This library works with Jyt to render Angular HTML
markup on the server. This is how it works at a high level:
- Write your HTML using Jyt.
div({ 'class': 'foo' }, span('hello'))
- Add Angular markup to your Jyt markup.
var markup = div({ 'ng-if': 'someVal', 'class': 'foo' }, span({ 'ng-bind': 'greeting' }, 'hello'))
- Pass your markup into Jangular with a model.
var html = jangular.render(markup, { someVal: true, greeting: 'Hello, world' })
- You now have rendered HTML in a string that you can return to the user or whatever else you want.
<div ng-if="someVal" class="foo"><span ng-bind="greeting">Hello, world</span></div>
From the command line enter:
npm install jangular --save
Then use Jangular anywhere in your node.js code. For example:
var jangular = require('jangular');
// add all the HTML functions to the local scope
var markup = div({ 'ng-if': 'someVal', 'class': 'foo' }, span({ 'ng-bind': 'greeting' }, 'hello'));
var html = jangular.render(markup, { someVal: true, greeting: 'Hello, world' });
// output: <div ng-if="someVal" class="foo"><span ng-bind="greeting">Hello, world</span></div>
The following functions are available with Jangular:
- render(markup, model, strip) - As described above. Strip is a boolean that will remove Angular directives after rendering them.
- addShortcutsToScope(obj) - This will add all the HTML functions to whatever object is passed in.
- registerPlugin(name, fn) - This is used to register a Jyt plugin.
- addDirective(name, fn) - Add a custom directive to Jangular (essentially a callback to the directive's link() function)
- addFilters(name, arr) - Add filters Jangular will evaluate while rendering
While this library can be used on its own without any issues, it was design to work with
Pancakes through the pancakes-angular plugin.
Basically, this library is dumb about how it is used. It simple rendering Jyt markup with Angular any registered
Angular directives. Pancakes-angular is used to generate a set of custom directives based off the app that is
using Pancakes.