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Comparing version 0.9.1 to 0.9.2-dev.20171215



@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ import { Either } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';

readonly key: string;
readonly type: Any | NeverType;
readonly type: Decoder<any, any>;

@@ -26,2 +26,9 @@ export declare type Context = Array<ContextEntry>;

export declare type InputOf<RT extends Any> = RT['_S'];
export interface Decoder<S, A> {
readonly name: string;
readonly validate: Validate<S, A>;
export interface Encoder<S, A> {
readonly serialize: Serialize<S, A>;

@@ -32,3 +39,3 @@ * Laws:

export declare class Type<S, A> {
export declare class Type<S, A> implements Decoder<S, A>, Encoder<S, A> {
readonly name: string;

@@ -42,12 +49,15 @@ readonly is: Is<A>;

pipe<B>(ab: Type<A, B>, name?: string): Type<S, B>;
asDecoder(): Decoder<S, A>;
asEncoder(): Encoder<S, A>;
export declare const identity: <A>(a: A) => A;
export declare const getFunctionName: (f: any) => string;
export declare const getContextEntry: (key: string, type: Type<any, any> | NeverType) => ContextEntry;
export declare const getContextEntry: (key: string, type: Decoder<any, any>) => ContextEntry;
export declare const getValidationError: (value: any, context: ContextEntry[]) => ValidationError;
export declare const getDefaultContext: (type: Type<any, any>) => ContextEntry[];
export declare const getDefaultContext: (type: Decoder<any, any>) => ContextEntry[];
export declare const appendContext: (c: ContextEntry[], key: string, type: Decoder<any, any>) => ContextEntry[];
export declare const failures: <T>(errors: ValidationError[]) => Either<ValidationError[], T>;
export declare const failure: <T>(value: any, context: ContextEntry[]) => Either<ValidationError[], T>;
export declare const success: <T>(value: T) => Either<ValidationError[], T>;
export declare const validate: <S, A>(value: S, type: Type<S, A>) => Either<ValidationError[], A>;
export declare const validate: <S, A>(value: S, type: Decoder<S, A>) => Either<ValidationError[], A>;
export declare class NullType extends Type<any, null> {

@@ -54,0 +64,0 @@ readonly _tag: 'NullType';

@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ "use strict";

var _this = this;
return new Type(name || "pipe(" + + ", " + + ")", function (v) { return &&; }, function (s, c) { return _this.validate(s, c).chain(function (a) { return ab.validate(a, c); }); }, this.serialize === exports.identity && ab.serialize === exports.identity
return new Type(name || "pipe(" + + ", " + + ")",, function (s, c) { return _this.validate(s, c).chain(function (a) { return ab.validate(a, c); }); }, this.serialize === exports.identity && ab.serialize === exports.identity
? exports.identity
: function (b) { return _this.serialize(ab.serialize(b)); });
Type.prototype.asDecoder = function () {
return this;
Type.prototype.asEncoder = function () {
return this;
return Type;

@@ -49,2 +55,11 @@ }());

exports.getDefaultContext = function (type) { return [{ key: '', type: type }]; };
exports.appendContext = function (c, key, type) {
var len = c.length;
var r = Array(len + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r[i] = c[i];
r[len] = { key: key, type: type };
return r;
exports.failures = function (errors) { return new Either_1.Left(errors); };

@@ -147,3 +162,3 @@ exports.failure = function (value, context) {

function AnyArrayType() {
var _this =, 'Array', function (v) { return Array.isArray(v); }, function (s, c) { return ( ? exports.success(s) : exports.failure(s, c)); }, exports.identity) || this;
var _this =, 'Array', Array.isArray, function (s, c) { return ( ? exports.success(s) : exports.failure(s, c)); }, exports.identity) || this;
_this._tag = 'AnyArrayType';

@@ -286,17 +301,21 @@ return _this;

return arrayType.validate(s, c).chain(function (xs) {
var a = [];
var len = xs.length;
var a = xs;
var errors = [];
var changed = false;
var _loop_1 = function (i) {
var x = xs[i];
var validation = type.validate(x, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(String(i), type)));
var validation = type.validate(x, exports.appendContext(c, String(i), type));
validation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (vx) {
changed = changed || vx !== x;
if (vx !== x) {
if (a === xs) {
a = xs.slice();
a[i] = vx;
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(changed ? a : xs);
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(a);

@@ -344,12 +363,15 @@ }, type.serialize === exports.identity ? exports.identity : function (a) { return; }, type);

return exports.Dictionary.validate(s, c).chain(function (o) {
var a = __assign({}, o);
var a = o;
var errors = [];
var changed = false;
var _loop_2 = function (k) {
var ok = o[k];
var type_1 = props[k];
var validation = type_1.validate(ok, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(k, type_1)));
var validation = type_1.validate(ok, exports.appendContext(c, k, type_1));
validation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (vok) {
changed = changed || vok !== ok;
a[k] = vok;
if (vok !== ok) {
if (a === o) {
a = __assign({}, o);
a[k] = vok;

@@ -360,3 +382,3 @@ };

return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success((changed ? a : o));
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(a);

@@ -389,6 +411,6 @@ }, useIdentity(props)

for (var k in props) {
partials[k] = exports.union([props[k], undefinedType]);
partials[k] = exports.union([undefinedType, props[k]]);
var partial = exports.type(partials);
return new PartialType(name, function (v) { return; }, function (s, c) { return partial.validate(s, c); }, useIdentity(props)
return new PartialType(name,, partial.validate, useIdentity(props)
? exports.identity

@@ -432,4 +454,4 @@ : function (a) {

var ok = o[k];
var domainValidation = domain.validate(k, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(k, domain)));
var codomainValidation = codomain.validate(ok, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(k, codomain)));
var domainValidation = domain.validate(k, exports.appendContext(c, k, domain));
var codomainValidation = codomain.validate(ok, exports.appendContext(c, k, codomain));
domainValidation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (vk) {

@@ -475,7 +497,8 @@ changed = changed || vk !== k;

if (name === void 0) { name = "(" + (type) { return; }).join(' | ') + ")"; }
var len = types.length;
return new UnionType(name, function (v) { return types.some(function (type) { return; }); }, function (s, c) {
var errors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var type_2 = types[i];
var validation = type_2.validate(s, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(String(i), type_2)));
var validation = type_2.validate(s, exports.appendContext(c, String(i), type_2));
if (Either_1.isRight(validation)) {

@@ -492,3 +515,4 @@ return validation;

: function (a) {
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < len - 1; i++) {
var type_3 = types[i];

@@ -499,3 +523,3 @@ if ( {

return a;
return types[i].serialize(a);
}, types);

@@ -519,15 +543,12 @@ };

if (name === void 0) { name = "(" + (type) { return; }).join(' & ') + ")"; }
var len = types.length;
return new IntersectionType(name, function (v) { return types.every(function (type) { return; }); }, function (s, c) {
var a = s;
var changed = false;
var errors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var type_4 = types[i];
var validation = type_4.validate(a, c);
validation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (va) {
changed = changed || va !== a;
a = va;
validation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (va) { return (a = va); });
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(changed ? a : s);
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(a);
}, types.every(function (type) { return type.serialize === exports.identity; })

@@ -537,3 +558,3 @@ ? exports.identity

var s = a;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var type_5 = types[i];

@@ -565,12 +586,15 @@ s = type_5.serialize(s);

return arrayType.validate(s, c).chain(function (as) {
var t = [];
var t = as;
var errors = [];
var changed = false;
var _loop_4 = function (i) {
var a = as[i];
var type_6 = types[i];
var validation = type_6.validate(a, c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(String(i), type_6)));
var validation = type_6.validate(a, exports.appendContext(c, String(i), type_6));
validation.fold(function (e) { return pushAll(errors, e); }, function (va) {
changed = changed || va !== a;
if (va !== a) {
if (t === as) {
t = as.slice();
t[i] = va;

@@ -582,5 +606,5 @@ };

if (as.length > len) {
errors.push(exports.getValidationError(as[len], c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(String(len), exports.never))));
errors.push(exports.getValidationError(as[len], exports.appendContext(c, String(len), exports.never)));
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success((changed ? t : as));
return errors.length ? exports.failures(errors) : exports.success(t);

@@ -634,3 +658,3 @@ }, types.every(function (type) { return type.serialize === exports.identity; })

var arrayType = exports.array(type);
return new ReadonlyArrayType(name, function (v) { return; }, function (s, c) {
return new ReadonlyArrayType(name,, function (s, c) {
return arrayType.validate(s, c).map(function (x) {

@@ -673,3 +697,3 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

if (!props.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
errors.push(exports.getValidationError(o[key], c.concat(exports.getContextEntry(key, exports.never))));
errors.push(exports.getValidationError(o[key], exports.appendContext(c, key, exports.never)));

@@ -676,0 +700,0 @@ }

"name": "io-ts",
"version": "0.9.1",
"version": "0.9.2-dev.20171215",
"description": "TypeScript compatible runtime type system for IO validation",

@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ "files": ["lib"],

"clean": "rm -rf lib/*",
"build": "npm run clean && tsc && npm run flow-copy-definition-files"
"build": "npm run clean && tsc && npm run flow-copy-definition-files",
"perf": "node perf/index"

@@ -40,4 +41,6 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"@types/benchmark": "1.0.31",
"@types/mocha": "2.2.38",
"@types/node": "7.0.4",
"benchmark": "2.1.4",
"mocha": "3.2.0",

@@ -44,0 +47,0 @@ "prettier": "1.8.2",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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