Isolate Package
Isolate a monorepo workspace package so that it can be deployed as a completely
self-contained directory with the sources of all its local dependencies
This solution was developed out of a desire to deploy to
Firebase from a monorepo without resorting to
hacks, shell scripts and manual tasks. I have written an article explaining the
issue here.
There is nothing Firebase specific to this solution but I am currently not aware
of other reasons to isolate a workspace package. If you find a different
use-case, I would love to hear about it.
In the documentation and code you will see the word "manifest" a lot, and it
simply means to the contents of a package.json
- Zero-config for the vast majority of use-cases, with no manual steps involved.
- Support NPM, Yarn classic (v1) and current (v3) and PNPM.
- Fully compatible with the Firebase tools CLI, supporting 1st gen and 2nd gen
Firebase functions.
- Uses a pack/unpack approach to isolate only the files that would have been
part of a published package, so the output contains a minimal set of files.
- Isolates shared dependencies recursively. If package A depends on local
package B which depends on local package C, all of them will be isolated.
- Includes the lockfile so the isolated deployment should be deterministic. PNPM
lockfiles are not supported yet. See lockfiles for more info.
- Optionally include devDependencies in the isolated output.
Firebase Deployment Quickstart
This describes the steps required for Firebase deployment, assuming:
- You use a fairly typical monorepo setup
- Your
config lives in the root of the package that you like to
deploy to Firebase, hereafter referred to as the "target package".
If you use a different setup, just continue reading the
Prerequisites section.
- In the target package, install isolate-package and firebase-tools by running
pnpm add isolate-package firebase-tools -D
or the Yarn / NPM equivalent. I
like to install firebase-tools as a devDependency in every firebase package,
but you could of course also use a global install if you prefer.
- In the
config set "source"
to "./isolate"
to ["turbo build", "isolate"]
or whatever suits your build
- From the target package root, you should now be able to deploy with
npx firebase deploy
or npx firebase deploy --only functions
in case your package
only contains code for Firebase functions.
I recommend keeping a firebase.json
file inside each Firebase package (as
opposed to the monorepo root), because it allows you to deploy from multiple
independent packages. This give you more flexibility to organize your code. It
also makes it easy to deploy 1st gen functions next to 2nd gen functions, or mix
different node versions should you want to. Your bundle sizes and dependency
lists for each function might also decrease, which improves cold-start times.
Because historically many different approaches to monorepos exist, we need to
establish some basic rules for the isolate process to work.
Define shared package dependencies in the manifest
This one might sound obvious, but if the package.json
from the package you are
targeting does not list the other monorepo packages it depends on, in either the
or devDependencies
list, then the isolate process will not
include them in the output.
How dependencies are listed with regards to versioning is not important, because
packages are matched based on their name. For example the following flavors all
work (some depending on your package manager):
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"shared-package": "0.0.0"
"shared-package": "*",
"shared-package": "workspace:*",
"shared-package": "../shared-package",
So if the a package name can be found as part of the workspace definition, it
will be processed regardless of its version specifier.
Define "files" and "version" in each manifest
The isolate process uses (p)npm pack
to extract files from package
directories, just like publishing a package would.
For this to work it is required that you define the files
property in each
manifest, as it declares what files should be included in the
published output.
Typically the value contains an array with just the name of the build output
directory, for example:
// package.json
"files": ["dist"]
The version
field is also required for pack
to execute. I personally always
set it to "0.0.0"
to indicate that the version does not have a practical
A few additional files will be included by pack
automatically, like the
Tip If you deploy to Firebase 2nd
functions, you might want to include some .env files in the "files" list, so
they are packaged and deployed together with your build output (as 1st gen
functions config is no longer supported).
Use a flat structure inside your packages folders
At the moment, nesting packages inside packages is not supported.
When building the registry of all local packages, isolate
doesn't drill down
into the folders. So if you declare your packages to live in packages/*
will only find the packages directly in that folder and not at
You can, however, declare multiple packages folders. I personally like to use
["packages/*", "apps/*", "services/*"]
. It's just that the structure inside
them should be flat.
Run npm install isolate-package --dev
or the equivalent for yarn
or pnpm
This package exposes the isolate
executable. Once installed you can run npx isolate
in any package directory after you have build the source files. By
default this will produce a directory at ./isolate
but this can be configured.
You will probably want to add the output directory to your .gitignore
Deploying to Firebase
You can deploy to Firebase from multiple packages in your monorepo, so I advise
you to co-locate your firebase.json
file with the source code, and not place
it in the root of the monorepo. If you do want to keep the firebase config in
the root, read the instructions for deploying to Firebase from the
In order to deploy to Firebase, the functions.source
setting in
needs to point to the isolated output folder, which would be
when using the default configuration.
The predeploy
phase should first build and then isolate the output.
Here's an example using Turborepo:
// firebase.json
"functions": {
"source": "./isolate",
"predeploy": ["turbo build", "isolate"]
With this configuration you can then run npx firebase deploy --only functions
from the package.
If you like to deploy to Firebase Functions from multiple packages you will also
need to configure a unique codebase
identifier for each of them. For more
information, read
Make sure your Firebase package adheres to the things mentioned in
prerequisites and its manifest file contains the field
, or "module"
if you set "type": "module"
, so Firebase knows the
entry point to your source code.
Deploying to Firebase from the root
If, for some reason, you choose to keep the firebase.json
file in the root of
the monorepo you will have to place a configuration file called
in the root with the following content:
// isolate.config.json
"targetPackagePath": "./packages/your-firebase-package"
The Firebase configuration should then look something like this:
// firebase.json
"functions": {
"source": "./packages/your-firebase-package/isolate",
"predeploy": ["turbo build", "isolate"]
Configuration Options
For most users no configuration should be necessary.
You can configure the isolate process by placing a isolate.config.json
file in
the package that you want to isolate, except when you're deploying to Firebase
from the root of the workspace.
For the config file to be picked up, you will have to execute isolate
from the
same location, as it uses the current working directory.
Below you will find a description of every available option.
Type: string | undefined
, default: undefined
The name of the build output directory name. When undefined it is automatically
detected via tsconfig.json
. When you are not using Typescript you can use this
setting to specify where the build output files are located.
Type: boolean
, default: Depends on package manager.
Sets the inclusion or exclusion of the lockfile as part of the deployment. For
Yarn and NPM the lockfiles are included by default, but for PNPM they are
excluded by default because they are not supported yet. For more information see
Tip: If you can't use a lockfile I advise you to declare dependencies using
absolute versions in your manifest files. This doesn't prevent their
dependencies from installing newer versions, but at least you minimize the risk
of things breaking.
Type: boolean
, default: false
By default devDependencies are ignored and stripped from the isolated output
files. If you enable this the devDependencies will be included
and isolated just like the production dependencies.
Type: string
, default: "isolate"
The name of the isolate output directory.
Type: "info" | "debug" | "warn" | "error"
, default: "info"
Because the configuration loader depends on this setting, its output is not
affected by this setting. If you want to debug the configuration set
before you run isolate
Type: string
, default: undefined
Only when you decide to place the isolate configuration in the root of the
monorepo, you use this setting to point it to the target you want to isolate,
e.g. ./packages/my-firebase-package
If this option is used the workspaceRoot
setting will be ignored and assumed
to be the current working directory.
Type: string
, default: "./tsconfig.json"
The path to the tsconfig.json
file relative to the package you want to
isolate. The tsconfig is only used for reading the compilerOptions.outDir
setting. If no tsconfig is found, possibly because you are not using Typescript
in your project, the process will fall back to the buildDirName
Type: string[] | undefined
, default: undefined
When workspacePackages is not defined, isolate
will try to find the packages
in the workspace by looking up the settings in pnpm-workspace.yaml
files depending on the detected package manager.
In case this fails, you can override this process by specifying globs manually.
For example "workspacePackages": ["packages/*", "apps/*"]
. Paths are relative
from the root of the workspace.
Type: string
, default: "../.."
The relative path to the root of the workspace / monorepo. In a typical setup
you will have a packages
directory and possibly also an apps
and a
directory, all of which contain packages. So any package you would
want to isolate is located 2 levels up from the root.
For example
├─ api
│ ├─ package.json
│ └─ .eslintrc.js
└─ web
├─ package.json
└─ .eslintrc.js
└─ eslint-config-custom
├─ index.js
└─ package.json
When you use the targetPackagePath
option, this setting will be ignored.
If something is not working, I advise you to add a isolate.config.json
and set "logLevel"
to "debug"
. This should give you detailed feedback in the
In addition define an environment variable to debug the configuration being used
before you execute isolate
When debugging Firebase deployment issues it might be convenient to trigger the
isolate process manually with npx isolate
and possibly
ISOLATE_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL=debug npx isolate
The lockfiles for NPM as well as the Yarn v1 and v3 seem to have a flat
structure unrelated to the workspace packages structure, so they are copied to
the isolate output as-is.
The PNPM lockfile clearly has a structure describing the different packages by
their relative paths, and so to correct the lockfile it is adapted before being
stored to the isolate directory.
It seems that when using NPM the npm ci
can fail with a message like:
npm ci
can only install packages when your package.json and
package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync. Please update your lock
file with npm install
before continuing.
I haven't been able to figure out what causes this. I have seen NPM deploys
working with lockfiles, but I can not reliably reproduce it.
If you experience this issue I have two suggestions:
- Upgrade to Node 18 by setting the
"runtime": "nodejs18"
in your
firebase.json config. Note that you most likely also have to re-create your
lockfile using Node 18.
- Exclude the lockfile from deployment by setting
"excludeLockfile": false
your isolate.config.json file.
I hope we can eventually figure out what is causing this, but more investigation
is required.
PNPM Lockfiles disabled for now
There is still an issue with the PNPM lockfile
conversion which makes it
unusable at the moment. Until that is resolved, the lockfile is automatically
excluded for PNPM.
Tip: If you can't use a lockfile I advise you to declare dependencies using
absolute versions in your manifest files. This doesn't prevent their
dependencies from installing newer versions, but at least you minimize the risk
of things breaking.
Different Package Managers
Isolate package has been designed to work with all package managers. It has been
testing it with NPM 8, 9, Yarn 1.22, Yarn 3.6 and PNPM 8.
The isolate process will infer the package manager name and version from the
type of lockfile found and the version that the OS reports for the installed
executable. This information is then used to change some of its behavior. For
example, the PNPM pack
process is preferred over the default NPM pack
PNPM in used, simply because it seems to be much faster.
The Firebase cloud deploy pipeline will use the package manager that matches
lockfile that was found in the deployed package.
Yarn v1 and v3
If you are using Yarn 3 with zero-installs, the deployed package is not aware of
that, because the .yarnrc
file and .yarn
folder are located in the root of
your monorepo, and the version is not recorded as part of the lockfile. Therefor
the Firebase deploy cloud pipeline will use Yarn 1 to install your dependencies.
I don't think that is an issue but it might be good to know.
Using the Firebase Functions Emulator
The Firebase functions emulator runs on the code that firebase.json source
points to. Unfortunately, this is the same location as is used for uploading the
code for deployment, which means the emulator is forced to use the isolated
As a result, any changes to your code first need to go through the isolate
process in order to be picked up by the emulator. In other words, changes do not
propagate automatically while the emulator is running.
The strategy I use at the moment is to create a "emulate" script in your
manifest which does the same as the Firebase predeploy, and then starts the
emulator. For example:
turbo build && isolate && firebase emulators:start --only functions
But you will still have to stop and restart the emulator on every code change,
which is a bummer.
The real solution to this, I think, involves changing the firebase-tools CLI. I
see two options:
- Give the firebase config an extra field to distinguish between code that is
used by the emulator and code that is bundled for deployment.
- Integrate the isolate process into the firebase-tools deploy command, so it
is only used as part of the deployment and the
property can still
point to the original code.
I plan to take this up in the near future.