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Comparing version 3.2.1 to 3.2.2


"name": "jest-extended",
"version": "3.2.1",
"version": "3.2.2",
"description": "Additional Jest matchers",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
interface CustomMatchers {
* Note: Currently unimplemented
* Passing assertion
* @param {String} message
pass(message: string): void;
* Note: Currently unimplemented
* Failing assertion
* @param {String} message
fail(message: string): void;
* Use .toBeEmpty when checking if a String '', Array [] or Object {} is empty.
toBeEmpty(): void;
* Use .toBeOneOf when checking if a value is a member of a given Array.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toBeOneOf<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toBeNil` when checking a value is `null` or `undefined`.
toBeNil(): void;
* Use `.toSatisfy` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns a `Boolean`.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfy<E = any>(predicate: (x: E) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toBeArray` when checking if a value is an `Array`.
toBeArray(): void;
* Use `.toBeArrayOfSize` when checking if a value is an `Array` of size x.
* @param {Number} x
toBeArrayOfSize(x: number): void;
* Use `.toBeAfter` when checking if a date occurs after `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeAfter(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeBefore` when checking if a date occurs before `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeBefore(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toIncludeAllMembers` when checking if an `Array` contains all of the same members of a given set.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeAllMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toIncludeAnyMembers` when checking if an `Array` contains any of the members of a given set.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeAnyMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toIncludeSameMembers` when checking if two arrays contain equal values, in any order.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeSameMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toPartiallyContain` when checking if any array value matches the partial member.
* @param {*} member
toPartiallyContain<E = unknown>(member: E): void;
* Use `.toSatisfyAll` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns a `Boolean` for all values in an array.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfyAll<E = any>(predicate: (x: E) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toSatisfyAny` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns `true` for any matching value in an array.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfyAny(predicate: (x: any) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toBeBoolean` when checking if a value is a `Boolean`.
toBeBoolean(): void;
* Use `.toBeTrue` when checking a value is equal (===) to `true`.
toBeTrue(): void;
* Use `.toBeFalse` when checking a value is equal (===) to `false`.
toBeFalse(): void;
* Use `.toBeDate` when checking if a value is a `Date`.
toBeDate(): void;
* Use `.toBeValidDate` when checking if a value is a `valid Date`.
toBeValidDate(): void;
* Use `.toBeFunction` when checking if a value is a `Function`.
toBeFunction(): void;
* Use `.toBeDateString` when checking if a value is a valid date string.
toBeDateString(): void;
* Use `.toBeHexadecimal` when checking if a value is a valid HTML hex color.
toBeHexadecimal(): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledBefore` when checking if a `Mock` was called before another `Mock`.
* Note: Required Jest version >=23
* @param {Mock} mock
* @param {boolean} [failIfNoSecondInvocation=true]
toHaveBeenCalledBefore(mock: jest.MockInstance<unknown, unknown[]>, failIfNoSecondInvocation: boolean): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledAfter` when checking if a `Mock` was called after another `Mock`.
* Note: Required Jest version >=23
* @param {Mock} mock
* @param {boolean} [failIfNoFirstInvocation=true]
toHaveBeenCalledAfter(mock: jest.MockInstance<unknown, unknown[]>, failIfNoFirstInvocation: boolean): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledOnce` to check if a `Mock` was called exactly one time.
toHaveBeenCalledOnce(): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith` to check if a `Mock` was called exactly one time with the expected value.
toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith(): void;
* Use `.toBeNumber` when checking if a value is a `Number`.
toBeNumber(): void;
* Use `.toBeNaN` when checking a value is `NaN`.
toBeNaN(): void;
* Use `.toBeFinite` when checking if a value is a `Number`, not `NaN` or `Infinity`.
toBeFinite(): void;
* Use `.toBePositive` when checking if a value is a positive `Number`.
toBePositive(): void;
* Use `.toBeNegative` when checking if a value is a negative `Number`.
toBeNegative(): void;
* Use `.toBeEven` when checking if a value is an even `Number`.
toBeEven(): void;
* Use `.toBeOdd` when checking if a value is an odd `Number`.
toBeOdd(): void;
* Use `.toBeWithin` when checking if a number is in between the given bounds of: start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} end
toBeWithin(start: number, end: number): void;
* Use `.toBeInRange` when checking if an array has elements in range min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).
* @param min
* @param max
toBeInRange(min: number, max: number): void;
* Use `.toBeObject` when checking if a value is an `Object`.
toBeObject(): void;
* Use `.toContainKey` when checking if an object contains the provided key.
* @param {String} key
toContainKey(key: string): void;
* Use `.toContainKeys` when checking if an object has all of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllKeys` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainAllKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyKeys` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainAnyKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainValue` when checking if an object contains the provided value.
* @param {*} value
toContainValue<E = unknown>(value: E): void;
* Use `.toContainValues` when checking if an object contains all of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllValues` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainAllValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyValues` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainAnyValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainEntry` when checking if an object contains the provided entry.
* @param {Array.<[keyof E, E[keyof E]>} entry
toContainEntry<E = unknown>(entry: readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]]): void;
* Use `.toContainEntries` when checking if an object contains all of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllEntries` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainAllEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyEntries` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainAnyEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toBeExtensible` when checking if an object is extensible.
toBeExtensible(): void;
* Use `.toBeFrozen` when checking if an object is frozen.
toBeFrozen(): void;
* Use `.toBeSealed` when checking if an object is sealed.
toBeSealed(): void;
* Use `.toResolve` when checking if a promise resolves.
toResolve(): void;
* Use `.toReject` when checking if a promise rejects.
toReject(): void;
* Use `.toBeString` when checking if a value is a `String`.
toBeString(): void;
* Use `.toEqualCaseInsensitive` when checking if a string is equal (===) to another ignoring the casing of both strings.
* @param {String} string
toEqualCaseInsensitive(string: string): void;
* Use `.toStartWith` when checking if a `String` starts with a given `String` prefix.
* @param {String} prefix
toStartWith(prefix: string): void;
* Use `.toEndWith` when checking if a `String` ends with a given `String` suffix.
* @param {String} suffix
toEndWith(suffix: string): void;
* Use `.toInclude` when checking if a `String` includes the given `String` substring.
* @param {String} substring
toInclude(substring: string): void;
* Use `.toIncludeRepeated` when checking if a `String` includes the given `String` substring the correct number of times.
* @param {String} substring
* @param {Number} times
toIncludeRepeated(substring: string, times: number): void;
* Use `.toIncludeMultiple` when checking if a `String` includes all of the given substrings.
* @param {Array.<String>} substring
toIncludeMultiple(substring: readonly string[]): void;
* Use `.toThrowWithMessage` when checking if a callback function throws an error of a given type with a given error message.
* @param {Function} type
* @param {String | RegExp} message
toThrowWithMessage(type: (...args: any[]) => any, message: string | RegExp): void;
* Use `.toBeEmptyObject` when checking if a value is an empty `Object`.
toBeEmptyObject(): void;
* Use `.toBeSymbol` when checking if a value is a `Symbol`.
toBeSymbol(): void;
* Use `.toBeBetween` when checking if a date occurs between `startDate` and `endDate`.
* @param {Date} startDate
* @param {Date} endDate
toBeBetween(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeBeforeOrEqualTo` when checking if a date equals to or occurs before `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeBeforeOrEqualTo(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeAfterOrEqualTo` when checking if a date equals to or occurs after `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeAfterOrEqualTo(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toEqualIgnoringWhitespace` when checking if a `String` is equal (===) to given `String` ignoring white-space.
* @param {String} string
toEqualIgnoringWhitespace(string: string): void;
declare namespace jest {

@@ -449,428 +875,5 @@ // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
interface Expect {
* Note: Currently unimplemented
* Passing assertion
* @param {String} message
pass(message: string): void;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface Expect extends CustomMatchers {}
* Note: Currently unimplemented
* Failing assertion
* @param {String} message
fail(message: string): void;
* Use .toBeEmpty when checking if a String '', Array [] or Object {} is empty.
toBeEmpty(): void;
* Use .toBeOneOf when checking if a value is a member of a given Array.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toBeOneOf<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toBeNil` when checking a value is `null` or `undefined`.
toBeNil(): void;
* Use `.toSatisfy` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns a `Boolean`.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfy<E = any>(predicate: (x: E) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toBeArray` when checking if a value is an `Array`.
toBeArray(): void;
* Use `.toBeArrayOfSize` when checking if a value is an `Array` of size x.
* @param {Number} x
toBeArrayOfSize(x: number): void;
* Use `.toBeAfter` when checking if a date occurs after `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeAfter(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeBefore` when checking if a date occurs before `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeBefore(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toIncludeAllMembers` when checking if an `Array` contains all of the same members of a given set.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeAllMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toIncludeAnyMembers` when checking if an `Array` contains any of the members of a given set.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeAnyMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toIncludeSameMembers` when checking if two arrays contain equal values, in any order.
* @param {Array.<*>} members
toIncludeSameMembers<E = unknown>(members: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toPartiallyContain` when checking if any array value matches the partial member.
* @param {*} member
toPartiallyContain<E = unknown>(member: E): void;
* Use `.toSatisfyAll` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns a `Boolean` for all values in an array.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfyAll<E = any>(predicate: (x: E) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toSatisfyAny` when you want to use a custom matcher by supplying a predicate function that returns `true` for any matching value in an array.
* @param {Function} predicate
toSatisfyAny(predicate: (x: any) => boolean): void;
* Use `.toBeBoolean` when checking if a value is a `Boolean`.
toBeBoolean(): void;
* Use `.toBeTrue` when checking a value is equal (===) to `true`.
toBeTrue(): void;
* Use `.toBeFalse` when checking a value is equal (===) to `false`.
toBeFalse(): void;
* Use `.toBeDate` when checking if a value is a `Date`.
toBeDate(): void;
* Use `.toBeValidDate` when checking if a value is a `valid Date`.
toBeValidDate(): void;
* Use `.toBeFunction` when checking if a value is a `Function`.
toBeFunction(): void;
* Use `.toBeDateString` when checking if a value is a valid date string.
toBeDateString(): void;
* Use `.toBeHexadecimal` when checking if a value is a valid HTML hex color.
toBeHexadecimal(): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledBefore` when checking if a `Mock` was called before another `Mock`.
* Note: Required Jest version >=23
* @param {Mock} mock
* @param {boolean} [failIfNoSecondInvocation=true]
toHaveBeenCalledBefore(mock: jest.MockInstance<unknown, unknown[]>, failIfNoSecondInvocation: boolean): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledAfter` when checking if a `Mock` was called after another `Mock`.
* Note: Required Jest version >=23
* @param {Mock} mock
* @param {boolean} [failIfNoFirstInvocation=true]
toHaveBeenCalledAfter(mock: jest.MockInstance<unknown, unknown[]>, failIfNoFirstInvocation: boolean): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledOnce` to check if a `Mock` was called exactly one time.
toHaveBeenCalledOnce(): void;
* Use `.toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith` to check if a `Mock` was called exactly one time with the expected value.
toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith(): void;
* Use `.toBeNumber` when checking if a value is a `Number`.
toBeNumber(): void;
* Use `.toBeNaN` when checking a value is `NaN`.
toBeNaN(): void;
* Use `.toBeFinite` when checking if a value is a `Number`, not `NaN` or `Infinity`.
toBeFinite(): void;
* Use `.toBePositive` when checking if a value is a positive `Number`.
toBePositive(): void;
* Use `.toBeNegative` when checking if a value is a negative `Number`.
toBeNegative(): void;
* Use `.toBeEven` when checking if a value is an even `Number`.
toBeEven(): void;
* Use `.toBeOdd` when checking if a value is an odd `Number`.
toBeOdd(): void;
* Use `.toBeWithin` when checking if a number is in between the given bounds of: start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} end
toBeWithin(start: number, end: number): void;
* Use `.toBeInRange` when checking if an array has elements in range min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).
* @param min
* @param max
toBeInRange(min: number, max: number): void;
* Use `.toBeObject` when checking if a value is an `Object`.
toBeObject(): void;
* Use `.toContainKey` when checking if an object contains the provided key.
* @param {String} key
toContainKey(key: string): void;
* Use `.toContainKeys` when checking if an object has all of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllKeys` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainAllKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyKeys` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided keys.
* @param {Array.<String>} keys
toContainAnyKeys<E = unknown>(keys: readonly (keyof E | string)[]): void;
* Use `.toContainValue` when checking if an object contains the provided value.
* @param {*} value
toContainValue<E = unknown>(value: E): void;
* Use `.toContainValues` when checking if an object contains all of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllValues` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainAllValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyValues` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided values.
* @param {Array.<*>} values
toContainAnyValues<E = unknown>(values: readonly E[]): void;
* Use `.toContainEntry` when checking if an object contains the provided entry.
* @param {Array.<[keyof E, E[keyof E]>} entry
toContainEntry<E = unknown>(entry: readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]]): void;
* Use `.toContainEntries` when checking if an object contains all of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAllEntries` when checking if an object only contains all of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainAllEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toContainAnyEntries` when checking if an object contains at least one of the provided entries.
* @param {Array.<Array.<keyof E, E[keyof E]>>} entries
toContainAnyEntries<E = unknown>(entries: readonly (readonly [keyof E, E[keyof E]])[]): void;
* Use `.toBeExtensible` when checking if an object is extensible.
toBeExtensible(): void;
* Use `.toBeFrozen` when checking if an object is frozen.
toBeFrozen(): void;
* Use `.toBeSealed` when checking if an object is sealed.
toBeSealed(): void;
* Use `.toResolve` when checking if a promise resolves.
toResolve(): void;
* Use `.toReject` when checking if a promise rejects.
toReject(): void;
* Use `.toBeString` when checking if a value is a `String`.
toBeString(): void;
* Use `.toEqualCaseInsensitive` when checking if a string is equal (===) to another ignoring the casing of both strings.
* @param {String} string
toEqualCaseInsensitive(string: string): void;
* Use `.toStartWith` when checking if a `String` starts with a given `String` prefix.
* @param {String} prefix
toStartWith(prefix: string): void;
* Use `.toEndWith` when checking if a `String` ends with a given `String` suffix.
* @param {String} suffix
toEndWith(suffix: string): void;
* Use `.toInclude` when checking if a `String` includes the given `String` substring.
* @param {String} substring
toInclude(substring: string): void;
* Use `.toIncludeRepeated` when checking if a `String` includes the given `String` substring the correct number of times.
* @param {String} substring
* @param {Number} times
toIncludeRepeated(substring: string, times: number): void;
* Use `.toIncludeMultiple` when checking if a `String` includes all of the given substrings.
* @param {Array.<String>} substring
toIncludeMultiple(substring: readonly string[]): void;
* Use `.toThrowWithMessage` when checking if a callback function throws an error of a given type with a given error message.
* @param {Function} type
* @param {String | RegExp} message
toThrowWithMessage(type: (...args: any[]) => any, message: string | RegExp): void;
* Use `.toBeEmptyObject` when checking if a value is an empty `Object`.
toBeEmptyObject(): void;
* Use `.toBeSymbol` when checking if a value is a `Symbol`.
toBeSymbol(): void;
* Use `.toBeBetween` when checking if a date occurs between `startDate` and `endDate`.
* @param {Date} startDate
* @param {Date} endDate
toBeBetween(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeBeforeOrEqualTo` when checking if a date equals to or occurs before `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeBeforeOrEqualTo(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toBeAfterOrEqualTo` when checking if a date equals to or occurs after `date`.
* @param {Date} date
toBeAfterOrEqualTo(date: Date): void;
* Use `.toEqualIgnoringWhitespace` when checking if a `String` is equal (===) to given `String` ignoring white-space.
* @param {String} string
toEqualIgnoringWhitespace(string: string): void;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

@@ -880,1 +883,6 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface

declare namespace Vi {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface AsymmetricMatchersContaining extends CustomMatchers {}
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