What is jasmine-reporters?
The jasmine-reporters npm package provides a set of reporters for the Jasmine testing framework. These reporters can generate test results in various formats, such as JUnit XML, TAP, and more, which can be used for continuous integration and other reporting purposes.
What are jasmine-reporters's main functionalities?
JUnit XML Reporter
The JUnit XML Reporter generates test results in JUnit XML format, which is commonly used by CI tools like Jenkins. The code sample demonstrates how to configure and add the JUnit XML Reporter to a Jasmine test suite.
const Jasmine = require('jasmine');
const JasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
const jasmine = new Jasmine();
const junitReporter = new JasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter({
savePath: 'test_results',
consolidateAll: false
TAP Reporter
The TAP Reporter outputs test results in the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) format. This format is useful for integrating with TAP consumers. The code sample shows how to set up the TAP Reporter in a Jasmine test suite.
const Jasmine = require('jasmine');
const JasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
const jasmine = new Jasmine();
const tapReporter = new JasmineReporters.TapReporter();
TeamCity Reporter
The TeamCity Reporter formats test results for integration with JetBrains TeamCity. The code sample illustrates how to add the TeamCity Reporter to a Jasmine test suite.
const Jasmine = require('jasmine');
const JasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
const jasmine = new Jasmine();
const teamCityReporter = new JasmineReporters.TeamCityReporter();
Other packages similar to jasmine-reporters
The karma-junit-reporter package is a reporter for the Karma test runner that generates test results in JUnit XML format. It is similar to the JUnit XML Reporter in jasmine-reporters but is specifically designed for use with Karma.
The mocha-junit-reporter package is a reporter for the Mocha testing framework that outputs test results in JUnit XML format. It serves a similar purpose to the JUnit XML Reporter in jasmine-reporters but is tailored for Mocha.
The jest-junit package is a Jest reporter that generates test results in JUnit XML format. It is comparable to the JUnit XML Reporter in jasmine-reporters but is intended for use with the Jest testing framework.
Jasmine Reporters
Jasmine Reporters is a collection of javascript jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with
the JasmineBDD testing framework.
Included reporters:
- ConsoleReporter - Report test results to the browser console.
- JUnitXmlReporter - Report test results to a file (using Rhino or PyPhantomJS) in JUnit XML Report format.
- TapReporter - Test Anything Protocol, report tests results to console.
- TeamcityReporter - Basic reporter that outputs spec results to for the Teamcity build system.
- TerminalReporter - Logs to a terminal (including colors) with variable verbosity.
Examples are included in the test directory that show how to use the reporters,
as well a basic runner scripts for Rhino + envjs, and a basic runner for
PhantomJS (using PyPhantomJS and the
saveToFile plugin). Either of these methods could be used in a Continuous
Integration project for running headless tests and generating JUnit XML output.
Rhino + EnvJS
Everything needed to run the tests in Rhino + EnvJS is included in this
repository inside the ext
directory, specifically Rhino 1.7r2 and envjs 1.2
for Rhino.
PhantomJS, PyPhantomJS
PhantomJS is included as a submodule inside the ext
directory. The included
example runner makes use of PyPhantomJS to execute the headless tests and
save XML output to the filesystem.
While PhantomJS and PyPhantomJS both run on MacOS / Linux / Windows, there are
specific dependencies for each platform. Specifics on installing these are not
included here, but is left as an exercise for the reader. The PhantomJS
project contains links to various documentation, including installation notes.
Here is how I got it working in MacOSX 10.6 (YMMV):
- ensure you are using Python 2.6+
- install Xcode (this gives you make, et al)
- install qt (this gives you qmake, et al)
- this may be easiest via homebrew
brew install qt
- install the python sip module
pip install sip # this will fail to fully install sip, keep going
cd build/sip
python configure.py
make && sudo make install
- install the python pyqt module
pip install pyqt # this will fail to fully install pyqt, keep going
cd build/pyqt
python configure.py
make && sudo make install