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@@ -9,28 +9,83 @@ /**

declare module "iterall" {
// Note: TypeScript already has built-in definitions for
// Iterable, Iterator, AsyncIterable, and AsyncIterator so they are not
// defined here. However you may need to configure TypeScript to include them.
// Note: TypeScript already has built-in definitions for
// Iterable<TValue> and Iterator<TValue> so they are not defined here.
export var $$iterator: symbol
export var $$iterator: symbol | string
export function isIterable(obj: any): obj is Iterable<any>
export function isIterable(obj: any): boolean
export function isArrayLike(obj: any): obj is { length: number }
export function isArrayLike(obj: any): boolean
export function isCollection(obj: any): obj is Iterable<any> | { length: number }
export function isCollection(obj: any): boolean
export function getIterator<TValue>(
iterable: Iterable<TValue>
): Iterator<TValue>
export function getIterator(iterable: any): void | Iterator<any>
export function getIterator<TValue>(iterable: Iterable<TValue>): Iterator<TValue>
export function getIterator(iterable: any): void | Iterator<any>
export function getIteratorMethod<TValue>(
iterable: Iterable<TValue>
): () => Iterator<TValue>
export function getIteratorMethod(iterable: any): void | (() => Iterator<any>)
export function getIteratorMethod<TValue>(iterable: Iterable<TValue>): () => Iterator<TValue>
export function getIteratorMethod(iterable: any): () => Iterator<any> | void
export function createIterator<TValue>(
collection: Iterable<TValue>
): Iterator<TValue>
export function createIterator(collection: { length: number }): Iterator<any>
export function createIterator(collection: any): void | Iterator<any>
export function forEach<TValue, TCollection extends Iterable<TValue>>(collection: TCollection, callbackFn: (value: TValue, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any, thisArg?: any): void
export function forEach<TCollection extends { length: number }>(collection: TCollection, callbackFn: (value: any, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any, thisArg?: any): void
export function forEach<TValue, TCollection extends Iterable<TValue>>(
collection: TCollection,
callbackFn: (value: TValue, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
thisArg?: any
): void
export function forEach<TCollection extends { length: number }>(
collection: TCollection,
callbackFn: (value: any, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
thisArg?: any
): void
export function createIterator<TValue>(collection: Iterable<TValue>): Iterator<TValue>
export function createIterator(collection: { length: number }): Iterator<any>
export function createIterator(collection: any): void | Iterator<any>
export var $$asyncIterator: symbol
export function isAsyncIterable(obj: any): obj is AsyncIterable<any>
export function getAsyncIterator<TValue>(
asyncIterable: AsyncIterable<TValue>
): AsyncIterator<TValue>
export function getAsyncIterator(
asyncIterable: any
): void | AsyncIterator<any>
export function getAsyncIteratorMethod<TValue>(
asyncIterable: AsyncIterable<TValue>
): () => AsyncIterator<TValue>
export function getAsyncIteratorMethod(
asyncIterable: any
): void | (() => AsyncIterator<any>)
export function createAsyncIterator<TValue>(
collection: AsyncIterable<TValue> | Iterable<Promise<TValue> | TValue>
): AsyncIterator<TValue>
export function createAsyncIterator(
collection: {length: number}
): AsyncIterator<any>
export function createAsyncIterator(
collection: any
): void | AsyncIterator<any>
export function forAwaitEach<TValue, TCollection extends AsyncIterable<TValue>>(
collection: TCollection,
callbackFn: (value: TValue, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
thisArg?: any
): Promise<void>
export function forAwaitEach<TValue, TCollection extends Iterable<Promise<TValue> | TValue>>(
collection: TCollection,
callbackFn: (value: TValue, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
thisArg?: any
): Promise<void>
export function forAwaitEach<TCollection extends { length: number }>(
collection: TCollection,
callbackFn: (value: any, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
thisArg?: any
): Promise<void>

@@ -103,3 +103,3 @@ /**

function isIterable (obj) {
function isIterable(obj) {
return !!getIteratorMethod(obj)

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ }

function isArrayLike (obj) {
function isArrayLike(obj) {
var length = obj != null && obj.length

@@ -164,3 +164,3 @@ return typeof length === 'number' && length >= 0 && length % 1 === 0

function isCollection (obj) {
function isCollection(obj) {
return Object(obj) === obj && (isArrayLike(obj) || isIterable(obj))

@@ -188,3 +188,3 @@ }

function getIterator (iterable) {
function getIterator(iterable) {
var method = getIteratorMethod(iterable)

@@ -218,5 +218,6 @@ if (method) {

function getIteratorMethod (iterable) {
function getIteratorMethod(iterable) {
if (iterable != null) {
var method = SYMBOL_ITERATOR && iterable[SYMBOL_ITERATOR] || iterable['@@iterator']
var method =
(SYMBOL_ITERATOR && iterable[SYMBOL_ITERATOR]) || iterable['@@iterator']
if (typeof method === 'function') {

@@ -230,2 +231,65 @@ return method

* Similar to `getIterator()`, this method returns a new Iterator given an
* Iterable. However it will also create an Iterator for a non-Iterable
* Array-like collection, such as Array in a non-ES2015 environment.
* `createIterator` is complimentary to `forEach`, but allows a "pull"-based
* iteration as opposed to `forEach`'s "push"-based iteration.
* `createIterator` produces an Iterator for Array-likes with the same behavior
* as ArrayIteratorPrototype described in the ECMAScript specification, and
* does *not* skip over "holes".
* @example
* var createIterator = require('iterall').createIterator
* var myArraylike = { length: 3, 0: 'Alpha', 1: 'Bravo', 2: 'Charlie' }
* var iterator = createIterator(myArraylike)
* // { value: 'Alpha', done: false }
* // { value: 'Bravo', done: false }
* // { value: 'Charlie', done: false }
* // { value: undefined, done: true }
* @template T the type of each iterated value
* @param {Iterable<T>|{ length: number }} collection
* An Iterable or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
* @return {Iterator<T>} new Iterator instance.
function createIterator(collection) {
if (collection != null) {
var iterator = getIterator(collection)
if (iterator) {
return iterator
if (isArrayLike(collection)) {
return new ArrayLikeIterator(collection)
exports.createIterator = createIterator
// When the object provided to `createIterator` is not Iterable but is
// Array-like, this simple Iterator is created.
function ArrayLikeIterator(obj) {
this._o = obj
this._i = 0
// Note: all Iterators are themselves Iterable.
ArrayLikeIterator.prototype[$$iterator] = function() {
return this
// A simple state-machine determines the IteratorResult returned, yielding
// each value in the Array-like object in order of their indicies. = function() {
if (this._o === void 0 || this._i >= this._o.length) {
this._o = void 0
return { value: void 0, done: true }
return { value: this._o[this._i++], done: false }
* Given an object which either implements the Iterable protocol or is

@@ -275,3 +339,3 @@ * Array-like, iterate over it, calling the `callback` at each iteration.

function forEach (collection, callback, thisArg) {
function forEach(collection, callback, thisArg) {
if (collection != null) {

@@ -305,52 +369,224 @@ if (typeof collection.forEach === 'function') {

// //
// //
* Similar to `getIterator()`, this method returns a new Iterator given an
* Iterable. However it will also create an Iterator for a non-Iterable
* Array-like collection, such as Array in a non-ES2015 environment.
* [AsyncIterator](
* is a *protocol* which describes a standard way to produce and consume an
* asynchronous sequence of values, typically the values of the AsyncIterable
* represented by this AsyncIterator.
* `createIterator` is complimentary to `forEach`, but allows a "pull"-based
* iteration as opposed to `forEach`'s "push"-based iteration.
* AsyncIterator is similar to Observable or Stream.
* `createIterator` produces an Iterator for Array-likes with the same behavior
* as ArrayIteratorPrototype described in the ECMAScript specification, and
* does *not* skip over "holes".
* While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](
* it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
* @typedef {Object} AsyncIterator
* @template T The type of each iterated value
* @property {function (): Promise<{ value: T, done: boolean }>} next
* A method which produces a Promise which resolves to either the next value
* in a sequence or a result where the `done` property is `true` indicating
* the end of the sequence of values. It may also produce a Promise which
* becomes rejected, indicating a failure.
* AsyncIterable is a *protocol* which when implemented allows a JavaScript
* object to define their asynchronous iteration behavior, such as what values
* are looped over in a `for-await-of` loop or `iterall`'s `forAwaitEach`
* function.
* While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](
* it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
* @typedef {Object} AsyncIterable
* @template T The type of each iterated value
* @property {function (): AsyncIterator<T>} Symbol.asyncIterator
* A method which produces an AsyncIterator for this AsyncIterable.
// In ES2017 (or a polyfilled) environment, this will be Symbol.asyncIterator
var SYMBOL_ASYNC_ITERATOR = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.asyncIterator
* A property name to be used as the name of an AsyncIterable's method
* responsible for producing an Iterator, referred to as `@@asyncIterator`.
* Typically represents the value `Symbol.asyncIterator` but falls back to the
* string `"@@asyncIterator"` when `Symbol.asyncIterator` is not defined.
* Use `$$asyncIterator` for defining new AsyncIterables instead of
* `Symbol.asyncIterator`, but do not use it for accessing existing Iterables,
* instead use `getAsyncIterator()` or `isAsyncIterable()`.
* @example
* var createIterator = require('iterall').createIterator
* var $$asyncIterator = require('iterall').$$asyncIterator
* function Chirper (to) {
* = to
* }
* Chirper.prototype[$$asyncIterator] = function () {
* return {
* to:,
* num: 0,
* next () {
* return new Promise(function (resolve) {
* if (this.num >= {
* resolve({ value: undefined, done: true })
* } else {
* setTimeout(function () {
* resolve({ value: this.num++, done: false })
* }, 1000)
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* var chirper = new Chirper(3)
* for await (var number of chirper) {
* console.log(number) // 0 ...wait... 1 ...wait... 2
* }
* @type {Symbol|string}
var $$asyncIterator = SYMBOL_ASYNC_ITERATOR || '@@asyncIterator'
exports.$$asyncIterator = $$asyncIterator
* Returns true if the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol via
* either implementing a `Symbol.asyncIterator` or `"@@asyncIterator"` method.
* @example
* var isAsyncIterable = require('iterall').isAsyncIterable
* isAsyncIterable(myStream) // true
* isAsyncIterable('ABC') // false
* @param obj
* A value which might implement the AsyncIterable protocol.
* @return {boolean} true if AsyncIterable.
function isAsyncIterable(obj) {
return !!getAsyncIteratorMethod(obj)
exports.isAsyncIterable = isAsyncIterable
* If the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol, its
* AsyncIterator object is returned. Otherwise returns undefined.
* @example
* var getAsyncIterator = require('iterall').getAsyncIterator
* var asyncIterator = getAsyncIterator(myStream)
* // { value: 1, done: false }
* // { value: 2, done: false }
* // { value: 3, done: false }
* // { value: undefined, done: true }
* @template T the type of each iterated value
* @param {AsyncIterable<T>} asyncIterable
* An AsyncIterable object which is the source of an AsyncIterator.
* @return {AsyncIterator<T>} new AsyncIterator instance.
function getAsyncIterator(asyncIterable) {
var method = getAsyncIteratorMethod(asyncIterable)
if (method) {
exports.getAsyncIterator = getAsyncIterator
* If the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol, the method
* responsible for producing its AsyncIterator object is returned.
* This is used in rare cases for performance tuning. This method must be called
* with obj as the contextual this-argument.
* @example
* var getAsyncIteratorMethod = require('iterall').getAsyncIteratorMethod
* var method = getAsyncIteratorMethod(myStream)
* if (method) {
* var asyncIterator =
* }
* @template T the type of each iterated value
* @param {AsyncIterable<T>} asyncIterable
* An AsyncIterable object which defines an `@@asyncIterator` method.
* @return {function(): AsyncIterator<T>} `@@asyncIterator` method.
function getAsyncIteratorMethod(asyncIterable) {
if (asyncIterable != null) {
var method =
if (typeof method === 'function') {
return method
exports.getAsyncIteratorMethod = getAsyncIteratorMethod
* Similar to `getAsyncIterator()`, this method returns a new AsyncIterator
* given an AsyncIterable. However it will also create an AsyncIterator for a
* non-async Iterable as well as non-Iterable Array-like collection, such as
* Array in a pre-ES2015 environment.
* `createAsyncIterator` is complimentary to `forAwaitEach`, but allows a
* buffering "pull"-based iteration as opposed to `forAwaitEach`'s
* "push"-based iteration.
* `createAsyncIterator` produces an AsyncIterator for non-async Iterables as
* described in the ECMAScript proposal [Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects](
* > Note: Creating `AsyncIterator`s requires the existence of `Promise`.
* > While `Promise` has been available in modern browsers for a number of
* > years, legacy browsers (like IE 11) may require a polyfill.
* @example
* var createAsyncIterator = require('iterall').createAsyncIterator
* var myArraylike = { length: 3, 0: 'Alpha', 1: 'Bravo', 2: 'Charlie' }
* var iterator = createIterator(myArraylike)
* // { value: 'Alpha', done: false }
* // { value: 'Bravo', done: false }
* // { value: 'Charlie', done: false }
* // { value: undefined, done: true }
* var iterator = createAsyncIterator(myArraylike)
* // { value: 'Alpha', done: false }
* // { value: 'Bravo', done: false }
* // { value: 'Charlie', done: false }
* // { value: undefined, done: true }
* @template T the type of each iterated value
* @param {Iterable<T>|{ length: number }} collection
* An Iterable or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
* @return {Iterator<T>} new Iterator instance.
* @param {AsyncIterable<T>|Iterable<T>|{ length: number }} source
* An AsyncIterable, Iterable, or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
* @return {AsyncIterator<T>} new AsyncIterator instance.
function createIterator (collection) {
if (collection != null) {
var iterator = getIterator(collection)
function createAsyncIterator(source) {
if (source != null) {
var asyncIterator = getAsyncIterator(source)
if (asyncIterator) {
return asyncIterator
var iterator = createIterator(source)
if (iterator) {
return iterator
return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(iterator)
if (isArrayLike(collection)) {
return new ArrayLikeIterator(collection)
exports.createIterator = createIterator
exports.createAsyncIterator = createAsyncIterator
// When the object provided to `createIterator` is not Iterable but is
// Array-like, this simple Iterator is created.
function ArrayLikeIterator (obj) {
this._o = obj
this._i = 0
// When the object provided to `createAsyncIterator` is not AsyncIterable but is
// sync Iterable, this simple wrapper is created.
function AsyncFromSyncIterator(iterator) {
this._i = iterator
// Note: all Iterators are themselves Iterable.
ArrayLikeIterator.prototype[$$iterator] = function () {
// Note: all AsyncIterators are themselves AsyncIterable.
AsyncFromSyncIterator.prototype[$$asyncIterator] = function() {
return this

@@ -361,8 +597,69 @@ }

// each value in the Array-like object in order of their indicies. = function () {
if (this._o === void 0 || this._i >= this._o.length) {
this._o = void 0
return { value: void 0, done: true } = function() {
var step =
return Promise.resolve(step.value).then(function(value) {
return { value: value, done: step.done }
* Given an object which either implements the AsyncIterable protocol or is
* Array-like, iterate over it, calling the `callback` at each iteration.
* Use `forAwaitEach` where you would expect to use a `for-await-of` loop.
* Similar to [Array#forEach][], the `callback` function accepts three
* arguments, and is provided with `thisArg` as the calling context.
* > Note: Using `forAwaitEach` requires the existence of `Promise`.
* > While `Promise` has been available in modern browsers for a number of
* > years, legacy browsers (like IE 11) may require a polyfill.
* @example
* var forAwaitEach = require('iterall').forAwaitEach
* forAwaitEach(myIterable, function (value, index, iterable) {
* console.log(value, index, iterable === myIterable)
* })
* @example
* // ES2017:
* for await (let value of myAsyncIterable) {
* console.log(await doSomethingAsync(value))
* }
* console.log('done')
* // Any JavaScript environment:
* forAwaitEach(myAsyncIterable, function (value) {
* return doSomethingAsync(value).then(console.log)
* }).then(function () {
* console.log('done')
* })
* @template T the type of each iterated value
* @param {AsyncIterable<T>|Iterable<Promise<T> | T>|{ length: number }} source
* The AsyncIterable or array to iterate over.
* @param {function(T, number, object)} callback
* Function to execute for each iteration, taking up to three arguments
* @param [thisArg]
* Optional. Value to use as `this` when executing `callback`.
function forAwaitEach(source, callback, thisArg) {
var asyncIterator = createAsyncIterator(source)
if (asyncIterator) {
var i = 0
function next() {
return {
if (!step.done) {
return Promise.resolve(, step.value, i++, source)
return next()
return { value: this._o[this._i++], done: false }
exports.forAwaitEach = forAwaitEach


"name": "iterall",
"version": "1.0.3",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "Minimal zero-dependency utilities for using JavaScript Iterables in all environments.",
"main": "index.js",
"typings": "index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"test": "npm run lint && npm run testonly && npm run testdocs",
"lint": "standard --verbose index.js test.js",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run flow && npm run testonly && npm run testdocs",
"flow": "flow check",
"lint": "npm run prettier -- --write",
"lint-check": "npm run prettier -- --list-different",
"prettier": "prettier --single-quote --no-semi --parser flow '*.{js,flow}'",
"testonly": "nyc --check-coverage --statements 100 node test.js",
"testdocs": "if [ \"$(documentation readme -dgs API | grep -vF 'up to date')\" ]; then echo 'Must run: npm run docs'; exit 1; fi;",
"docs": "documentation readme -gs API",
"travis": "npm run test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls"
"travis": "npm run lint-check && npm run flow && npm run test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls"

@@ -38,7 +42,8 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"coveralls": "2.11.9",
"coveralls": "2.13.0",
"documentation": "4.0.0-beta5",
"nyc": "6.6.1",
"standard": "7.1.2"
"flow-bin": "0.44.2",
"nyc": "10.2.0",
"prettier": "1.2.2"

@@ -1,9 +0,10 @@

# JavaScript [Iterators][] for all!
# JavaScript [Iterators][] and [AsyncIterators][] for all!
[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ![568 bytes minified and gzipped](
[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ![710 bytes minified and gzipped](
`iterall` provides a few crucial utilities for implementing and working with
[Iterables][iterators] and [Array-likes][array-like] in all JavaScript
environments, even old versions of Internet Explorer, in a tiny library weighing
well under 1KB when minified and gzipped.
[Iterables][iterators], [Async Iterables][asynciterators] and
[Array-likes][array-like] in all JavaScript environments, even old versions of
Internet Explorer, in a tiny library weighing well under 1KB when minified
and gzipped.

@@ -35,2 +36,11 @@ This is a library for libraries. If your library takes Arrays as input, accept

// Accepts all AsyncIterators, in any JavaScript environment! ⏳
var forAwaitEach = require('iterall').forAwaitEach
forAwaitEach(thing, function (item, i) {
console.log('Index: ' + i, item)
}).then(function () {

@@ -96,2 +106,14 @@

## Why use AsyncIterators?
In the same way that `Iterator` provides a common interface for accessing many
different kinds of data-structures, `AsyncIterator` provides a common interface
over a stream (or Observable) of values.
Async Iterators are not yet an official part of JavaScript, however they're
a "Stage 3" proposal to be added, and browser vendors are
[working on adding support](
However, Async Iterators can be both safely defined and used today by
_any version of JavaScript_, by using the utilities in `iterall`.
## FAQ

@@ -362,2 +384,34 @@

### createIterator
Similar to `getIterator()`, this method returns a new Iterator given an
Iterable. However it will also create an Iterator for a non-Iterable
Array-like collection, such as Array in a non-ES2015 environment.
`createIterator` is complimentary to `forEach`, but allows a "pull"-based
iteration as opposed to `forEach`'s "push"-based iteration.
`createIterator` produces an Iterator for Array-likes with the same behavior
as ArrayIteratorPrototype described in the ECMAScript specification, and
does _not_ skip over "holes".
- `collection` **(Iterable&lt;T> | {length: [number](})** An Iterable or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
var createIterator = require('iterall').createIterator
var myArraylike = { length: 3, 0: 'Alpha', 1: 'Bravo', 2: 'Charlie' }
var iterator = createIterator(myArraylike) // { value: 'Alpha', done: false } // { value: 'Bravo', done: false } // { value: 'Charlie', done: false } // { value: undefined, done: true }
Returns **Iterator&lt;T>** new Iterator instance.
### forEach

@@ -409,18 +463,87 @@

### createIterator
### AsyncIterator
Similar to `getIterator()`, this method returns a new Iterator given an
Iterable. However it will also create an Iterator for a non-Iterable
Array-like collection, such as Array in a non-ES2015 environment.
is a _protocol_ which describes a standard way to produce and consume an
asynchronous sequence of values, typically the values of the AsyncIterable
represented by this AsyncIterator.
`createIterator` is complimentary to `forEach`, but allows a "pull"-based
iteration as opposed to `forEach`'s "push"-based iteration.
AsyncIterator is similar to Observable or Stream.
`createIterator` produces an Iterator for Array-likes with the same behavior
as ArrayIteratorPrototype described in the ECMAScript specification, and
does _not_ skip over "holes".
While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](
it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
- `next` **function (): [Promise](;{value: T, done: [boolean](}>** A method which produces a Promise which resolves to either the next value
in a sequence or a result where the `done` property is `true` indicating
the end of the sequence of values. It may also produce a Promise which
becomes rejected, indicating a failure.
### AsyncIterable
AsyncIterable is a _protocol_ which when implemented allows a JavaScript
object to define their asynchronous iteration behavior, such as what values
are looped over in a `for-await-of` loop or `iterall`'s `forAwaitEach`
While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](
it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
- `Symbol.asyncIterator` **function (): AsyncIterator&lt;T>** A method which produces an AsyncIterator for this AsyncIterable.
### $$asyncIterator
A property name to be used as the name of an AsyncIterable's method
responsible for producing an Iterator, referred to as `@@asyncIterator`.
Typically represents the value `Symbol.asyncIterator` but falls back to the
string `"@@asyncIterator"` when `Symbol.asyncIterator` is not defined.
Use `$$asyncIterator` for defining new AsyncIterables instead of
`Symbol.asyncIterator`, but do not use it for accessing existing Iterables,
instead use `getAsyncIterator()` or `isAsyncIterable()`.
var $$asyncIterator = require('iterall').$$asyncIterator
function Chirper (to) { = to
Chirper.prototype[$$asyncIterator] = function () {
return {
num: 0,
next () {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
if (this.num >= {
resolve({ value: undefined, done: true })
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
resolve({ value: this.num++, done: false })
}, 1000)
var chirper = new Chirper(3)
for await (var number of chirper) {
console.log(number) // 0 ...wait... 1 ...wait... 2
### isAsyncIterable
Returns true if the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol via
either implementing a `Symbol.asyncIterator` or `"@@asyncIterator"` method.
- `collection` **(Iterable&lt;T> | {length: [number](})** An Iterable or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
- `obj` A value which might implement the AsyncIterable protocol.

@@ -430,14 +553,137 @@ **Examples**

var createIterator = require('iterall').createIterator
var isAsyncIterable = require('iterall').isAsyncIterable
isAsyncIterable(myStream) // true
isAsyncIterable('ABC') // false
Returns **[boolean](** true if AsyncIterable.
### getAsyncIterator
If the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol, its
AsyncIterator object is returned. Otherwise returns undefined.
- `asyncIterable` **AsyncIterable&lt;T>** An AsyncIterable object which is the source of an AsyncIterator.
var getAsyncIterator = require('iterall').getAsyncIterator
var asyncIterator = getAsyncIterator(myStream) // { value: 1, done: false } // { value: 2, done: false } // { value: 3, done: false } // { value: undefined, done: true }
Returns **AsyncIterator&lt;T>** new AsyncIterator instance.
### getAsyncIteratorMethod
If the provided object implements the AsyncIterator protocol, the method
responsible for producing its AsyncIterator object is returned.
This is used in rare cases for performance tuning. This method must be called
with obj as the contextual this-argument.
- `asyncIterable` **AsyncIterable&lt;T>** An AsyncIterable object which defines an `@@asyncIterator` method.
var getAsyncIteratorMethod = require('iterall').getAsyncIteratorMethod
var method = getAsyncIteratorMethod(myStream)
if (method) {
var asyncIterator =
Returns **function (): AsyncIterator&lt;T>** `@@asyncIterator` method.
### createAsyncIterator
Similar to `getAsyncIterator()`, this method returns a new AsyncIterator
given an AsyncIterable. However it will also create an AsyncIterator for a
non-async Iterable as well as non-Iterable Array-like collection, such as
Array in a pre-ES2015 environment.
`createAsyncIterator` is complimentary to `forAwaitEach`, but allows a
buffering "pull"-based iteration as opposed to `forAwaitEach`'s
"push"-based iteration.
`createAsyncIterator` produces an AsyncIterator for non-async Iterables as
described in the ECMAScript proposal [Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects](
> Note: Creating `AsyncIterator`s requires the existence of `Promise`.
> While `Promise` has been available in modern browsers for a number of
> years, legacy browsers (like IE 11) may require a polyfill.
- `source` **(AsyncIterable&lt;T> | Iterable&lt;T> | {length: [number](})** An AsyncIterable, Iterable, or Array-like object to produce an Iterator.
var createAsyncIterator = require('iterall').createAsyncIterator
var myArraylike = { length: 3, 0: 'Alpha', 1: 'Bravo', 2: 'Charlie' }
var iterator = createIterator(myArraylike) // { value: 'Alpha', done: false } // { value: 'Bravo', done: false } // { value: 'Charlie', done: false } // { value: undefined, done: true }
var iterator = createAsyncIterator(myArraylike) // { value: 'Alpha', done: false } // { value: 'Bravo', done: false } // { value: 'Charlie', done: false } // { value: undefined, done: true }
Returns **Iterator&lt;T>** new Iterator instance.
Returns **AsyncIterator&lt;T>** new AsyncIterator instance.
### forAwaitEach
Given an object which either implements the AsyncIterable protocol or is
Array-like, iterate over it, calling the `callback` at each iteration.
Use `forAwaitEach` where you would expect to use a `for-await-of` loop.
Similar to [Array#forEach][], the `callback` function accepts three
arguments, and is provided with `thisArg` as the calling context.
> Note: Using `forAwaitEach` requires the existence of `Promise`.
> While `Promise` has been available in modern browsers for a number of
> years, legacy browsers (like IE 11) may require a polyfill.
- `source` **(AsyncIterable&lt;T> | Iterable&lt;([Promise](;T> | T)> | {length: [number](})** The AsyncIterable or array to iterate over.
- `callback` **function (T, [number](, [object](** Function to execute for each iteration, taking up to three arguments
- `thisArg` Optional. Value to use as `this` when executing `callback`.
var forAwaitEach = require('iterall').forAwaitEach
forAwaitEach(myIterable, function (value, index, iterable) {
console.log(value, index, iterable === myIterable)
// ES2017:
for await (let value of myAsyncIterable) {
console.log(await doSomethingAsync(value))
// Any JavaScript environment:
forAwaitEach(myAsyncIterable, function (value) {
return doSomethingAsync(value).then(console.log)
}).then(function () {
## Contributing

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[linked list]:

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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