For Ionic 3 use version 1.1.0 of this package: $ npm i ionic-header-parallax@1.1.0
This directive enables parallax effect on ion-header
elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition it to the normal navbar when content is scrolled down.

Set Up
- Install package:
$ npm i ionic-header-parallax
- Import the directive into your desired module (usually
import { IonicHeaderParallaxModule } from 'ionic-header-parallax';
imports: [
Just add the attribute parallax
to any <ion-header>
<ion-header parallax></ion-header>
Optional attributes:
imageUrl (string)
: The background image to show while expanded.
maximumHeight (number)
: The height for the header when expanded. Default is 200
expandedColor (string)
: The color (web hex formatted) to show while the header is expanded when no imageUrl
is set. When scrolled it will fade to the navbar/toolbar's color or the one configured in <toolbar color="">
titleColor (string)
: The text color (web hex formatted) for <ion-title>
and <ion-back-button>
elements when expanded. They will turn to their default color on cover collapse.
<ion-header parallax imageUrl="" maximumHeight="350" expandedColor="#AAA" titleColor="black">
<ion-toolbar color="primary">
Parallax Header
Some content here
Modifying the Source Code
In case you need to make your own modifications, the package is pritty simple, just 1 .ts file. You can clone the repo wherever in your ionic project (usually inside the directives
folder): $ git clone
. Then edit the file src/lib/parallax.directive.ts
This is an implementation of this awesome tutorial on v2 by Josh Morony. Thanks.
I don't plan to be full-time mantaining this package, but as I'm usually developing in Ionic I'll be glad to update it any time I make some upgrades for myself.
Contributions are very welcome. The source files can be found in the repo.