A very simple precompiler (written in typescript). With it you can make a dynamically generated blocks in your code.
npm i inprint --save-dev
yarn i inprint --save-dev
pnpm i inprint --save-dev
npm i -g inprint
yarn i -g inprint
pnpm i -g inprint
- Anywhere in your code add a block you want to generate like this
console.log("any code can be here");
console.log("any code can be here");
- Now add inprint.cjs (or .js) to your project with the following contents:
module.exports = {
embeddedFeatures: false,
inprint: function inprint(paramsObject) {
return " // " + JSON.stringify(paramsObject);
console.log("any code can be here");
console.log("any code can be here");
inprint function will receive the following additional paramaters:
inprint - required, the function used to generate inprinted content
files - optional, globby input patterns, default is ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}']
skipNodeModules- optional, if true will skip all path containing /node_modules/, default is true
embeddedFeatures - 'first' | 'last' | false - used to automatically run embedded generation functions (see the list below), 'first' - to run them before your inprint code, 'last' - to run only if your code returned undefined, false - don't run them ever, default is false.
prettierOpts - optional, options forwarded to prettier.
- @INPRINT tags can't be nested
Debugging inprint function
Create inprintDebug.cjs with contents
run it in your favorite IDE to debug the scripts.
Run programmatically
Embedded Features
This package also contains some functions which I use for my own project automation.
If you want to disable them use:
embeddedFeatures: false,
If you want to use them add to options file:
embeddedFeatures: 'first'
You can also call them with:
require("inprint").callEmbeddedFeatures(params, options);
Using just one function is also possible, for example:
require("inprint").inprintIndexTs(params, options);
List of embedded features:
Generates reexports for each file in folder:
export * from "./indexTs";
import {indexTsEmbeddedFeature} from "./indexTs";
export const embeddedFeatures:EmbeddedFeature[] = [indexTsEmbeddedFeature];