3.0.0 (2017-08-08)
This release is all about dialogs. We've made a new Dialog component, and
we're now using it in Popover, Modal, and Tray, so
that they all get the new functionality and have a consistent API.
We've also done a lot of property renaming to also help with that consistency and
developer UX going forward.
Note: We've included a codemod and DEV environment warnings to make it easy to update
your code to use the new property names.
To help with this upgrade, deprecated props should now emit console warnings in DEV
environments. You can also run the codemod to update properties for this release:
yarn add @instructure/ui-codemods
jscodeshift -t node_modules/@instructure/ui-codemods/lib/updatePropNames.js <path> --config=node_modules/@instructure/ui-core/config/propNames.config.json
- DateInput: add
prop for controlled component support
- build:
now required for babel preset.
- DateInput, DatePicker: callback function arguments changed
- Table: deprecated props
- Portal, Position, Overlay, Modal, Tray, Popover: deprecated props
- Menu, PopoverMenu: deprecated props
- Tag: deprecated props
- Alert: deprecated props
Bug Fixes
- Autocomplete: Add z-index to avoid overlap (a588081)
- Autocomplete: fix duplicate calls to onChange (856e67b)
- Autocomplete: Make options menu expand to full input width (d6dfe87)
- Autocomplete: Resolve VO issues (e4d4592)
- Autocomplete: The options list should close on select (d672875)
- Autocomplete: visual bug fixes (27d858b)
- Billboard, omitProp 'padding': don't allow padding to get styled (c860d3f)
- build: Remove
from theme import in template (cad860e)
- Button: buttonRef prop should return the button DOM element (29474cd)
- Button: Fix :focus ring issue in Firefox (430cf7d)
- Button, fluidWidth: replace min-height with top/bottom padding (30b3073)
- Button, omitProp 'padding': padding was getting passed down through (c005760)
- Checkbox: Make size prop work for CheckboxFacade (53523f8)
- DateInput: Make props align better with controlled and uncontrolled (712447d)
- DateInput, DatePicker: Provide the event object in the callback arg (37cd10a)
- DatePicker: Fix :focus states in Edge 15 (ae620ef)
- dependencies: Resolve empty styles in transpiled JS (f79c154)
- Dialog: Render Dialog example outside aria-hidden region (3b614db)
- docs: Upgrade ui-docs to prevent theme conflicts (db23135)
- ensureSingleChild: Fix ensureSingleChild when child is a string (f796ca0)
- FormFieldGroup: Handle null children (9b9019a)
- generate: Fix the component template for the generate task (76d86f0)
- Heading, omitProp 'padding': don't allow padding to get passed down (c4dbd6b)
- Image, omitProps 'padding': keep padding from getting passed down f (df1c2ec)
- lint: lint errors shouldn't fail build when debugging (5e21641)
- List, omitProps 'padding': don't let padding get styled (9fa375e)
- Media, omitProps 'padding': padding should not be a media property (d966622)
- Menu,PopoverMenu: Menu flyouts should close onSelect (b8185a0)
- Pagination, omitProps 'margin/padding': don't allow margin/padding (3d27f40)
- Pill, omitProps 'padding': dont' allow padding to be added as a pro (7b8502f)
- PopoverMenu,MenuItemFlyout: Only close flyout on ESC press (a767adf)
- Position: Fix mountNode prop in rel position container (c59c339)
- Position: Negative offsets should work (7c35e8f)
- Table: Deprecate the tableData prop (5c9a5f6)
- Table, omitProps 'padding': don't allow padding to be added as a pr (67c79e3)
- Tag, omitProps 'padding': don't allow padding to be added as a prop (fcb251c)
- themeable: Fix transform-themable with empty css files (1d05744)
- themeable: Polyfill Edge 15 until improved css var support (427a13c)
- TreeBrowser: Component broken in Edge v15 (f6aab8b)
- Autocomplete: Adds editable prop to Autocomplete (15c70d1)
- Button, Link: Add inverse link variants to Link and Button (8b499c5)
- CloseButton: Add a CloseButton component (7475cb2)
- DateInput: Return raw input for onDateChange (9195dd1)
- Dialog: Add a Dialog component (0c197e1)
- Mask: Add a Mask component (5db3aa2)
- Popover: Add Dialog component behavior to Popover (fcb2b89)
- Position: Add 'stretch', 'constrain' and 'over' props (6930e83)
- Spinner: Add x-small Spinner size (14e49e6)
- SVGIcon,InlineSVG: Add icon components and new rotation prop (02cd4b5)
- Modal: Add Dialog component behavior to Modal (8597802)
- Tray: Add Dialog component behavior to Tray (ffd181e)
<a name="2.5.0"></a>