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Comparing version 4.2.1 to 4.3.0



@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ const path = require('path');

} else {
await runJasmine(jasmine, env, print);
await runJasmine(jasmine, env);

@@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ }

for (let i in argv) {
const arg = argv[i];
for (const arg of argv) {
if (arg === '--no-color') {

@@ -111,51 +110,52 @@ color = false;

return {
color: color,
configPath: configPath,
filter: filter,
failFast: failFast,
helpers: helpers,
requires: requires,
reporter: reporter,
files: files,
random: random,
seed: seed,
unknownOptions: unknownOptions
async function runJasmine(jasmine, env, print) {
await jasmine.loadConfigFile(env.configPath || process.env.JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH);
async function runJasmine(jasmine, options) {
await jasmine.loadConfigFile(options.configPath || process.env.JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH);
if (env.failFast !== undefined) {
if (options.failFast !== undefined) {
stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: env.failFast,
stopOnSpecFailure: env.failFast
stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: options.failFast,
stopOnSpecFailure: options.failFast
if (env.seed !== undefined) {
if (options.seed !== undefined) {
if (env.random !== undefined) {
if (options.random !== undefined) {
if (env.helpers !== undefined && env.helpers.length) {
if (options.helpers !== undefined && options.helpers.length) {
if (env.requires !== undefined && env.requires.length) {
if (options.requires !== undefined && options.requires.length) {
if (env.reporter !== undefined) {
await registerReporter(env.reporter, jasmine);
if (options.reporter !== undefined) {
await registerReporter(options.reporter, jasmine);
try {
await jasmine.execute(env.files, env.filter);
await jasmine.execute(options.files, options.filter);
} catch (error) {

@@ -162,0 +162,0 @@ console.error(error);

@@ -8,5 +8,2 @@ const path = require('path');

module.exports = Jasmine;
module.exports.ConsoleReporter = require('./reporters/console_reporter');

@@ -45,327 +42,445 @@ * Options for the {@link Jasmine} constructor

function Jasmine(options) {
options = options || {};
this.loader = options.loader || new Loader();
const jasmineCore = options.jasmineCore || require('jasmine-core');
class Jasmine {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {};
this.loader = options.loader || new Loader();
const jasmineCore = options.jasmineCore || require('jasmine-core');
if (options.globals === false) {
this.jasmine = jasmineCore.noGlobals().jasmine;
} else {
this.jasmine = jasmineCore.boot(jasmineCore);
if (options.globals === false) {
this.jasmine = jasmineCore.noGlobals().jasmine;
} else {
this.jasmine = jasmineCore.boot(jasmineCore);
this.projectBaseDir = options.projectBaseDir || path.resolve();
this.specDir = '';
this.specFiles = [];
this.helperFiles = [];
this.requires = [];
* The Jasmine environment.
* @name Jasmine#env
* @readonly
* @see {@link|Env}
* @type {Env}
this.env = this.jasmine.getEnv({suppressLoadErrors: true});
this.reportersCount = 0;
this.exit = process.exit;
this.showingColors = true;
this.alwaysListPendingSpecs_ = true;
this.reporter = new module.exports.ConsoleReporter();
this.defaultReporterConfigured = false;
* @function
* @name Jasmine#coreVersion
* @return {string} The version of jasmine-core in use
this.coreVersion = function() {
return jasmineCore.version();
* Whether to cause the Node process to exit when the suite finishes executing.
* @name Jasmine#exitOnCompletion
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
this.exitOnCompletion = true;
this.projectBaseDir = options.projectBaseDir || path.resolve();
this.specDir = '';
this.specFiles = [];
this.helperFiles = [];
this.requires = [];
* The Jasmine environment.
* @name Jasmine#env
* @readonly
* @see {@link|Env}
* @type {Env}
* Sets whether to randomize the order of specs.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#randomizeTests
* @param {boolean} value Whether to randomize
this.env = this.jasmine.getEnv({suppressLoadErrors: true});
this.reportersCount = 0;
this.exit = process.exit;
this.showingColors = true;
this.reporter = new module.exports.ConsoleReporter();
this.defaultReporterConfigured = false;
randomizeTests(value) {
this.env.configure({random: value});
* Sets the random seed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#coreVersion
* @return {string} The version of jasmine-core in use
* @name Jasmine#seed
* @param {number} seed The random seed
this.coreVersion = function() {
return jasmineCore.version();
seed(value) {
this.env.configure({seed: value});
* Whether to cause the Node process to exit when the suite finishes executing.
* @name Jasmine#exitOnCompletion
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* Sets whether to show colors in the console reporter.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#showColors
* @param {boolean} value Whether to show colors
this.exitOnCompletion = true;
showColors(value) {
this.showingColors = value;
* Sets whether to randomize the order of specs.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#randomizeTests
* @param {boolean} value Whether to randomize
Jasmine.prototype.randomizeTests = function(value) {
this.env.configure({random: value});
* Sets the random seed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#seed
* @param {number} seed The random seed
Jasmine.prototype.seed = function(value) {
this.env.configure({seed: value});
* Sets whether to show colors in the console reporter.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#showColors
* @param {boolean} value Whether to show colors
Jasmine.prototype.showColors = function(value) {
this.showingColors = value;
* Adds a spec file to the list that will be loaded when the suite is executed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addSpecFile
* @param {string} filePath The path to the file to be loaded.
Jasmine.prototype.addSpecFile = function(filePath) {
* Adds a helper file to the list that will be loaded when the suite is executed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addHelperFile
* @param {string} filePath The path to the file to be loaded.
Jasmine.prototype.addHelperFile = function(filePath) {
* Add a custom reporter to the Jasmine environment.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addReporter
* @param {Reporter} reporter The reporter to add
* @see custom_reporter
Jasmine.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
* Clears all registered reporters.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#clearReporters
Jasmine.prototype.clearReporters = function() {
this.reportersCount = 0;
* Provide a fallback reporter if no other reporters have been specified.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#provideFallbackReporter
* @param reporter The fallback reporter
* @see custom_reporter
Jasmine.prototype.provideFallbackReporter = function(reporter) {
* Configures the default reporter that is installed if no other reporter is
* specified.
* @param {ConsoleReporterOptions} options
Jasmine.prototype.configureDefaultReporter = function(options) {
options.print = options.print || function() {
process.stdout.write(util.format.apply(this, arguments));
options.showColors = options.hasOwnProperty('showColors') ? options.showColors : true;
this.defaultReporterConfigured = true;
* Add custom matchers for the current scope of specs.
* _Note:_ This is only callable from within a {@link beforeEach}, {@link it}, or {@link beforeAll}.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addMatchers
* @param {Object} matchers - Keys from this object will be the new matcher names.
* @see custom_matcher
Jasmine.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchers) {
Jasmine.prototype.loadSpecs = async function() {
await this._loadFiles(this.specFiles);
Jasmine.prototype.loadHelpers = async function() {
await this._loadFiles(this.helperFiles);
Jasmine.prototype._loadFiles = async function(files) {
for (const file of files) {
await this.loader.load(file);
* Sets whether the console reporter should list pending specs even when there
* are failures.
* @name Jasmine#alwaysListPendingSpecs
* @param value {boolean}
alwaysListPendingSpecs(value) {
this.alwaysListPendingSpecs_ = value;
Jasmine.prototype.loadRequires = async function() {
await this._loadFiles(this.requires);
* Loads configuration from the specified file. The file can be a JSON file or
* any JS file that's loadable via require and provides a Jasmine config
* as its default export.
* @param {string} [configFilePath=spec/support/jasmine.json]
* @return Promise
Jasmine.prototype.loadConfigFile = async function(configFilePath) {
if (configFilePath) {
await this.loadSpecificConfigFile_(configFilePath);
} else {
for (const ext of ['json', 'js']) {
try {
await this.loadSpecificConfigFile_(`spec/support/jasmine.${ext}`);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && e.code !== 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw e;
* Adds a spec file to the list that will be loaded when the suite is executed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addSpecFile
* @param {string} filePath The path to the file to be loaded.
addSpecFile(filePath) {
Jasmine.prototype.loadSpecificConfigFile_ = async function(relativePath) {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(this.projectBaseDir, relativePath);
const config = await this.loader.load(absolutePath);
* Loads configuration from the specified object.
* @param {Configuration} config
Jasmine.prototype.loadConfig = function(config) {
* @interface Configuration
* Adds a helper file to the list that will be loaded when the suite is executed.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addHelperFile
* @param {string} filePath The path to the file to be loaded.
const envConfig = {...config.env};
addHelperFile(filePath) {
* The directory that spec files are contained in, relative to the project
* base directory.
* @name Configuration#spec_dir
* @type string | undefined
* Add a custom reporter to the Jasmine environment.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addReporter
* @param {Reporter} reporter The reporter to add
* @see custom_reporter
this.specDir = config.spec_dir || this.specDir;
addReporter(reporter) {
* Whether to fail specs that contain no expectations.
* @name Configuration#failSpecWithNoExpectations
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
* Clears all registered reporters.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#clearReporters
if (config.failSpecWithNoExpectations !== undefined) {
envConfig.failSpecWithNoExpectations = config.failSpecWithNoExpectations;
clearReporters() {
this.reportersCount = 0;
* Whether to stop each spec on the first expectation failure.
* @name Configuration#stopSpecOnExpectationFailure
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
* Provide a fallback reporter if no other reporters have been specified.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#provideFallbackReporter
* @param reporter The fallback reporter
* @see custom_reporter
if (config.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure !== undefined) {
envConfig.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure = config.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure;
provideFallbackReporter(reporter) {
* Whether to stop suite execution on the first spec failure.
* @name Configuration#stopOnSpecFailure
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
* Configures the default reporter that is installed if no other reporter is
* specified.
* @param {ConsoleReporterOptions} options
if (config.stopOnSpecFailure !== undefined) {
envConfig.stopOnSpecFailure = config.stopOnSpecFailure;
configureDefaultReporter(options) {
options.print = options.print || function() {
process.stdout.write(util.format.apply(this, arguments));
options.showColors = options.hasOwnProperty('showColors') ? options.showColors : true;
this.defaultReporterConfigured = true;
* Whether to run specs in a random order.
* @name Configuration#random
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default true
* Add custom matchers for the current scope of specs.
* _Note:_ This is only callable from within a {@link beforeEach}, {@link it}, or {@link beforeAll}.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#addMatchers
* @param {Object} matchers - Keys from this object will be the new matcher names.
* @see custom_matcher
if (config.random !== undefined) {
envConfig.random = config.random;
addMatchers(matchers) {
if (config.verboseDeprecations !== undefined) {
envConfig.verboseDeprecations = config.verboseDeprecations;
async loadSpecs() {
await this._loadFiles(this.specFiles);
async loadHelpers() {
await this._loadFiles(this.helperFiles);
async _loadFiles(files) {
for (const file of files) {
await this.loader.load(file);
async loadRequires() {
await this._loadFiles(this.requires);
* Specifies how to load files with names ending in .js. Valid values are
* "require" and "import". "import" should be safe in all cases, and is
* required if your project contains ES modules with filenames ending in .js.
* @name Configuration#jsLoader
* @type string | undefined
* @default "require"
* Loads configuration from the specified file. The file can be a JSON file or
* any JS file that's loadable via require and provides a Jasmine config
* as its default export.
* @param {string} [configFilePath=spec/support/jasmine.json]
* @return Promise
if (config.jsLoader === 'import' || config.jsLoader === undefined) {
this.loader.alwaysImport = true;
} else if (config.jsLoader === 'require') {
this.loader.alwaysImport = false;
} else {
throw new Error(`"${config.jsLoader}" is not a valid value for the ` +
'jsLoader configuration property. Valid values are "import", ' +
'"require", and undefined.');
async loadConfigFile(configFilePath) {
if (configFilePath) {
await this.loadSpecificConfigFile_(configFilePath);
} else {
for (const ext of ['json', 'js']) {
try {
await this.loadSpecificConfigFile_(`spec/support/jasmine.${ext}`);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && e.code !== 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw e;
if (Object.keys(envConfig).length > 0) {
async loadSpecificConfigFile_(relativePath) {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(this.projectBaseDir, relativePath);
const config = await this.loader.load(absolutePath);
* An array of helper file paths or {@link|globs}
* that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
* the spec directory. Helpers are loaded before specs.
* @name Configuration#helpers
* @type string[] | undefined
* Loads configuration from the specified object.
* @param {Configuration} config
if(config.helpers) {
loadConfig(config) {
* @interface Configuration
const envConfig = {...config.env};
* The directory that spec files are contained in, relative to the project
* base directory.
* @name Configuration#spec_dir
* @type string | undefined
this.specDir = config.spec_dir || this.specDir;
* Whether to fail specs that contain no expectations.
* @name Configuration#failSpecWithNoExpectations
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
if (config.failSpecWithNoExpectations !== undefined) {
envConfig.failSpecWithNoExpectations = config.failSpecWithNoExpectations;
* Whether to stop each spec on the first expectation failure.
* @name Configuration#stopSpecOnExpectationFailure
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
if (config.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure !== undefined) {
envConfig.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure = config.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure;
* Whether to stop suite execution on the first spec failure.
* @name Configuration#stopOnSpecFailure
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
if (config.stopOnSpecFailure !== undefined) {
envConfig.stopOnSpecFailure = config.stopOnSpecFailure;
* Whether the default reporter should list pending specs even if there are
* failures.
* @name Configuration#alwaysListPendingSpecs
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default false
if (config.alwaysListPendingSpecs !== undefined) {
* Whether to run specs in a random order.
* @name Configuration#random
* @type boolean | undefined
* @default true
if (config.random !== undefined) {
envConfig.random = config.random;
if (config.verboseDeprecations !== undefined) {
envConfig.verboseDeprecations = config.verboseDeprecations;
* Specifies how to load files with names ending in .js. Valid values are
* "require" and "import". "import" should be safe in all cases, and is
* required if your project contains ES modules with filenames ending in .js.
* @name Configuration#jsLoader
* @type string | undefined
* @default "require"
if (config.jsLoader === 'import' || config.jsLoader === undefined) {
this.loader.alwaysImport = true;
} else if (config.jsLoader === 'require') {
this.loader.alwaysImport = false;
} else {
throw new Error(`"${config.jsLoader}" is not a valid value for the ` +
'jsLoader configuration property. Valid values are "import", ' +
'"require", and undefined.');
if (Object.keys(envConfig).length > 0) {
* An array of helper file paths or {@link|globs}
* that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
* the spec directory. Helpers are loaded before specs.
* @name Configuration#helpers
* @type string[] | undefined
if(config.helpers) {
* An array of module names to load via require() at the start of execution.
* @name Configuration#requires
* @type string[] | undefined
if(config.requires) {
* An array of spec file paths or {@link|globs}
* that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
* the spec directory.
* @name Configuration#spec_files
* @type string[] | undefined
if(config.spec_files) {
addRequires(requires) {
const jasmineRunner = this;
requires.forEach(function(r) {
* An array of module names to load via require() at the start of execution.
* @name Configuration#requires
* @type string[] | undefined
* Sets whether to cause specs to only have one expectation failure.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#stopSpecOnExpectationFailure
* @param {boolean} value Whether to cause specs to only have one expectation
* failure
if(config.requires) {
stopSpecOnExpectationFailure(value) {
this.env.configure({stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: value});
* An array of spec file paths or {@link|globs}
* that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
* the spec directory.
* @name Configuration#spec_files
* @type string[] | undefined
* Sets whether to stop execution of the suite after the first spec failure.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#stopOnSpecFailure
* @param {boolean} value Whether to stop execution of the suite after the
* first spec failure
if(config.spec_files) {
stopOnSpecFailure(value) {
this.env.configure({stopOnSpecFailure: value});
async flushOutput() {
// Ensure that all data has been written to stdout and stderr,
// then exit with an appropriate status code. Otherwise, we
// might exit before all previous writes have actually been
// written when Jasmine is piped to another process that isn't
// reading quickly enough.
var streams = [process.stdout, process.stderr];
var promises = => {
return new Promise(resolve => stream.write('', null, resolve));
return Promise.all(promises);
* Runs the test suite.
* _Note_: Set {@link Jasmine#exitOnCompletion|exitOnCompletion} to false if you
* intend to use the returned promise. Otherwise, the Node process will
* ordinarily exit before the promise is settled.
* @param {Array.<string>} [files] Spec files to run instead of the previously
* configured set
* @param {string} [filterString] Regex used to filter specs. If specified, only
* specs with matching full names will be run.
* @return {Promise<JasmineDoneInfo>} Promise that is resolved when the suite completes.
async execute(files, filterString) {
await this.loadRequires();
await this.loadHelpers();
if (!this.defaultReporterConfigured) {
showColors: this.showingColors,
alwaysListPendingSpecs: this.alwaysListPendingSpecs_
if (filterString) {
const specFilter = new ConsoleSpecFilter({
filterString: filterString
this.env.configure({specFilter: function(spec) {
return specFilter.matches(spec.getFullName());
if (files && files.length > 0) {
this.specDir = '';
this.specFiles = [];
await this.loadSpecs();
const prematureExitHandler = new ExitHandler(() => this.exit(4));
const overallResult = await this.env.execute();
await this.flushOutput();
if (this.exitOnCompletion) {
return overallResult;

@@ -390,9 +505,2 @@ * Adds files that match the specified patterns to the list of spec files.

Jasmine.prototype.addRequires = function(requires) {
const jasmineRunner = this;
requires.forEach(function(r) {
function addFiles(kind) {

@@ -436,86 +544,2 @@ return function (files) {

* Sets whether to cause specs to only have one expectation failure.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#stopSpecOnExpectationFailure
* @param {boolean} value Whether to cause specs to only have one expectation
* failure
Jasmine.prototype.stopSpecOnExpectationFailure = function(value) {
this.env.configure({stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: value});
* Sets whether to stop execution of the suite after the first spec failure.
* @function
* @name Jasmine#stopOnSpecFailure
* @param {boolean} value Whether to stop execution of the suite after the
* first spec failure
Jasmine.prototype.stopOnSpecFailure = function(value) {
this.env.configure({stopOnSpecFailure: value});
Jasmine.prototype.flushOutput = async function() {
// Ensure that all data has been written to stdout and stderr,
// then exit with an appropriate status code. Otherwise, we
// might exit before all previous writes have actually been
// written when Jasmine is piped to another process that isn't
// reading quickly enough.
var streams = [process.stdout, process.stderr];
var promises = => {
return new Promise(resolve => stream.write('', null, resolve));
return Promise.all(promises);
* Runs the test suite.
* _Note_: Set {@link Jasmine#exitOnCompletion|exitOnCompletion} to false if you
* intend to use the returned promise. Otherwise, the Node process will
* ordinarily exit before the promise is settled.
* @param {Array.<string>} [files] Spec files to run instead of the previously
* configured set
* @param {string} [filterString] Regex used to filter specs. If specified, only
* specs with matching full names will be run.
* @return {Promise<JasmineDoneInfo>} Promise that is resolved when the suite completes.
Jasmine.prototype.execute = async function(files, filterString) {
await this.loadRequires();
await this.loadHelpers();
if (!this.defaultReporterConfigured) {
this.configureDefaultReporter({ showColors: this.showingColors });
if (filterString) {
const specFilter = new ConsoleSpecFilter({
filterString: filterString
this.env.configure({specFilter: function(spec) {
return specFilter.matches(spec.getFullName());
if (files && files.length > 0) {
this.specDir = '';
this.specFiles = [];
await this.loadSpecs();
const prematureExitHandler = new ExitHandler(() => this.exit(4));
const overallResult = await this.env.execute();
await this.flushOutput();
if (this.exitOnCompletion) {
return overallResult;
function exitCodeForStatus(status) {

@@ -534,1 +558,4 @@ switch (status) {

module.exports = Jasmine;
module.exports.ConsoleReporter = require('./reporters/console_reporter');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = Loader;
function Loader(options) {
options = options || {};
this.require_ = options.requireShim || requireShim;
this.import_ = options.importShim || importShim;
this.resolvePath_ = options.resolvePath || path.resolve.bind(path);
this.alwaysImport = true;
class Loader {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {};
this.require_ = options.requireShim || requireShim;
this.import_ = options.importShim || importShim;
this.resolvePath_ = options.resolvePath || path.resolve.bind(path);
this.alwaysImport = true;
Loader.prototype.load = function(modulePath) {
if ((this.alwaysImport && !modulePath.endsWith('.json')) || modulePath.endsWith('.mjs')) {
let importSpecifier;
load(modulePath) {
if ((this.alwaysImport && !modulePath.endsWith('.json')) || modulePath.endsWith('.mjs')) {
let importSpecifier;
if (modulePath.indexOf(path.sep) === -1 && modulePath.indexOf('/') === -1) {
importSpecifier = modulePath;
if (modulePath.indexOf(path.sep) === -1 && modulePath.indexOf('/') === -1) {
importSpecifier = modulePath;
} else {
// The ES module spec requires import paths to be valid URLs. As of v14,
// Node enforces this on Windows but not on other OSes. On OS X, import
// paths that are URLs must not contain parent directory references.
importSpecifier = `file://${this.resolvePath_(modulePath)}`;
return this.import_(importSpecifier)
mod => mod.default,
e => {
if (e.code === 'ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION') {
// Extension isn't supported by import, e.g. .jsx. Fall back to
// require(). This could lead to confusing error messages if someone
// tries to use ES module syntax without transpiling in a file with
// an unsupported extension, but it shouldn't break anything and it
// should work well in the normal case where the file is loadable
// as a CommonJS module, either directly or with the help of a
// loader like `@babel/register`.
return this.require_(modulePath);
} else {
return Promise.reject(fixupImportException(e, modulePath));
} else {
// The ES module spec requires import paths to be valid URLs. As of v14,
// Node enforces this on Windows but not on other OSes. On OS X, import
// paths that are URLs must not contain parent directory references.
importSpecifier = `file://${this.resolvePath_(modulePath)}`;
return new Promise(resolve => {
const result = this.require_(modulePath);
return this.import_(importSpecifier)
mod => mod.default,
e => {
if (e.code === 'ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION') {
// Extension isn't supported by import, e.g. .jsx. Fall back to
// require(). This could lead to confusing error messages if someone
// tries to use ES module syntax without transpiling in a file with
// an unsupported extension, but it shouldn't break anything and it
// should work well in the normal case where the file is loadable
// as a CommonJS module, either directly or with the help of a
// loader like `@babel/register`.
return this.require_(modulePath);
} else {
return Promise.reject(fixupImportException(e, modulePath));
} else {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const result = this.require_(modulePath);

@@ -152,1 +153,3 @@ function requireShim(modulePath) {

module.exports = Loader;

@@ -20,2 +20,3 @@ module.exports = exports = ConsoleReporter;

pendingSpecs = [],
alwaysListPendingSpecs = true,
ansi = {

@@ -64,2 +65,12 @@ green: '\x1B[32m',

* Whether to list pending specs even if there are failures.
* @name ConsoleReporterOptions#alwaysListPendingSpecs
* @type Boolean|undefined
* @default true
if (options.alwaysListPendingSpecs !== undefined) {
alwaysListPendingSpecs = options.alwaysListPendingSpecs;

@@ -101,8 +112,10 @@

if (pendingSpecs.length > 0) {
if (alwaysListPendingSpecs || result.overallStatus === 'passed') {
if (pendingSpecs.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pendingSpecs.length; i++) {
pendingSpecDetails(pendingSpecs[i], i + 1);
for (let i = 0; i < pendingSpecs.length; i++) {
pendingSpecDetails(pendingSpecs[i], i + 1);

@@ -109,0 +122,0 @@ if(specCount > 0) {

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ {

"license": "MIT",
"version": "4.2.1",
"version": "4.3.0",
"repository": {

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "type": "git",

"glob": "^7.1.6",
"jasmine-core": "^4.2.0"
"jasmine-core": "^4.3.0"

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ "bin": "./bin/jasmine.js",

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