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A utility for more easily rendering a page initially on the server then taking over on the client side.

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A node.js package for slightly simplifying isomorphic rendering of web pages, primarily focused around React interfaces with a redux state-store (but not limited to either of these, if you extend the class).


Install from npm:

> npm install --save isomorphic-page-renderer

Example Usage

The following snippets provide a very abbreviated sample of how you might use this package. This is not the recommended pattern, nor does it represent best practices in general. But it is demonstrative of the general idea.

For a more thorough example that generally follows the suggested pattern, see ./examples/simple-react-page/.

import {IsomorphicPageRenderer} from 'isomorphic-page-renderer';
import React from 'react';

// State reducer (e.g., for redux)
function reducer(state, action) {
    // ...
    return state;

// Component to render the page.
class PageComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <p>Whatever</p>

// Defines how to render the page, both on the server-side and client-side.
export const page = new IsomorphicPageRenderer({
    pageComponent: <PageComponent />

// Create a function that will setup your state store for the server-side by
// dispatching actions. You can return a Promise if there's anything asynchronous
// that you need to wait for.
function dispatchSetupEvents(dispatch) {
    // ...

// Create a function that will render your HTML content. The IsomorphicPageRenderer
// will give you the hard parts, you just need to decide where to put it in the HTML.
// this would typically be a compiled template, for instance, but here we're just
// using a trivial string literal for simplicity and clarity.
function render({embeddableState, pageContent, containerElementId}) {
    return `<html>
        <!-- Your rendered PageComponent -->
        <div id='${containerElementId}'>${pageContent}</div>

        <!-- The encoded initial state, which the client-side script will read -->

        <!-- The client-side script, which should call clientSideMain, below -->
        <script type='text/javascript' src='your-webpack-bundle.js'></script>

// Setup server to serve the page, e.g., using express:
export function serverSideMain() {
    // ...
    app.get('/page', (request, response) => {
            .then((html) => response.type('html').send(html));

    // We can also setup an API to fetch the state, if we want.
    app.get('/api/page-state', (request, response) => {
            .then((state) => response.json(state));

    // ...

// And the main function for your client-side script:
export function clientSideMain() {

Isomorphic Rendering

Isomorphic rendering means you use the same code on both the server-side and the client-side to render a webpage. On the server-side, you render the initial HTML to send to the client. Much of the same JavaScript code is also served for client side consumption and included on the page as rendered by the server. The client runs this script to re-render the page in the browser, essentially taking over for the server where it left off. This allows more interactivity and client-side dynamic behavior than could be provided with statically rendered HTML provided by the server.

The two primary motivations behind isomorphic rendering are that you can send some content immediately to the client without waiting for client-side rendering, and so that search engines and indexers have content to work with without having to run client side script (which most don't).

One of the downsides is that you're taking a bit of extra time to render on the server, compared to just serving up a static HTML shell page and static javascript to do client-side rendering.

Another downside is that you're typically sending redundant data to the client; once as the rendered initial content and once as the UI's initial state encoded onto the page in a way that the client can read it to take over rendering.

Quasi-Isomorphic Rendering

You can use this package for fully isomorphic rendering, but you can also tweak the usage a little for a variety of non-isomorphic rendering. For instance, you can just as easily skip the server-side rendering entirely and just send up static assets, doing all the rendering on the client-side, still using this package to simplify some things. Alternatively, you could have the initial state setup on the server and sent to the client, but skip the actual rendering on the server.

Or, you could do the server-side rendering, but skip the client-side rendering.

By using this package, you can easily choose from any of these and other options and not have to worry about any refactoring if you change how you want to do it.

Using isomorphic-page-renderer

This section describes the currently recommended pattern, though this project is new so new patterns may emerge over time with use.

Each webpage that you want to render isomorphically should have it's own directory, typically under a pages/ directory. With regards to the isomorphic rendering, there are three key files that are recommended for each of your isomorphic webpages:

  • page.js
  • server-page.js
  • client-entry.js

In the snippet above, these are all combined in the same file, but this is not generally recommended for reasons discussed below.


The page.js module is meant to instantiate an instance of IsomorphicPageRenderer and export it for use by other modules. This should generally be exposed through an exported function like getPage, rather than instantiating the object at module load time.

This module will be imported in both of the other two files mentioned above, which means it will be used on both the client-side and the server-side. Fortunately, it should be a pretty trivial module, so you shouldn't need to worry to much about dependencies that work on both server-side and client-side.

import {reducer} from './reducer';
import {PageComponent} from './views/page-component';
import {IsomorphicPageRenderer} from 'isomorphic-page-renderer';

export function getPage() {
    return new IsomorphicPageRenderer({
        pageComponent: <PageComponent />

Your state-reducer function should only be needed in this module, so you could define it here if it's simple. However, since reducers are typically fairly complex, it's recommended to define it in another module and import it here.

Likewise, your UI component (e.g., a React component) should only be needed here, and could be defined as part of this module, but it is generally recommended to put it in it's own module and import it.


This server-page.js module should only be included on the server-side, it's purpose is to gather whatever data is needed to initialize the state store for initial rendering, as well as providing a template into which the initial HTML is rendered.

The recommended pattern is to export a single function, getHtml, from this module, which can be used when setting up the server to get the response body for the page. This function will look something like:

import {getPage} from './page';

export function getHtml(requestDetails) {
    return getPage().getInitialHtml({
        dispatchSetupEvents: (dispatch) => {
            return dispatchSetupEvents(requestDetals, dispatch);

// ...

The getInitialHtml method on the page will generate the HTML content for the server to send as the initial page render to the client. It relies on a provided render method to actually generate the HTML string (e.g., from a template file), but does a lot of the heavy lifting to render the page's component tree, as well as serializing the intial state to the page so that the client can load it for rendering.

The dispatchSetupEvents function that is passed in is used to gather whatever information you need to initialize the state store, and then dispatch the appropriate events. This would typically mean doing things like fetching from your database, session store, or upstream services.

The function will be called with a dispatch function that, by default, is the dispatch method of the Redux state store. However, you can override methods in IsomorphicPageRenderer to support something other than Redux, such as IsomorphicPageRenderer::createStore, IsomorphicPageRenderer::getStoreState, and IsomorphicPageRenderer::getDispatch.

The function can return a Promise to account for any asynchronous work that needs to be done.


The client-entry.js module is used to provide an entry point to the client-side script that runs to take over rendering in the browser. In the simplest case, this module might look something like:

import {getPage} from './page';


This module would typically be your entry point for the webpack bundle you serve and load on the page. Note that the IsomorphicPageRenderer instance has no knowledge of this script, so it is up to your render function to make sure the script is loaded on the page.

The clientMain method on the page deserializes the state from the page and render's the page's component tree to the target element in the DOM, to replace what was initially put there by the server.

It's often useful to know that you're rendering on the client versus the server, so clientMain can take an optional callback function that can be invoked to futher modify the state store after it has been deserialized from the page.

It's considered best practice when doing isomorphic rendering to have your initial render on the client-side be identical to the server-side render. In fact, React even issues a warning to your console if the checksums differ. To avoid this, the callback you pass to clientMain is only invoked after the initial client-side rendering is done with the initial state.

Why Three Modules?

The primary reason for the three different modules is to isolate server-side code and client-side code. This somewhat flies in the face of typical isomorphic concepts, where the same code is used client-side and server-side. However, there is often code required for the initial state setup on the server-side that can't run on the client-side. For instance, connecting to an internal upstream service or database cannot typically be done from the client side. In some cases, even just trying to include a module in your front-end bundle will fail (e.g., if it's native code).

Therefore, separating the server-side-only code into it's own module that doesn't need to be included in any client-side modules is important. Separating out the page.js module is just basic reuse so that both the client-side and server-side modules can import it an make use of the same code.



new IsomorphicPageRenderer({reducer, pageComponent, [containerElementId], [initialStateElementId]})

Constructor for a new IsomorphicPageRenderer object.

  • reducer: A reducer function that will be used to create a new redux state store.
  • pageComponent: A React component that will be rendered as the primary content of the page. For react-redux, it should be a connected component if necessary, but it will automatically be wrapped in a Provider component with a state store created with the given reducer.
  • containerElementId: Optional, the ID for the container element into which the pageComponent will be rendered. The render function that you'll pass to the getInitialHtml method will need to make sure the generated HTML uses this same ID for that element. For convenience, this value will be passed in to the render function as part of the context. The default value is 'container'.
  • initialStateElementId: Optional, the ID for the element into which the encoded initial state will be embedded. Unlike containerElementId, the render function passed to getInitialHtml doesn't need to render this directly, the renderEmbeddableState method will generate this and pass it to render in the embeddableState context value. The default value is 'initial-state'.
::getInitialHtml({[dispatchSetupEvents], render}) -> Promise<String>

Invoked to render the the initial HTML content of the page. This will create a redux state store with the reducer function passed to the constructor, initialize it by calling the dispatchSetupEvents function, render the object's pageComponent inside a react-redux <Provider> component with the state store attached, encode the stores's initial state into an HTML-embeddable string, and finally pass the generated content to the provided render function to actually generate the HTML.

Returns a Promise that will fulfill with the generated HTML content, or reject on error.

  • dispatchSetupEvents(dispatch) -> [Promise<*>]: Optional, a function that will be called with the dispatch method of the constructed state store, ostensibly to dispatch any actions required to setup the state store for the initial render. It can return synchronously, or return a thenable if there is asynchronous work that needs to complete before the store is setup. If not given, then no initialization of the state store will be done beyond what is done by the createStore method itself.

  • render({pageContent, embeddableState, initialState, containerElementId, initialStateElementId}) -> {Promise<String>|String}: A function that will take the generated content and actually produce the HTML for the page as a string. For instance, this might be a compiled template function. It will be invoked with a context object having the following properties:

    • pageContent: The rendered pageComponent.
    • embeddableState: The initial state of the store, encoded and rendered to a string that can be embedded directly into the body of HTML document. Specifically, the default implementation of IsomorphicPageRenderer encodes this to HTML-safe JSON and embeds it into a <script> element with the initialStateElementId as the element ID.
    • initialState: The initial state of the store, after dispatchSetupEvents settles, as an object. This is for convenience so you can include state-content directly in your rendered content outside of the pageComponent, in case that's useful.
    • containerElementId: The ID that should be used for the container element into which the pageContent should be placed. This ID is important because the clientMain method will rely on this to find the element into which it should render the pageComponent.
    • initialStateElementId: The ID of the element into which the initial state has been embedded. Your render function probably doesn't actually need this, since it is already included in the embeddableState.

    The render function should return the generated HTML as a string, or a thenable that fulfills with the generated HTML.

::getCurrentState({[dispatchSetupEvents]}) -> Promise<Object>

Invoked to support an API endpoint that returns the current state as determined by the server. For example, your client-side script (the one that invokes ::clientMain) might setup an AJAX poll of this API endpoint and use the response to update the client-side state store.

Returns a Promise that will fulfill with state of the initialized store.

  • dispatchSetupEvents(dispatch) -> Promise<*>: Just like the argument to getInitialHtml, this is a function which will be invoked to setup the state store.
::clientMain({[dispatchClientSetupEvents]}) -> Promise<StateStore>

Invoked from your client side script to take over rendering of the page on the client side. This will load the initial state that should be embedded in the page (as specified by the initialStateElementId) and use it to initialize a client-side state store, then render the pageComponent into the container specified by containerElementId, replacing the server-side static rendering.

Returns a Promise that fulfills after the client-side rendering is completed with the initialized client-side state store (and after the provided dispatchClientSetupEvents function settles), in case you need to do anything else with it.

  • dispatchClientSetupEvents(dispatch) -> Promise<*>: Similar to the dispatchSetupEvents argument to ::getCurrentState and ::getInitialHtml, this is a function that will be invoked with a dispatch function for the state store in order to do any additional setup of the state that is specific to the client.

    This is useful if you want to set some state flag to indicate that you're rendering on the client. For instance, you may choose not to render some interactive content on the server side, or render them using traditional HTML forms, to support users who do not have JavaScript. For users who do support JavaScript, this function will be invoked to set the "on-client" flag in the state, and the client-side rendering can replace these with more dynamic controls, such as forms that submit via AJAX.

    Note that this function won't be invoked until after the component is rendered with the initial state loaded from the page. This should ensure that the initial client-side is identical to the server-side rendering, which is considered a best practice for isomorphic rendering. However, any actions dispatched by this function that lead to a change in the state store should lead to your component being re-rendered through the react-redux connection.

    This is an async-safe function, so it can return synchronously or return a thenable if there are any actions that we need to wait for. The fulfillment value will be ignored, but the Promise returned by the clientMain method won't settle until the returned thenable settles.



Package last updated on 10 Jan 2018

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