', stat: true, nonConfigurable: true, nonWritable: true }, {
var minSafeInteger$1 = -0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF;
var parent$1 = minSafeInteger$1;
var minSafeInteger = parent$1;
var _Number$MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(minSafeInteger);
var $ = _export;
// `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` constant
$({ target: 'Number', stat: true, nonConfigurable: true, nonWritable: true }, {
var maxSafeInteger$1 = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF;
var parent = maxSafeInteger$1;
var maxSafeInteger = parent;
var _Number$MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(maxSafeInteger);
var _context10;
Number mask
var MaskedNumber = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Masked) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedNumber, _Masked);
class MaskedNumber extends Masked {
/** Single char */

@@ -163,32 +37,33 @@

function MaskedNumber(opts) {
return, _extends({}, MaskedNumber.DEFAULTS, opts)) || this;
constructor(opts) {
var _proto = MaskedNumber.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {, opts);
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
_proto._updateRegExps = function _updateRegExps() {
var _context;
var start = '^' + (this.allowNegative ? '[+|\\-]?' : '');
var mid = '\\d*';
var end = (this.scale ? "(" + escapeRegExp(this.radix) + "\\d{0," + this.scale + "})?" : '') + '$';
_updateRegExps() {
const start = '^' + (this.allowNegative ? '[+|\\-]?' : '');
const mid = '\\d*';
const end = (this.scale ? "(" + escapeRegExp(this.radix) + "\\d{0," + this.scale + "})?" : '') + '$';
this._numberRegExp = new RegExp(start + mid + end);
this._mapToRadixRegExp = new RegExp("[" + _mapInstanceProperty(_context = this.mapToRadix).call(_context, escapeRegExp).join('') + "]", 'g');
this._mapToRadixRegExp = new RegExp("[" +'') + "]", 'g');
this._thousandsSeparatorRegExp = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(this.thousandsSeparator), 'g');
_proto._removeThousandsSeparators = function _removeThousandsSeparators(value) {
_removeThousandsSeparators(value) {
return value.replace(this._thousandsSeparatorRegExp, '');
_proto._insertThousandsSeparators = function _insertThousandsSeparators(value) {
_insertThousandsSeparators(value) {
var parts = value.split(this.radix);
const parts = value.split(this.radix);
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, this.thousandsSeparator);
return parts.join(this.radix);
_proto.doPrepareChar = function doPrepareChar(ch, flags) {
doPrepareChar(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -207,17 +82,14 @@ flags = {};

flags.input && flags.raw || !flags.input && !flags.raw) ? ch.replace(this._mapToRadixRegExp, this.radix) : ch);
var _Masked$prototype$doP =, ch, flags),
prepCh = _Masked$prototype$doP[0],
details = _Masked$prototype$doP[1];
const [prepCh, details] = super.doPrepareChar(ch, flags);
if (ch && !prepCh) details.skip = true;
if (prepCh && !this.allowPositive && !this.value && prepCh !== '-') details.aggregate(this._appendChar('-'));
return [prepCh, details];
_proto._separatorsCount = function _separatorsCount(to, extendOnSeparators) {
_separatorsCount(to, extendOnSeparators) {
if (extendOnSeparators === void 0) {
extendOnSeparators = false;
var count = 0;
for (var pos = 0; pos < to; ++pos) {
var _context2;
if (_indexOfInstanceProperty(_context2 = this._value).call(_context2, this.thousandsSeparator, pos) === pos) {
let count = 0;
for (let pos = 0; pos < to; ++pos) {
if (this._value.indexOf(this.thousandsSeparator, pos) === pos) {

@@ -228,4 +100,4 @@ if (extendOnSeparators) to += this.thousandsSeparator.length;

return count;
_proto._separatorsCountFromSlice = function _separatorsCountFromSlice(slice) {
_separatorsCountFromSlice(slice) {
if (slice === void 0) {

@@ -235,4 +107,4 @@ slice = this._value;

return this._separatorsCount(this._removeThousandsSeparators(slice).length, true);
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -244,41 +116,37 @@ fromPos = 0;

var _this$_adjustRangeWit = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos);
fromPos = _this$_adjustRangeWit[0];
toPos = _this$_adjustRangeWit[1];
return this._removeThousandsSeparators(, fromPos, toPos, flags));
_proto._appendCharRaw = function _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
[fromPos, toPos] = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos);
return this._removeThousandsSeparators(super.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags));
_appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
if (!this.thousandsSeparator) return, ch, flags);
var prevBeforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value;
var prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(prevBeforeTailValue);
if (!this.thousandsSeparator) return super._appendCharRaw(ch, flags);
const prevBeforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value;
const prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(prevBeforeTailValue);
this._value = this._removeThousandsSeparators(this.value);
var appendDetails =, ch, flags);
const appendDetails = super._appendCharRaw(ch, flags);
this._value = this._insertThousandsSeparators(this._value);
var beforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value;
var beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(beforeTailValue);
const beforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value;
const beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(beforeTailValue);
appendDetails.tailShift += (beforeTailSeparatorsCount - prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount) * this.thousandsSeparator.length;
appendDetails.skip = !appendDetails.rawInserted && ch === this.thousandsSeparator;
return appendDetails;
_proto._findSeparatorAround = function _findSeparatorAround(pos) {
_findSeparatorAround(pos) {
if (this.thousandsSeparator) {
var _context3;
var searchFrom = pos - this.thousandsSeparator.length + 1;
var separatorPos = _indexOfInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.value).call(_context3, this.thousandsSeparator, searchFrom);
const searchFrom = pos - this.thousandsSeparator.length + 1;
const separatorPos = this.value.indexOf(this.thousandsSeparator, searchFrom);
if (separatorPos <= pos) return separatorPos;
return -1;
_proto._adjustRangeWithSeparators = function _adjustRangeWithSeparators(from, to) {
var separatorAroundFromPos = this._findSeparatorAround(from);
_adjustRangeWithSeparators(from, to) {
const separatorAroundFromPos = this._findSeparatorAround(from);
if (separatorAroundFromPos >= 0) from = separatorAroundFromPos;
var separatorAroundToPos = this._findSeparatorAround(to);
const separatorAroundToPos = this._findSeparatorAround(to);
if (separatorAroundToPos >= 0) to = separatorAroundToPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length;
return [from, to];
_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
var _context4, _context5;
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -290,15 +158,13 @@ fromPos = 0;

var _this$_adjustRangeWit2 = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos);
fromPos = _this$_adjustRangeWit2[0];
toPos = _this$_adjustRangeWit2[1];
var valueBeforePos = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context4 = this.value).call(_context4, 0, fromPos);
var valueAfterPos = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context5 = this.value).call(_context5, toPos);
var prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCount(valueBeforePos.length);
[fromPos, toPos] = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos);
const valueBeforePos = this.value.slice(0, fromPos);
const valueAfterPos = this.value.slice(toPos);
const prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCount(valueBeforePos.length);
this._value = this._insertThousandsSeparators(this._removeThousandsSeparators(valueBeforePos + valueAfterPos));
var beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(valueBeforePos);
const beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(valueBeforePos);
return new ChangeDetails({
tailShift: (beforeTailSeparatorsCount - prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount) * this.thousandsSeparator.length
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
if (!this.thousandsSeparator) return cursorPos;

@@ -310,5 +176,5 @@ switch (direction) {

var separatorAtLeftPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos - 1);
const separatorAtLeftPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos - 1);
if (separatorAtLeftPos >= 0) {
var separatorAtLeftEndPos = separatorAtLeftPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length;
const separatorAtLeftEndPos = separatorAtLeftPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length;
if (cursorPos < separatorAtLeftEndPos || this.value.length <= separatorAtLeftEndPos || direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) {

@@ -323,3 +189,3 @@ return separatorAtLeftPos;

var separatorAtRightPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos);
const separatorAtRightPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos);
if (separatorAtRightPos >= 0) {

@@ -331,9 +197,9 @@ return separatorAtRightPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length;

return cursorPos;
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
doValidate(flags) {
// validate as string
var valid = Boolean(this._removeThousandsSeparators(this.value).match(this._numberRegExp));
let valid = Boolean(this._removeThousandsSeparators(this.value).match(this._numberRegExp));
if (valid) {
// validate as number
var number = this.number;
const number = this.number;
valid = valid && !isNaN(number) && (

@@ -345,8 +211,8 @@ // check min bound for negative values

return valid &&, flags);
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {
return valid && super.doValidate(flags);
doCommit() {
if (this.value) {
var number = this.number;
var validnum = number;
const number = this.number;
let validnum = number;

@@ -357,3 +223,3 @@ // check bounds

if (validnum !== number) this.unmaskedValue = this.format(validnum, this);
var formatted = this.value;
let formatted = this.value;
if (this.normalizeZeros) formatted = this._normalizeZeros(formatted);

@@ -363,11 +229,9 @@ if (this.padFractionalZeros && this.scale > 0) formatted = this._padFractionalZeros(formatted);

_proto._normalizeZeros = function _normalizeZeros(value) {
var parts = this._removeThousandsSeparators(value).split(this.radix);
_normalizeZeros(value) {
const parts = this._removeThousandsSeparators(value).split(this.radix);
// remove leading zeros
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/^(\D*)(0*)(\d*)/, function (match, sign, zeros, num) {
return sign + num;
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/^(\D*)(0*)(\d*)/, (match, sign, zeros, num) => sign + num);
// add leading zero

@@ -381,74 +245,59 @@ if (value.length && !/\d$/.test(parts[0])) parts[0] = parts[0] + '0';

return this._insertThousandsSeparators(parts.join(this.radix));
_proto._padFractionalZeros = function _padFractionalZeros(value) {
var _context6;
_padFractionalZeros(value) {
if (!value) return value;
var parts = value.split(this.radix);
const parts = value.split(this.radix);
if (parts.length < 2) parts.push('');
parts[1] = _padEndInstanceProperty(_context6 = parts[1]).call(_context6, this.scale, '0');
parts[1] = parts[1].padEnd(this.scale, '0');
return parts.join(this.radix);
_proto.doSkipInvalid = function doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) {
var _context7;
doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var dropFractional = this.scale === 0 && ch !== this.thousandsSeparator && (ch === this.radix || ch === MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX || _includesInstanceProperty(_context7 = this.mapToRadix).call(_context7, ch));
return, ch, flags, checkTail) && !dropFractional;
_proto.typedValueEquals = function typedValueEquals(value) {
var _context8, _context9;
// handle 0 -> '' case (typed = 0 even if value = '')
// for details see
return (, value) || _includesInstanceProperty(_context8 = MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES).call(_context8, value) && _includesInstanceProperty(_context9 = MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES).call(_context9, this.typedValue)) && !(value === 0 && this.value === '');
_createClass(MaskedNumber, [{
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this._removeThousandsSeparators(this._normalizeZeros(this.value)).replace(this.radix, MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX);
set: function set(unmaskedValue) {
this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.parse(this.unmaskedValue, this);
set: function set(n) {
this.rawInputValue = this.format(n, this).replace(MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX, this.radix);
const dropFractional = this.scale === 0 && ch !== this.thousandsSeparator && (ch === this.radix || ch === MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX || this.mapToRadix.includes(ch));
return super.doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) && !dropFractional;
get unmaskedValue() {
return this._removeThousandsSeparators(this._normalizeZeros(this.value)).replace(this.radix, MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX);
set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) {
super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
get typedValue() {
return this.parse(this.unmaskedValue, this);
set typedValue(n) {
this.rawInputValue = this.format(n, this).replace(MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX, this.radix);
/** Parsed Number */
}, {
key: "number",
get: function get() {
return this.typedValue;
set: function set(number) {
this.typedValue = number;
/** Parsed Number */
get number() {
return this.typedValue;
set number(number) {
this.typedValue = number;
Is negative allowed
}, {
key: "allowNegative",
get: function get() {
return this.min != null && this.min < 0 || this.max != null && this.max < 0;
Is negative allowed
get allowNegative() {
return this.min != null && this.min < 0 || this.max != null && this.max < 0;
Is positive allowed
}, {
key: "allowPositive",
get: function get() {
return this.min != null && this.min > 0 || this.max != null && this.max > 0;
return MaskedNumber;
Is positive allowed
get allowPositive() {
return this.min != null && this.min > 0 || this.max != null && this.max > 0;
typedValueEquals(value) {
// handle 0 -> '' case (typed = 0 even if value = '')
// for details see
return (super.typedValueEquals(value) || MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(value) && MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(this.typedValue)) && !(value === 0 && this.value === '');
MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX = '.';
MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES = _concatInstanceProperty(_context10 = []).call(_context10, Masked.EMPTY_VALUES, [0]);
MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES = [...Masked.EMPTY_VALUES, 0];
MaskedNumber.DEFAULTS = {

@@ -459,4 +308,4 @@ mask: Number,

mapToRadix: [MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX],
min: _Number$MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,
max: _Number$MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
scale: 2,

@@ -466,8 +315,6 @@ normalizeZeros: true,

parse: Number,
format: function format(n) {
return n.toLocaleString('en-US', {
useGrouping: false,
maximumFractionDigits: 20
format: n => n.toLocaleString('en-US', {
useGrouping: false,
maximumFractionDigits: 20

@@ -474,0 +321,0 @@ IMask.MaskedNumber = MaskedNumber;

@@ -1,16 +0,4 @@

import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { b as arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport$1, _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _export, e as objectIsPrototypeOf, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import { a as arrayIteration, _ as _mapInstanceProperty } from '../map-4c47454e.js';
import { e as entryVirtual$1 } from '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import { _ as _Object$keys } from '../keys-e9789594.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { _ as _sortInstanceProperty } from '../sort-e1545525.js';
import { b as _reduceInstanceProperty, D as DIRECTION } from '../utils-e384b131.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../core/change-details.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import { DIRECTION } from '../core/utils.js';
import Masked from './base.js';

@@ -23,48 +11,6 @@ import createMask, { normalizeOpts } from './factory.js';

import './regexp.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import '../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
var $ = _export;
var $filter = arrayIteration.filter;
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport$1;
var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('filter');
// `Array.prototype.filter` method
// with adding support of @@species
$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {
filter: function filter(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) {
return $filter(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);
var entryVirtual = entryVirtual$1;
var filter$2 = entryVirtual('Array').filter;
var isPrototypeOf = objectIsPrototypeOf;
var method = filter$2;
var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
var filter$1 = function (it) {
var own = it.filter;
return it === ArrayPrototype || (isPrototypeOf(ArrayPrototype, it) && own === ArrayPrototype.filter) ? method : own;
var parent = filter$1;
var filter = parent;
var _filterInstanceProperty = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(filter);
var _excluded = ["expose"],
_excluded2 = ["_blocks"];
/** Pattern mask */
var MaskedPattern = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Masked) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedPattern, _Masked);
class MaskedPattern extends Masked {
/** */

@@ -86,19 +32,19 @@

function MaskedPattern(opts) {
return, _extends({}, MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS, opts, {
definitions: _Object$assign({}, PatternInputDefinition.DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS, opts == null ? void 0 : opts.definitions)
})) || this;
constructor(opts) {
definitions: Object.assign({}, PatternInputDefinition.DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS, opts == null ? void 0 : opts.definitions)
var _proto = MaskedPattern.prototype;
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
opts.definitions = _Object$assign({}, this.definitions, opts.definitions);, opts);
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
opts.definitions = Object.assign({}, this.definitions, opts.definitions);
_proto._rebuildMask = function _rebuildMask() {
var _this = this;
var defs = this.definitions;
_rebuildMask() {
const defs = this.definitions;
this._blocks = [];

@@ -108,112 +54,155 @@ this.exposeBlock = undefined;

this._maskedBlocks = {};
var pattern = this.mask;
const pattern = this.mask;
if (!pattern || !defs) return;
var unmaskingBlock = false;
var optionalBlock = false;
var _loop = function _loop(_i) {
if (_this.blocks) {
var _context;
var p = _sliceInstanceProperty(pattern).call(pattern, _i);
var bNames = _filterInstanceProperty(_context = _Object$keys(_this.blocks)).call(_context, function (bName) {
return _indexOfInstanceProperty(p).call(p, bName) === 0;
let unmaskingBlock = false;
let optionalBlock = false;
for (let i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i) {
if (this.blocks) {
const p = pattern.slice(i);
const bNames = Object.keys(this.blocks).filter(bName => p.indexOf(bName) === 0);
// order by key length
_sortInstanceProperty(bNames).call(bNames, function (a, b) {
return b.length - a.length;
bNames.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
// use block name with max length
var bName = bNames[0];
const bName = bNames[0];
if (bName) {
var _ref = normalizeOpts(_this.blocks[bName]),
expose = _ref.expose,
blockOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded);
var maskedBlock = createMask(_extends({
lazy: _this.lazy,
eager: _this.eager,
placeholderChar: _this.placeholderChar,
displayChar: _this.displayChar,
overwrite: _this.overwrite
}, blockOpts, {
parent: _this
const {
} = normalizeOpts(this.blocks[bName]);
const maskedBlock = createMask({
lazy: this.lazy,
eager: this.eager,
placeholderChar: this.placeholderChar,
displayChar: this.displayChar,
overwrite: this.overwrite,
parent: this
if (maskedBlock) {
if (expose) _this.exposeBlock = maskedBlock;
if (expose) this.exposeBlock = maskedBlock;
// store block index
if (!_this._maskedBlocks[bName]) _this._maskedBlocks[bName] = [];
_this._maskedBlocks[bName].push(_this._blocks.length - 1);
if (!this._maskedBlocks[bName]) this._maskedBlocks[bName] = [];
this._maskedBlocks[bName].push(this._blocks.length - 1);
_i += bName.length - 1;
i = _i;
return "continue";
i += bName.length - 1;
var char = pattern[_i];
var isInput = (char in defs);
let char = pattern[i];
let isInput = (char in defs);
if (char === MaskedPattern.STOP_CHAR) {
i = _i;
return "continue";
if (char === '{' || char === '}') {
unmaskingBlock = !unmaskingBlock;
i = _i;
return "continue";
if (char === '[' || char === ']') {
optionalBlock = !optionalBlock;
i = _i;
return "continue";
if (char === MaskedPattern.ESCAPE_CHAR) {
char = pattern[_i];
if (!char) {
i = _i;
return "break";
char = pattern[i];
if (!char) break;
isInput = false;
var def = isInput ? new PatternInputDefinition(_extends({
const def = isInput ? new PatternInputDefinition({
isOptional: optionalBlock,
lazy: _this.lazy,
eager: _this.eager,
placeholderChar: _this.placeholderChar,
displayChar: _this.displayChar
}, normalizeOpts(defs[char]), {
parent: _this
})) : new PatternFixedDefinition({
char: char,
eager: _this.eager,
lazy: this.lazy,
eager: this.eager,
placeholderChar: this.placeholderChar,
displayChar: this.displayChar,
parent: this
}) : new PatternFixedDefinition({
eager: this.eager,
isUnmasking: unmaskingBlock
i = _i;
get state() {
return {
_blocks: => b.state)
for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i) {
var _ret = _loop(i);
if (_ret === "continue") continue;
if (_ret === "break") break;
_proto.reset = function reset() {;
this._blocks.forEach(function (b) {
return b.reset();
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {
this._blocks.forEach(function (b) {
return b.doCommit();
_proto.appendTail = function appendTail(tail) {
return, tail).aggregate(this._appendPlaceholder());
_proto._appendEager = function _appendEager() {
set state(state) {
const {
} = state;
this._blocks.forEach((b, bi) => b.state = _blocks[bi]);
super.state = maskedState;
reset() {
this._blocks.forEach(b => b.reset());
get isComplete() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.isComplete : this._blocks.every(b => b.isComplete);
get isFilled() {
return this._blocks.every(b => b.isFilled);
get isFixed() {
return this._blocks.every(b => b.isFixed);
get isOptional() {
return this._blocks.every(b => b.isOptional);
doCommit() {
this._blocks.forEach(b => b.doCommit());
get unmaskedValue() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue : this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.unmaskedValue, '');
set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
} else super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
get value() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.value :
// TODO return _value when not in change?
this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.value, '');
set value(value) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.value = value;
} else super.value = value;
get typedValue() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.typedValue : super.typedValue;
set typedValue(value) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.typedValue = value;
} else super.typedValue = value;
get displayValue() {
return this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.displayValue, '');
appendTail(tail) {
return super.appendTail(tail).aggregate(this._appendPlaceholder());
_appendEager() {
var _this$_mapPosToBlock;
var details = new ChangeDetails();
var startBlockIndex = (_this$_mapPosToBlock = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock.index;
const details = new ChangeDetails();
let startBlockIndex = (_this$_mapPosToBlock = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock.index;
if (startBlockIndex == null) return details;

@@ -223,4 +212,4 @@

if (this._blocks[startBlockIndex].isFilled) ++startBlockIndex;
for (var bi = startBlockIndex; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) {
var d = this._blocks[bi]._appendEager();
for (let bi = startBlockIndex; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) {
const d = this._blocks[bi]._appendEager();
if (!d.inserted) break;

@@ -230,18 +219,19 @@ details.aggregate(d);

return details;
_proto._appendCharRaw = function _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
_appendCharRaw(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var blockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length);
var details = new ChangeDetails();
const blockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length);
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (!blockIter) return details;
for (var bi = blockIter.index;; ++bi) {
for (let bi = blockIter.index;; ++bi) {
var _flags$_beforeTailSta;
var _block = this._blocks[bi];
if (!_block) break;
var blockDetails = _block._appendChar(ch, _extends({}, flags, {
const block = this._blocks[bi];
if (!block) break;
const blockDetails = block._appendChar(ch, {
_beforeTailState: (_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null || (_flags$_beforeTailSta = _flags$_beforeTailSta._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta[bi]
var skip = blockDetails.skip;
const skip = blockDetails.skip;

@@ -252,5 +242,4 @@ if (skip || blockDetails.rawInserted) break; // go next char

return details;
_proto.extractTail = function extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
var _this2 = this;
extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -262,8 +251,8 @@ fromPos = 0;

var chunkTail = new ChunksTailDetails();
const chunkTail = new ChunksTailDetails();
if (fromPos === toPos) return chunkTail;
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, function (b, bi, bFromPos, bToPos) {
var blockChunk = b.extractTail(bFromPos, bToPos);
blockChunk.stop = _this2._findStopBefore(bi);
blockChunk.from = _this2._blockStartPos(bi);
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, bi, bFromPos, bToPos) => {
const blockChunk = b.extractTail(bFromPos, bToPos);
blockChunk.stop = this._findStopBefore(bi);
blockChunk.from = this._blockStartPos(bi);
if (blockChunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails) blockChunk.blockIndex = bi;

@@ -273,4 +262,4 @@ chunkTail.extend(blockChunk);

return chunkTail;
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -286,12 +275,12 @@ fromPos = 0;

if (fromPos === toPos) return '';
var input = '';
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, function (b, _, fromPos, toPos) {
let input = '';
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, fromPos, toPos) => {
input += b.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags);
return input;
_proto._findStopBefore = function _findStopBefore(blockIndex) {
var stopBefore;
for (var si = 0; si < this._stops.length; ++si) {
var stop = this._stops[si];
_findStopBefore(blockIndex) {
let stopBefore;
for (let si = 0; si < this._stops.length; ++si) {
const stop = this._stops[si];
if (stop <= blockIndex) stopBefore = stop;else break;

@@ -302,17 +291,15 @@ }

/** Appends placeholder depending on laziness */;
_proto._appendPlaceholder = function _appendPlaceholder(toBlockIndex) {
var _context2,
_this3 = this;
var details = new ChangeDetails();
/** Appends placeholder depending on laziness */
_appendPlaceholder(toBlockIndex) {
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (this.lazy && toBlockIndex == null) return details;
var startBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length);
const startBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length);
if (!startBlockIter) return details;
var startBlockIndex = startBlockIter.index;
var endBlockIndex = toBlockIndex != null ? toBlockIndex : this._blocks.length;
_sliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this._blocks).call(_context2, startBlockIndex, endBlockIndex).forEach(function (b) {
const startBlockIndex = startBlockIter.index;
const endBlockIndex = toBlockIndex != null ? toBlockIndex : this._blocks.length;
this._blocks.slice(startBlockIndex, endBlockIndex).forEach(b => {
if (!b.lazy || toBlockIndex != null) {
var _blocks2;
var bDetails = b._appendPlaceholder((_blocks2 = b._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _blocks2.length);
_this3._value += bDetails.inserted;
const bDetails = b._appendPlaceholder((_blocks2 = b._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _blocks2.length);
this._value += bDetails.inserted;

@@ -324,9 +311,9 @@ }

/** Finds block in pos */;
_proto._mapPosToBlock = function _mapPosToBlock(pos) {
var accVal = '';
for (var bi = 0; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) {
var _block2 = this._blocks[bi];
var blockStartPos = accVal.length;
accVal += _block2.displayValue;
/** Finds block in pos */
_mapPosToBlock(pos) {
let accVal = '';
for (let bi = 0; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) {
const block = this._blocks[bi];
const blockStartPos = accVal.length;
accVal += block.displayValue;
if (pos <= accVal.length) {

@@ -339,24 +326,21 @@ return {

_proto._blockStartPos = function _blockStartPos(blockIndex) {
var _context3, _context4;
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context3 = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context4 = this._blocks).call(_context4, 0, blockIndex)).call(_context3, function (pos, b) {
return pos += b.displayValue.length;
}, 0);
_proto._forEachBlocksInRange = function _forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, fn) {
_blockStartPos(blockIndex) {
return this._blocks.slice(0, blockIndex).reduce((pos, b) => pos += b.displayValue.length, 0);
_forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, fn) {
if (toPos === void 0) {
toPos = this.displayValue.length;
var fromBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(fromPos);
const fromBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(fromPos);
if (fromBlockIter) {
var toBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(toPos);
const toBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(toPos);
// process first block
var isSameBlock = toBlockIter && fromBlockIter.index === toBlockIter.index;
var fromBlockStartPos = fromBlockIter.offset;
var fromBlockEndPos = toBlockIter && isSameBlock ? toBlockIter.offset : this._blocks[fromBlockIter.index].displayValue.length;
const isSameBlock = toBlockIter && fromBlockIter.index === toBlockIter.index;
const fromBlockStartPos = fromBlockIter.offset;
const fromBlockEndPos = toBlockIter && isSameBlock ? toBlockIter.offset : this._blocks[fromBlockIter.index].displayValue.length;
fn(this._blocks[fromBlockIter.index], fromBlockIter.index, fromBlockStartPos, fromBlockEndPos);
if (toBlockIter && !isSameBlock) {
// process intermediate blocks
for (var bi = fromBlockIter.index + 1; bi < toBlockIter.index; ++bi) {
for (let bi = fromBlockIter.index + 1; bi < toBlockIter.index; ++bi) {
fn(this._blocks[bi], bi, 0, this._blocks[bi].displayValue.length);

@@ -369,4 +353,4 @@ }

_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -378,9 +362,9 @@ fromPos = 0;

var removeDetails =, fromPos, toPos);
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, function (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) {
const removeDetails = super.remove(fromPos, toPos);
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) => {
removeDetails.aggregate(b.remove(bFromPos, bToPos));
return removeDetails;
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
if (direction === void 0) {

@@ -390,3 +374,3 @@ direction = DIRECTION.NONE;

if (!this._blocks.length) return 0;
var cursor = new PatternCursor(this, cursorPos);
const cursor = new PatternCursor(this, cursorPos);
if (direction === DIRECTION.NONE) {

@@ -448,4 +432,4 @@ // -------------------------------------------------

return cursorPos;
_proto.totalInputPositions = function totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -457,4 +441,4 @@ fromPos = 0;

var total = 0;
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, function (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) {
let total = 0;
this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) => {
total += b.totalInputPositions(bFromPos, bToPos);

@@ -465,123 +449,14 @@ });

/** Get block by name */;
_proto.maskedBlock = function maskedBlock(name) {
/** Get block by name */
maskedBlock(name) {
return this.maskedBlocks(name)[0];
/** Get all blocks by name */;
_proto.maskedBlocks = function maskedBlocks(name) {
var _this4 = this;
var indices = this._maskedBlocks[name];
/** Get all blocks by name */
maskedBlocks(name) {
const indices = this._maskedBlocks[name];
if (!indices) return [];
return _mapInstanceProperty(indices).call(indices, function (gi) {
return _this4._blocks[gi];
_createClass(MaskedPattern, [{
key: "state",
get: function get() {
var _context5;
return _extends({}, _Masked.prototype.state, {
_blocks: _mapInstanceProperty(_context5 = this._blocks).call(_context5, function (b) {
return b.state;
set: function set(state) {
var _blocks = state._blocks,
maskedState = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(state, _excluded2);
this._blocks.forEach(function (b, bi) {
return b.state = _blocks[bi];
this.state = maskedState;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
get: function get() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.isComplete : this._blocks.every(function (b) {
return b.isComplete;
}, {
key: "isFilled",
get: function get() {
return this._blocks.every(function (b) {
return b.isFilled;
}, {
key: "isFixed",
get: function get() {
return this._blocks.every(function (b) {
return b.isFixed;
}, {
key: "isOptional",
get: function get() {
return this._blocks.every(function (b) {
return b.isOptional;
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
var _context6;
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue : _reduceInstanceProperty(_context6 = this._blocks).call(_context6, function (str, b) {
return str += b.unmaskedValue;
}, '');
set: function set(unmaskedValue) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
var _context7;
var tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(_indexOfInstanceProperty(_context7 = this._blocks).call(_context7, this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
} else this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function get() {
var _context8;
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.value :
// TODO return _value when not in change?
_reduceInstanceProperty(_context8 = this._blocks).call(_context8, function (str, b) {
return str += b.value;
}, '');
set: function set(value) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
var _context9;
var tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(_indexOfInstanceProperty(_context9 = this._blocks).call(_context9, this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.value = value;
} else this.value = value;
}, {
key: "typedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.typedValue : _Masked.prototype.typedValue;
set: function set(value) {
if (this.exposeBlock) {
var _context10;
var tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(_indexOfInstanceProperty(_context10 = this._blocks).call(_context10, this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length);
this.exposeBlock.typedValue = value;
} else this.typedValue = value;
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
var _context11;
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context11 = this._blocks).call(_context11, function (str, b) {
return str += b.displayValue;
}, '');
return MaskedPattern;
return => this._blocks[gi]);
MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS = {

@@ -588,0 +463,0 @@ lazy: true,

@@ -1,24 +0,10 @@

import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _mapInstanceProperty } from '../../map-4c47454e.js';
import { _ as _indexOfInstanceProperty } from '../../index-of-358e281e.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../../slice-3858f58a.js';
import { _ as _spliceInstanceProperty } from '../../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../../core/change-details.js';
import { i as isString } from '../../utils-e384b131.js';
import { isString } from '../../core/utils.js';
import ContinuousTailDetails from '../../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import IMask from '../../core/holder.js';
import '../../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import '../../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import '../../keys-e9789594.js';
var _excluded = ["chunks"];
var ChunksTailDetails = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class ChunksTailDetails {
/** */
function ChunksTailDetails(chunks, from) {
constructor(chunks, from) {
if (chunks === void 0) {

@@ -33,12 +19,10 @@ chunks = [];

var _proto = ChunksTailDetails.prototype;
_proto.toString = function toString() {
var _context;
return _mapInstanceProperty(_context = this.chunks).call(_context, String).join('');
_proto.extend = function extend(tailChunk) {
toString() {
extend(tailChunk) {
if (!String(tailChunk)) return;
tailChunk = isString(tailChunk) ? new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tailChunk)) : tailChunk;
var lastChunk = this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1];
var extendLast = lastChunk && (
const lastChunk = this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1];
const extendLast = lastChunk && (
// if stops are same or tail has no stop

@@ -60,3 +44,3 @@ lastChunk.stop === tailChunk.stop || tailChunk.stop == null) &&

// unwrap floating chunks to parent, keeping `from` pos
var firstTailChunk;
let firstTailChunk;
while (tailChunk.chunks.length && tailChunk.chunks[0].stop == null) {

@@ -76,22 +60,21 @@ firstTailChunk = tailChunk.chunks.shift(); // not possible to be `undefined` because length was checked above

_proto.appendTo = function appendTo(masked) {
appendTo(masked) {
if (!(masked instanceof IMask.MaskedPattern)) {
var tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(this.toString());
const tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(this.toString());
return tail.appendTo(masked);
var details = new ChangeDetails();
for (var ci = 0; ci < this.chunks.length && !details.skip; ++ci) {
var chunk = this.chunks[ci];
var lastBlockIter = masked._mapPosToBlock(masked.displayValue.length);
var stop = chunk.stop;
var chunkBlock = void 0;
const details = new ChangeDetails();
for (let ci = 0; ci < this.chunks.length && !details.skip; ++ci) {
const chunk = this.chunks[ci];
const lastBlockIter = masked._mapPosToBlock(masked.displayValue.length);
const stop = chunk.stop;
let chunkBlock;
if (stop != null && (
// if block not found or stop is behind lastBlock
!lastBlockIter || lastBlockIter.index <= stop)) {
var _context2;
if (chunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails ||
// for continuous block also check if stop is exist
_indexOfInstanceProperty(_context2 = masked._stops).call(_context2, stop) >= 0) {
var phDetails = masked._appendPlaceholder(stop);
masked._stops.indexOf(stop) >= 0) {
const phDetails = masked._appendPlaceholder(stop);

@@ -102,4 +85,3 @@ }

if (chunkBlock) {
var _context3;
var tailDetails = chunkBlock.appendTail(chunk);
const tailDetails = chunkBlock.appendTail(chunk);
tailDetails.skip = false; // always ignore skip, it will be set on last

@@ -110,3 +92,3 @@ details.aggregate(tailDetails);

// get not inserted chars
var remainChars = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context3 = chunk.toString()).call(_context3, tailDetails.rawInserted.length);
const remainChars = chunk.toString().slice(tailDetails.rawInserted.length);
if (remainChars) details.aggregate(masked.append(remainChars, {

@@ -122,10 +104,30 @@ tail: true

return details;
_proto.unshift = function unshift(beforePos) {
get state() {
return {
chunks: => c.state),
from: this.from,
stop: this.stop,
blockIndex: this.blockIndex
set state(state) {
const {
} = state;
Object.assign(this, props);
this.chunks = => {
const chunk = "chunks" in cstate ? new ChunksTailDetails() : new ContinuousTailDetails();
chunk.state = cstate;
return chunk;
unshift(beforePos) {
if (!this.chunks.length || beforePos != null && this.from >= beforePos) return '';
var chunkShiftPos = beforePos != null ? beforePos - this.from : beforePos;
var ci = 0;
const chunkShiftPos = beforePos != null ? beforePos - this.from : beforePos;
let ci = 0;
while (ci < this.chunks.length) {
var chunk = this.chunks[ci];
var shiftChar = chunk.unshift(chunkShiftPos);
const chunk = this.chunks[ci];
const shiftChar = chunk.unshift(chunkShiftPos);
if (chunk.toString()) {

@@ -137,5 +139,4 @@ // chunk still contains value

} else {
var _context4;
// clean if chunk has no value
_spliceInstanceProperty(_context4 = this.chunks).call(_context4, ci, 1);
this.chunks.splice(ci, 1);

@@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ if (shiftChar) return shiftChar;

return '';
_proto.shift = function shift() {
shift() {
if (!this.chunks.length) return '';
var ci = this.chunks.length - 1;
let ci = this.chunks.length - 1;
while (0 <= ci) {
var chunk = this.chunks[ci];
var shiftChar = chunk.shift();
const chunk = this.chunks[ci];
const shiftChar = chunk.shift();
if (chunk.toString()) {

@@ -159,5 +160,4 @@ // chunk still contains value

} else {
var _context5;
// clean if chunk has no value
_spliceInstanceProperty(_context5 = this.chunks).call(_context5, ci, 1);
this.chunks.splice(ci, 1);

@@ -167,30 +167,5 @@ if (shiftChar) return shiftChar;

return '';
_createClass(ChunksTailDetails, [{
key: "state",
get: function get() {
var _context6;
return {
chunks: _mapInstanceProperty(_context6 = this.chunks).call(_context6, function (c) {
return c.state;
from: this.from,
stop: this.stop,
blockIndex: this.blockIndex
set: function set(state) {
var chunks = state.chunks,
props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(state, _excluded);
_Object$assign(this, props);
this.chunks = _mapInstanceProperty(chunks).call(chunks, function (cstate) {
var chunk = "chunks" in cstate ? new ChunksTailDetails() : new ContinuousTailDetails();
chunk.state = cstate;
return chunk;
return ChunksTailDetails;
export { ChunksTailDetails as default };

@@ -1,25 +0,21 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { D as DIRECTION } from '../../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../../keys-e9789594.js';
import { DIRECTION } from '../../core/utils.js';
var PatternCursor = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function PatternCursor(masked, pos) {
class PatternCursor {
constructor(masked, pos) {
this.masked = masked;
this._log = [];
var _ref = masked._mapPosToBlock(pos) || (pos < 0 ?
// first
index: 0,
offset: 0
} :
// last
index: this.masked._blocks.length,
offset: 0
offset = _ref.offset,
index = _ref.index;
const {
} = masked._mapPosToBlock(pos) || (pos < 0 ?
// first
index: 0,
offset: 0
} :
// last
index: this.masked._blocks.length,
offset: 0
this.offset = offset;

@@ -29,12 +25,27 @@ this.index = index;

var _proto = PatternCursor.prototype;
_proto.pushState = function pushState() {
get block() {
return this.masked._blocks[this.index];
get pos() {
return this.masked._blockStartPos(this.index) + this.offset;
get state() {
return {
index: this.index,
offset: this.offset,
ok: this.ok
set state(s) {
Object.assign(this, s);
pushState() {
_proto.popState = function popState() {
var s = this._log.pop();
popState() {
const s = this._log.pop();
if (s) this.state = s;
return s;
_proto.bindBlock = function bindBlock() {
bindBlock() {
if (this.block) return;

@@ -49,4 +60,5 @@ if (this.index < 0) {

_proto._pushLeft = function _pushLeft(fn) {
_pushLeft(fn) {

@@ -58,4 +70,4 @@ for (this.bindBlock(); 0 <= this.index; --this.index, this.offset = ((_this$block = this.block) == null ? void 0 : _this$block.displayValue.length) || 0) {

return this.ok = false;
_proto._pushRight = function _pushRight(fn) {
_pushRight(fn) {

@@ -66,13 +78,11 @@ for (this.bindBlock(); this.index < this.masked._blocks.length; ++this.index, this.offset = 0) {

return this.ok = false;
_proto.pushLeftBeforeFilled = function pushLeftBeforeFilled() {
var _this = this;
return this._pushLeft(function () {
if (_this.block.isFixed || !_this.block.value) return;
_this.offset = _this.block.nearestInputPos(_this.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT);
if (_this.offset !== 0) return true;
pushLeftBeforeFilled() {
return this._pushLeft(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed || !this.block.value) return;
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT);
if (this.offset !== 0) return true;
_proto.pushLeftBeforeInput = function pushLeftBeforeInput() {
var _this2 = this;
pushLeftBeforeInput() {
// cases:

@@ -82,31 +92,28 @@ // filled input: 00|

// nested block: XX<[]>|
return this._pushLeft(function () {
if (_this2.block.isFixed) return;
_this2.offset = _this2.block.nearestInputPos(_this2.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT);
return this._pushLeft(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed) return;
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT);
return true;
_proto.pushLeftBeforeRequired = function pushLeftBeforeRequired() {
var _this3 = this;
return this._pushLeft(function () {
if (_this3.block.isFixed || _this3.block.isOptional && !_this3.block.value) return;
_this3.offset = _this3.block.nearestInputPos(_this3.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT);
pushLeftBeforeRequired() {
return this._pushLeft(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed || this.block.isOptional && !this.block.value) return;
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT);
return true;
_proto.pushRightBeforeFilled = function pushRightBeforeFilled() {
var _this4 = this;
return this._pushRight(function () {
if (_this4.block.isFixed || !_this4.block.value) return;
_this4.offset = _this4.block.nearestInputPos(_this4.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT);
if (_this4.offset !== _this4.block.value.length) return true;
pushRightBeforeFilled() {
return this._pushRight(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed || !this.block.value) return;
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT);
if (this.offset !== this.block.value.length) return true;
_proto.pushRightBeforeInput = function pushRightBeforeInput() {
var _this5 = this;
return this._pushRight(function () {
if (_this5.block.isFixed) return;
pushRightBeforeInput() {
return this._pushRight(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed) return;
// const o = this.offset;
_this5.offset = _this5.block.nearestInputPos(_this5.offset, DIRECTION.NONE);
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.NONE);

@@ -118,39 +125,14 @@ // aa|X

_proto.pushRightBeforeRequired = function pushRightBeforeRequired() {
var _this6 = this;
return this._pushRight(function () {
if (_this6.block.isFixed || _this6.block.isOptional && !_this6.block.value) return;
pushRightBeforeRequired() {
return this._pushRight(() => {
if (this.block.isFixed || this.block.isOptional && !this.block.value) return;
// TODO check |[*]XX_
_this6.offset = _this6.block.nearestInputPos(_this6.offset, DIRECTION.NONE);
this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.NONE);
return true;
_createClass(PatternCursor, [{
key: "block",
get: function get() {
return this.masked._blocks[this.index];
}, {
key: "pos",
get: function get() {
return this.masked._blockStartPos(this.index) + this.offset;
}, {
key: "state",
get: function get() {
return {
index: this.index,
offset: this.offset,
ok: this.ok
set: function set(s) {
_Object$assign(this, s);
return PatternCursor;
export { PatternCursor as default };

@@ -1,13 +0,7 @@

import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../../slice-3858f58a.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../../core/change-details.js';
import { D as DIRECTION, i as isString } from '../../utils-e384b131.js';
import { DIRECTION, isString } from '../../core/utils.js';
import ContinuousTailDetails from '../../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import '../../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../../core/holder.js';
import '../../keys-e9789594.js';
var PatternFixedDefinition = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class PatternFixedDefinition {
/** */

@@ -25,14 +19,24 @@

function PatternFixedDefinition(opts) {
_Object$assign(this, opts);
constructor(opts) {
Object.assign(this, opts);
this._value = '';
this.isFixed = true;
var _proto = PatternFixedDefinition.prototype;
_proto.reset = function reset() {
get value() {
return this._value;
get unmaskedValue() {
return this.isUnmasking ? this.value : '';
get rawInputValue() {
return this._isRawInput ? this.value : '';
get displayValue() {
return this.value;
reset() {
this._isRawInput = false;
this._value = '';
_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
var _context, _context2;
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -44,12 +48,12 @@ fromPos = 0;

this._value = _sliceInstanceProperty(_context = this._value).call(_context, 0, fromPos) + _sliceInstanceProperty(_context2 = this._value).call(_context2, toPos);
this._value = this._value.slice(0, fromPos) + this._value.slice(toPos);
if (!this._value) this._isRawInput = false;
return new ChangeDetails();
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
if (direction === void 0) {
direction = DIRECTION.NONE;
var minPos = 0;
var maxPos = this._value.length;
const minPos = 0;
const maxPos = this._value.length;
switch (direction) {

@@ -65,4 +69,4 @@ case DIRECTION.LEFT:

_proto.totalInputPositions = function totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -75,5 +79,4 @@ fromPos = 0;

return this._isRawInput ? toPos - fromPos : 0;
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
var _context3;
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -88,13 +91,19 @@ fromPos = 0;

return flags.raw && this._isRawInput && _sliceInstanceProperty(_context3 = this._value).call(_context3, fromPos, toPos) || '';
_proto._appendChar = function _appendChar(ch, flags) {
return flags.raw && this._isRawInput && this._value.slice(fromPos, toPos) || '';
get isComplete() {
return true;
get isFilled() {
return Boolean(this._value);
_appendChar(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
var details = new ChangeDetails();
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (this.isFilled) return details;
var appendEager = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'append';
var appended = this.char === ch;
var isResolved = appended && (this.isUnmasking || flags.input || flags.raw) && (!flags.raw || !appendEager) && !flags.tail;
const appendEager = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'append';
const appended = this.char === ch;
const isResolved = appended && (this.isUnmasking || flags.input || flags.raw) && (!flags.raw || !appendEager) && !flags.tail;
if (isResolved) details.rawInserted = this.char;

@@ -104,23 +113,23 @@ this._value = details.inserted = this.char;

return details;
_proto._appendEager = function _appendEager() {
_appendEager() {
return this._appendChar(this.char, {
tail: true
_proto._appendPlaceholder = function _appendPlaceholder() {
var details = new ChangeDetails();
_appendPlaceholder() {
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (this.isFilled) return details;
this._value = details.inserted = this.char;
return details;
_proto.extractTail = function extractTail() {
extractTail() {
return new ContinuousTailDetails('');
_proto.appendTail = function appendTail(tail) {
appendTail(tail) {
if (isString(tail)) tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail));
return tail.appendTo(this);
_proto.append = function append(str, flags, tail) {
var details = this._appendChar(str[0], flags);
append(str, flags, tail) {
const details = this._appendChar(str[0], flags);
if (tail != null) {

@@ -130,50 +139,16 @@ details.tailShift += this.appendTail(tail).tailShift;

return details;
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {};
_createClass(PatternFixedDefinition, [{
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this._value;
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.isUnmasking ? this.value : '';
}, {
key: "rawInputValue",
get: function get() {
return this._isRawInput ? this.value : '';
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
return this.value;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
get: function get() {
return true;
}, {
key: "isFilled",
get: function get() {
return Boolean(this._value);
}, {
key: "state",
get: function get() {
return {
_value: this._value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue
set: function set(state) {
this._value = state._value;
this._isRawInput = Boolean(state._rawInputValue);
return PatternFixedDefinition;
doCommit() {}
get state() {
return {
_value: this._value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue
set state(state) {
this._value = state._value;
this._isRawInput = Boolean(state._rawInputValue);
export { PatternFixedDefinition as default };

@@ -1,16 +0,7 @@

import _extends from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import _createClass from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import { _ as _Object$assign } from '../../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import { _ as _sliceInstanceProperty } from '../../slice-3858f58a.js';
import createMask from '../factory.js';
import ChangeDetails from '../../core/change-details.js';
import { D as DIRECTION } from '../../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import { DIRECTION } from '../../core/utils.js';
import '../../core/holder.js';
import '../../keys-e9789594.js';
var _excluded = ["parent", "isOptional", "placeholderChar", "displayChar", "lazy", "eager"];
var PatternInputDefinition = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
class PatternInputDefinition {
/** */

@@ -32,26 +23,27 @@

function PatternInputDefinition(opts) {
var parent = opts.parent,
isOptional = opts.isOptional,
placeholderChar = opts.placeholderChar,
displayChar = opts.displayChar,
lazy = opts.lazy,
eager = opts.eager,
maskOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(opts, _excluded);
constructor(opts) {
const {
} = opts;
this.masked = createMask(maskOpts);
_Object$assign(this, {
parent: parent,
isOptional: isOptional,
placeholderChar: placeholderChar,
displayChar: displayChar,
lazy: lazy,
eager: eager
Object.assign(this, {
var _proto = PatternInputDefinition.prototype;
_proto.reset = function reset() {
reset() {
this.isFilled = false;
_proto.remove = function remove(fromPos, toPos) {
remove(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -68,4 +60,19 @@ fromPos = 0;

return new ChangeDetails();
_proto._appendChar = function _appendChar(ch, flags) {
get value() {
return this.masked.value || (this.isFilled && !this.isOptional ? this.placeholderChar : '');
get unmaskedValue() {
return this.masked.unmaskedValue;
get rawInputValue() {
return this.masked.rawInputValue;
get displayValue() {
return this.masked.value && this.displayChar || this.value;
get isComplete() {
return Boolean(this.masked.value) || this.isOptional;
_appendChar(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {

@@ -75,5 +82,5 @@ flags = {};

if (this.isFilled) return new ChangeDetails();
var state = this.masked.state;
const state = this.masked.state;
// simulate input
var details = this.masked._appendChar(ch, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
const details = this.masked._appendChar(ch, this.currentMaskFlags(flags));
if (details.inserted && this.doValidate(flags) === false) {

@@ -89,9 +96,9 @@ details.inserted = details.rawInserted = '';

return details;
_proto.append = function append(str, flags, tail) {
append(str, flags, tail) {
// TODO probably should be done via _appendChar
return this.masked.append(str, this.currentMaskFlags(flags), tail);
_proto._appendPlaceholder = function _appendPlaceholder() {
var details = new ChangeDetails();
_appendPlaceholder() {
const details = new ChangeDetails();
if (this.isFilled || this.isOptional) return details;

@@ -101,13 +108,13 @@ this.isFilled = true;

return details;
_proto._appendEager = function _appendEager() {
_appendEager() {
return new ChangeDetails();
_proto.extractTail = function extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
extractTail(fromPos, toPos) {
return this.masked.extractTail(fromPos, toPos);
_proto.appendTail = function appendTail(tail) {
appendTail(tail) {
return this.masked.appendTail(tail);
_proto.extractInput = function extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -120,10 +127,10 @@ fromPos = 0;

return this.masked.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags);
_proto.nearestInputPos = function nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) {
if (direction === void 0) {
direction = DIRECTION.NONE;
var minPos = 0;
var maxPos = this.value.length;
var boundPos = Math.min(Math.max(cursorPos, minPos), maxPos);
const minPos = 0;
const maxPos = this.value.length;
const boundPos = Math.min(Math.max(cursorPos, minPos), maxPos);
switch (direction) {

@@ -140,5 +147,4 @@ case DIRECTION.LEFT:

_proto.totalInputPositions = function totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
var _context;
totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) {
if (fromPos === void 0) {

@@ -150,58 +156,30 @@ fromPos = 0;

return _sliceInstanceProperty(_context = this.value).call(_context, fromPos, toPos).length;
_proto.doValidate = function doValidate(flags) {
return this.value.slice(fromPos, toPos).length;
doValidate(flags) {
return this.masked.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags)) && (!this.parent || this.parent.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags)));
_proto.doCommit = function doCommit() {
doCommit() {
_proto.currentMaskFlags = function currentMaskFlags(flags) {
get state() {
return {
_value: this.value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue,
masked: this.masked.state,
isFilled: this.isFilled
set state(state) {
this.masked.state = state.masked;
this.isFilled = state.isFilled;
currentMaskFlags(flags) {
var _flags$_beforeTailSta;
return _extends({}, flags, {
return {
_beforeTailState: (flags == null || (_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta.masked) || (flags == null ? void 0 : flags._beforeTailState)
_createClass(PatternInputDefinition, [{
key: "value",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.value || (this.isFilled && !this.isOptional ? this.placeholderChar : '');
}, {
key: "unmaskedValue",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.unmaskedValue;
}, {
key: "rawInputValue",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.rawInputValue;
}, {
key: "displayValue",
get: function get() {
return this.masked.value && this.displayChar || this.value;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
get: function get() {
return Boolean(this.masked.value) || this.isOptional;
}, {
key: "state",
get: function get() {
return {
_value: this.value,
_rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue,
masked: this.masked.state,
isFilled: this.isFilled
set: function set(state) {
this.masked.state = state.masked;
this.isFilled = state.isFilled;
return PatternInputDefinition;
PatternInputDefinition.DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS = {

@@ -208,0 +186,0 @@ '0': /\d/,

import createMask from './factory.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../core/utils.js';
/** Mask pipe source and destination types */
var PIPE_TYPE = {
const PIPE_TYPE = {
MASKED: 'value',

@@ -24,9 +19,7 @@ UNMASKED: 'unmaskedValue',

var masked = createMask(arg);
return function (value) {
return masked.runIsolated(function (m) {
m[from] = value;
return m[to];
const masked = createMask(arg);
return value => masked.runIsolated(m => {
m[from] = value;
return m[to];

@@ -33,0 +26,0 @@

@@ -1,23 +0,5 @@

import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
export { M as default } from '../range-8d4c25a9.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../repeat-ac2db5c6.js';
import '../pad-end-35f0c153.js';
import '../core/holder.js';
import './pattern.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../string-repeat-21c9f19e.js';
import '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../map-4c47454e.js';
import '../array-species-create-349ea110.js';
import '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import '../sort-e1545525.js';
import '../delete-property-or-throw-2b53787c.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import MaskedPattern from './pattern.js';
import '../core/change-details.js';
import '../core/utils.js';
import './base.js';

@@ -27,4 +9,2 @@ import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';

import './pattern/chunk-tail-details.js';
import '../splice-dccbddd9.js';
import '../does-not-exceed-safe-integer-d06d288d.js';
import './pattern/cursor.js';

@@ -34,1 +14,91 @@ import './pattern/fixed-definition.js';

import './regexp.js';
/** Pattern which accepts ranges */
class MaskedRange extends MaskedPattern {
Optionally sets max length of pattern.
Used when pattern length is longer then `to` param length. Pads zeros at start in this case.
/** Min bound */
/** Max bound */
/** */
get _matchFrom() {
return this.maxLength - String(this.from).length;
constructor(opts) {
super(opts); // mask will be created in _update
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
const {
to = || 0,
from = this.from || 0,
maxLength = this.maxLength || 0,
autofix = this.autofix,
} = opts; = to;
this.from = from;
this.maxLength = Math.max(String(to).length, maxLength);
this.autofix = autofix;
const fromStr = String(this.from).padStart(this.maxLength, '0');
const toStr = String(, '0');
let sameCharsCount = 0;
while (sameCharsCount < toStr.length && toStr[sameCharsCount] === fromStr[sameCharsCount]) ++sameCharsCount;
patternOpts.mask = toStr.slice(0, sameCharsCount).replace(/0/g, '\\0') + '0'.repeat(this.maxLength - sameCharsCount);
get isComplete() {
return super.isComplete && Boolean(this.value);
boundaries(str) {
let minstr = '';
let maxstr = '';
const [, placeholder, num] = str.match(/^(\D*)(\d*)(\D*)/) || [];
if (num) {
minstr = '0'.repeat(placeholder.length) + num;
maxstr = '9'.repeat(placeholder.length) + num;
minstr = minstr.padEnd(this.maxLength, '0');
maxstr = maxstr.padEnd(this.maxLength, '9');
return [minstr, maxstr];
doPrepareChar(ch, flags) {
if (flags === void 0) {
flags = {};
let details;
[ch, details] = super.doPrepareChar(ch.replace(/\D/g, ''), flags);
if (!this.autofix || !ch) return [ch, details];
const fromStr = String(this.from).padStart(this.maxLength, '0');
const toStr = String(, '0');
const nextVal = this.value + ch;
if (nextVal.length > this.maxLength) return ['', details];
const [minstr, maxstr] = this.boundaries(nextVal);
if (Number(maxstr) < this.from) return [fromStr[nextVal.length - 1], details];
if (Number(minstr) > {
if (this.autofix === 'pad' && nextVal.length < this.maxLength) {
return ['', details.aggregate(this.append(fromStr[nextVal.length - 1] + ch, flags))];
return [toStr[nextVal.length - 1], details];
return [ch, details];
doValidate(flags) {
const str = this.value;
const firstNonZero =[^0]/);
if (firstNonZero === -1 && str.length <= this._matchFrom) return true;
const [minstr, maxstr] = this.boundaries(str);
return this.from <= Number(maxstr) && Number(minstr) <= && super.doValidate(flags);
IMask.MaskedRange = MaskedRange;
export { MaskedRange as default };

@@ -1,41 +0,28 @@

import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/inheritsLoose';
import Masked from './base.js';
import IMask from '../core/holder.js';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/extends';
import '@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/createClass';
import '../keys-e9789594.js';
import '../object-keys-53d74329.js';
import '../assign-c82cbe95.js';
import '../slice-3858f58a.js';
import '../classof-c2d10e36.js';
import '../index-of-358e281e.js';
import '../utils-e384b131.js';
import '../core/change-details.js';
import '../core/continuous-tail-details.js';
import '../core/utils.js';
/** Masking by RegExp */
var MaskedRegExp = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Masked) {
_inheritsLoose(MaskedRegExp, _Masked);
function MaskedRegExp() {
return _Masked.apply(this, arguments) || this;
var _proto = MaskedRegExp.prototype;
class MaskedRegExp extends Masked {
/** */
/** Enable characters overwriting */
/** */
/** */
_proto.updateOptions = function updateOptions(opts) {, opts);
_proto._update = function _update(opts) {
var mask = opts.mask;
if (mask) opts.validate = function (value) {
return >= 0;
};, opts);
return MaskedRegExp;
updateOptions(opts) {
_update(opts) {
const mask = opts.mask;
if (mask) opts.validate = value => >= 0;
IMask.MaskedRegExp = MaskedRegExp;
export { MaskedRegExp as default };
"name": "imask",
"version": "7.1.0-alpha.1",
"version": "7.1.0-alpha.2",
"author": "Alexey Kryazhev",

@@ -23,2 +23,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"./esm": "./esm/index.js",
"./*": "./*"

@@ -40,3 +41,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "259cbd3af35425e29fd23a2a49b558daf0a0b1ab",
"gitHead": "1a94d24b5c6428c363dc63ca2c2f824e08155c50",
"dependencies": {

@@ -43,0 +44,0 @@ "@babel/runtime-corejs3": "^7.22.6"

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