Serializes a javascript object to a printable string. String is formatted to be used in a pure text environments, like a console log, as an HTML output, or to create a JSON string.
npm install js-object-pretty-print
var pretty = require('js-object-pretty-print').pretty,
foo = {
"aString": "ipsum lorem",
"aNumber": 3
"anArray": ["shoes", "socks", "shirts"],
"anObject": {
"aValue": 44,
"isValid": true
It is also possible to use a minified version of the code
var prettyMin = require('js0object-pretty-print/index-min.js').pretty;
Either the full or the minified versions render the same. Both are unit tested with Mocha and Chai
Function pretty accepts three arguments:
pretty(object, indentSize, outputTo);
object (mandatory)
Is the javascript object to serialize. If no object is present the function will return a string with an error.
indentSize (optional)
Number of spaces in a one level indent. Default 4
outputTo (optional)
String to determine the formatting of the output. One of "PRINT", "HTML" or "JSON". This argument is case insensitive. Default value is "PRINT"
Expected behavior
- PRINT Indentation is done with the space character, line breaks are done with the newLine character "\n" and the attribute names are not surrounded with quotes. Pretty similar to what you see in the -webkit debugger
- HTML Indentation is done with non breakable spaces line breaks are done with <br/>. Otherwise identical to print. Handy to dump into a div inside a page and get a decent formatting
- JSON Only difference with PRINT is that attribute names are surrounded with quotes
Release History
- 0.1.0 Initial Release
- 0.1.1 Bug fixes
- 0.1.2 Add JSON output, create robust testing with Mocha, add minified version of the code